Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

KR Tech Extension
PPsyrius  [author] 13 hours ago 
@Admiral Thrawn
Yeah - that appears to be the case here...

I'm more than happy to get you onboard, yes - I'll DM you in a moment so that we can get this directly added to KR Tech Extension itself. :)
hello i wanted to reskin the new infantry tech that the mod added i have some models that you could be interested in adding if not can i have your permission to make a submod
Admiral Thrawn 17 hours ago 
was the Better mechanics Compatibility Patch taken down
PPsyrius  [author] 20 Sep @ 12:21am 
Airships are currently only added by KX content or that you've set the specific gamerules for them at gamestart. Else I'ld suggest using `-debug` launcher option as I've set that decision to be always available in the debug mode.

Either way it's located in the decision tab, costs 50 Air XPs. You can also unlock improved and advanced "Bombardment Cannon" modules for these airships in the artillery tree.
Burns 19 Sep @ 9:16pm 
Hi, I am using the game with KNR, I cant seem to find the Airships. which tab are they under? Thanks again for the hard work!
Kaylon2224 19 Sep @ 10:35am 
You have no idea how happy the airships make me, the models and the designs you can make are incredible. Thank you!
PPsyrius  [author] 16 Sep @ 8:15am 
Seems like an oversight - thanks for the report, I'll get them fixed for the upcoming patch on the weekends.
Nomad 16 Sep @ 8:07am 
I was just looking at the special forces tree and realized something. When you get helicopters and are down towards the end of the marine tree, you can get marine air assault. However, when going down the paratrooper tree, you can get things that give buffs to air assault but don't affect marine air assault (as far as I can see). Shouldn't those buffs also apply to marine air assault? Just a thought.
PPsyrius  [author] 16 Sep @ 3:48am 
@Hell Rider
I did ended up grabbing a few gun models (i.e. FAMAS for FRA/NFA/FRP tag) from MD, but their infantry model are still too advanced for what's supposed to be mid-1960s at best. In any case I'll double check them again.

So far I've finished adding Tier-4 and Tier-5 models for GER/ENG/J@P/USA/PSA/RUS - will see if we can at least get something appropriate for majors like Ottoman Empire, Danubian Federation, and all the Chinese Cliques too.

Hell Rider 15 Sep @ 8:08pm 
@PPsyrius just my personal advice, Millennium Dawn's model(and it submod GEO modern model) is a better choice for last rifle tech level,TNO is better for Tier 4 tech
Gatete 15 Sep @ 4:44am 
please add BTR60 model from TNO
PPsyrius  [author] 15 Sep @ 2:26am 
@Hell Rider
Quick Update: I think I found the goddamn reason why 3D Infantry Model won't work - for some dumb reason it never crosses my mind that I've accidentally set the visual level for all new infantry equipments as 3 instead of 4 and 5...

In any case I'm using TNO model for the last rifle tech level.
StZero 11 Sep @ 10:04pm 
Was wondering if the missing scrolling bar in Tank and Plane tech tree is issue?
Hell Rider 11 Sep @ 6:18am 
@PPsyrius https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3328390575 I think you can talk with this modder ,he seems still active in modding,or make compatible with this mod which add rifle
PPsyrius  [author] 11 Sep @ 5:26am 
@Hell Rider
I'll look at them over the weekends.

Yes for Helis and Jets, I still cannot get rifle 3D models to appear in-game for some weird reason sadly 🥲
Hell Rider 11 Sep @ 2:35am 
@PPsyrius https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=779162173 Could you try importing this mod's model into KR?
PPsyrius  [author] 10 Sep @ 7:27pm 
It would take large efforts, so at that point we might as well just integrate them instead of keeping 2 very different mod versions code-wise.

That is intended, yes - "CHN" is the fallback dynamic tag for Unified China as used in KR. That MIO is enabled by global flag "china_united" anyway.

