Vehicle is Generator
35 件のコメント
WJSabey 5月1日 7時04分 
Oh I get it, 250W per fuel consumption, that's *slightly* more efficient than vanilla generator but not that much.
Cedaro  [作成者] 4月28日 18時51分 
@WJSabey oh not that.
Assume if an engine fuel consumption is 8/d, then its fuel consumption as generator is 4/d, and power output is 1000W. Hope I express it correctly.
WJSabey 4月28日 9時50分 
Wow, that's way more efficient than the vanilla chemfuel generator. It makes a little over 200W per fuel consumption, these things make 500W per fuel consumption.
Cedaro  [作成者] 4月28日 6時40分 
@WJSabey yes, by default fuel consumption = engine fuel consumption / 2 , power generation = fuel consumption * 250 .
WJSabey 4月28日 6時21分 
Great addition, I'd like to know what the auto settings does though, I guess it's scaled based on fuel burn but what are the multipliers?
Cat_pod_travoi 4月20日 6時41分 
Спасиб за мод, очень крутой
Turbotowns 4月17日 13時11分 
Now the mod that LET'S us set up camp just needs to update.
Cedaro  [作成者] 2月24日 5時21分 
@qzff 怎么冲突了?
qzff 2月23日 7時22分 
Sera 2023年11月2日 23時58分 
I never knew how much I needed this till I saw this mod.
saintbrutal 2023年9月12日 14時09分 
nevermind it was just a mod conflict, ur mod works, it was an issue on my end.
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年9月11日 21時39分 
@saintbrutal nothing wrong on my side, what do you mean "it doesn't work"?
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年9月11日 20時42分 
@saintbrutal it's supposed to work well with VF. I'll check that mod later.
saintbrutal 2023年9月10日 15時27分 
is there a way to manually patch a mod that uses VF but is an addon, specifically this mod, https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3026484272

this doesnt work with "vehicle is generator" i get the conduint lines and toggle power on but when its connected to a sentry/bench it doesnt work.
saintbrutal 2023年9月8日 12時07分 
does this work for all modded vehicles that use VF aswell?
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年9月7日 18時36分 
@Marads~Yuuka fixed now
Marads~Yuuka 2023年9月7日 13時51分 
I got spammed with errors when I tried to launch a Mosquito from VVE, it happened as soon as the flying animation starts.

It's related to trying to spawn something in a null map, so my guess would be that this mod is trying to place the "power conduits" on where the Mosquito would land but since the map isn't loaded it fails.

When the Mosquito left the screen the game crashed. The same happened with other flying vehicles.

After I disabled this mod I stopped getting errors and the Mostquito worked without problems.

Here is the log.
lechkingofdead 2023年8月31日 12時06分 
but i do second the sleeping in some vehicles as a option because it can mean RVs! and thoes would be another good idea
lechkingofdead 2023年8月31日 12時06分 
does no one know how the crap we get a mad max style dodge charger!
CrackaJack 2023年8月31日 11時20分 
its not exactly my idea xD theres the mod "ancient scrap tents" which allows sleeping in car wrecks. must have mod for me, but i thought a car in good condition might be more confortable
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年8月31日 8時24分 
@CrackaJack Sounds cool! I'll take it into account.
CrackaJack 2023年8月31日 6時14分 
can u make a mod allowing sleeping in cars? using them as bedrolls/tents?
lechkingofdead 2023年8月29日 20時49分 
im desprare for what mod adds the care or is that one of the base ones under a ideology theme
PremierVader 2023年8月23日 10時16分 
Bro this is ultra megamind level of smart mod idea
SalmonToastie 2023年8月22日 15時46分 
pain in the ass IRL but this is a good addition
Cedaro  [作成者] 2023年8月22日 8時15分 
@TurtleShroom oh it's from [RH2] Uncle Boris' - Used Furniture
TurtleShroom 2023年8月22日 8時06分 
Wait, what Mod adds that laptop?
GGG 2023年8月22日 3時37分 
pretty good idea
CrackaJack 2023年8月22日 0時31分 
perfect for these "just a man, his bike and his shotgun" game starts xD this should be integrated into the main mod imo
Big Barza 2023年8月21日 12時09分 
Love it, really makes up for some cool opportunities.
I do appreciate the option to customize the generator stats...the Frog in VVE has a fuel rate of 800, which results in 400 chemfuel consumed per day. And 100 KW of power : )
Lama man 2023年8月21日 7時59分 
Cool,it's just like SRTS but with some Cost to doing so
Tcgirl8 2023年8月21日 7時55分 
super good idea
Scout Gaming 2023年8月21日 3時00分 
Should be in core framework. Connecting sentry guns to an APC is genius!!!
XxHyde840xX 2023年8月21日 2時58分 
we just need an RV mod now and were all set! awesome work Cedaro :D
Bahlivern 2023年8月21日 2時47分 
That's a really smart idea and useful in a pinch even if you have a mod for portable generators.

Good job!