Transport Fever

Transport Fever

Lighthouse Asset
Pdguru  [author] 19 Dec, 2016 @ 9:58pm 
What's most funny is that I just realized you wanted it all red, not all blue. That said, I actually think the all blue looks good.
ExoticParallel 19 Dec, 2016 @ 7:18pm 
As for sarcasm I can see how it looked sarcastic when I said, "here you go"
This was simply a revised statement with more thought and was not meant to sound sarcastic. It was simply a more well thought out statement. It was not meant to be sarcastic. It was genuinley me typing in a very respectful way, therfore fullfilling your request of more resect. If It offended you or made you feel disrespected I really sincerly appoligize. No sarcasm

The fact that you made it anyway shows how amazing you are. For this I will rate five stars to show respect for this. Thank you and once again. Have a wonderful day
ExoticParallel 19 Dec, 2016 @ 7:18pm 
I understand what you're saying totally. My first statement did sound like a command. "change the blue lines to red"

It was not meant to be interpreted as this. It genuinely was me in a rush making a quick suggestion. I spent 5 seconds on this page and was gone.

The reason I said "This is the interent dont take things too seriously" is because my first statement contained no attacks, no stabs, no agression, no malicous intent, and certainly no disrespect. But it could be interpreted as this. I could have said "Why the hell did you make the lines blue it looks so stupid change it now!" or something that would be disrespectful. Contrast that with what I said.
Pdguru  [author] 19 Dec, 2016 @ 5:54pm 
My dear ExoticParallel,
While I tire of the inetrnet being used to excuse poor communication, slovenliness and disrespect at a rate bettered only by the artifical bravado of cowards while driving, and you can take your sarcasm and insincereity and put it up your Christas tree, this is the season of goodwill to all men. And thusly I have created a special asset for you, the blue Lighthouse you requested. It's available now. May your season be full of goodwill, and just a sprinkle of gratitude.
WERNERvsNEO 19 Dec, 2016 @ 12:58pm 
Gonna be very nice to see my trains passing this very nice asset! :)
ExoticParallel 19 Dec, 2016 @ 12:57pm 
Didnt know I had to have to be a gentleman when asking for a simple suggestion
I was just in a rush and didnt mean for it to sound rude? This is the interent dont take things too seriously
but here you go

Hello my friend, maybe you could consider making another version or changing the blue lines to red, as I think it would look better. This is just my personal opinion and it is your mod do what you want. Have a wonderful day
Pdguru  [author] 19 Dec, 2016 @ 12:52pm 
ExoticParallel - Such poor manners.
ExoticParallel 19 Dec, 2016 @ 12:47pm 
chnage the blue lines to red