If it failed to be unlock in KX for some reason, used this console command (keep in mind this can break lots of things if you haven't actually unified China yet):

set_global_flag china_united
reynoldsjwoodcock 10 Sep @ 7:09am 
Hi there - a general question: how easy/difficult do you think it would be to have this mod be compatible with the Expanded Designers Combined mod?
Erwin 10 Sep @ 4:54am 
Does anyone have problems with missing 3d models?
E SENS 9 Sep @ 5:44pm 
@PPsyrius Wow that looks good
PPsyrius  [author] 8 Sep @ 4:40am 
KR Tech Extension's "Space Race" Mechanic Preview #2 here : https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/comments/1fbvlmn/space_race_mechanic_preview_2_for_the_kr_tech/

tl;dr: This is now mostly done, all that's left is tackling the Astronaut Recruitment/Assignment system which currently relies on HoI4 random character creation which is quite erratic at the moment, and Satellite Constellation system so that you can now easily stacks up bonus from repeated missions.
PPsyrius  [author] 7 Sep @ 8:34pm 
For future cases like this when Steam Workshop appears to be not-responding, the quicker way would be to "unsubscribe then resubscribe" mods as it forces Steam to redownload the files after deleting them.
Labargoth 7 Sep @ 11:54am 
Had to restart Steam and hoi4 a few times as well as changing playsets to get it to load up the new version of the mod.
ysfakg 7 Sep @ 11:36am 
I genuinely appreciate your work, it revitalized my love for the game. Thank you PPsyrius, hope you have a nice day mate.
PPsyrius  [author] 7 Sep @ 11:03am 
Make sure to start new playthrough instead of loading up existing savegames. Loading up existing savegames when changes were made to the script_enums file tended to breaks thing like that.
Labargoth 7 Sep @ 10:17am 
I still have at least a cosmetic bug, not sure if it has gameplay consequences. On the country select map everything looks fine, but when I actually load into the game the Qing are relabelled to "Nanning Provisional Government" and all Chinese tags share the colour of the League of Eight Provinces.
PPsyrius  [author] 7 Sep @ 8:38am 
Update 1.2.0 (HoI4 1.14.8/KR 1.2 'Pour le Mérite' release)
- Update to Kaiserreich 1.2 - 'Pour le Mérite' standard; these should fix any weird errors you encounter.
- Update Land Equipment (Trucks, Mechanized, Armoured Cars, ...) GFX and Localization for all Chinese alignments.
- Port over Airships from KaiserreduX. While it seems ridiculous initially, these can act as cheap AEW&C and ASW platforms - assuming you can provide good air cover. Their special "Bombardment Cannon" modules (unlocked by researching down the artillery tree) also make them an ideal CAS unit if the enemy has no anti-air.

This is NOT savegame-compatible; if you have an unfinished playthrough - grab the ParadoxMod copy of this mod [mods.paradoxplaza.com] to continue your existing game.
PPsyrius  [author] 6 Sep @ 2:47pm 
I'm aware of the issue, in the case that we cannot get KX's airship working I'll try to release a normal patch without that change being included before this Sunday - and add those changes in the subsequent patches instead.
bottomfragger 6 Sep @ 2:27pm 
new KR update breaks a few things with tech extension (like yellow qing and anqing volunteers being broken on my end), hope it gets fixed soon since i love and need this mod for kr runs beyond like 1942
PPsyrius  [author] 6 Sep @ 1:17pm 
Gimme 1-2 days to finalize porting KX airships (I ended up nearly rewriting the whole thing instead of copy-n-paste) before I release a new KR Tech Extension update. The last thing we probably want is releasing a half-baked update which breaks everyone's savegame.
PPsyrius  [author] 31 Aug @ 8:02pm 
@Imrahil Alqua
Considering that this has been out for months now, such namechange could break mod compatibility (PDX mod override mechanic currently only reads up the mod name) so I'm not sure about this yet.

