Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Star Trek Module 9 - Shuttle Kit 1.5
Qarannia  [author] 24 Aug @ 7:39am 
@jivaii Trust me, you're not the only one who doesn't get why these things are the way they are. I remember having endless issues with sequencing weapons in WeaponCore and constantly being told by the WC devs that everything was working as intended. After weeks of trying, in desperation one day I stripped all the weapons off the ship and put new ones on. Bam, it worked! Did the same on all my grids and they worked as well. Why? Who knows; I certainly don't.

But I do feel your pain.
jivaii 23 Aug @ 3:35pm 
I don't get it. Started up another save with the same mods, no problem.
jivaii 23 Aug @ 2:22pm 
There was no change. still having the issue in offline SP.
jivaii 23 Aug @ 2:18pm 
Playing on co-op, with all 15 modules, Build Info/Build Vision, Star Trek Respawn ships, Star Trek Encounters 2.6, nanobot build and repair, and aww scrap. Included are their dependencies

I'm going to try it on SP now and see if that changes anything.
Qarannia  [author] 23 Aug @ 2:15pm 
@jivaii Well I haven't personally experienced this but I will go and test it once more under survival conditions to see if anything odd crops up. The only thing I can't do at the moment is test it on a server so if ToolCore or anything else is acting weirdly on a server I can't really do much about it.
jivaii 23 Aug @ 2:12pm 
I can confirm that I also have the issue of being unable to transfer stuff from the salvager into anything other then the drill, and likewise from the drill elsewhere. The drill will still empty into other inventories though.

It also didn't stop when I deactivated it when it was full and just leaving scrap about.
ATepidCupOfTea 3 Aug @ 2:52am 
Yeah I suspect thats the case. Thanks for the help anyway
Qarannia  [author] 2 Aug @ 6:19am 
@ATepidCupOfTea I can't say for sure but I suspect it's something server side that's causing a weird side effect that I can't reproduce. Maybe another mod or script conflicting with ToolCore and how it uses the Sorter block type; I really don't know.
ATepidCupOfTea 1 Aug @ 3:51pm 
Okay, done some further testing. It seems to allow item transfer initially, but then stops after using the salvage beam to scrap some blocks. Weirdly I can move items from the salvager to the drill, but not into any other cargo.
ATepidCupOfTea 1 Aug @ 8:55am 
Thanks for the reply! Giving it another go today, I think it might be an issue with the server tbh but I will let you know what I find
Qarannia  [author] 1 Aug @ 2:03am 
@ATepidCupOfTea Not sure why it isn't working for you to be honest. I just loaded up a survival world and took my shuttle and went and ground down an old grid. After filling up all the cargo spaces (cargo, connector, salvager and both cockpits) I docked and was able to transfer all the salvaged components from the shuttle to the large grid's cargo hold.

So it definitely works under at least that set of conditions. The trick now is to identify if there's something unique about your build or set of conditions that is stopping components moving between the salvager and other blocks.
Qarannia  [author] 1 Aug @ 1:31am 
@ATepidCupOfTea Hmmmm, I'll have to check this out. I've not had any issues transferring items up to now. The Salvager is (supposed to be) connected by a built in conveyor.
ATepidCupOfTea 31 Jul @ 4:23pm 
Hi. Love the shuttle kit, but I am having issues transferring items from the Salvager. Is there any external access, or have I missed a part that provided conveyors?
Qarannia  [author] 25 Jun @ 3:26pm 
@Anervouslhasaapso Thank you so much. Maybe I'll be inspired some day to build another one like the Danube; I do like it, along with the Delta Flyer.
Anervouslhasaapso 25 Jun @ 1:54pm 
I absolutely love this thing, kinda wish there were a Danube and a type 6 variant
amazing work Qarannia, thank you for all these wonderful mods
Qarannia  [author] 8 Jun @ 5:46am 
@B.R. NortherlyRose Lol, yeah I know, but I also know that it can be a bit annoying when things change too many times, forcing one to re-do work one has already done. But no more changes for the foreseeable future; I'm working on other things now.
B.R. NortherlyRose 2 Jun @ 5:03pm 
@Qarannia ah that was a just reference, its not like i had to build a battlestar by hand or something
MK84 2 Jun @ 12:13pm 
Do you have a link to the SketchUp model?
Qarannia  [author] 2 Jun @ 6:26am 
@[ST-R] Solutech [ST] Oof; as long as the damage was contained. Situations like this aren't ideal so I try to only do them when absolutely necessary. Murphy's Law that three such situations all happened with the shuttle so soon after one another.
Qarannia  [author] 2 Jun @ 6:24am 
@B.R. NortherlyRose Promise this is the last time. Unless Keen breaks something again.
Qarannia  [author] 2 Jun @ 6:24am 
@MK84 No I didn't. My area of expertise lies in the modding arena. It was a free to use with attribution off of SketchUp.
MK84 2 Jun @ 5:59am 
Cool Type 9 shuttle. Did you model it?
B.R. NortherlyRose 25 May @ 1:39am 
We can rebuild...
[ST-R] Solutech [ST] 25 May @ 1:37am 
lol well that explains why my entire starship was shaking itself to death ..... Oh well no harm done just 3 trashed shuttles :D
Qarannia  [author] 23 May @ 3:02pm 
@[ST-R] Solutech [ST] Good news! I have spoken to my shuttle engineers and they have agreed to open some more internal space in the Type 9. So now you'll be able to wedge in your ore detector and more besides. No word on how many extra blocks, but they've promised me a minimum of 13, maybe more.

