Company of Heroes 2

Company of Heroes 2

All Units (170 added)
SneakEye  [author] 20 Jul @ 11:52am 
@Sisudatu, Yes, the AI has resource modifiers to compensate for their lack of strategy, similar to vanilla.
Easy: x0,6
Standard: x1
Hard: x1,25
Expert: x1,5
Sisudatu 20 Jul @ 11:48am 
does the AI cheat on hard difficulty? it seems to be able to make way more units than me on hard
SneakEye  [author] 20 Jul @ 12:39am 
@licsbruno, I received a lot of complains that the manpower cache was unbalanced.
licsbruno 19 Jul @ 5:24pm 
¿porque quitaron la construcción del manpower de los soviéticos? era lo único que medio equilibraba el juego.

Why the manpower construction for the soviets is no more?
is the only thing that the game were more equal
SneakEye  [author] 13 Jul @ 12:44am 
@Beau, Very disappointing indeed. Luckily there are still plenty of modmakers active for CoH2 and even datamined the latest data! It is now possible to manually update the mod tools for CoH2:
Beau 12 Jul @ 8:37pm 
Thank you sir! coh3 is really disappointing in modding. And they still didn't update the coh2 modding tool with new data, which must have put a lot of hurdles in your work. I left modding for years because of that, and I am distressed to find nothing has changed for better as I returned recently.
SneakEye  [author] 12 Jul @ 10:07am 
@Beau, Hey, I have not modded CoH3, so I cannot help you. Probably best to ask in the CoH3 discord, coh3 modding section:
KROENEN 11 Jul @ 11:52pm 
que buena onda
Beau 11 Jul @ 11:49pm 
Hello sir, it’s been a long time since I asked for your help with coh2 modding. I am recently trying to modifying coh3, simply on squad loadouts and weapon data. But I encountered problems each time using Essence Editor to open attributes, where a range of error code saying “Instance instanceRef presentation_entity_override in file xxx references an instance that doesn't exist. Value changed to null”. This makes my mod lose all ui texts, which cannot be simply cloned as in coh2. I couldn’t find answers elsewhere, and that propels me to seek for your rescue. Dear sir, do you have any idea about that issue? Thanks sincerely!
Some error messages are as below:
Instance instanceRef default in file attrib:\instances\ebps\races\common\missions\vehicles\sherman_po.xml references an instance that doesn't exist (00000000000000000000000000000000:ebps\races\british\wrecks\sherman_wreck_uk). Value changed to null.Instance instanceRef default in file
xxx8110 8 Jul @ 1:32pm 
i love this mod ! cant wait for the next update
RaNgeR 27 Jun @ 8:01am 
@SneakEye, oh, okay. Didn't remember that, so I apologize for my ignorance. Thanks for the help :)
SneakEye  [author] 27 Jun @ 7:40am 
@RaNgeR, A tuning pack, like this mod, cannot change the zoom distance. You need a win condition/gamemode to do that. There are various on the workshop, like this:
RaNgeR 27 Jun @ 7:35am 
Hey, there. I used to play a lot with this mod and it's always great. Recently I started playing CoH2 again and wanted to try out All Units once more. I couldn't get past the first few minutes of a session due to the very inconvenient zoom of the camera. I don't remember the zoom being so close to the ground, but it really is unplayable imo.
4f† Natas ♥ 29 May @ 12:44am 
Wish spearhead had this :(
Ellie 19 May @ 8:19am 
Doesn't look like it mattered, I was able to log in and have now connected my steam account to my forum account, will look into making a post.
Ellie 19 May @ 6:46am 
I've registered, though they haven't sent me the confirmation email yet, it's been an hour, do you know how long it generally takes?
Ellie 19 May @ 4:11am 
Thank you for your reply :) I will take a look, but do contact me later next week, it would be nice to chat regarding CoH2 modding, we are aren't a common breed hahaha.
SneakEye  [author] 19 May @ 4:03am 
@Ellie, Hi, at the moment I cannot access a pc to help, but would recommend to create a thread on . Hopefully other modmakers will help, otherwise I can take a look later next week.
Ellie 18 May @ 11:53pm 
Hello SneakEye, I am just writing this comment as I'm not sure where to turn. I am attempting to mod the game myself but have hit a seemingly impassible obstacle, and cannot find any resource out there which has the solution.

