Spart's DLCBashes
Egir 12 Sep, 2023 @ 4:10pm 

How can I edit the XComContent ini to copy/duplicate the rebel 'leather vest+T Shirt' (last image) into the default armor list, for males specifically?
Planewalker 1 Feb, 2021 @ 12:04pm 
""So I found out that these apperence only show up if you wear the Resistance Kevlar.
best way to use this is with Uniform manager and saving the Custom character to Character pool, the arnour/outfit stay's on him/her, if that helps anyone of course.""
TannerA 6 Jan, 2021 @ 6:52am 
this mod is not working
Dick Justice 12 Dec, 2018 @ 5:35pm 
@Alexandr So how specifically do you fix it so the vests actually show up?
AlexandrClibanarius 27 Aug, 2018 @ 7:22am 
Figured out where your t-shirt - vest combinations went! I was like 'damnit, they don't appear even when I switch to Day0 armor!' and I realized why: The newer stuff's Template Names aren't unique.
Korpys 12 Sep, 2017 @ 12:00pm 
Also waiting for an adapted version, this wonderful mod !
K. Constantine 31 Aug, 2017 @ 11:27am 
Eagerly awaiting a WOTC version.
Dick Justice 30 Aug, 2017 @ 4:55am 
Works fine with WOTC for the most part, but the kevlar arm underlay has a texture glitch going on.
Red 29 Aug, 2017 @ 7:21pm 
So are these going to get updated? I think the bashes are causing me to crash without them being loaded.
Greynir 17 Aug, 2017 @ 12:44pm 
So I found out that these apperence only show up if you wear the Resistance Kevlar.
best way to use this is with Uniform manager and saving the Custom character to Character pool, the arnour/outfit stay's on him/her, if that helps anyone of course.
the_senator90 9 Aug, 2017 @ 7:15pm 
Spart nothing is showing up for me.

Is there anything I can do to fix this nonsense?
Kazraan 1 Jul, 2017 @ 2:29pm 
.... Should have been @Spart, damn phone keeps autocorrecting
Kazraan 1 Jul, 2017 @ 2:28pm 

Ah, IC. No worries then! still tremendously appreciate all your mods, they have made the Xcom experience that much richer!

Best of luck with your new rig!
Spart117MC  [author] 1 Jul, 2017 @ 11:15am 
Adding onto my last comment, I've been seeing similar issues pop up now and again with various users and I had it too before my computer died when I was working on some other cosmetic mods.
Spart117MC  [author] 1 Jul, 2017 @ 11:13am 

I haven't touched this mod since the last update back in July of last year, so nothing should have changed. Try unsubcribing and subscribing again.

If something did screw up on my end, there's actually not much I can do at the moment. My old computer died a while back and I don't have access to any of my old data. In fact I only just built myself a fresh computer so I don't even have XCOM 2 installed at the moment. Sorry.
Kazraan 1 Jul, 2017 @ 11:09am 
Hey Spart, love your stuff. However, recently going through my torso choices, and the vests with shirts underneath seem to be missing. Do I need to DL another of your mods to get them back?
FletchWazzle 21 Feb, 2017 @ 5:35am 
Lack of the Resistance DLC preventing me from rocking this to rock some GIJoe mod that requires it.
Rockett 18 Feb, 2017 @ 12:41am 
I don't have have those vests with t-shirts appearing. Any idea why?
erYsch 12 Feb, 2017 @ 11:07am 
Really nice work. It's not only said to exactly this mod. It's said to the other Bashes mods as well. Really nice work. Literally can't find any clippings. Am totally impressed. Finally a good mod without huge clippings. ♥♥♥
Swords 30 Nov, 2016 @ 4:26pm 
Arghggh. Installed some new mods and now the stocks on some weapons have no skin, they're just white and purple. Any idea how to fix that?
Spart117MC  [author] 22 Jul, 2016 @ 3:55am 
Some of these options got split off into AnarchyBashes. Assuming you've got the Anarchy's Children DLC, there might be something that catches your fancy there.
remy 22 Jul, 2016 @ 1:53am 
I'd download this.
But poor gyn doesn't have Resistance warriors. ima go kill myself now.
Spart117MC  [author] 10 Jul, 2016 @ 11:49am 
Sure thing!
G-Zeus 10 Jul, 2016 @ 11:16am 
That makes sense. I'll look into it for sure. We should keep in touch to make sure we don't overlap each other's work. I can give you a hand modeling if you need the help. It's not my favorite part but I do have a lot of photoshop experience.
Spart117MC  [author] 10 Jul, 2016 @ 11:09am 
The pain usually comes with just dealing with the number of assets, particularly if you're doing arms like I've done which means you've got some four meshes for one arm (you need a left and right version as well as male and female).
Spart117MC  [author] 10 Jul, 2016 @ 11:07am 
Splitting a full body shouldn't be that hard. I did it for the MEC when I made SPARKBashes and Resistance MECs using vertex groups to select and deselect body parts and seperating them into seperate meshes. Didn't have to rename anything or do anything else. I'd be willing to go more into detail if you need the help.
G-Zeus 10 Jul, 2016 @ 11:01am 
@Spart, I saw them and thought they looked interesting. I liked the backpack. Most of it has textures but it just needs a few tweaks here and there and the good thing is all the bones seem weighed. It should be a piece of cake to add it to the Resistance Warrior DLC gear once the textures are fixed in the leg areas.

