The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Ragged Flagon Shortcut
dialectiks 13 Apr, 2020 @ 5:59pm 
i just cant find it. can someone post a video on where the shortcut is?
night lord gf 20 Aug, 2017 @ 7:15am 
thank you so muchi remember in oblivion there was something like this for the dark brother hood
kuokkis 14 May, 2016 @ 9:18am 
helped me alot thanks man
fallingpanda 2 Dec, 2014 @ 4:23pm 
Love this mod. It's saved me actually a lot of time, especially since the loading screens on my PC take FOREVER. Thanks for creating it :))
cruinh  [author] 3 Jun, 2014 @ 11:12am 
@Tomhap ah good to hear. I was hoping it was something like that.
Tomhap 3 Jun, 2014 @ 6:36am 
Update on my comment: the culprit was another mod that causes citizens to run inside when dragons attacked, it procced of a dragon at Lost Tongue Overlook, apperantly.
Frozenkhan 2 Jun, 2014 @ 8:35pm 
It would be hard to fix.
Frozenkhan 2 Jun, 2014 @ 8:34pm 
I have the masters santuary which adds a player home right there so one of them would have to move.
cruinh  [author] 2 Jun, 2014 @ 8:18pm 
@Fullmetalfire what's the conflict? I may be able to make this compatible when I have time
Frozenkhan 31 May, 2014 @ 11:22pm 
I like the mod and ill rate it up but it sadly conflicts with another mod. But thanks
Tomhap 29 May, 2014 @ 6:58am 
Thanks for replying, must be something else then, but this is the only mod I have that especially affects Riften. No hostile NPC's are running around, and it happens to everyone who is outdoors in riften at all times. (save for guards). People will flee and cower, and they are approachable when indoors and you aren't tresspassing.
cruinh  [author] 28 May, 2014 @ 3:21pm 
fleeing? can't say I've heard of that happening before. Not sure why this mod would trigger it. I did have to adjust the navmesh so that companions can follow you through the hatch, but i don't know of any reason why that would make people flee. Are you sure there's not a thief NPC running around outside, or a vampire or dragon?
Tomhap 28 May, 2014 @ 9:57am 
The citizens of Riften start fleeing in my game, could this be caused by this mod?
Alan Wake's Scrungly Beard 6 Feb, 2014 @ 6:58pm 
I love this already.
BlazingDawn 1 Jan, 2014 @ 7:24am 
oh man, i got confused alot by the desciption, but thanks for the mod
Moe 13 Sep, 2013 @ 10:24am 
Good work! Thanks a lot!
Ben Cousins 31 May, 2013 @ 10:58am 
Thanks bro. i found this mod really helpful, as my computer is slow and it takes a long time for me to go into the cistern, into the flagon, back to the cistern and then into riften
Jerk from Pod 6 2 Feb, 2013 @ 4:50am 
awesome, i came here looking for this exact mod, so glad to see someone made it so i didnt have to.
mh 1 Jan, 2013 @ 2:31am 
finally! Thanks for making this.
FMyWu 20 Dec, 2012 @ 1:40pm 
Best shortcut mod out there
po0f 15 Aug, 2012 @ 3:38am 
You should change it so that you can enter through the big well in the center of riften, since that's what's right above the ragged flaggon, so when you enter you land in the water :)
brudedodde 17 Jul, 2012 @ 9:01pm 
create shortcut!!!
wiggie2gone 16 Jul, 2012 @ 4:25pm 
Saves so much time. Wish I had this when I ran through the quests the first time.
J@CKN1V3D 13 Jul, 2012 @ 3:52pm 
Just smart...
Wickit 13 Jul, 2012 @ 2:55am 
Minor but extremely helpful! Thanks!
Tdawg 12 Jul, 2012 @ 10:29am 
Only If I knew of this mod when I was doing the thevies guild missions. Great mod :-)
will_xray 13 Jun, 2012 @ 9:23am 
Great mod, very helpful I would love to see more like it. This mod makes it very helpful when trying to restore the thieves guild.
marypele 5 May, 2012 @ 10:00am 
I've definitely had keys labelled stolen and moved to the evidence chest when I was arrested, just for the record.
Miniscule Moleman 28 Apr, 2012 @ 8:37am 
The updated version does infact eliminate CTDs, thanks! Sorry it took forever for me to re-comment.
Regret... 10 Apr, 2012 @ 7:22pm 
useful in every shape and form.
