Rocket League

Rocket League

ThundaSurge's Rings 2024 #9
SurTaTeuch 2 May @ 5:51am 
ThundaSurge  [author] 30 Apr @ 7:32pm 
@Mr.Burns, the best I could do is make a version where it loads the next map in the series. But I would have to figure out how or where I can upload that as steam may not be the best place to re-upload everything. I have a google drive with all map links but steam doesn't like external links sometimes. The reason I have been making separate maps is that it allows me to make a rings map whenever I want and release it without having to finish a billion levels.
Mr. Burns 30 Apr @ 7:58am 
Is it possible to do a map where you combine all the mini maps you have produced together into one big map? If not I appreciate you for putting these out regardless.
++++ 24 Apr @ 1:16pm 