I haven't cut off pieces of pawns and set them as arms/legs/torsos like you have so I'm not sure how much work it would be to do that.
Spart117MC  [author] 10 Jul, 2016 @ 10:55am 
Ah, alright.
Rylien 10 Jul, 2016 @ 10:54am 
What I actually meant was the arm decos like what you suggested, not the actual arms themselves. The arms would've been more of a base sort of thing.
Spart117MC  [author] 10 Jul, 2016 @ 10:52am 
Thanks man, though I'm fairly sure you would have made it much more interesting! I mean, holy shit your latest update!

I don't see why not. Worst case scenario you'd have to rescale the leather vest somewhat. There are a couple of issues though, there is no female Bradford shirt and like what happened with the leather vest mix I've got on DLCBashes there could be some clipping issues.

Also, while I've got you, do you think you could do anything with the Den Mother assets in the game? I'd do it myself but as I've said before I've got none of your texture mojo.

Well, I might be able to do it in a less difficult manner if maybe I do it as shoulder props instead of arms. I'll have to research a little more though.
Rylien 10 Jul, 2016 @ 10:49am 
Well if it's much harder, then don't worry about it. I was a bit worried about cluttering up the arms, chest and legs sections but I don't wanna cause any more extra work than I already am.
G-Zeus 10 Jul, 2016 @ 10:48am 
Do you think Bradford's shirt would fit under the Anarchy leather vests?
G-Zeus 10 Jul, 2016 @ 10:45am 
Just wanted to say great job fixing the naked Anarchy torsos. I was planning to do it but I'm glad somebody else took care of that :D .
Spart117MC  [author] 10 Jul, 2016 @ 10:38am 
I could definitely try.

There is a backpack in the game, on Den Mother's model. Unfortunately the model is completely untextured and I'm no texture artist. It might be worth asking Jsleezy if he could do it.

That would be much harder. Properly weighting the parts will be a little tricky. Also as I learned from making the arms here and for Individual Arms, arms are always a pain.
Rylien 10 Jul, 2016 @ 8:53am 
Don't suppose we could get these leg gears, ammo pouches, Advent tactical gear, knives, etc and get 'em stuck on Warden, Wraith and WAR suits (and the anarchy variants)? I think you'd be able to make it look good.

Maybe backpacks as well, but I don't know where to find one without ripping someone else's mod off :(

Also would it be too much trouble to make the pouches and stuff arm decos?
Spart117MC  [author] 6 Jul, 2016 @ 11:50am 
You're welcome.
Dragon32 6 Jul, 2016 @ 11:13am 
Cool, some Anarchy's Children stuff for my dolls. I mean soldiers.

Thanks, Spart117MC!
Evan 5 Jul, 2016 @ 8:24am 
Key resellers work well, find a legit one and buy it offa em :D
Rosenthorn 5 Jul, 2016 @ 6:30am 
It's a huge shame we can't get the Resistance Pack anymore. This mod is awesome looking.
Spart117MC  [author] 3 Jul, 2016 @ 10:21am 
Ah don't worry. If it was the mod, at least then I could try and fix it. And thanks, I'm glad to hear you're liking it. :)
Evan 3 Jul, 2016 @ 7:15am 
Also, awesome mod, I love the jacket/body armor combo without the pauldron that was really a solid brick of metal.
Evan 3 Jul, 2016 @ 7:15am 
Im 95% sure its that damm dlc, didnt mean the mod, sorry for mistyping. That dlc or an update with it is causing whole lotta trouble.
Spart117MC  [author] 2 Jul, 2016 @ 8:14pm 
Honestly, I have no idea what's going on anymore. I don't know if this mod is causing isssues, I don't know if other mods are causing issues, I don't know if a combination of mods, load order, DLC incompatibility, what. All I know is that I'm angry, annoyed, and really really sad that I can't play SLG. :(
Evan 2 Jul, 2016 @ 8:07pm 
Bleed out-ers become upside down floating turrets, the mod is breaking everything xD
Spart117MC  [author] 1 Jul, 2016 @ 10:14pm 
I'm getting weird mod stuff happening as well. For example I had teleporting troops that dissappeared when I reloaded. I narrowed it down to Advent Weapons but resubbing fixed it.

I've got this mod loaded up and things seem alright so try resubbing. That might solve it.
dmc32 1 Jul, 2016 @ 10:05pm 
Since the latest dlc this mod doesnt work for me now. I'm not using "longer names" I do use a mod called "nicknames and expanded callsigns". Your other mods do work for me though with no problem as of now. I was not able to start the game until I unsubscribed from this particular mod. Great mod when it was working for me though.
Spart117MC  [author] 30 Jun, 2016 @ 7:32pm 
It's what I'm here for. Hope your other mods still work.
LeoArcticaa 30 Jun, 2016 @ 7:18pm 
@Spart117MC ah ok, thats 2 bad but I unsubed from it now, cheers much bud.
Spart117MC  [author] 30 Jun, 2016 @ 7:17pm 
Longer Names isn't compatible with the new patch and causes crashes with customization.
LeoArcticaa 30 Jun, 2016 @ 7:13pm 
@Spart117MC, sorry forogot u made both this mode and the other one I posted on.

But yes im using longer names, is that the problem?