Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

[DST] Storeroom
quangkhaia75 13 Sep @ 8:05pm 
veter 28 Jul @ 1:00pm 
Спасибо, всё круто работает :SKULBUPLEFT:
karl2001ds 26 Jul @ 11:21am 
Отображается только рядом с научной машиной
wintermute 17 Jul @ 12:39pm 
Это не клиентский мод, а серверный
Ты точно на сервере включил?
F̶a̷n̵t҈o̸m҉ 16 Jul @ 4:00pm 
Мод включён, но нету варианта крафта в окне, при пересоздании мира ничего не изменилось :quirrel:
please help me:steamsad::steamsad:
HELP, please!!!Why did my storeroom disappear from my archive? I can enter the archive normally,and it shows on the map, but I can't see when I get home,why:steamsad:
cosine 9 Jul @ 7:11pm 
Yay, it works now! Thank you so much!!
MrM  [author] 9 Jul @ 3:05am 
crash caused by mod Automatic chest sorting
try using this
cosine 8 Jul @ 4:13pm 
Wow thanks so much for responding!! I know this is voluntary effort on your part so I super appreciate it. This is one of our favorite mods, and we can't live without it. Here's the pastebin:

After some more testing I think I can reproduce it consistently by freshly building a standard chest and immediately trying to access any storeroom. I hope this helps narrow down the issue.
MrM  [author] 8 Jul @ 2:53am 
@cosine, show the full log file, you can use the
cosine 7 Jul @ 1:54pm 
Sorry I forgot to include the logs:
[string "scripts/prefabs/treasurechest.lua"]:31: attempt to index field 'sounds' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
scripts/prefabs/treasurechest.lua:31 in (upvalue) old_open (Lua) <24-34>
inst = 125333 - storeroom (valid:true)
../mods/workshop-2321974509/modmain.lua:57 in (field) onopenfn (Lua) <53-58>
inst = 125333 - storeroom (valid:true)
scripts/components/container.lua:516 in (method) Open (Lua) <474-523>
self =
opencount = 1
ignoresound = false
onopenfn = function - ../mods/workshop-2321974509/modmain.lua:53
slots = table: 0x60003fff6900
openlist = table: 0x60003fff6980
inst = 125333 - storeroom (valid:true)
ignoreoverstacked = false
_ = table: 0x60003fff6800
onclosefn = function - ../mods/workshop-623749604/scripts/prefabs/storeroom.lua:23
doer = 132070 - wendy (valid:true)...

cut off due to length, lmk if you need more
cosine 7 Jul @ 1:11pm 
I keep randomly running into a problem where when I access the store room the entire gam crashes. So far my solution has been to roll back enough so whatever caused it to glitch during storeroom access goes away but this is making me pretty sad. Any tips? Any way to "reset" the store room? I have tried unsubscribing and resubscribing to reinstall.
kanshi gao 1 Jul @ 1:43pm 
I can't use the model in my dedicated server. I put the mod into the E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Don't Starve Together Dedicated Server\mods
but the game can't recognize it and there are no craft option in the game.
топовый мод, хз почему изначально этой самой кладовой нету в игре изначально. раньше с 30+ сундуками мог до двух игровых дней заниматься раскладкой вещей, а 6 кладовых просто выделил каждую под что-то конкретное и кайф. да и как внизу писал кто-то, мол кладовая не выгодная для постройки из-за того, что на нее больше ресов надо, но это и есть доп плата за комфорт (играю с 20 досок/4 мрамора/20 кам. блоков на 80 слотов) да и если надо кому - могут сложность постройки облегчить. с модами на 99 предметов в стаке вообще удобно
MrM  [author] 21 Jun @ 3:14am 
You can transfer this mod to the WeGame platform and change it at your discretion :)
白起43 20 Jun @ 8:52pm 
Dear author,

I am a player of DST and also a mod developer and sharer on the WeGame platform. Recently, I came across your mod on Steam and was deeply impressed by its creativity and functionality. I believe it would be well-received in the WeGame community.

Therefore, I am writing to request your authorization to transfer your mod to the WeGame platform. To ensure your rights and respect your original work, I will retain your name and provide detailed credit to you as the original author in the mod description. Additionally, I would like to integrate some of your mod's features and content into my own mod to enhance the overall gaming experience.

If you agree to grant permission, please let me know if you have any special requirements or considerations.

