Men of War: Assault Squad 2

Men of War: Assault Squad 2

380 σχόλια
No Name 23 Ιουλ 2023, 3:28 
Где русификатор?
Lightning  [Δημιουργός] 16 Απρ 2023, 7:18 
Закон, к сожалению русификатора нет
Silvio Dante 24 Φεβ 2023, 10:47 
Руссик есть?:leninsmile:
rakovsky 21 Σεπ 2022, 23:09 
The Moscow mission was a bit of a challenge even on EASY.
rakovsky 21 Σεπ 2022, 23:08 
I finally beat the first USSR mission, Moscow (Volokolamsk highway) using the strategy that I mentioned- setting up a fortified line protecting the highway that runs horizontally width wise across the map where the allied trucks come in later. I used a combination of sandbag forts, AT guns from the boxes, mines, and wires. I also only focused on calling in the T34 tanks for reinforcements, because the toughest part is fighting the enemy strong tanks.
rakovsky 19 Σεπ 2022, 3:03 
In other words, for the first Moscow mission where I got creamed, I found it helpful to move my defensive line onto the top 1/4 or so of the map, and have my soldiers hide in the tree line. But at most I'm going to get 2 T34 tanks, and that seems hardly enough. There are just so many enemy tanks.

I think that the first Moscow mission is really too hard.
rakovsky 19 Σεπ 2022, 3:03 
I got stomped again on the Moscow mission, this time on Normal Difficulty. I did better by moving my fortified line south (upward) from the road that your allied trucks come in at 15 mintues intot he match.

