Prepare for an exhilarating new shooter experience with Mini Royale. In this upcoming game, players are transported into a sprawling kids' bedroom, where green army toy soldiers engage in an epic combat until only one player or team stands victorious.
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Дата на издаване:
27 март 2025

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Очаквайте скоро в „Ранен достъп“

Разработчиците на тази игра възнамеряват да я издадат, докато все още работят по нея, разработвайки я с отзиви от потребителите.

Забележка: Игрите в „Ранен достъп“ не са завършени и е възможно по-нататък да се променят или не. Ако не сте въодушевени да я играете в текущото ѝ състояние, тогава ще е по-добре да изчакате. Вижте дали тя ще придобие по-завършен вид. Научете още.

Какво имат да кажат разработчиците:

Защо „Ранен достъп“?

„Overall, providing access to an Early Access version of our game to the public is a strategic decision that can help us gather feedback, build a community, create hype, iterate on the game's design and balance. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement that can lead to a better final product and a more engaged player base.“

Приблизително колко дълго тази игра ще бъде в „Ранен достъп“?

„The development team is diligently working towards a full release. Get ready to embark on an incredible gaming journey as Mini Royale evolves and refines its experience based on player feedback and input throughout the Early Access period.“

Как ще се различава планираната пълна версия от тази в „Ранен достъп“?

„The full version brings a plethora of exciting features and enhancements to the game. Players can now indulge in more game modes, such as Deathmatch, offering thrilling and diverse gameplay experiences. Additionally, the introduction of a season pass adds a new layer of progression and rewards for dedicated players. The new replay system allows gamers to relive their most epic moments and share them with friends. Alongside these gameplay additions, the update includes an array of cosmetic items such as skins and emotes, allowing players to express their unique style. Performance updates ensure smoother gameplay, while quality of life improvements enhance the overall user experience. Finally, the improved character customization options provide players with even more creative freedom to tailor their in-game avatars to their liking. Prepare for an immersive and dynamic gaming experience like never before!“

Какво е текущото състояние на версията в „Ранен достъп“?

„The current state of Mini Royale features an adrenaline-fueled gaming experience. Engage in fierce competition either solo, as a duo, trio, or quad, teaming up with friends or venturing alone. The game offers extensive character customization options, allowing players to personalize their avatars to reflect their unique style. Unlock exclusive rewards and bonuses through the Season Pass, including a wide range of skins, emotes, sprays, and voicelines. Embrace your playstyle by selecting player perks, granting extra attributes like higher jumps or increased armor capacity. Track your progress with achievements, stats, and quests, and climb the leaderboards to showcase your skills. Hone your skills in the warumup and shooting range before diving into the intense battles. Dedicated servers ensure a smooth and seamless gaming experience for all players. Explore a variety of gameplay features, including the thrilling Grapple Gun, an arsenal of various weapons, and upgrade machines that allow you to enhance your gear. Immerse yourself in the ultimate battle royale experience with endless possibilities for victory!“

Ще има ли разлика в цената на играта по време на „Ранен достъп“ и след това?

„Mini Royale will be a free-to-play experience, with an optional season pass available for cosmetic items. These items will have no impact or advantage in terms of gameplay for the players.“

Как планирате да ангажирате общността в процеса Ви на разработка?

„To involve the community in the development process, the game developers have established a Discord channel where players can freely engage in discussions, share their ideas, and provide feedback directly to both the community and the development team. This platform serves as a hub for players to voice their suggestions, propose improvements, and exchange thoughts with fellow gamers and the developers themselves. Additionally, the game features an in-game ticket system that allows players to report any potential bugs, issues, or concerns they encounter while playing. This provides an avenue for the community to contribute to the game's development by reporting game-breaking bugs and suggesting improvements or new features. By actively incorporating these channels for communication and feedback, the developers ensure that the community's ideas and concerns are heard and taken into account during the ongoing development process, fostering a collaborative relationship between the players and the development team.“
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Сваляне Mini Royale Demo

Тази игра все още не е достъпна в Steam

Планирана дата за издаване: 27 март 2025

Тази игра ще се отключи след приблизително 2 седмици

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Всички дискусии

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New Gamemode: Color Conquest

Dive into a vibrant battleground where strategy meets chaos! In this fast-paced gamemode, four colored teams clash in a battle for supremacy. Eliminate opponents to not only score points but also recruit them to your cause.

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Относно тази игра

Mini Royale - The Ultimate Toy Soldier Battle Royale

Step into the world of Mini Royale, where the battlefield is a kid’s bedroom and the warriors are green army toy soldiers! This action-packed battle royale pits you against other players in epic combat as you fight to be the last soldier—or team—standing in a chaotic, larger-than-life environment.

Mini Royale takes the classic toy soldier fantasy to a whole new level, featuring a variety of inventive weapons and gadgets. Swing from curtain rods, dodge around towering action figures, and zip across the room using the game’s signature grapple gun, offering endless ways to outmaneuver your opponents.

Whether you're teaming up with friends or braving the battlefield solo, Mini Royale delivers intense skirmishes and unforgettable moments as you battle for dominance. With its unique blend of fun, strategy, and fast-paced action, only the sharpest soldiers will rise to victory in this dynamic world.

The Team

Our passionate indie team is hard at work bringing this experience to life, and we need your feedback to shape the game’s future. Join our growing community on Discord and be a part of the journey.

Системни изисквания

SteamOS + Linux
    • Изисква 64-битов процесор и операционна система
    • ОС: Windows 10
    • Процесор: Quad Core Processor (2 Ghz or more)
    • Памет: 8 GB памет
    • Видеокарта: GTX 760 / RX 460
    • DirectX: версия 11
    • Мрежа: Широколентова интернет връзка
    • Пространство за съхранение: 20 GB достъпно пространство
    • Звукова карта: -
    • Изисква 64-битов процесор и операционна система
    • ОС: Windows 11
    • Процесор: I7 7700 / Ryzen 2600
    • Памет: 16 GB памет
    • Видеокарта: GTX 1070 / RX 5600
    • DirectX: версия 12
    • Мрежа: Широколентова интернет връзка
    • Пространство за съхранение: 20 GB достъпно пространство
    • Звукова карта: 5.1 Stereo
    • Процесор: Quad Core Processor (2 Ghz or more)
    • Памет: 8 GB памет
    • Видеокарта: GTX 760 / RX 460
    • Мрежа: Широколентова интернет връзка
    • Пространство за съхранение: 20 GB достъпно пространство
    • Процесор: I7 7700 / Ryzen 2600
    • Памет: 16 GB памет
    • Видеокарта: GTX 1070 / RX 5600
    • Мрежа: Широколентова интернет връзка
    • Пространство за съхранение: 20 GB достъпно пространство
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