As punishment however, they have explained that everyone will have to rebuild the back half of their shuttles (again). This is the price we pay for progress. :steammocking: Coming soon!
Qarannia  [author] 22 May @ 5:04am 
@[ST-R] Solutech [ST] I'd have to change one of the block types / add a new variant. It wasn't designed for adding a great many blocks; I figured 13 would be enough. You can get creative with some of them though, like the shield emitter. You might be able to squeeze that in at the bottom below the bottom row of blocks since it's only a half block high.
Qarannia  [author] 22 May @ 5:02am 
@Sebastian Rowelle @mac124568 I built one today in survival mode for a change instead of just spawning one in. All the conveyored blocks were correctly connected once everything was welded up; I use BuildInfo's built in conveyor checker to see. If you use BI you can look at the grid and type in chat /BI CN to toggle this. Anything not connected shows up in red.

I mined a full load of ore; filled up every space except the grinder which won't take ore by default (though you can manually move ore in there) and then dropped it off at a large grid connector. Had no problems moving all the ore to the large grid cargo hold.

Then salvaged a random ship I spawned in from a BP. Grinder put all the components in every space it could find on the shuttle (except the drill, see above). Again, dropped all the components off at the large grid connector and stuffed them all in the large grid cargo no problem.
[ST-R] Solutech [ST] 21 May @ 1:12am 
Having a ton of fun with these modules . Any chance you can slip an ore detector into the build somehow. Managed to get shielding and ai blocks in the cargo compartment but space is at a premium in there lol .
mac124568 20 May @ 3:42pm 
I had the same issue for a while if you remember. Left it alone since i thought you updated it. Only difference was it happened to the Docking port for me. My best guess is the game doesn't load the parts correctly on rare occasions.
Qarannia  [author] 20 May @ 1:12pm 
@Sebastian Rowelle I'm still trying to understand what causes that to happen; only had two reports on it so far and haven't been able to replicate it myself. So far for me everything connects and I can transfer stuff between all the containers. I will keep looking for answers.
Sebastian Rowelle 19 May @ 9:22pm 
just came across an issue... the Salvager and Drill units do not seem to be connected to the rest of the ship, as far as transferring cargo is concerned. they load up with ore and components, but there's nothing i can do to actually remove them from the ship afterwords as they dont connect to the Docking port. still love it, just trying to be helpful.
Qarannia  [author] 18 May @ 1:55pm 
@Sebastian Rowelle Having learned the trick from my Viper Kit I made sure to include room for the Defense Shield blocks. Can't have a Star Trek ship without shields. :steamhappy:
Sebastian Rowelle 18 May @ 1:10pm 
i love this. the only thing it doesn't have that i wish it did is Defense Shields, but there's enough room to add them yourself without compromising it's appearance. plus the Type 9 is my favorite Star Trek shuttlecraft, so i'm doubly happy that you did this one first. many thanks and applause for such great content.
Qarannia  [author] 18 May @ 9:24am 
@Federation Cosmic-Bolt Well I have a ready-made Peregrine in Module 7 so who knows.
Qarannia  [author] 18 May @ 9:24am 
@B.R. NortherlyRose Thank you for the kind words. People don't realise sometimes the effect their words can have, for good or bad. Most of us didn't get into modding because we were looking for praise, but I won't lie, it helps motivate us when we know there are people who like what we build. Enjoy the mods. :steamhappy:
B.R. NortherlyRose 18 May @ 7:59am 
@Qarannia you're welcome man, your stuf is amazing, your mods are pivotal in all my builds, so I'm pretty sure you did a really nice job
Qarannia  [author] 18 May @ 7:32am 
@B.R. NortherlyRose Thanks; it certainly takes a bit of fiddling to overcome some of the games restraints but it works pretty well overall so I'm happy.
Qarannia  [author] 18 May @ 7:31am 
@Kirito Pretty sure a survival kit is too big. The space for extra blocks is only 1 block wide. Even if you had a modded survival kit that would fit I doubt you could actually access the panel to recharge and it also wouldn't be conveyored.

