Cuelan Species Mod
125 comentário(s)
LtDragonfish 30/out./2023 às 15:15 
it seems you cannot select traits for this species at all right now. Is this intended?
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 24/mai./2023 às 20:15 
Yep, perfectly acceptable and even appreciated! Haven't looked at this in... six years, but you have my full permission to do literally anything you want to my guys.
Mr_Daniels 23/mai./2023 às 12:26 
Hello dogkisser! I was wanting to addon to the species classes in my Stellaris mod "Species of Stellaris" and your Cuelan and Peglaci Portraits mods are perfect as an addition for some species class portraits. I was looking if I can be granted permission to use the mod in this way. I was going to attempt to animate the Peglaci one too. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.
Commander Venus 12/jan./2021 às 14:42 
Mod hasn't been updated in three years, safe to say the author isn't coming back. Someone should give this one a polish
Mr Donut-36 14/dez./2020 às 18:56 
I hope this gets updated to 2.8.1,I love this mod And wish i could use it with the newest update.
Nihil 19/nov./2018 às 21:23 
Portrait mods shouldn't be too hard to update, if they no longer have the motivation, they probably would have stated such, as to allow someone to take the reins and port it. Looks great though!
Pepsi Dog 22/ago./2018 às 8:25 
damn, this was a cool one
Arkhangel 17/jun./2018 às 14:14 
@Guerilla Tomato: yes, because insulting someone who made this for free is Soooooo likely to make them want to. jackass.
DJ BANANA PEEL 28/mai./2018 às 7:29 
RIP. Was great while it lasted.
Aranha Maluco 14/mai./2018 às 2:52 
what you waint for to update ?
Daisy 20/fev./2018 às 15:34 
Are they meant to be mammals or birds?
Ank 16/fev./2018 às 12:25 
upd plz
Commander Venus 28/jan./2018 às 21:27 
Has anyone checked for stability on 1.9 yet?
Ravemaster99 18/jan./2018 às 11:59 
Do we need an update to work in 1.9.x?
Boldsnap 28/nov./2017 às 15:15 
update :^(
Typh 13/nov./2017 às 22:36 
Mod is likely abandonded.
Dustreaper 20/out./2017 às 13:52 
Please update to 1.8.2 it changed how traits work so this mod doesn't work properly.
Thadom69 19/out./2017 às 20:37 
update already
Krylia Viru 18/out./2017 às 23:12 
Kizami 11/out./2017 às 21:31 
Please update for 1.8.2 :x
Jaster 1/out./2017 às 21:01 
I echo the previous two comments.
Obtuse Johnson 30/set./2017 às 14:45 
Hoping for the 1.8 update
Roamer Actual 24/set./2017 às 19:52 
They're adorable!! I love them so much! Too bad they dont work for 1.8 ;_;
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 21/set./2017 às 21:29 
@Werebat they see with their hearts~
Werebat 21/set./2017 às 14:46 
They have no eyes. Do they use sonar?
Zyralynn 23/mai./2017 às 10:06 
@dogkisser Hello! Im making a mod and I'd like to talk with the animator because I have some questions and I'd like to have my mod finished soon. Im having some struggles with files. Can someone contact me? Thanks a lot!
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 11/mai./2017 às 8:24 
Should already be updated!
PROMETHEUS 11/mai./2017 às 6:33 
Any 1.6 Update?
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 9/mai./2017 às 16:43 
@fingerpupper_zombie Good reminder! Updated.
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 5/mai./2017 às 15:29 
Yep, added. Go ahead!
Yorick 5/mai./2017 às 13:17 
@dogkisser Loving this mod, Im actualy working on a selkath mod atm, i was wondering if i could send you a friend invite and ask you for some advice? :happy_creep:
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 21/abr./2017 às 16:47 
@Little_Cheese By all means, drop me a line!
Little_Cookie 21/abr./2017 às 15:30 
Hey dogkisser, I need help with getting my species to work... I think I've made it too complicated! D:
mrgbrown2 21/abr./2017 às 4:04 
dude '''(in short: I suck at it!)'''' this istn bad at all this is 1000X better than what i could make
Deep 17/abr./2017 às 5:36 
nice mod!
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 11/abr./2017 às 10:47 
Replaced default clothing with more customized garb. Now that I remember how to actually DO that, I'll probably add a few more types.
Valekin 10/abr./2017 às 10:06 
Happy to help !

P.s. I Love this mod ♥
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 10/abr./2017 às 9:35 
@Valekin - Thanks for that; fixed it such that the robot version does not appear among their pops, that was indeed a bug. As for the second one... I'm actually not sure why that would happen? I'll look into it!
Valekin 10/abr./2017 às 0:24 
Just wanted to report some bugs;

*The AI version of the portrait is spawning as citizens dispite picking the classic version of the race.

*If you are creating/editing a race and pick the AI version Cuelan in the appearance tab, and switch to the ruler tab, but then switch back to the appearance tab, your leader will remain as a AI and you can start the game with a AI leader. However, changing background or clothing will snap the leader back to the intended classic version.
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 9/abr./2017 às 19:41 
Updated to 1.5, if that wasn't already obvious, and fixed a few tiny bugs.
Mack Daddy 8/abr./2017 às 11:49 
it works
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 8/abr./2017 às 11:37 
It... Shouldn't? Try it and see! I'm not able to check right now, unfortunately.
Mack Daddy 8/abr./2017 às 11:19 
alright, but if i don't use the premade race will it still crash my game?
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 8/abr./2017 às 11:13 
@Mack-Daddy No - while the portraits will still work, the premade race is broken by the new update. I'll have it fixed today or tomorrow at the latest!
Mack Daddy 8/abr./2017 às 11:07 
does this still works with the new update?
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 20/mar./2017 às 15:54 
@qseftjohn Yes, essentially - though humanoids are actually slightly more complicated, since they have hair and clothing. The easiest race would be a template off one of the races that had neither. Also, keep practicing and reverse engineering other mods! You'll improve!
VioletGoblin 20/mar./2017 às 15:24 
First offf, Thank you.
From that mess that you got to look at, you can see that I am not a coder. With the changes that you made, can I make muliple species by swaping the name "kaphari" with "InsertYourNameHere"? If so, you can take that mess I gave you and make the "template race" mod that you were talking about. I can't see anyother animated portait mod to be much more barebones than what I tried.
I wish could learn more about game reads the text files because I know just enough to set everything on fire.
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 20/mar./2017 às 14:41 
@qseftjohn Alright, went through and sorted it out - it ought to be in a useable state for continued modding, now.
dogkisser  [autor(a)] 20/mar./2017 às 11:49 
@qseftjohn Just send it to, that should work!