Lay claim to unspoiled lands and pave the way for a fierce Viking tribe. Craft the ultimate settlement solo or together with up to x3 friends. Trust in the Gods and the power of the Eye of Odin and summon intelligent NPC villagers to provide camaraderie and relief from the toils of survival.
Скорошни рецензии:
Предимно положителни (211) - 79% от 211 потребителски рецензии в последните 30 дни са положителни.
Всички рецензии:
Предимно положителни (5,179) - 78% от 5,179 потребителски рецензии за тази игра са положителни.
Дата на издаване:
20 юни 2024

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Игра в „Ранен достъп“

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Забележка: Игрите в „Ранен достъп“ не са завършени и е възможно по-нататък да се променят или не. Ако не сте въодушевени да я играете в текущото ѝ състояние, тогава ще е по-добре да изчакате. Вижте дали тя ще придобие по-завършен вид. Научете още.

Какво имат да кажат разработчиците:

Защо „Ранен достъп“?

„We are a studio of ten who have already been working closely with our community to make the best game we can. Now, with our publisher Thunderful and the Early Access period, we will be able to continue working on the game and serve our community to expand upon and add desired features. Early Access will also help to contribute to the ongoing funding of our team and the project (as well as the future of our studio).“

Приблизително колко дълго тази игра ще бъде в „Ранен достъп“?

„We are scheduled to launch the game in 2025, with ongoing reviews and adjustments based on community feedback to ensure the game evolves in line with community expectations and desires.“

Как ще се различава планираната пълна версия от тази в „Ранен достъп“?

„We have at least two major content updates planned, which will greatly expand where the player can colonise, affording them even greater agency and creativity. Outside of these, we’ll also be listening to player feedback and providing smaller updates on a regular basis.“

Какво е текущото състояние на версията в „Ранен достъп“?

„The Early Access version represents a solid alpha of the ASKA experience. Players can play solo or with up to three fellow players to establish a self-sufficient colony. Players can engage with crafting and survival loops, attract new villagers (assigning them roles and responsibilities), build settlements, survive invasions and hunt down bosses. The build is stable but players may notice an increased performance requirement as their settlement scales.“

Ще има ли разлика в цената на играта по време на „Ранен достъп“ и след това?

„After the Early Access launch, the game price will increase once at Full Launch. The increase will be proportional to the extra work and content added during the course of Early Access.“

Как планирате да ангажирате общността в процеса Ви на разработка?

„We have multiple dedicated community spaces where we regularly interact with our community. Additionally, we have hosted multiple closed play events to gather precious feedback to shape the game into the best experience for our players. We will continue to use these pre-existing forums throughout the Early Access period to learn from our players and shape the game into the best quality experience that we can!“
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Относно тази игра

In ASKA, strive to build a self-sustaining Viking tribe, working, crafting, hunting and fighting together. Command and organize intelligent NPC villagers, working and fighting alongside them.

  • Live out your Viking fantasy solo or with up to x3 friends.
  • Command villagers and build your tribe from the ground up, hunting for resources, and surviving against ancient threats and the darkest winters.
  • Assign each villager various jobs as they contribute to the tribe and leave their own mark on the settlement.
  • Construct housing, workshops, mines, farms, defences and more as you expand your village.
  • Discover hidden caves and explore further to harvest more valuable resources.
  • Explore a fantastical, completely procedurally generated world filled with secrets, landmarks and threats, keeping every session dynamic and fresh.
  • Experience realistic and dynamic weather system across the world, with survival priorities shifting in turn with the seasons.
  • Fight a variety of mythical enemies in exciting skill-based combat.
  • Customize buildings with functional furniture and various decorative items.

Houses, workshops, defences, altars and more - the design of your village and your economy is in your hands. Each structure is handcrafted in wonderful detail, creating a functional and visually impressive Viking settlement.

Players construct and live in their settlement. Build, work and fight alongside the tribe, walk through the town you helped build and witness full production cycles being carried out. For the tribe to function coherently, each individual member must also have their own personal needs met. They have daily schedules, and need rest, food, drink, and companionship to survive. You’re not just building a base - you’re building a living village.

Training villagers increases their abilities whether in battle or their chosen vocation. Cultivating skilled blacksmiths will benefit the tribe, while proficient hunters will be able to explore further into the world gathering additional materials to feed the tribe more effectively.

A wise tribe leader prepares for war in times of peace… In these mystical lands, an ancient evil has been dwelling in the shadows, waiting for the first frost to fall. During the harshest season of all, while your tribe is battling the elements, the dark inhabitants of this world prepare to strike...

Описание на съдържание за възрастни

Разработчиците описват съдържанието така:

Players can kill animals for food. Some wild animals also attack the player. Players have to fight enemies like skeletons, undead, creatures etc.

There is also a mushroom that the player can eat that causes a visual distortion effect.

Системни изисквания

    • Изисква 64-битов процесор и операционна система
    • ОС: Windows 10 64-bit
    • Процесор: Intel Core i5 6600 or AMD Ryzen 5 1600
    • Памет: 16GB GB памет
    • Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 (6GB) or AMD RX 590
    • Мрежа: Широколентова интернет връзка
    • Пространство за съхранение: 6 GB достъпно пространство
    • Изисква 64-битов процесор и операционна система

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