Arma 3
The CSAT Modification Project (Replacement)
38 kommenttia
Aegis compat patch?
kiba3x 6.12.2024 klo 6.48 
Why you cannot make everything in one mod?
Strelok 25.6.2024 klo 23.06 
Does this pack properly show wounded textures now?
Prince Lynn 14.12.2023 klo 6.47 
Good job!:steamthumbsup:
Reggie 17.5.2023 klo 5.36 
will it work without dlcs?
Ace 4.5.2023 klo 17.53 
Hey, are you still making mods? I've been trying to get in contact with the people who made the MiG-29 mod originally uploaded by Pinaz93 but Pinaz93 has been unresponsive and is presumed no longer an active Steam user. I've been in the process of fixing the abandoned mod.
Death Diamond 2.4.2022 klo 8.29 
On some scenarios and missions, the CSAT units will not spawn in with the modded helmets and vests. I know the mod hasn't been updated in two years, but on the off chance you are still working on this then I figured I should let you know. Thank you for this mod by the way, I only just discovered it and I am really enjoying my time.
Fifun 30.1.2022 klo 8.15 
When i play Escape From Malden 2035, the new modded combat fatigues load correctly, but not the vest and the helmet.

When i play Escape From Tanoa, the enemy CSAT units have the correct gear, Helmet, Vest, Fatigues.

I am guessing this is a bug, hope you are still working on this mod. It's very good.:steamthumbsup:
Synchronized 29.11.2020 klo 7.29 
does this work with alive?
Hornet 17.11.2020 klo 6.49 
First of all thanks for the latest update.
However, I want to report the following bugs (I believe they are bugs) regarding the CSAT (Pacific) faction:
- The officer (in the 'men' category) and all soldiers in the 'men (special forces)' category use Iranian vests/Body Armour instead of the Chinese one.
- The Chinese vest/Body Armour - which is called 'AZAD-J OTV (Brown) (Light)' doesn't appear listed when editing its loadout (Arsenal) in the Mission Editor or more precisely, this vest only appears as selectable if the soldier comes with it by default. I suspect that this is because this vest has the exact same name as an another Iranian Vest.
MustaOksennus 30.10.2020 klo 7.19 
Great. Perfect. Otherwise good work on the original mod.
TheEvanCat  [tekijä] 29.10.2020 klo 14.50 
The replacement pack is getting a fix soon, it was just not updated along with the main branch update.
MustaOksennus 29.10.2020 klo 13.13 
They are not wearing vests in any mission I tried
MilitantMonke 11.10.2020 klo 12.10 
for some reason the replaced CSAT (Iranian) soldiers don't take any damage
ModernSamurai 5.10.2020 klo 13.08 
when trying to add this mods to a dedicated server this error continues to pop up is there any fix for this as of yet

12:55:35 Conflicting addon TEC_Penah in 'TEC_CSAT\CSAT_Raad\', previous definition in 'TEC_CSAT\CSAT_Penah\'
12:55:35 Cannot find base ViewOptics for TEC_CSAT/CSAT_Turrets/config.bin/CfgVehicles/TEC_Static_Launch_Vorona/Turrets/MainTurret/ViewOptics/
12:55:35 Conflicting addon TEC_Launchers in 'TEC_CSAT\CSAT_Weapons\', previous definition in 'TEC_CSAT\CSAT_Launchers\'
Hornet 4.10.2020 klo 6.19 
Great mod indeed! It basically 'solves' on of my main 'gripes' with ArmA3 which is the space/futuristic look of the CSAT faction. These replacement units look much, much better than the original ones, awesome work!

However, I would like to post here a few requests if that's possible which are:
- Add the To-201 Shikra to the CSAT (Pacific) faction.
- Add the To-199 Neophron to the CSAT (Pacific) faction.

- Replace the Y-32 Xi'an (which looks like something coming up from the 'Hunger Games' movies) with a modern and armed version of the Mi-17, like for example the Mi-171SH-HV.
- Replace the Mi-48 Kajman with a modern version of the Mi-24.
- Replace the Mi-290 Taru variants with Mi-17 variants.