The problem is that about 10 mintues into the match, the enemy sends repeated waves of medium tanks, and my five or six M37 45mm AT guns aren't strong enough to destroy them. The strong enemy tanks seem to just drive over AT mines too, although probably sometimes the mines work. The best thing that I can think of is to save up your reinforcement points to order T43 76mm tanks. When I played on Normal, I ordered a miner squad, a sniper squad, and an added M37 gun, but none of those things seemed to work very well against the enemy tanks. There is a trick where you can use your sniper on manual aim mode and make him shoot well that way, but the main problem seemed to be the enemy tanks.
rakovsky 19 Σεπ 2022, 3:03 
I liked the Moscow mission one a lot, and how you can set up alot at the beginning of the mission. I got torn apart on HARD though and lasted about 14 minutes. At about 14 minutes into the match, an announcement says that you have a goal of protecting troops that come in from the West (W) side of the map, which by that time was well in front of my base. It looks like a pretty hard spot to defend, especially on HARD. Also, I ran short on time trying to set up all my mines. THey gave me a little confusion in that if I got my soldiers to load themselves with more than one kind of mine, there is no way to toggle between the two kinds that they will lay down.
Tchaikovsky™ 22 Ιουλ 2022, 19:16 
It seems the idea of "challenge" this mission maker has, is spamming you with units until you either run out of ammo or lose track of everything and get overrun. Not fun at all.
十三军李哥 8 Μαϊ 2022, 12:14 
太难了吧 我草
Cyriak 27 Απρ 2022, 10:55 
I added you I need to ask you something about this game and these missions you made
juicyjuice 24 Απρ 2022, 20:34 
way too hard to the point it's painful, and I'm playing on normal.
Lee Enfield 5 Απρ 2022, 2:50 
Lee Enfield 5 Απρ 2022, 1:32 
The German mission suck, the first one had me screaming at the monitor constantly because my units seemed completely stupid, whilst the enemy seemed to be elite marksmen with gun, cannon, grenade etc Found a bug as well in that when I tried to refuel a truck with the large oil drum, it would self detonate, killing the trooper carrying it. As for the second mission, "Thunderclap" ? You must be some sort of moron, 8 tanks, no ability to repair, no reinforcements, strong defence line for the enemy, with more tanks and armoured vehicles pouring in from the sides. Nah, shove that one where the sun don't shine pal !!
WaterMelonLord 25 Μαρ 2022, 11:02 
I'm just probably bad, but those German missions, well I failed both of them
mackb 30 Αυγ 2021, 9:39 
This is a good mod. Played COOP with a friend, and boy, were we in for a fight.
Expect long battles of grinding, attrition warfare.
Firefighter74 27 Αυγ 2021, 13:52 
SneakyKhajiit 8 Ιουλ 2021, 13:06 
mackb 28 Μαϊ 2021, 7:49 
Great mod. It is playable in CO-OP Mode. Not easy, but very fun. Missions can take at least an hour.
rave 11 Μαϊ 2021, 19:13 
ejpostma2 19 Φεβ 2021, 17:16 
Can you please update it so the ammo works with Robz Realism?
DeadAngels|死亡天使 17 Φεβ 2021, 2:17 
Hey i fixed my Problems with the Inventory Space. But i have a Problem with my Units. I made new units and set 450 % HP in the .set File but they all (i made 5 of them) have only 100 HP.
Commanderkit 10 Ιαν 2021, 7:05 
great mod lots of fun especially the British missions
Commanderkit 10 Ιαν 2021, 7:05 
Commanderkit 10 Ιαν 2021, 7:05 
it rlly dose not
SneakyKhajiit 2 Ιαν 2021, 10:19 
need us missions.
paper plane 6 Δεκ 2020, 18:09 
great missions!
Lightning  [Δημιουργός] 30 Νοε 2020, 5:23 
Мод дизбалансный, так как создавался для кооперативного прохождения 4+ игрока.
Wolbright 30 Νοε 2020, 5:10 
тебе дают четыре 45-мм пушек, пт ружья, пулемёты, гранаты. А на тебя гонят на максималке третьи пазики, причём даже подстрелить не успеваешь, как на твою пушку уже наезжают танки. Такое ощущение, что тебе дали 2 роты против целой армии "центр".
1 скоростной пазик из 10.
SneakyKhajiit 4 Νοε 2020, 17:36 
JAVX_MAGNETICS 30 Σεπ 2020, 9:37 
Terrible balancing lol Tiger spam vs inf and T34, last Russian mission waste of time!
I am back 13 Αυγ 2020, 5:56 
Hello, I have been trying to learn how to script missions for my private use using your missions, along with other modders missions, to understand how to do so. And I seem to be stuck on two things. When I increase the number of waves in a different time span, it seems like certain added waves do not spawn after the first and when I tried to recreate the scouts retreating after being seen they do not seem to do so. They continue along their waypoints into the Russian line and die instead of retreating as they should do. Any help in understanding would be appreciated. (btw it is pretty much all the same except there are more waves).
Leutnant Gustav Klaebisch 27 Ιουλ 2020, 13:43 
Holy shit this mod is unbalanced. Ever heard of reinforcements. This shit is just like the movie Fury.
White 15 Ιουλ 2020, 11:19 
can you call in your own troops from off map, or do you get a pre determined amount?
Hypakritikal 13 Ιουν 2020, 22:42 
@commnder tom, play it in the editor
iua 22 Απρ 2020, 5:40 
Lightning  [Δημιουργός] 22 Απρ 2020, 2:26 
Not compataible with other mods.
gaRRythegaRmaN 21 Απρ 2020, 18:02 
There is currently an issue where it crashes on startup... Is there any way to fix this?
it states an error with first where you can either chose try again or cancel and then fully crashes once you hit cancel. (hitting try again just repeats the prompt)
2911706524 17 Απρ 2020, 21:19 
Behind Moscow,but now I find that in other tasks,as long as there are too many models,it will get stuck,maybe it is my computer configuration problem.
Lightning  [Δημιουργός] 17 Απρ 2020, 6:19 
What mission name?
2911706524 17 Απρ 2020, 3:18 
Hey brothers,in the defensive battle.whenever the enemy bombed before launching the attack,the picture would be stuck,I dont know how to solve it.
Lightning  [Δημιουργός] 15 Απρ 2020, 23:05 
For fun, not historicaly mod, coop recomended
Punished Miller 15 Απρ 2020, 7:03 
Why the hell do the Germans spam Panthers and Tigers on "D-Day" ?
DragonFire 17 Ιαν 2020, 4:07 
Hey i made a Video about your Mod i hope this is ok
TontonLeuz 25 Δεκ 2019, 4:47 
Awesome mod. Behind Moscow is the hardest of the mod.
Great job done here
reemstores10 19 Νοε 2019, 12:42 
Best Mode in EVERY way. Never crashed once in 100s of hours of play. Thanks so much.
xXPunishedJuicyguyXx 19 Νοε 2019, 5:33 
it crashes
Увага! Увага!......... 9 Νοε 2019, 21:49 
Автор,подскажи плз. какой язык??
Komorie Yuzu 8 Νοε 2019, 4:24 
Can you add a bazooka in the first box to the ardennes operation mission
rabanne978 7 Οκτ 2019, 18:02 
unrealistic and unbalanced