Space Engineers

Space Engineers

sev 30 Mar @ 1:39pm 
Roboman5e15YT 30 Mar @ 1:22pm 
Ragnarok 31 Oct, 2019 @ 8:03am 
you need to update this
Anubis4123 6 Nov, 2018 @ 9:02am 
bump, plz fix :(
Ryuki 30 Nov, 2016 @ 9:12am 
Good luck, delleds. Godspeed to you, and I hope it all goes well.
delleds 29 Nov, 2016 @ 3:13pm 
I don't think he's coming back, I'll try and look for a quick fix in the code. I don't know how complicated this is, but I've got a few computer engineer friends, so here we go.
iits_salmon 29 Nov, 2016 @ 2:20pm 
this combined with space master for ship battles is a dream come true in terms of aftermath performance!
iits_salmon 29 Nov, 2016 @ 2:18pm 
@yajiedesighn you fixed it once you can fix it again! please... i need this to run my server :'(
Ryuki 19 Nov, 2016 @ 8:40am 
StahlFaust, that is because currently the mod is broken and is in need of someone to carry on its legacy.
StahlFaust 19 Nov, 2016 @ 8:39am 
this. is. F****** AWESOME!....... but sometimes it doesent work : (
Ryuki 16 Nov, 2016 @ 11:31am 
Part of the reason why is because of how much it could easily set a player back, especially in survival.
Anonymus 16 Nov, 2016 @ 10:45am 
Sure, but it really has to be included in the game since it is an essential game mechanic.
There are hundred of reasons why it is needed, like realistic battles, realistic crashs, realistic self destructions...
Actually i wonder why it hasn`t been includede yet, it is even more important than air pressure!
Ryuki 5 Nov, 2016 @ 7:12pm 
If they do add it, it'll probably be a world option, instead of being hard baked into every world
FireBolt 5 Nov, 2016 @ 2:48pm 
Indeed ^^ plus it also makes for a very good game mechanic, to prevent the AI guns from shooting at something harmless untill it has been reduced to dust after hours. Would be best if this mechanic was picked up by the devs to implement in the main game, just like the corner lights mod
Ryuki 31 Oct, 2016 @ 9:33am 
I agree. This mod certainly makes things a lot more fun. Plus, it is very satisfying to watch a massive ship go down via cascading explosions.
flori1994 31 Oct, 2016 @ 5:30am 
thanks plaese do this as this mod is aboslutly needed
Doug Vinnie 30 Oct, 2016 @ 6:36pm 
If I possessed the knowledge and skills to fix this mod I would
Ryuki 11 Oct, 2016 @ 6:53pm 
All we need to do is find someone who would be up for fixing and maintaining the mod. Though, that'll be easier said than done.
flori1994 9 Oct, 2016 @ 5:22am 
no this mod is brocken until someone fix it
FireBolt 9 Oct, 2016 @ 3:31am 
Anyone had anymore luck with getting this to work? Not having this feels like a missing core mechanic now :<
SimplyBenjamen 3 Oct, 2016 @ 10:49pm 
I've downloaded and extracted the files but i have no idea how to script but if anyone here does i can give you the files to work with and you can upload it.
flori1994 23 Sep, 2016 @ 4:07pm 
anything new?
Ryuki 2 Sep, 2016 @ 1:39pm 
@delleds it did break in stable with the most recent update. Now it is up to someone in the community to fix it.
LordZ 2 Sep, 2016 @ 8:37am 
will this be fixed? it was amazing to use =O
delleds 2 Sep, 2016 @ 7:02am 
I think this is also broken in stable.
Ryuki 30 Aug, 2016 @ 8:17pm 
Will you be coming around to help with restoring this absolutely awesome mod that (in my opinion should be part of the base game) helps make everything seem just that little bit more epic? Or, is it time to pass on the reins to another modder?
Yual 27 Aug, 2016 @ 3:02pm 
Broken :--;
LordZ 24 Aug, 2016 @ 5:13am 
does this no longer work? D=

update? please?
PlayerX 8 Aug, 2016 @ 10:54am 
please fix it is currently broken in dev.
MrEvan312 15 Jul, 2016 @ 8:00pm 
Right now, as of Thursday the 14th. it doesn't work, but this happens all the time for Dev mode. I can't use Stable at the moment so I can't see if it works in stable. It always gets fixed at some point.
MacinTrash 9 Jul, 2016 @ 3:08pm 
so does this mod actually work fine with or without the fix in the description? i REALLY REALLY want to try this out, but the mod admin won't add what's considered broken
MrEvan312 3 Jul, 2016 @ 12:33pm 
One, I LOVE this mod with a passion as I am a filmmaker, and this mod really adds to the climax of a battle with a ship ripping itself apart. This is made even better with the new explosion particles! Two: I honestly like the consequence of losing a battle, you not longer have a massive hulk of steel armor with all the components shot out, you have to build a new ship and you have to get off your old one because you'll be blown up with it.

Ducky: What I like about the near total destruction of the ship is that one, like I said, there's a consequence to losing a fight, and two, there's this really cool debris field left over. A thin field of fragments is easier on computers/servers than a massive twisted hulk.
BonsaiMeatloaf 27 Jun, 2016 @ 9:49am 
Ascende Hologram, It's called blowing hit up is FUN
Ducky 21 Apr, 2016 @ 9:37am 
or he could make different version to suit everyone taste :)
NightOwlModeler 21 Apr, 2016 @ 8:11am 
I disagree Ducky... what's the point of grid intergrity if you get it down to 5% of the computered blocks? I think 40-60% damage is reasonable. Ships sink if you punch enough holes in them, space ships would fail if 1/2 the ship is damaged. Since we're going sci-fi here... StarTrek and StarWars ships blow up when maybe only 25-50% of the ship is damaged.
Ducky 20 Apr, 2016 @ 7:38pm 
mod is great but need rebalance.

