

Ferny's Progression (1.5 ANOMALY)
Dark Jackal 19 Jul @ 1:27am 
I did before and after, at not avail, i'll try discord
ferny  [author] 18 Jul @ 11:04pm 
@Dark Jackal Join the discord and talk in there, but it's looking like you need to verify your file integrity
Dark Jackal 18 Jul @ 3:55pm 
Strangely the game boot up and loads, but at the end it doesn't show the menu it's basically stuck on the main menu background image, i made a clean installation of Rimworld before adding your modpack, any toughts?
ferny  [author] 12 Jul @ 5:07pm 
@Tyrejj Join the discord talk to me about it on there
Tyrejj 12 Jul @ 6:47am 
Cant select the starting area
ferny  [author] 29 Jun @ 11:04am 
@Pizza @Winley_Fade Join the discord talk to me about it on there
Pizza 28 Jun @ 8:48pm 
when trying to do a space station start, i also get an error loop from map generation.
Winley_Fade 28 Jun @ 5:55pm 
Any idea why starting map fails to create. Just keep giving me error and tries again to create map indefintely.
JohnnyMamma 20 Jun @ 11:39pm 
@ferny I fixed it myself by downloading the entire modpack by RimPy,ill still join the discord to know when the modpack is updated.
ferny  [author] 20 Jun @ 10:21pm 
@JohnnyMamma Join the discord
JohnnyMamma 20 Jun @ 10:01pm 
So for some reason when i try to open the game with the modpack i get an error by unity then the game crashes instantly, can i have help on why it happens?
Weis 15 Jun @ 3:28pm 
You know what Ferny. I'll be trying out your modlist again. It wasn't a fair try I gave it.
I'll give you an update on here, as soon as I've played around with it a bit.
Weis 15 Jun @ 3:26pm 
@ferny Right, I can actually see the mod is called "MinifyEverything" I mistook it for another mod, my bad. Yet again, I did only try your modpack with the Random startup, to see how the modpack would work. And started up in a huge ass city. Which obviously could cause some issues with performance...
ferny  [author] 12 Jun @ 10:29am 
@Weis Are you sure you're using my modpack? There's nothing like that in it?
Weis 12 Jun @ 10:22am 
I feel like the game isn't running smooth enough for me, after installing your modlist.
The modlist seem pretty good in itself, but I also seem to find a few mods, that they added in 1.5. "Minify Ores" is one of them.

I'll return to retry the modlist at some point.
ferny  [author] 10 Jun @ 3:51pm 
@Nitsy Come talk about it in the discord, i've never heard of this
Nitsy 10 Jun @ 3:48pm 
recreation drain seems pretty quick and colonists dont seem to want to do recreation events, anything going on with that?
ferny  [author] 6 Jun @ 4:50pm 
@ddman260 Yeah that's just a byproduct of the trees right now, there's no official 1.5 update so it spams the log but it doesn't lag the game or cause any problems. I don't really care about red errors, as long as the game works perfectly then I'm good
ddman260 6 Jun @ 3:11pm 
It seems to boot up and work, but i'm getting an error that keeps running up in number ;D normal? or is it suppose to be error free?
LIETUVOS_GANGSTER12 2 Jun @ 3:39am 
you can click the top mod then shift click the bottom mod and drag all at once
Gregory Blowtorch 29 May @ 2:17am 
Hey, I believe in mod manager you can export a mod list as a text string. Moving all those mods manually sounds like a lot of pain, maybe such an import method should me an option?
lol 29 May @ 1:34am 
nice collection yet it's as far from vanilla as a 400mods collection could be
SuperCatDraws 27 May @ 7:31am 
Im so proud of my growing boy
Gohang12 23 May @ 6:19pm 
why is fern kinda....
ferny  [author] 14 May @ 9:37pm 
@Xlyana Either your specs are too weak or you gotta reverify your files. Only two solutions
Xlyana 14 May @ 4:55pm 
My game seems to experience a memory leak before crashing during Initialization. Any idea why it could be?
ferny  [author] 14 Apr @ 9:12pm 
@Water Perfectly yeah
Water 14 Apr @ 7:57pm 
hi friend! has the collection been working well for you?
ferny  [author] 10 Apr @ 10:50pm 
@Skinny the pack was busted before vehicle framework got updated, things should be good now
Skinny 10 Apr @ 10:47pm 
@ferny, huh strange. For me, when i tried to boot with those 3 active, the game would reboot but get stuck on the reloading part and just never progressed from there.

But glad to hear you got it all working.
ferny  [author] 10 Apr @ 10:41pm 
@Skinny Those mods work fine for me, the whole pack seems to be working now.
ferny  [author] 9 Apr @ 11:07am 
@Skinny Thanks for the heads up, the pack is still definitely under construction and i'm gonna slowly weed out all the issues in the coming days.
Skinny 8 Apr @ 6:38am 
So after messing around with it for the last couple hours. I've narrowed it down to 1 - 3 mods that were causing your mod list to crash.

Det's xenotypes - Avaloi
Det's xenotypes - Boglegs
Det's xenotypes - Venators
Skinny 8 Apr @ 5:41am 
Any luck getting this to work so far? I've managed to get half the mod-list to boot without crashing on the 1.5 update. So far all the vanilla expanded works together.

But there is 1 (or more) that causes the game to lock up,