I suppose you could stock it up with lots of bottles and stuff and maybe use it as a respawn ship then but it certainly wasn't designed as such.
B.R. NortherlyRose 18 May @ 5:01am 
as long as it fits in the space we have it *should*, unless it needs a conveyor connection, I dont rember if it does or doesn't, as I havent touched the block in while, lol
Kirito 18 May @ 3:37am 
One question: can you also build a survival kit and use it as a respawn ship?
Federation Cosmic-Bolt 15 May @ 8:28pm 
legit, honestly would love to see the Peregrine Fighter be done like this
B.R. NortherlyRose 15 May @ 11:06am 
@Qarannia I also plead guitly for not reading, but i guessed since I can put ai blocks in your Viper Mk II, I could do it here too, just took some finicking around, and yea sucks to hear bout keen's restraints, well you delivered on something good looking and amazing despite that so, at least it's still doable
Qarannia  [author] 15 May @ 8:03am 
@Jasper Lol, so you know how I feel. And much of the original guide is also applicable to the new modular system, but there are a few major differences. Anyway, I'm glad you've had a look through it; hopefully the bit about adding extra blocks to the shuttle is clear enough.
Jasper 15 May @ 7:54am 
@Qarannia, re: not reading the guide, I plead guilty as charged. I've read and referred to the Star Trek Mod Pack guide many times, and thought I knew everything - obviously not. Reading the new guide now. BTW, I understand the tears. I try to put critical info for my server in multiple places. Maybe 1 in 10 actually reads any of it.
Qarannia  [author] 15 May @ 7:31am 
@mac124568 So I just took my Type 9 that I built this morning after the 1.1 update and I checked the conveyor network and they all connect fine. I was able to move a stack of ore between all the conveyored blocks, from the pilot's cockpit at the front to the salvager at the back. I also went mining and filled up everything except the salvager; it accepts ore but not straight from the drill (I think that's ToolCore doing that). The Torpedo Launcher accepted torpedoes into it's inventory as well.

When I use BuildInfo to visualize the conveyor network it shows that everything is connected with no problems as well. So I'm not sure what to make of the issue you're having as I can't reproduce it (yet).
mac124568 15 May @ 6:24am 
Honestly that's a shame. i do want to highlight though that i think this is permanently broken due to the orientation problems, the drill won't transfer to the cargo containers due to the ports not lining up. So unless you do something like the old StarGate Puddlejumper kit i don't think this will work properly again
Qarannia  [author] 15 May @ 6:08am 
@mac124568 It's been that way (for thrusters and a few other blocks) since SE began; I doubt it'll change now.

The reason it's never been an issue is that no-one (to my knowledge) has ever made "blocks" like this that aren't actually block shaped. It's kinda like when I was growing up the only Lego that was everywhere was the original block shapes. Then, as time passed, Lego started introducing the moulded kit pieces so now my son's Star Destroyer has pieces that only fit a certain way and can only be used for that specific purpose. Some would argue that it's not true Lego anymore; I just see it as more of an evolution of the toy; more realistic but also more restrictive.

Thus it is with this mod; I can make it look cool but I still have to obey Keen's rules. :steamhappy:
mac124568 15 May @ 5:58am 
Well that just plain sucks, hope that Keen changes that slightly or you can find some work around in the future.
Qarannia  [author] 15 May @ 5:35am 
@mac124568 Most likely because of the need to make the physical bottom of the connector block actually be "forward" in SE's terms. This is the new check that Keen implemented. So now the BuildInfo / BuildVision and the like show the "forward" blue arrow where the physical bottom of the shuttle is.

Regardless of where forward and up are though, the block only fits one correct looking way onto the shuttle so there's not much more I can do. It's the same reason some of the RCS thruster blocks are on their side by default and have to be rotated to fit. SE dictates that the thruster flame can only be placed in a certain direction on the block. So "forward" on the block isn't always going to be forward on the actual shuttle.