True Champions of Chaos
72 bình luận
Cerb  [tác giả] 26 Thg06 @ 8:34pm 
Changed them to 40/50% in mod now
Cerb  [tác giả] 25 Thg06 @ 2:34pm 
Will do, thanks.
Vaxar Kun 25 Thg06 @ 9:14am 
Might need to tweak Khorne mortal units - all of them have 35% spell resistance in vanilla now - some of the units with this mod have lower
Cerb  [tác giả] 12 Thg05 @ 1:08am 
I sent you a friend request, just accept, dump info in and then block me if you want lol
Elemental Israelite 11 Thg05 @ 9:33pm 
Okay! Um... how do I PM somebody in Steam? Lol...
Cerb  [tác giả] 11 Thg05 @ 7:18pm 
Yeah ill be doing an SFO version, i like how themed each of the chaos factions are in this mod, they all seem significantly different, which i dont even feel in SFO tbh.

And yeah of course, always looking for ideas :)
Elemental Israelite 11 Thg05 @ 5:18pm 
I imagine this mod does not need an SFO equivalent because they already do something similar with the chaos warriors and the chosen on their own? Or would you consider making an SFO version of this mod that gives them this version's model count but strengthens them even further than SFO?

Also... any chance I could toss an idea to you through PM? I have no clue how to message mod authors on here but I have a comprehensive Chaos faction mod idea and I need to tell someone with modding capabilities before I burst! :3
Cerb  [tác giả] 10 Thg05 @ 3:34pm 
Didnt work anyway, the charge distance seemed to be the same regardless of what i set it to, upped their base speed a little instead and their acceleration.
Cerb  [tác giả] 9 Thg05 @ 5:42am 
Different for each unit type, cav is often 30-40, inf usually 20-30
Vaxar Kun 9 Thg05 @ 5:37am 
damn, if i wanted to micro, i'd play slaanesh /s

Thanks for the update. Normally, when does a unit start charging? 30m?
Cerb  [tác giả] 9 Thg05 @ 4:15am 
Yeah thats fair, in keeping with the nurgle theme ive kept their base speed low, but on the charge (which they start at 60m away), they'll speed up to nearly double their base speed. So theyre fast if you keep them charging and frenzied, but amazing for long distance repositioning, if that makes sense
Vaxar Kun 9 Thg05 @ 2:45am 
ah - the DoT icon looks the same for all, didnt catch that. Will see how they are. Shame about the speed though - them having less armor, and not as bulky mount could warrant for minor speed increase i think?
Cerb  [tác giả] 9 Thg05 @ 12:01am 
Theyre the only one of the nurgle roster touched by this mod to have a poison, and its a different poison effect that stacks with regular poison, and they should be considerably higher AP damage with a lot higher melee attack balancing the lower overall damage, and they also have 500 hp/entity compared to chaos knights at 320
Vaxar Kun 8 Thg05 @ 11:56pm 
looking at the rot knights (ongoing campaign), feel like they just became bit worse than chaos knights while they are supposed to be somewhat an upgrade i think, further blessed by nurgle. (with TTC on they are special 3 instead of special 2 of knights)

Sure they have more AP damage but otherwise pretty much similar stats, except 20% lower ward save - also no shield and lower armor. Havent tested them out in battle yet, but they no longer seem that amazing.

just initial rumblings, will see how it goes
Cerb  [tác giả] 8 Thg05 @ 5:50pm 
Updated, brought rot knights into similar balance levels, but kept their high damage flavour.

