Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Ancient Native American Civilizations (G&K)
Ajax97 15 Jun, 2016 @ 6:21am 
will this work with YNAEMP?
Feje 20 Mar, 2016 @ 4:20am 
I find it odd that there are no mods with teh so called "lesser" tribes that were indiginous to the Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, area. I's love to see a rounding out of the native american tribes and a frontier scenerio were you have to fend off settlers from Europe. The in game one has never been any fun....
Brian D 30 May, 2014 @ 7:46pm 
Add Lenape?
Absentee Father 31 Dec, 2013 @ 7:00am 
Is there a BNW version?
alaric_4 18 Jul, 2013 @ 12:52am 
Is there a version for Brave New World? Ever since the release of BNW, this mod (which worked fine with G&K) crashes whenever I select a civilization.
Worhin 5 Jun, 2013 @ 1:13pm 
i really like this mod but i think an update with the ability to select specific civs from this mod to add to the list would be great rather then having a clutered civ list since i only use one or two of the civs from this mod and not all of them.
greghiskhan 28 May, 2013 @ 8:02pm 
I'd really like to see a pacific northwest/ tlingit civ. The UA could be something to do with the potlatch, maybe a improved lighthouse redubbed as a salmon smokehouse.
Gocker -=INACTIVE=- 5 May, 2013 @ 11:06am 
vannilla anyone?
mattygp90 28 Apr, 2013 @ 9:14am 
It's not on Civfinatics anymore, can you reupload? I really wanna play this but my Pc doesn;t get on with steam very well... :/
PRPL HZ 22 Mar, 2013 @ 9:40pm 
I've not downloaded the mod yet, but proven from history, there were rarely (almost no) female leaders, how does it count as nudity if it is male breats, so there is really no reason to warn us that in the description.
TheGannet 11 Mar, 2013 @ 10:59pm 
please make a version split up into seperate downloads. I only want one or 2 of these and the rest are clutter in my game no offense
war-raven 4 Mar, 2013 @ 9:49pm 
you should really consider adding the Cherokee. The Eastern Band of Cherokee in North Carolina is technically an Autonomous Region within the US (like Tibet to greater China) and they are the only Native Americans in the US to legally own their land and rights to govern it. The rest were placed in reservations (which gave them no power). offense to any Native Americans, but i have never heard of the Chibchas before (and i have spent much of my time learning about a great deal more of Native Americans than normal, to the point of even learning the Cherokee language, and studying Navajo a bit too). Seems unfair that such a well known, Powerful (at the time), and Influential group is being left out. Even in a Mod.
Average Citizen (Not FBI) 16 Feb, 2013 @ 8:49pm 
Since the Maya already are present in G&K it's redundant to have a second Maya civ, also the +3 science for all strategic resources is way OP. +15% science in the capital is fine.

Also the Lakota/Sioux should not have totem poles. Those are exclusively from cultures of the pacific northwest (the present day US states of Oregon and Washington, the Canadian province of British Columbia.) The great plains are called that for a reason, even if the Lakota did have totem poles (which they didn't,) there weren't any towering conifers around to carve them out of.
pdonettes 3 Feb, 2013 @ 3:56pm 
also, not sure what I'm doing wrong, but when I have this mod on, I can't choose a pantheon?
pdonettes 2 Feb, 2013 @ 12:12pm 
Little more respect for the Algonquin for crying out loud. They were a fairly large confederation also yet all they get is a city state in a scenario. Really? Not thier fault no one remembers them since they were the first ones to get wiped out by the invading europeans. Yet everyone remembers Pocahontas, who was Algonquin.
Preacher 31 Jan, 2013 @ 7:21am 
Mayans are so totally OP its not even funny, +3 science in the capital, +3 science on strategic resources AND +15% overall science??
Saltmarsh 27 Oct, 2012 @ 11:27am 
why does every single GOOD mod haz to be gods and kings? i cant afford gods and kings! D:
JEELEN 16 Oct, 2012 @ 12:55am 
Showing a breat would be considered (partial) nudity - except when male. Hypocrisy, but 'true'. Art is full of women 'showing breast'(s), so I guess all this art should be censored. ;)
iamaplayer  [author] 8 Sep, 2012 @ 10:03pm 
iamaplayer  [author] 7 Sep, 2012 @ 9:25am 
There's a Lite version coming soon, it will be the same except that it will exclude the Inca and Maya.
bobyon 6 Sep, 2012 @ 5:21pm 
It would be great if you could just leave the Maya and Inca alone, but include the other Civs.
Arganaz Audaz 6 Sep, 2012 @ 6:39am 
I saw the mod get downloaded and probably get installed in the mod menu. Retried many times erasing the moddatabase but i never get to make the mod selectable in the menu.
AumtimHeimer 4 Sep, 2012 @ 11:23pm 
breasts? downloaded XD
Bear 4 Sep, 2012 @ 12:20am 
I'd love for the Wendat (a.k.a Wyandotte, "Huron," and "Huron-Wendat") to be included, but a nearly dead culture, I know it might be more trouble than it's worth. *shrug*
LeninLover69 2 Sep, 2012 @ 11:07am 
You should add the Utes, Navajo or some other SW Tribes, other than that awesome
Soully 31 Aug, 2012 @ 8:34pm 
Yes, but not as in-depth, and it leaves two nations that would otherwise make Civ freaks ^^' bricks of joy.
iamaplayer  [author] 31 Aug, 2012 @ 6:08pm 
@Pouakai: to make the Civs modular, it would require basically a whole mod rewrite (litteraly).
However, to delete the Inca and Maya references would be faster to do.
Therefore, this would be a "Lite Version" release. What about it?
Thing is, since the civs are combined, not only I would have to cut and paste a lot of text, but it would require the creation/manipulation of new files, and each code section would have to be contained in their own blocks...
DarkDanzy 31 Aug, 2012 @ 12:50pm 
How do i Download?
Soully 30 Aug, 2012 @ 7:39pm 
Well, the Incans could be modified into... Tarascans? And Mayans into... Tlaxcallans?
MrTennessee17 30 Aug, 2012 @ 6:51pm 
Just needs Creek and Cherokee and it will be complete for me.
Pouakai 30 Aug, 2012 @ 4:29pm 
Mainly I'd just like a version without the Mayans and Incans, if it wouldn't be too much
iamaplayer  [author] 30 Aug, 2012 @ 4:22pm 
That would require a lot of cut and paste. Does the Civ ingame list have a hard limit? Otherwise, it would be a lot faster/easier to me to just rename the Incas and Mayas to something else if that's what you have in mind.
Pouakai 30 Aug, 2012 @ 4:06pm 
Would it be possible to modify the layout in the files to be able to disable each civ individually?
iamaplayer  [author] 30 Aug, 2012 @ 2:45pm 
No conflict should happen, since the files and names are different.
jpinard 30 Aug, 2012 @ 2:38pm 
Why do you have the Mayans & Incans in here when they're already in the game? Will it conflict with the main game since many of us have those 2 races already?