ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Better Water Tanks - Suspended
42 件のコメント
>>>>>HYPERDRIVE<<<<< 2023年12月7日 0時13分 
any possibility of getting placeable water and oil veins instead of having to type in that long code every time
Lord of the Hold 2021年10月21日 19時54分 
So the game is complete... any chance of this being revived?
Lord of the Hold 2021年4月16日 22時04分 
So uh is this still working? And uh will it ever be touched again since the final DLC is coming next month?
Sadrek TTV 2017年1月11日 6時42分 
Wir nutzen diese MOD-> schaut mal vorbei =)
Manalo 2016年8月10日 15時10分 
This mod still works as of version 245.98.
Nakira1989 2016年2月18日 2時09分 
Not placeable on version 235.9
KennyBall 2016年1月14日 3時19分 
@ You who want water tanks on plattforms, use the mod "576504995 - No Collision Pipes N Cables"
and you can have this water tanks and vanilla tanks on Dino-plattforms, rafts and roofs . :D Your`e welcome ;)
Harakys  [作成者] 2016年1月13日 7時16分 
Sorry people but I tell you that I quit all developments for this game ... I can not stand the slow and constant freeze of the devkit and it's too many bugs. Add to this, all the updates of the current game, you will understand that currently, developing mods for this game is just a waste of time.

Perhaps I will continue when the game will be in it's final/stable stage.

Good game to you...
Addrianna 2016年1月12日 4時48分 
Was there any progress on the water on platforms thing? :3
Nopal 2015年12月16日 2時57分 
@harakys. That sound great. Not having water on those platforms is kind of a pain. Trying to put an enclosed farm on my raft. :)
Harakys  [作成者] 2015年12月15日 11時04分 
@ lynn.josie28 : sure, i will take a look this week-end
Xariella₰ 2015年12月14日 16時04分 
Harakys is there a way to allow the tanks to be built on a mobile base on a dino platform? or a way to mod the pipes to allow this function?
Jaxx Ziltoid 2015年11月17日 15時06分 
I like that mod. But the cpacaity for me ist a little bit over the top. 50%-60% of it were enough and the metal one should only be build at the smith. Any Chance for "light" version? :peace:
Harakys  [作成者] 2015年11月9日 11時37分 
@Merlin : Hello Merlin, what do you mean by "use"? drink or open the inventory?
Merlin 2015年11月9日 11時25分 
I am running a dedicated linux server with only this mod. As soon as I "use" the stone water tank the server crashes instantly. Running 222.6 on server and client. I also tried running this as the only mod and it crashed the server. Any suggestins or any debug output I can provide?
Harakys  [作成者] 2015年11月3日 15時43分 
Version 1.11

- Added the possibility for the Stone version to act as a floor, now you can place item on it.
SHADOW 2015年10月31日 7時59分 
Conflict with SMALL DRAGON MOD, don't know why.
Moonravin 2015年10月18日 15時27分 
ya i konw common sence right? lol XD
Harakys  [作成者] 2015年10月18日 13時45分 
@ Moonravin : of course, the stone tank is opened while the metal tank is completely closed ^^ (visually speaking :p)
Moonravin 2015年10月18日 13時04分 
so i dont see it here, but i can drink from the stone tank but not the metal one?
Harakys  [作成者] 2015年10月16日 15時40分 
Check out my new mod: Better Fence
Masamusa 2015年10月15日 16時47分 
* Server Name: TerritoGaming
* IP:
* PvP server
* taming 45x
* xp 100x
* gather 50x
* faster nights
* player levels increased to 600
* dino levels Lv 600+
* tons of engram points, learn all the stuff
* save backups
* active admin

* AkuShima
* Simple Fences/Guard Rails
* Stairs Mod with Rounded Walls
* BalistasPlus
* Medit Kit
* Metal with Glass Set
* Industrial Forge
* Dino Colors
* Crystal Lamps
* Better Supply Drops + Life
* BioTech Mod
* K9 Stacks
* Decor Plus
* Industrial Grinder
* Vault Collection
* Joan's Charcoal Baker
* Paint Mixer
* Better Tanks
* Tamable TitanBoa 2015年10月15日 8時18分 
My next mod will be named "Better Fence" because it adds real new fences with new 3d meshes (not just the foundations upped as seen everywhere ...) i love you !!!
Enverex 2015年10月14日 6時35分 
Just to clarify, I've got nothing against the name of the mod, it's the name of the in-game items that I think could be changed to better fit the asthetic.
Harakys  [作成者] 2015年10月14日 4時30分 
I will copy here what I have already replied to another post :