Fixed chieftain units number counts.
Vaxar Kun 7 Thg05 @ 2:52am 
he also has some chaos dwarf units, so those would need to be tweaked in your other mod
thanks for the quick replies / actions
Cerb  [tác giả] 7 Thg05 @ 12:41am 
True, i havent really looked at the updates for this patch, thanks
Vaxar Kun 7 Thg05 @ 12:14am 
while you are at it, can you look at the unique chieftain units? one of them gives aspiring champions and its still 16 entities. Likely, rot knights will likely have different entries in the table too
Cerb  [tác giả] 6 Thg05 @ 8:33pm 
Cheers mate, ill hopefully have time in the next couple of days, would suggest looking through my older stuff, in particular leadership matters and impetuous troops, adds a lot of depth to battles :).
Death1565 6 Thg05 @ 8:31pm 
Ya ultimately its your mod and you could do whatever you want with that. Ya they should be the equivalent of Skullcruhers being the most elite knights of nurgle, basically Kayzyk but to a lesser extend. Great mod look forward to what mods you do next.
Cerb  [tác giả] 6 Thg05 @ 5:16pm 
Ahhh i see, theyre just mutated chaos warriors, rather than true forsaken, ill do a balance pass at them then :), my bad. Also, maybe i should do a minor version for forsaken if theyre not as common?
Death1565 6 Thg05 @ 4:56pm 
Ya but there not forsaken though the rot knights are just blessed by nurgle. Maybe could you have them at the same size of chaos knights in terms of unit size? Also forsaken are pretty rare anyways lore wise especially compared to chaos warriors. Love the mod though look forward to seeing what your are doing next.
Cerb  [tác giả] 1 Thg05 @ 8:30pm 
Updated, not going to include rot knights as they are forsaken on mounts, and im trying to keep forsaken more numerous by comparison to the true champions who bear their gifts and don't fall to madness. Also means theyll have a different feel to them compared to the crusher variants.
Cerb  [tác giả] 1 Thg05 @ 4:17pm 
Thanks :) yeah they do lol
Vaxar Kun 1 Thg05 @ 3:18pm 
fair enough. Enjoy playing!

i wont be able ot play for the next few days. Loaded in few custom battles to look at stuff and man, do warriors and chosen feel weird having 100-80 entities after this mod :)
Cerb  [tác giả] 1 Thg05 @ 3:12pm 
I'll be having a look at all the new stuff and see how it fits, still doing playthroughs to test mechanics
Vaxar Kun 1 Thg05 @ 3:08pm 
i assume you'll eventually include rot knights here? if so i take it they will be similar to skullcrushers?
Vaxar Kun 1 Thg05 @ 2:16am 
it was bit toughter than it looked - i actually had to use healing from the survival battle thingy, and also had to TP away and resummon one warrior. And i also used way more offensive magic than intented

it was overall good - warriors pack a punch, and hard to kill. Chosen were fun too, tho i mostly had them against non-highly armored foes.
Cerb  [tác giả] 30 Thg04 @ 7:41pm 
Look pretty solid, how did you find it?
Vaxar Kun 30 Thg04 @ 4:03pm 
BTW completed valkia campaign, same zanbajin battle + stats below if you are curious (this was old skullcrushers)

Still fun stuff. im just not sure where the berserk comes from :thinking:

it definitely went better with nurgle :)
Cerb  [tác giả] 30 Thg04 @ 5:51am 
Youre right, they all looked a bit weak, boosted their mass by a ton, gave them a lot more charge bonus and a little more wep strength and splash.
Vaxar Kun 30 Thg04 @ 2:39am 
can you look at Skullcrushers (non ror). They dont really seem to worth it over chaos knights of khorne (lances) - in below pics, i compared them against each other - level 9 xp, with woc red line buffs

like they pretty much have the same stats, but half the entities
Cerb  [tác giả] 29 Thg04 @ 8:16pm 
(widening the gap in the case of a chaff mod), i could perhaps do a mod that doubles unit entities taking into account the lowered entities in many of my units?
Cerb  [tác giả] 29 Thg04 @ 8:15pm 
Yeah ill be porting this to SFO soon, and im not sure i like the idea of widening the gap too much, if you have units of 8/16 chaos knights going up against units of 320 skaven or orks, and winning against likely multiple units in a row the killcounts are going to be crazy :D
Death1565 29 Thg04 @ 7:36pm 
Also do you plan to do this for SFO aswell?
Death1565 29 Thg04 @ 7:36pm 
You could also do a chaff mod if that makes sense. Since in the lore greenskin/beast men/skaven/vampire could armies are large you could do the same thing but opposite. So have the chaff units like zombies, skeletons, goblins, ungors, clanrats, skavenslaves and maybe up to gors and orcs have large unit numbers (240 to 320 ish or more) but have even more terrible stats to balance it out.

