Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Road Options (Road Colors Changer ++)
537 commentaires
CookieB 31 déc. 2023 à 17h25 
I can't find this mod in my list anymore.
ARAPUKA 21 oct. 2023 à 5h52 
Works fine
yachtlover 17 oct. 2023 à 17h59 
To the complainers,I got NO errors and no idea what you all are complaining about.
yachtlover 17 oct. 2023 à 17h57 
OK,works fine for me.Looks great also.
yachtlover 17 oct. 2023 à 17h41 
I will see if it works,even tho at the top it says WILL NOT WORK
ddcndnc 15 sept. 2023 à 14h46 
plsss update it:steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup:
Svis 11 aout 2023 à 7h53 
BMW-POWER 27 juin 2023 à 8h17 
Get a error when I turn this on and start a game.

The Mod C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710\932192868 [RoadColorChanger.dll] has caused an error [ModException]

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at RoadColorChanger.RoadColorChanger.SetPrefabTextures (NetInfo) <0x003fc>
at RoadColorChanger.RoadColorChanger.SetAllPrefabTextures () <0x00153>
at RoadColorChanger.RoadColorChanger.OnLevelLoaded () <0x0004c>
at RoadColorChanger.Mod.OnLevelLoaded (ICities.LoadMode) <0x00217>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) LoadingWrapper.LoadingWrapper.OnLevelLoaded_Patch6 (LoadingWrapper,SimulationManager/UpdateMode) <0x000d4>
tony.can 17 juin 2023 à 8h07 
this mod is leaving error messages
brylacb 2 juin 2023 à 16h24 
its still working for me ! :steamhappy:
de.abacus 23 mai 2023 à 6h15 
unfortunately repaint is still not cutting it. It gives ugly black patches on highways and there is no global settings for all roads

Can someone please update this mod?
@Chamëleon TBN Okay, it looks like Repaint has added a "Apply to all networks of this type" option since the last time I tried it. That does indeed do what I want it to. I suppose Repaint is a good replacement for this then, just unfortunate that I need another ingame button for it rather than a menu option I can forget about.

And since it's been scrolled off the page I'll also ask again: what ended up causing this mod to become marked as incompatible? I can't find any discussion on what's wrong with the mod only a generic "it's broken".

I'm aware of memory concerns surrounding this mod but that discussion took place long before this was marked incompatible.
Chamëleon TBN 19 mai 2023 à 3h29 
@小乎乎 - wrong! you should learn to check mod options....
@⑧ ҠƗ₱ɗєҠƗ₱.ᵉˣᵉ [⇄] - you still not understood you can do it globally for all roads.
小乎乎 18 mai 2023 à 10h18 
@Chamëleon TBN repaint doesn't paint highways like regular roads do, and it can produce unpleasant black patches at the junction of one-lane and three-lane highways. repaint does everything else really well.
Chamëleon TBN 18 mai 2023 à 9h11 
@⑧ ҠƗ₱ɗєҠƗ₱.ᵉˣᵉ [⇄] . yes, all of same type, all road, single roads (and single segments will come soon) .... Repaint its not heavy to understand. click repaint button click a road and select where to use the colour....
Chamëleon TBN 18 mai 2023 à 9h10 
@小乎乎 - Wrong, it have....
小乎乎 18 mai 2023 à 8h57 
@Chamëleon TBN I know repaint has a similar feature, but it doesn't have the same simple and perfect solution as road option for all road colors and black patches at junctions.So I hope there's a mod that inherits it, at least to solve the black block at the junction.
@Chamëleon TBN is Repaint able to color all roads at once? Last time I tried it I couldn't find a way to not have to color the different road types one by one.

Gave up on trying to track down every network I used pretty quickly.

I understand that Repaint is the best replacement for this, but there is a significant gap in the use of both mods. Repaint requires a lot more user knowledge and effort to get going, when this was a single menu option and three sliders.
Chamëleon TBN 17 mai 2023 à 6h39 
@old-bore - Repaint have this function included and is maintained....
old-bore 15 avr. 2023 à 22h43 
Whatever it is, its the best mod out there and I hope TBP makes one m9re update, thanks!
What's the change in behavior that caused this mod to finally end up being marked as incompatible?