Instead of wiping all the blocks it should maybe whipe 1/8 of the blocks and if the integrity is less than 5% then it should destroy most of the ship in a big bang.
Alister 16 Apr, 2016 @ 6:04pm 
I will say though I hope someone can make a version of this that does the same thing but does not include armour blocks, doors, and computer stuff in the explosions, so that a husk of a ship still remains that can be rebuilt to some extent.
Alister 16 Apr, 2016 @ 6:01pm 
You pretty much awnswered your own question in the first post mate, why would anyone want this? because it's fun, I don't care if it's unrealistic, it looks cool, and I want to escape a ship while it's slowly exploding because it's badass, not because I don't have any disbelief of why on earth every corridor on a ship seems to be packed with explosives, but simply because it's fun

Now if disbelief of the situation is just too much to deal with and you don't like how unrealistic it seems, maybe try this hydrogen tank explosion mod it's a little less unrealistic, and it does a similar thing in some capacity.
Cheers, Hope you enjoy that one.
sev 15 Apr, 2016 @ 2:40pm 
words words words
AscendedHologram 14 Apr, 2016 @ 10:10pm 
Now a mod that caused Hydrogen tanks to go up in a giant, fiery explosion when sufficiently damaged and then either exposed to high temperatures, some sort of open flame, electricity, or just shot, THAT I could get behind! ;~P
AscendedHologram 14 Apr, 2016 @ 10:08pm 
Soooooo...why would we want exploding nuclear reactors again? I mean, I can get the appeal, I suppose, but it's unrealistic as all Hell! ;~P lol
AscendedHologram 14 Apr, 2016 @ 10:08pm 
In short, when control is lost over a typical nuclear reactor, it doesn't explode; it "melts down." Essentially, control is lost over the self-sustaining nuclear reaction, such that they can no longer stop or slow it down. The result is that the fuel rods become SO hot that they all melt together in a large mass of super-hot nuclear fuel, when then itself proceeds to melt thru everything else, really only stopping when it hits the center of the planet.

Now, you may have seen videos of nuclear reactors exploding during the process of "melting down", but these explosions aren't nuclear. They are actually what is known as a "hydrogen explosion." This is because alpha decay is merely a proton -- a.k.a. a Hydrogen atom -- being ejected by a fissile nucleus, so if enough of these protons build up in an insufficiently ventilated area, hydrogen starts to build up which is then eventually ignited due to the heat of the melted nuclear fuel.
AscendedHologram 14 Apr, 2016 @ 10:07pm 
Because the concentration of fissile material in even lightly enriched Uranium is SO low, while a nuclear chain reaction can be sustained in such a material, a _runaway_ nuclear chain reaction -- such as that necessary to produce what is colloquially known as a "nuclear explosion" -- is utterly impossible to produce. It would be analogous to adding .7 grams of gun powder to 99.27 grams of sand and expecting it to explode when exposed to an open flame.

So-called "weapons grade" Uranium -- natural Uranium enriched such that it contains the minimal amount of fissile material necessary to practically produce a runaway nuclear chain reaction -- typically contains at least 80% U-235.
AscendedHologram 14 Apr, 2016 @ 10:07pm 
OK, so this mod makes it to where, when 30-40% of all the non-armor blocks on a grid take damage, the reactor "suffers a fatal failure" and explodes, right?

I mean, maybe this mod would have some place when role-playing other franchises (such as Star Trek with their warp cores), but speaking about otherwise Vanilla Space Engineers...why would we want this?

All the reactors in Vanilla Space Engineers are nuclear fission reactors which react Uranium fuel. Due to the age of our Solar System and other various reasons explained below, Natural Uranium consists of ~99.27% Uranium-238, which is NOT fissile, and ~0.2% Uranium-235, which IS fissile. Nuclear fission reactors fueled by Uranium -- with *VERY* few exceptions (the most notable of which, of course, being the reactors used in the U.S. Navy's nuclear submarines, which use "weapons-grade" Uranium enriched to at least 93% U-235) -- use only unenriched (and therefore natural) or only very lightly enriched (~3% U-235) Uranium.
flori1994 14 Apr, 2016 @ 2:28am 
The mod works I have tried that yesterday out.
MrEvan312 14 Apr, 2016 @ 12:44am 
Why has this mod not been updated since mid-March? No way it still works.
FireBolt 24 Mar, 2016 @ 11:37pm 
The explode-on-damage-treshhold bit of the mod seems to work. The display of % Health remaining is however not working for me.

Ps. Would anyone be able to add a functionality that it interacts with some of those LCD bar mods that are floating around the workshop, would be nice to have a visual healthbar on the LCD's
Rhedd 24 Mar, 2016 @ 4:25am 
Works fine for me.
You only need this mod, not the broken one.

I tried it with the critical jumpdrive explosion mod. SERIOUS CARNAGE!!
MrEvan312 19 Mar, 2016 @ 12:28am 
Mod is broken yet again and has not been updated so's yall no. It was updated shortly before Keen's typical castrating update.
Apple 18 Mar, 2016 @ 4:07pm 
as far as i know you have to put this mod with the broken mod as well