My first mod is called Better Solo as it improves the game for single player user, my second mod is called Better Torch because it adds new torches colors and improves the light range, my third mod is called Better Tanks because ' it adds improved water tanks, my fourth mod will be called Better xxxx and so on ....

I could have also called Harakys mod 1, Harakys mod 2, etc.

Seriously, this is just a name, read the descriptions if you want to know what they do ...

And for your info, my next mod will be named "Better Fence" because it adds real new fences with new 3d meshes (not just the foundations upped as seen everywhere ...)
Enverex 2015年10月13日 5時04分 
I'll have to agree with Dargaro on the name. "Better" is an odd choice and sounds out of place. Something more simple like "Large" would fit in better.
Extinction 2015年10月12日 14時55分 
i tested the costs of this mod now. Could you add some kind of config to increase the crafting cost? It feels like cheating having the cost of a normal tank but having 10 times as much capacity.. We would realy like to add the mod to the server, because we want to build a base in the mountains without having to use 20 normal tanks
Gharm 2015年10月12日 14時54分 
in addition to this - it seems like even if i attach a tap to a normal water reservoir, no nearby crops are irrigated. can this be cause by this mod as well?
Gharm 2015年10月12日 14時34分 
hey there. we installed this mod on our server, but everytime i try to place one on some pipes it the green preview from the positioning disappears, i cant place the better watertank anywhere. is this a known isssue or is there a simple solution? :O rly wanna use those tanks :l
Extinction 2015年10月12日 13時32分 
crafting cost?
KennyBall 2015年10月11日 6時24分 
Has anyone got this mod working on a dedicaded server? I can`t get it working on mine.
O-llama Bin Sadman 2015年10月8日 14時12分 
Can you please make normal water tanks stackable? I don't care about more water tanks, but I would like regular stone and metal water tanks to be stackable so you can make a water tower; and like if you place one on top of another of stone they will combine to give you 400 water storage. I think that would be a great idea, and it would be even better if you could get that added to official ARK servers. Thanks!
Harakys  [作成者] 2015年10月6日 9時50分 
not " always " but "already"
Harakys  [作成者] 2015年10月6日 8時07分 
UPDATED 1.1 ! :-)
Don't forget if you always have this mod before to rebuild the tanks if you want to refill empty water item directly into these new water tanks
Dargaro Inozowa 2015年10月3日 7時44分 
Nicely done. This just got added to my list. May i suggest changing the name? Maybe 'Expanded <Material> Water Tank' or 'High Capacity <Material> Tank'.
Harakys  [作成者] 2015年10月1日 13時10分 
Just a little test to see how import/export mesh work with Dev Kit :)
1kili2 2015年9月30日 18時29分 
hahaha no not a yellow duck however you could add in another item called the bathing well with a little yellow duck and it gives you some kind of small buff for a short time xDDD
Harakys  [作成者] 2015年9月30日 17時40分 
Sure ! And a yellow duck inside !!! I will try when have some times ;-)
1kili2 2015年9月30日 16時16分 
onyheart's idea is nice but instead of with no lit try to place the lit on the side leaning against the tank or just half slid off of it that would be awesome
Harakys  [作成者] 2015年9月30日 11時23分 
Nice idea but i need to learn more the Dev Kit to make that. Adding in my todo list :)
Onyxheart 2015年9月30日 7時05分 
are there any plans to alter the tanks models, much like you have the picture of the tank on your mod's thumbnail; a water tank with no lid would be a neater look imo
Harakys  [作成者] 2015年9月30日 4時26分 
Forgot to add this note in the description : "Better Metal Water Tank Engrams go directly into your craft list, no need the smithy to craft it. Because I did not want to touch the smithy for better compatibility with future updates of the game".