I'm still working on this alongside some Chinese equipment changes for KR 1.2 update, so we're looking at around next weekend for possible release date. I'll make sure to port that change over from KX :)
爱笑的大魔王 31 Aug @ 6:25pm 
Hello! KX adds the tech "airship" ,could u plz add it ?
Imrahil Alqua 31 Aug @ 5:13pm 
This is such a cool mod! Thank you so much for developing it, I wish I had discovered it months ago.

Speaking of which, forgive me for making a suggestion, but maybe you could consider putting "Kaiserreich" actually in the title? It took me forever to find because it doesn't show up very well when just searching for Kaiserreich.
PPsyrius  [author] 27 Aug @ 5:48pm 
Thanks for the report, I'll try to get them fixed for the upcoming KR patch.
Stuff_the_Second 27 Aug @ 8:22am 
For some reason the armored train tech for Ukraine doesn't have a production cost. The initial train tech, the AA armored train tech and the cheap train tech all have their normal production costs.

I checked the tech tree for the German Empire as well as a bunch of other nations and saw that their armored train tech has a production cost.

CORRECTION: ALL Trains for Ukraine have no production cost. I checked to see if the was modded MIO's I have for trains but even after replacing and then outright removing them and trying to produce trains without an MIO they still had no production cost.
PPsyrius  [author] 17 Aug @ 6:49pm 
This submod is compatible with KaiserreduX, so does all the official compatibility patches listed above in the mod description.

Not for vanilla/RT56 since this mod relies on KR/KX file structure at the moment.
Press 17 Aug @ 9:19am 
also, for those asking, it is compatable with vanilla and kaiserredux
Press 17 Aug @ 9:19am 
I love this mod, Thank you <3
PPsyrius  [author] 17 Aug @ 1:58am 
Er, no - but you are more than welcome to use the files here to make one.
Th3_phyn70m_r3d_5h1ft 16 Aug @ 3:14pm 
Not compatible sorry but a vanilla/RT56 version
Th3_phyn70m_r3d_5h1ft 16 Aug @ 3:14pm 
Sorry if this has all ready been asked but, is there any possibility to make this vanilla or RT56 compatible as well?
Dragoons hk 16 Aug @ 1:17am 
@PPsyriuys, thank you!
PPsyrius  [author] 15 Aug @ 11:37pm 
Update 1.1.4 (HoI4 1.14.7/KR 1.1.4 release) (Part 3)
- Add in the missing equipment set for GBR (Great Britain Windsor restoration tag) for KX.
- Fixed Georgian equipment list translation.

This is a save-compatible hotfix.
PPsyrius  [author] 15 Aug @ 7:24pm 
@Dragoons hk
Because I haven't released the tech trees for non-DLC version yet. The current version requires Tank (NSB), Ship (MtG), and Plane (BBA) equipment designer to work properly, respectively - so the game engine fallbacked to vanilla one for now if you don't have them.

Once non-DLC code is implemented I'll let you know.
TON 618 15 Aug @ 4:03am 
@PPsyrius I apologize for posting a comment in the wrong place
Dragoons hk 15 Aug @ 1:34am 
Why my tech tree of tank, aircraft and navy can't scroll down? even I only active KR & KR Tech mod, my UI scale is 1.0x, Is this mod must be run on 3 DLC?
PPsyrius  [author] 14 Aug @ 9:53pm 
@Stray Cat
KR Tech Extension-SCE 1.13 Compatibility Patch is already updated for KR Tech Extension and will work just fine with HoI4's latest patch, 1.14.7.

KR Tech Extension-SCE 1.13 Compatibility Patch уже обновлен для KR Tech Extension и будет отлично работать с последним патчем HoI4, 1.14.7.
Mr_Melnyk 13 Aug @ 2:59pm 
@PPsyrius, will be accurate KR-Style 2D GFX added for Ju-87? Currently it uses Hs-129 2D GFX for some reason.
3D models are okay, weirdly so, showing accurate Ju-87.
This is regarding both base KR and this submod.
PPsyrius  [author] 12 Aug @ 12:54pm 
Noted, I'll see if I can borrow a replacement icon for that from ETT60 or somewhere else