I would just like to ask if you would be so generous as to look into it with me, there are other ways of achieving what I want to do but it wouldn't be the same. If you do agree, you can reply to this comment or alternatively if you have Discord my name is "ellie7598".
SneakEye  [author] 15 May @ 1:48pm 
@jerecher, Thanks, that is great to hear! I am not playing CoH3 at all since it is lacking content and has too few modding options. Other players indeed made mods which add some units, but I don't know if those are similar to this mod.
jerecher 14 May @ 11:59pm 
@SneakEye Just wanted to say a great mod for COH2. Ive been playing it nonstop since u released it. Just a small question, will you be porting this mod to COH3? i feel the COH3 factions are severely lacking in units, defenses and structures. i Tried looking for all units for coh3 but its not by you?
SneakEye  [author] 14 May @ 11:00pm 
It probably feels much harder than vanilla, because the AI now actually spends all of its resources and keeps attacking instead of being idle.
SneakEye  [author] 14 May @ 10:52pm 
@Herbie420, Just watch a replay and see were their resources come from. Or just lower the difficulty settings. There are no infinite resources, unless you selected an income modifier gamemode.
Herbie420 14 May @ 9:35pm 
This is quite possibly the worst, most dog shit mod ive ever played lmao. The units added are cool, the combat changes arent. 10 minutes in, youre spammed by never ending panzers (while the graph shows youve produced more material than them}. Enemy arent beholden to points captured or material gains, it doesnt matter to them. they have infinite resources and infinite manpower.
SneakEye  [author] 9 May @ 12:39am 
@balderus, Hard and expert gain indeed more resources. The AI is general is not smart and is boosted in other ways to make it harder. The mod even reduced the cheats compared to vanilla.
balderus 8 May @ 7:16pm 
well...its seems like the AI is broken because, in normal difficulty is easy but in hard difficulty they are just spamming tanks all the time

On the other hand, I love the AI ​​improvements, but they seem to have infinite resources.
SneakEye  [author] 5 May @ 12:54pm 

- Changed OKW HQ design with improved pathing
- Small global improvements

Full changelog:
SneakEye  [author] 28 Apr @ 7:53am 
HeavenStormer5249 23 Apr @ 6:35am 
Thanks @SneakEye! Love the new changes! Keep it up and great work as always!

Found another bug but not sure if it's intended behavior.. the USF 57mm AT emplacement seems to chase an enemy unit and rearranges itself. Once the chased unit is gone, the position of the gun stays there, same happens on the UKF 17 Pdr emplacement. Haven't tried on the Soviet 45mm/ZiS emplacement though.
폭풍을 뚫는 쿠팡맨 19 Apr @ 4:30pm 
I checked and it was real. Thank you for your detailed work. :) :steamthumbsup:
SneakEye  [author] 19 Apr @ 9:59am 
@폭풍을 뚫는 쿠팡맨, The winter portrait did not match the model uniform. It was the summer uniform with a scarf.

@Loitschnand, The Wehrmacht 251 has other utility like the Observation upgrade and like you said, it would indeed overlapp with the Opep Blitz. I try to give units unique roles and different upgrades.
폭풍을 뚫는 쿠팡맨 19 Apr @ 5:35am 
hmm.. I think no need to be change Volksgrenadiers portrait
[OLSENBANDE] Loitschnand 10 Apr @ 11:10am 
Hello there,
I love your mod! :retreat:

Could i ask you to make a small change to the Wehrmacht?
I realy would love it if you could give the Wehrmachts SdKfz 251 the same Ambulance improvement that the OKW gets. I know they have got the Opel Blitz for it but i realy would like it if you could make this change to give us the additional option for the 251.

Thank you for reading and for the best MOD for this game.
SneakEye  [author] 7 Apr @ 10:03pm 

- New portrait for the mortars when captured with OKW
- New portrait for Volksgrenadiers in winter maps
- Armored Skirts for the Pershing and Churchill renamed to Additional Armor
- Minor tweaks in veterancy bonuses
- Various bugfixes

Full notes:
SneakEye  [author] 7 Apr @ 10:50am 
@HeavenStormer5249, Good idea to rename them. I think package in game terms implies it unlocks something more, like smoke for the king tiger, bit will think of an alternative.
I can look for different models. The ones the wehrmacht uses are a bit big to fit in the OKW HQ.
HeavenStormer5249 7 Apr @ 10:16am 
Thanks @SneakEye! No problem! :) still hunting for bugs. All good on the AI. They're indeed unpredictable.

