FLASHOUT IS BACK! Where high speed meets high stakes. Where unforgiving combat, loud electronic music and addictive boosts of adrenaline mix up to separate winners from losers. Where gravitation is nothing more than an empty word. Take part in an exciting, head-to-head fight to the finish!
Minden értékelés:
Többnyire pozitív (38) - E játék 38 felhasználói értékeléséből 71% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2022. szept. 22.

Jelentkezz be, hogy ezt a tételt a kívánságlistádhoz adhasd, követhesd vagy mellőzöttnek jelölhesd.

Nézd meg a teljes Jujubee gyűjteményt a Steamen.
A Magyar nyelv nem támogatott.

Ez a termék nem támogatja a nálad beállított nyelvet. Kérjük, vásárlás előtt tekintsd át a támogatott nyelvek listáját.

VR támogatott

FLASHOUT 3 Demo letöltése

VR támogatott

FLASHOUT 3 vásárlása

HK$ 99.99


2 elemet tartalmaz: Flashout 2, FLASHOUT 3

HK$ 125.09


3 elemet tartalmaz: FLASHOUT 3, FLASHOUT 3: Ignitation, FLASHOUT 3 Soundtrack

HK$ 161.99

A játékról


Where high speed meets high stakes. Where unforgiving combat, loud electronic music and addictive boosts of adrenaline mix up to separate winners from losers. Where gravitation is nothing more than an empty word. This is where the world of FLASHOUT 3 will take you and your ride to the absolute limits!

FLASHOUT 3 offers you ultra-fast ships, loops, jumps and sudden razor-sharp turns! Test your skills on the most impressive sci-fi racing tracks and try not to fall behind! But if it happens, don't sweat! Unleash the power of rockets, guns, bombs and mines to help you level down your competition!

Take part in an exciting, head-to-head fight to the finish! Witness spectacular crashes, the agony of defeat, and the sweet taste of victory! But don't blink! It can all end in a flash!



An option that never got old, but is missing from many games. Play the game with a friend on just one display! FLASHOUT 3 supports both horizontal and vertical split-screen mode. Choose the one that suits you best!


FLASHOUT 3 supports all popular VR headsets via OpenXR! Put your helmet on, seat comfortably, grab a gamepad and fully immerse yourself into the game!

Before you run the game in VR mode make sure to turn your headset on.


FLASHOUT 3 is the first AG racer on the market that supports motion simulators! Fasten your seatbelt and feel the speed, spins and loops with your own body! Put your VR helmet on and experience FLASHOUT 3 in its fullest!

The game supports simulators compatible with Sim Racing Studio (latest beta release) and motion simulators from Motion Systems ().


FLASHOUT 3 features high-beat electronic music composed especially for the game by renowned demoscene artists!

> AND?

  • A challenging campaign consisting of 10 tournaments;
  • Different race modes, including Standard Race, Elimination Mode, Destruction Mode and more!
  • Eight detailed and ultra-fast AG ships!
  • A powerful arsenal of weapons, boosts and upgrades at your disposal!
  • 10 themed unique circuits in two versions - standard and reversed!
  • Stunning 3D graphics!
  • Full gamepad support!
  • Full Steam Deck support!
  • Air brakes!
  • And more!


SteamOS + Linux
    • Op. rendszer *: Windows 7/8/10/11 64-bit
    • Processzor: 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor
    • Grafika: GeForce GTX 1060 or equivalent with 4 GB of video RAM. A dedicated video card is required.
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Tárhely: 6 GB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: DirectX compatible
    • VR támogatás: OpenXR. Keyboard or gamepad required
    • Egyéb megjegyzések: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • Op. rendszer *: Windows 7/8/10/11 64-bit
    • Processzor: 3.2 GHz Quad Core Processor
    • Grafika: GeForce RTX 2070 or equivalent with 4 GB of video RAM. A dedicated video card is required.
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Tárhely: 6 GB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: DirectX compatible
    • Egyéb megjegyzések: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
* 2024. január 1-jétől a Steam kliens csak a Windows 10 és újabb verziókat fogja támogatni.
    • Op. rendszer: Mac OS 10.14 or later
    • Processzor: 64-bit x86 4 thread or Apple M1
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: M1 chip or GeForce GTX 1060 or equivalent with 4 GB of video RAM.
    • Tárhely: 6 GB szabad hely
    • Op. rendszer: Mac OS 10.14 or later
    • Processzor: 64-bit x86 4 thread or Apple M1
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: M1 chip or GeForce RTX 2070 or equivalent with 4 GB of video RAM.
    • Tárhely: 6 GB szabad hely
    • Op. rendszer: SteamOS (Steam Deck compatible), Ubuntu, Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • Processzor: 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: GeForce GTX 1060 or equivalent with 4 GB of video RAM. A dedicated video card is required.
    • Tárhely: 6 GB szabad hely
    • Egyéb megjegyzések: Please try the free demo version first to make sure the game runs on your Linux distribution. Thank you.
    • Op. rendszer: SteamOS (Steam Deck compatible), Ubuntu, Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • Processzor: 3.2 GHz Quad Core Processor
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: GeForce RTX 2070 or equivalent with 4 GB of video RAM. A dedicated video card is required.
    • Tárhely: 6 GB szabad hely
    • Egyéb megjegyzések: Please try the free demo version first to make sure the game runs on your Linux distribution. Thank you.

A(z) FLASHOUT 3 vásárlói értékelései




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