If I'm remembering correctly this started breaking saves when Plazas and Promenades released, but I've been lucky enough to dodge any side effects even on the latest patch. (Which doesn't seem to make sense with everyone shouting how its generically broken.)
StayHungryStayFoolish 2 avr. 2023 à 16h32 
@Snowwie use Theme Mixer or Repaint.
Snowwie 2 avr. 2023 à 15h28 
Is there an alternative for this mod to make my highways darker without actually replacing all of them with other highway types of roads?
Snowwie 29 mars 2023 à 10h27 
Breaks the game
黑茶. 28 mars 2023 à 21h59 
Please update it! 28 mars 2023 à 14h37 
Hmm... Tbh I want to be modder and make some update like this mod..
Any idea? 🤔

Does anyone can send me an email how to "mod it, brake it!" 😅
makkros 25 mars 2023 à 17h03 
Same here. Love this mode however it breaks the game now. Repaint is amazing as well but doesn't do the same. I guess I'll go with the vanilla looking roads from now on.
The Blarfinator 25 mars 2023 à 13h09 
I love this! Please update it!
de.abacus 24 mars 2023 à 4h56 
repaint is simply not cutting it. There is no global option to colorize all (small/medium/large) roads at once.
Please fix Road Colors Changer ++
Treeost 23 mars 2023 à 0h37 
I have used this forever and have never had an issue with it. I am always surprised why it is listed in Compatibility Report as broken.
yao_zhou 15 déc. 2022 à 2h11 
Use Repaint instead!
sigep_man 2 déc. 2022 à 4h41 
I am getting the following error whenever I load the tool (below). The tool opens and all of my content and such are there, so I have been simply hitting "continue" in the popup. Any suggestions?

System.Exception: Path mismatch! enabling/disabling may not work.
tool uses 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710'
game uses 'D:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710'
-- LoadOrderTool:end of inner stack trace --
at CO.IO.DataLocation.ValidatePathMatch(CSCache csCache) in \CO\IO\DataLocation.cs:line 304
at CO.IO.DataLocation..cctor() in \CO\IO\DataLocation.cs:line 145
at LoadOrderTool.Program.Main() in \Program.cs:line 67
StayHungryStayFoolish 30 nov. 2022 à 12h55 
@arKtur my hero is Lemonster OG and of course: Chamëleon TBN. I learned and I am learning a lot from them.
arKtur 30 nov. 2022 à 12h20 
Thank you very much for the insanely fast response. Did you know, that you are a community hero, with all the stuff that you do? If you did not, you know now and I wanted to say thank you for that.

Have a nice christmas season,
greetings, Arktur
StayHungryStayFoolish 30 nov. 2022 à 12h05 
@arKtur use Theme Mixer 2. It is way better and you can not just change the road coloring, but you can set up hundred other things. Try it and please inform me how it goes. Please follow the Road & Vehicles compatible modlist.
arKtur 30 nov. 2022 à 11h44 
I am getting an error whenever I am using the mod.

The Mod C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710\932192868 [RoadColorChanger.dll] has caused an error [ModException]

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at RoadColorChanger.RoadColorChanger.SetPrefabTextures (NetInfo) <0x00624>
at RoadColorChanger.RoadColorChanger.SetAllPrefabTextures () <0x00147>
at RoadColorChanger.RoadColorChanger.OnLevelLoaded () <0x0004c>
at RoadColorChanger.Mod.OnLevelLoaded (ICities.LoadMode) <0x001e8>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) LoadingWrapper.LoadingWrapper.OnLevelLoaded_Patch3 (LoadingWrapper,SimulationManager/UpdateMode) <0x000b9>
Mazovian 28 nov. 2022 à 3h54 
I am using this mod to remove markings and add markings from IMT but suddenly some roads are glitching and part of them is disapearing and i have to move it to unglitch it
InFlames 24 nov. 2022 à 1h03 
I'm getting an error with the sunset harbor dlc maps and after that the mod is not working. Isn't it compatible with sunset harbor?
StayHungryStayFoolish 17 oct. 2022 à 10h19 
@76561198292356481 What kind of issues? Please follow the Plazas & Promenades DLC Compatible modlist. Theme Mixer 2 works just fine with these mods.
*** 17 oct. 2022 à 9h41 
@StayHungryStayFoolish Theme mixer 2 causes more issues than this mod...
Chamëleon TBN 5 oct. 2022 à 8h12 
@⑧ ҠƗ₱ɗєҠƗ₱.ᵉˣᵉ [⇄] repaint can
@mireg it already causes in the backend and had already caused broken saves.

btw it is planned to take over the other needed functionalities into repaint
Distress 3 oct. 2022 à 19h48 
This mod is causing some kind of issue with Medium roads. My tram tracks are all rusty. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it saved the settings somewhere.
giantwod 2 oct. 2022 à 4h00 
@Archangel if a "broken" mod has the funcionality i want and doesnt break anything else then its functional until it actually stops working or causes problems
Archangel 25 sept. 2022 à 7h42 
Still broken though, so don't use it. Doesn't matter if it was more convenient, a broken mod is still broken.
Still needed if you just want to set a road color and forget about it. Afaik Repaint can't color all roads for you automatically.
d513 16 sept. 2022 à 11h24 
StayHungryStayFoolish 16 sept. 2022 à 2h01 
@sn3k_ with Theme Mixer 2 you will get a whole new Cities:Skylines game. See the tutorial here:
VØ1D_ 15 sept. 2022 à 18h44 
I only use it to change road color, that option works with P&P DLC. I don't know about the other options.