PlayerTw0 8 Apr, 2012 @ 4:47am 
ty ty i was getting sooo sick of waiting for that tomb opening every time i finished a guild mission.
cruinh  [author] 7 Apr, 2012 @ 8:35am 
sure, they can be stolen. just not sure they can be confiscated by the guards if you're caught
that_guy 3 Apr, 2012 @ 5:26am 
Actually some keys can be stolen but their quite rare.
cruinh  [author] 2 Apr, 2012 @ 6:50am 
Fixed it so you don't have to steal the key, though apparently that doesn't make any difference for keys. They never get the "stolen" flag, which I assume means they don't get confiscated. (see

I tested this quite a bit yesterday with multiple characters and didn't get any crashes, though I don't have any other mods that change Riften. As far as I can tell, the CTDs are fixed.
cruinh  [author] 1 Apr, 2012 @ 1:54pm 
Good point about having to steal the key. I'll see if I can fix that.
SirNinja 29 Mar, 2012 @ 12:20pm 
Awesome mod, but the key really needs to be something you take, not steal. If a player "steals" the key and is arrested before unlocking the shortcut, the key will be confiscated and the shortcut hatch will be permanently locked. (Granted, that scenario is somewhat unlikely, but it's something that you have to take into account when making things like this.)

A simpler solution would be to unlock the shortcut automatically once the player first enters the Flagon, eliminating the need for a key in the first place.
Miniscule Moleman 26 Mar, 2012 @ 9:52am 
I'll try it again, I'm not sure I had the updated version, but this was definitely causing CTDs, like many other mods that change the world (like adding buildings) since 1.5 hopefully it's truly fixed as this is a great mod!
Le Roux 21 Mar, 2012 @ 3:45am 
Ohoh ... I have never see the key ... Thanks for the sreenshot and for explain (it's a really great mod take it)
Lu 17 Mar, 2012 @ 3:48pm 
Lol could I have used this one a bit earlier.. the thieving guild questline was a bummer
McFly 14 Mar, 2012 @ 2:52pm 
I have to say... how come Bethesda didn't think of a simple way to enter the Flagon? Come on! is like the most anoying/long quest ever! Thanks dude, saved my life!
Dr. Strange Love 12 Mar, 2012 @ 7:18pm 
Didnt work for me but i think other people should give it a try
snowdog challenge 9 Mar, 2012 @ 7:36am 
This mod is a lifesaver. Now make one where you can slip into the central well and fall into the cistern!
sirElios 26 Feb, 2012 @ 9:20am 
is it supposed to say steal key rather than take key?
Kub 25 Feb, 2012 @ 11:53am 
Very useful, saved me a lot of time. Good work!
Wednesday's Child 19 Feb, 2012 @ 3:03pm 
I am ambivalent about this one. Physically located tshoulder to shoulder with the game's thieves guild entrance, it is no easier to get to from Honeyside ( I frequently stop at my home to stash loot before running down to the ratway). And the key was marked as stolen, which means it will likely disappear if I am snagged by the guards. I keep forgetting it is there as it came into my game after I had developed a pattern. However, it does eliminate one door. Depending on how fast your zones load, this boon may or may not be significant. I'm not giving it a thumbs down, but I am not going to use it.Sorry.
Fjordland 18 Feb, 2012 @ 4:58am 
Very good, thanks. It always annoyed me having to go through two loading screens just to sell some loot.
TechLuddite 16 Feb, 2012 @ 3:14pm 
I think it would be good to move they key from behind the theives hidden door. Basically I didn't join the theives guild till after 100+ hours of gameplay. I do give this mod a big thumbs up, but it would have saved me a lot of time during the Dark Brotherhood quests if the key was maybe at the bar...not on the table behind the hidden door...?
Venom800TT 15 Feb, 2012 @ 11:38pm 
@nproe2 I got it working now, the key now on a table across the ladder, its a giant key sitting on a table, grab it and then you can use the shortcut. First you have to go the Flaggen the old way and once in theres a shortcut ladder and beside it is a small room, the key is on the table
BTW thanks "cruinh" for clearing out the confusion, now i know why u locked it :)
nproe2 15 Feb, 2012 @ 9:45pm 
Ditto Venom800TT's comment. Worked before but now says it needs a key...
Regret... 15 Feb, 2012 @ 4:06pm 
This mod is insanely useful. I don't know, but I think the entrance isn't too bad. It may be selfish of me to say, but I honestly don't think you need to move it. I mean.. where else would you put it? The location is convenient isn't it?