Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

1994 Ford Explorer XLT
jaksch  [author] 4 Apr @ 12:58pm 
@Saplaiceen no patreon, no commissions, just me and whatever the voices tell me to make
Saplaiceen 4 Apr @ 8:22am 
if theres a ford to do, early Gen Tauruses! do you tahe patreon or comissions?
JI bl C U 4 3 Apr @ 8:23pm 
@jaksch I will)
jaksch  [author] 3 Apr @ 3:53am 
@JI bl C U 4 thanks for the kind words. A lot of these creators frequent ninja’s discord channel, but there’s not really any coordination afaik.

As far as 2000s LA goes, stay tuned ;)
JI bl C U 4 2 Apr @ 3:48pm 
And last one - what do you think about 90's Chryslers or 92 Crown Vic LAPD?
JI bl C U 4 2 Apr @ 3:41pm 
Thanks, Jaksch, I personally build 2001 Los Angeles and your assets are really awesome for that. I remember you appeared in 2021 and made LOTS of assets, also Peanut, Apollo, Archie, Minefield, Lazybot, even Veesguy decided to join pre-2000 era. Is there any common channel of you (I mean creators, in discord, for example) like not accidently make the same model?
jaksch  [author] 31 Mar @ 11:55am 
@JI bl C U 4 I’d have to find some good blueprints for that. Would love to make some more fords

@Superior no current plans but I’ll take it into consideration
Superior 30 Mar @ 9:38pm 
Can you make a Chevy Astro 1999
JI bl C U 4 30 Mar @ 4:48pm 
By the way, what do you think about 1990 Thunderbird?
JI bl C U 4 30 Mar @ 4:47pm 
Damn, comparing how many Suburbans versions in steam, your model helps to not forget about ford, nice work!
jaksch  [author] 28 Mar @ 3:01am 
I love you more @Blue Thunder
Blue Thunder 28 Mar @ 1:51am 
I love you too @jaksch
Bungalow Man 27 Mar @ 3:39pm 
Woohoo, it's finally here! Thanks!
jaksch  [author] 27 Mar @ 1:59pm 
@ApollonDriver and I love you
ApollonDriver 27 Mar @ 12:59pm 
do you know who loves it? me. me loves it.
Marty McBrown 27 Mar @ 11:10am 
TrickyMario7654 27 Mar @ 11:04am 
@jaksch I assume my wish is going to be fulfilled. ;)
jaksch  [author] 27 Mar @ 10:58am 
@alexmax369 stay tuned :)
TrickyMario7654 27 Mar @ 10:56am 
Love me some early 1990s American SUVs. :)

Would like to see more station wagons from the 1970-90s too, especially wood-panelled ones.