Thank you very much for considering this proposal, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards
DeLLnuSS 13 May @ 9:02am 
Играя за того же вуди, сундуки будут выгоднее чем хранилище, тратя 27 досок мы ставим 9 сундуков по 9 слотов каждый, итого получаем 81 слотов для хранение на одной клетке дерна, а вообще на 1 клетке дерна можно разместить куда больше сундуков
Мод работает, играбилен) Поставили с друзьями, у всех видно всё и можно использовать
MefinariErli 9 Apr @ 4:24am 
мод работает?
十六画生 30 Mar @ 6:53am 
The Angry Furry Gamer 29 Mar @ 7:22am 
is work after update?
Pharyn 26 Feb @ 10:19am 
how to open store room configuration
MrM  [author] 8 Feb @ 2:32pm 
@Closed модов с текстурой сейфа и сундука и так не мало, да и название не про этот мод.
А вот обновление текстуры тут рано или поздно выйдет, она уже даже есть :)
Closed 8 Feb @ 9:31am 
Нельзя ли сделать сейф или сундук с таким же функционалом? выглядит же ужасно и не эстетично. Только из-за вида не использую погреб, а китайские сундуки выглядят не очень, но что есть то есть
Mickmane 29 Jan @ 10:05pm 
Pauloed, not in my game.
Paulloed 29 Jan @ 4:18pm 
Small bug : even with parameter "Like an Ice Box", ice will spoil instead of no spoiling at all
PeachKiiii 18 Dec, 2023 @ 10:09am 
Love this mod. Tyty
TroLL Master 30 Aug, 2023 @ 9:00am 
works - August 2023
Dadiro 26 Aug, 2023 @ 6:47am 
For those of you who cant find the storeroom in the crafting menu, try it next to an alchemy machine.
Pac-Man 21 Aug, 2023 @ 2:20pm 
Кладовая не подсвечивается когда хочу что-то закинуть в определенную, что делать?
kemal2929 8 Aug, 2023 @ 3:40am 
update? [00:00:13]: Mod: workshop-623749604 (Storeroom) Loading modworldgenmain.lua
[00:00:13]: Mod: workshop-623749604 (Storeroom) Mod had no modworldgenmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:13]: Mod: workshop-623749604 (Storeroom) Loading modbackendmain.lua
[00:00:13]: Mod: workshop-623749604 (Storeroom) Mod had no modbackendmain.lua. Skipping.
[00:00:13]: Mod: workshop-623749604 (Storeroom) Loading modmain.lua
[00:00:13]: Warning: function AddRecipe in modmain is deprecated, please use AddRecipe2. Recipe name: storeroom
Mickmane 3 Aug, 2023 @ 3:32pm 
wblake3, search for it by name.
wblake3 3 Aug, 2023 @ 2:09pm 
I also cannot find the Storeroom in crafting menu. I used this mod many years ago and it was great. Currently my world has the Realistic Placement mod, but I cannot imagine that being a conflict.
春花朝露不知冬 22 Apr, 2023 @ 12:57am 
just simply cannot find the Storeroom in building Slot (or any Slot), i have not more storage mod
amwrag 13 Apr, 2023 @ 8:18pm 
Удивительно, это единственный мод-store в котором корректно работает опция морозилки. За что автору респект. Мне очень не хочется использовать морозилку именно в этом хранилище.
Может мне кто-нибудь помочь в исправлением какого-нибудь мода на морозильники(снижение времени порчи)
Handsome1MA 23 Mar, 2023 @ 10:41pm 
CONFIRM more storage disabled fixed my storeroom.
vaexar 22 Mar, 2023 @ 2:04pm 
Can confirm that just disabling/uninstalling More Storage lets Storeroom work again.
vaexar 22 Mar, 2023 @ 1:58pm 
I was experimenting and it seems DST Storeroom conflicts with the More Chest Storage mod. I only tested this on a newly created small world, without the Forced Biomes or Giant Size map creation mods.

Storage mods that so far seem compatible with Storeroom:
Increased Backpack Size
Increased Stack Size
Mickmane 21 Mar, 2023 @ 2:21am 
I suggest you try finding out which mod causes the conflict.

Start with checking the logfiles?
InsaneAdam27 20 Mar, 2023 @ 9:02pm 
I too have a bunch of mods, but it also Crashed server everytime anyone tried to build and place on ground.
Mickmane 16 Mar, 2023 @ 8:33pm 
Loaded game, built storeroom, placed it, opened it, no problems.

I use a ton of mods btw, so I'd be the first to expect problems.
squirrel 16 Mar, 2023 @ 8:24pm 
Crashed server everytime anyone tried to build and place on ground.
Mickmane 16 Mar, 2023 @ 8:03pm 
Loaded my game, opened storeroom, no problems.
InsaneAdam27 16 Mar, 2023 @ 7:39pm 
Causing crashing after newest update. Please advise if it is casing crashes for the rest of you. This is one of my favorite mods
geniusthemaster 21 Feb, 2023 @ 6:10pm 
cowboy.. googling that might help lol
Mickmane 7 Feb, 2023 @ 11:47am 
Cowboy Simon, that doesn't happen for me, so it must be some other mod that's messing up your storage.
Cowboy Simon. 7 Feb, 2023 @ 10:53am 
hey any idea why the storerooms get sorted by the alphabet everytime i get out of it?
Zuzorona 28 Dec, 2022 @ 5:57am 
Bardzo przydatne
Mickmane 16 Dec, 2022 @ 4:05am 
_Vadalia_, then maybe some other mod is messing with your game. It works fine for me.