TCW's Armoured State Troops (reskin)
elscorchshotbyfunkyweezerdec2023 3 Nov, 2018 @ 10:37am 
i dont think so but i have not downloaded it myself so dont trust my words
Evan 23 Dec, 2017 @ 12:31pm 
is there another mod required for this?
Steenigo 23 Jul, 2017 @ 6:16am 
No rush, Camel Whisperer. :steamhappy:
The Camel Whisperer  [author] 22 Jul, 2017 @ 8:58am 
@Ack: I might do a version featuring what you want in the future. Just not now, busy modding Attila.

@The Emperor 23: Nop, this is a purely visual mod, no stats change.
ConfusedLemm 22 Jul, 2017 @ 6:59am 
does this change the stats of them
Steenigo 21 Jul, 2017 @ 10:40pm 
You should armour up the Free Company too. :D
The First Word Will Be Judgement 1 Jun, 2017 @ 12:30am 
@The Camel Whisperer Glad to hear it!

@ELA I didn't notice that originally. Thanks for meentioning it.
Hopefully I'll get to the point where I fully understand Hex editing and Gimp, but atm, it's just a bit too much of a time sink. Sebide's Warhammer unit guide is reallly good though.
Atm, I'm just trying to figure out how to make a normal lord a proper legendary lord.
Erik Eagle Anfordern 31 May, 2017 @ 2:55pm 
Very good :D
The Camel Whisperer  [author] 31 May, 2017 @ 2:03pm 
Lt Apollo kindly gave me permission to use his salley helmet model, the mod has been updated :)
Erik Eagle Anfordern 31 May, 2017 @ 6:25am 
@General Authority yeah im also only able to work with pfm, everything above i might learn in the future, but its too much time spending atm...

Well i dont really meant the golden colour, he managed to remove the clipping from the piece :D there is clipping between the models of the greatsword body and the young nobles legs, and in this case there is nothing anymore which is pretty unique... just combine both an compare it with the model from aguirre, then you´ll know what i mean...
The First Word Will Be Judgement 30 May, 2017 @ 6:57pm 
@ELA That's not a bad idea. I'm new to modding, and I only really know PFM stuff atm. I might go ask. And yeah, he changed the colour to gold (which actually matches the altdorf company captain's lore picturee almost perfectly).
Erik Eagle Anfordern 30 May, 2017 @ 7:08am 
@General Authority yes sorry, i thought there was one... but dont hesitate to ask him, he did however modified the greatsword chestpiece from the unit i reffered to, i think he might be also able to do your request tho... either him, cataph or siscu.

@The Camel Whisperer I also waited too long for this model :D
The First Word Will Be Judgement 30 May, 2017 @ 12:12am 
@ELA I looked through the mod (installed it, viewed the units and checked the files) but I couldn't find a sashless version of the greatswords chestpiece (unless you're referring to the one with a cross, which is a vanilla one and unfourntunatelly wouldn't work for the unit I'm creating). Thanks anyway though!

@The Camel Whisperer Hopefully Lt Apollo is alright with that. They actually have a another helmet in theree too (it's Boris' helmet but without the crest and feathers). Gl.
The Camel Whisperer  [author] 29 May, 2017 @ 12:50pm 
Omg! Thanks guys :D Will ask him if I can use that model for my mod
Erik Eagle Anfordern 29 May, 2017 @ 8:34am 
@General Authority lol i wanted to write that too, found it today. Ask Aguirre for the sash, i believe he made a model without it (captain of his altdorf company of honor)
The First Word Will Be Judgement 29 May, 2017 @ 12:01am 
I just wish I could remove the sash from the greatswords chest piece.
The First Word Will Be Judgement 28 May, 2017 @ 11:49pm 
@The Camel Whisperer It's a variant model under hu1/emp_knights_reiksguard/head
The First Word Will Be Judgement 28 May, 2017 @ 11:46pm 
@Camel Whisperer I think Lt Apollo made a crestless version of the helmet in their mod,
It seems to replace all of the crestless helmets too tho (for me atleast)).
Erik Eagle Anfordern 22 May, 2017 @ 11:36am 
Yeah hopefully, but i dont think this is going to happen... even hardcore modders are not able to remove the crest, and this game is a year old now...

Why did they do that, in attila every helmet was seperat to every plume/crest, so it was able to mix want you wanted... i mean they rely heavily on modders now to do their work, but in the meantime there is no data to work with.

They really should have added this model, its the same with a featherless version of the empire captains helmet.
The Camel Whisperer  [author] 22 May, 2017 @ 1:24am 
Thanks mate. Yeah, since Attila's DLCs they tend to "fuse" variant models into big chunks, don't know why they do that... But hopefully they will add this awesome helmet model in a future DLC/FLC.
Erik Eagle Anfordern 21 May, 2017 @ 6:38pm 
Oh okay, im also searching for this... in attila it was so much easier to modify and work with the textures, but this is just annoying.

But nice work btw, i didnt like the golden parts at all
The Camel Whisperer  [author] 21 May, 2017 @ 4:56pm 
The texture is already available, but it is the model that is missing. I really wish I could include it in my mod...
Erik Eagle Anfordern 21 May, 2017 @ 11:25am 
In the trailer of the beastmen was clearly shown the helmet you planned for the future... why the hell havent they made the texture of this
The Camel Whisperer  [author] 15 Mar, 2017 @ 12:52pm 
Thanks man! Should be there soon :)
Evan 15 Mar, 2017 @ 12:31pm 
Nice mod mate, can't wait for the seperate unit!