Adding a suggestion for the armor upgrades (specifically for the Pershing, Churchills and/or others), rename it to "Defensive Package" instead (similar to the King Tiger). Just something I thought about since the "Armored Skirts" for them does not appear at all (unlike the T-34-76 which has actual armor skirts attached).

For OKW, the weapon crates show the Bazooka and M1919, maybe change it to be the same or similar like the Wehr one.

And as always, thanks for the great work!
SneakEye  [author] 2 Apr @ 8:09am 
@Kloß_Kombat, That is right, only OKW can build them. The Wehrmacht can use the ability in the commander list 'Allied Reinforcements' to get a random set of OKW units, which has a chance to spawn a King Tiger.

@HeavenStormer5249, Thanks for more reports :) I will do my best to fix them, though the OT-34 smoke might be out of my control.
I tried to influence the capture behavior of the AI, crews and engineers got a high priority to crew weapons and tanks while other infantry super low. The behavior is still unpredictable.
HeavenStormer5249 2 Apr @ 6:07am 
Thanks @SneakEye, no problem on the voice lines :)

I found other bugs as well:

Sturmpioneers can no longer pick up weapons if a squad member dies and drops the panzerschreck with the combat package upgrade.

When you try to build the Sherman Croc or OT-34 and if you keep dragging it while choosing a location to build, it leaves a trail of dust (seems to be mini erupting dust from the looks of it) that remains all throughout the game. It somehow impacts performance because of the massive amount of dust when you keep dragging it.

Not sure if this was requested before, but is it possible to prevent the AI from occupying empty vehicles? Just encountered one earlier where I just exited out of a King Tiger to make it Hull Down then AI just passing by immediately occupied that tank. :\

Maybe make the AI not occupy vehicles that belonged to you before.. hopefully it's possible but I understand if it cannot be done :) TIA!
Kloß_Kombat 2 Apr @ 3:47am 
@SneakEye But as far as I see those are only available for Oberkommando West, right? Is there any function to get it as standard Germany? Thank you for the response!
SneakEye  [author] 1 Apr @ 9:54pm 
@Panthaquest, I have to look into the stats to be able to decide what a fair buff would be. Unreliable weapon often have faster reload to compensate. I'll also validate the Land Mattress abilities.
@Kloß_Kombat, The King Tiger is available in the HQ instead of a global ability. The Sturmtiger is available in the Schwerer Panzer Headquarters (T3). These guides might be of help:
Kloß_Kombat 1 Apr @ 1:15pm 
Any idea why there is no king- and sturmtiger in the mod?
Panthaquest 1 Apr @ 5:35am 
also it feel like the accuracy on the WP and HE rockets for the land mattress was supposed to be the other way around, because the HE is all over the place but the WP is pinpoint accurate, while you'd want HE concentrated in one spot but the WP spread out to catch as many things as possible
Panthaquest 1 Apr @ 5:05am 
Can the PIAT get some kind of buff or something? they are genuinely godawful, and it means your entire AT if you pick the tacops centre is basically just crossing your fingers and hoping a tank doesn't show up
C C D F 30 Mar @ 1:00am 
i thought if i downloaded this mod i couldve unlock us faction in skirmish mode hehe
leon2356 29 Mar @ 5:05pm 
@SnakeEye aw. That sad. Thanks for the response, I'll still download it and give it a try, looks fun!
SneakEye  [author] 29 Mar @ 1:28pm 
@leon2356, The campaign cannot be modded at all for this game, so no.
leon2356 29 Mar @ 11:59am 
Does this work on campaign or na?
SneakEye  [author] 29 Mar @ 8:56am 
@C C D F, The steps are explained at 'How to install' in the description above. Is there a specific step in which you encounter a problem?
C C D F 29 Mar @ 8:17am 
Hello im a newbie in this game can you help me activate this mod?
SneakEye  [author] 28 Mar @ 10:48am 
@LordHoek, Do you have many subscriptions? It can take a while for the game to download them all. To force the game to download everything: go to the ingame 'Modding hub' > upper right tab 'Manage' and click 'Refresh'. Keep the window open until everything is downloaded/updated. It can take a while because the game validates one item at a time.