Keep up the great work!
elpedrochicoraulalfonsotejada 16.4.2020 klo 7.04 
They're not wearing the helmets or vests in the Old Man scenario
TheEvanCat  [tekijä] 19.3.2020 klo 15.56 
@spenjak18: Thanks for bringing it up, I'll take a look!
spenjak18 19.3.2020 klo 8.20 
Don't know if it's an issue with the replacement patch or the mod itself... but it seems that the demo expert, AT rifleman, and JTAC for the vipers don't have any magazines for their rifles.
TheEvanCat  [tekijä] 24.12.2019 klo 10.10 
@Taro: I'll take a look at it. Thanks for letting me know!
Taro 24.12.2019 klo 2.08 
Some of the facewear items are missing icons and give popup errors.
great mod though.
THEVJT 26.11.2019 klo 23.39 
dude, pls replace btr kamysh
Haruko 28.8.2019 klo 16.28 
Ah, I understand, I also wanted to know if it's normal that it is greatly difficult to incapacite the turret by firing at it the same way you do with vanilla CSAT vehicles?
TheEvanCat  [tekijä] 27.8.2019 klo 17.35 
@Haruko: The Ifrit should be replaced with the Abda FMV light vehicle. If you have other mods that also replace the Ifrit then it will conflict and the Ifrit *or* Abda might not show up at all due to conflicts beyond my control.
Haruko 26.8.2019 klo 17.11 
The Ifrit light vehicle is gone with this patch. otherwise everything is good.
Flinch the Necromancer 8.6.2019 klo 17.58 
i am having a problem with some units like the heavy gunner and sharpshooter using vanilla helmets and vests
Reinicke 17.4.2019 klo 13.02 
What is with earlier replacement-possibilities in semiarid, woodland etc.? Is there a way to work on maps like Tanoa pp.?
Konstance™ 28.3.2019 klo 22.42 
The link that least to the project on the bottom seems to be sending a deadlink? please fix if you can, albeit minor.
Spinoza 6.2.2019 klo 16.29 
I love the mod, when can we see the proper replacement more or less?
TheEvanCat  [tekijä] 10.1.2019 klo 15.15 
@ EternalEmperor @Fluffy GS G5: Absolutely, and most of that is actually coded in. However, there has been an issue with Pacific units (especially after LM_CSAT suffering a harddrive data loss and he's rebuilding the mod.) Hope that helps.
MilitantMonke 10.1.2019 klo 14.45 
Could you please replace the Heavy Gunner and Viper Units as well?
Fluffy GS G5 20.12.2018 klo 3.18 
Perfect Job. Is there in plan that this replacement also will change the automaticli the DLC Skinns? (Marksmen, Tanks etc). Soldiers like heavy Gunner, Sniper/Marksmen have still the Vanilla look. But in anyway a great modification, thank you!:steamhappy:
JustRyan 9.12.2018 klo 1.14 
Does this mod still need the actually modification? And can this be used with Aegis?
pr1nce 28.9.2018 klo 9.33 
ey iran
Mıkı 24.9.2018 klo 9.09 
Could you please make this without the need of CSAT Modification Project enabled? So I don't get extra units in the mission editor
MR.PAY.DEATH 30.6.2018 klo 23.28 
this CSAT replacemen is awsome, but please fix CSAT sharpshooter, heavygunner & csat pasific loadout replacement
Big Foot 29.4.2018 klo 9.22 
really good mod makes the csat troops look a whole lot better! but I cant use it with Arma 3 Aegis it turns the csat troops in a buggy mess, anychance of a compatibility patch?
SchreiberinRemi 26.2.2017 klo 19.32 
Loving the work man. Is there a chance we'll see either additional pbo's for the other camos or a different workshop addon for the different camos? I'm obsessed with your CSAT woodland variant. Thanks!