Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Customize your city!
Create and upload new mods and assets to add new buildings, items, and game mechanics to Cities: Skylines. Explore new maps and share save games.
表示中: コレクション
右記アイテムを含む: "4 Way Hybrid"
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I AM LEGEND - agusingnavy
コレクション作成者 agusingnavy
The Greatest Collection
I AM LEGEND - System Interchanges
コレクション作成者 agusingnavy
Keralis - Main Game Collection
コレクション作成者 Keralis
コレクション作成者 Charlotte
本人在使用以及使用过的mod和资产【不要一次性全部订阅】 包含大部分常用工具 因为有汉化和英文版两种如果一次性全部订阅极有可能mod冲突 如果懒得挨个找 先取消所有订阅后再订阅我这个合集的全部。 还有部分mod对DLC有要求 具体是哪几个 得你自己去找 我买的全部dlc 没注意过。 合集内包含调画质的全套工具以及部分古建筑 部分高楼资产 树木 灯光 车辆 高铁 飞机 货轮 等等一系列物品 至于各种功能性mod如何使用 在我的抖音作品内会有各种mod使用教程。 详情 关注抖音 范剑 抖音号:fj1748981
Roads & Intersections Extended
コレクション作成者 Leo Mystic Magic
All road and intersection assets that I will use as needed but not keep in my main collection because they are not used as often.
Best Of Asset Addiction: Interchanges
コレクション作成者 napiercpt
Hi Everyone! This is a collection that has been a long time in its coming. These are what I use depending on the solution I am searching for. My idea about interchanges is very simple: once you have found one that works for you, keep it, do not lose it (ye
コレクション作成者 ch4pi110
Intersections I use in map making
コレクション作成者 MrMiyagi
These are the pre-made intersections that I use in map making. Thanks to all these creators for their fine work!
DareLite's Essentials
コレクション作成者 DareLite
small collection of updated mods (as of 15th january 2023) ,cause few friends have problems with their installs :) UPDATE: 6th february - added lots of assets ,mostly intersections , grid patterns,some unique buildings, parks, solar panel (aesthetic imo) ,
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