Exalted Daemons and Black Orcs are also Good
Cerb  [tác giả] 29 Thg04 @ 5:09pm 
will have a look at it
Vaxar Kun 29 Thg04 @ 4:54pm 
oh you got similar mod for elves/dawi? just subbed - will see how that works.

if you wanna look at grail knights/guardians, please make sure the mod overwrites lily's overhaul as she already changes the entity size iirc
Cerb  [tác giả] 29 Thg04 @ 4:16pm 
Are there any other units i should look at? ive got dying races which covers all elves and dwarfs and this mod which covers the best chaos warriors. Grail knights/vampires are a good one, maybe black orks and exalted daemons to a lesser degree?
Cerb  [tác giả] 29 Thg04 @ 3:59pm 
I could probably do that death yeah
Cerb  [tác giả] 29 Thg04 @ 3:59pm 
Yep i gave dual axe more splash damage instead, khorne chosen need that extra 10 ws, and outside of a few factions there's surprisingly few fire attacks - tzeentch/khorne/chaos dwarfs have the most by far, most other factions only have them on specific heroes/lords or a couple of RoR units, but i will reduce the fire weakness just a little so its not such a huge difference :)
Vaxar Kun 29 Thg04 @ 1:16pm 
also dual axe khorne warriors and chosen are no longer anti infantry - is that intended?
Death1565 29 Thg04 @ 11:38am 
Very cool. You think you can do this for Grail Knight Units and Blood Knights?
Vaxar Kun 29 Thg04 @ 10:27am 
chaos warriors of khorne and their halbierd variant both have +10 WS damage compared to other warriors (except slaanesh whose stats are now weaker due to the ability)

this difference however is not present on chosen level - they (except slaanesh) all have 90 WS (tho khornate ones is still bit more AP)
is that intented?
Vaxar Kun 29 Thg04 @ 7:01am 
i mean, weaker as a faction as most units now have fire attacks.
Vaxar Kun 29 Thg04 @ 6:57am 
i understand the logic, and it makes sense - im just worried the affected units would perform quite worse in those scenarios, against chorf and HE who have fire resistance. But time will tell.
Cerb  [tác giả] 29 Thg04 @ 5:54am 
I could also maybe go through more units that have 'flaming' attacks that really shouldnt, and just remove them :D
Cerb  [tác giả] 29 Thg04 @ 5:53am 
I could maybe reduce the weakness to fire a little, but i do like things having weaknesses, and fire seems like a logical weakness for plague - its why we've always burned bodies during those times right? At least thats my logic :D
Vaxar Kun 29 Thg04 @ 5:30am 
so i took a look at khorne - while i think i understand the reason of you giving flaming attacks to most units(which is to somewhat counter/hurt nurgle, combined with their new DOT), i am not sure its a good thing overall - it effectively makes the roster way weaker against CHORF and bunch of HE units. I mean, sure there are still some khornate units one could bring (minos, marauders, hounds ,t0 bloodletter), it isnt the best thing imo. Unfortunately i am not sure what else to replace it with :/

BTW, if possible, and doesnt actually require a submod, perhaps could you look into some units from Legendary Characters? It adds Skullreapers, Wrathmongers,and also a Skullcrushers ROR
I understand if you feel it is out of scope for this mod though
Cerb  [tác giả] 29 Thg04 @ 5:27am 
nurgle is very vulnerable to fire, 70% weakness with regen weakness too, but 50% wardsave so they normally take very little - theyre great against chip damage but fall apart against focus fire/burst/anti heals

Those stats look pretty good