Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Building Themes (Temporary Fix)
Komentarzy: 38
Nick 6 sierpnia o 3:08 
It doesn't even appear on mods in content manager. All my themes are lost and I have to use default ones that aren't as good
76561198253496676 26 lipca o 4:53 
doesn't work for me + an error occurs
sickboy 25 maja o 17:30 
Thanks for your help! But it kinda broke my game, I wasn't able to get any type of buildings erected at a location even out of zoned areas. However, disabling the mod and reloading seems to have fixed the problem.
Guide Suprême 6 maja o 22:43 
Amazing, it works fine, just remove your broken mods and assets, check here :
Beast Cowboy 7 kwietnia o 18:15 
thank you very much for your help ,this mod is great.good job. :steamthumbsup:
=juju= 29 marca o 6:32 
hi, how to fix the vanilla themes not listed? (like european, international etc.)
3lectronica 21 marca o 17:26 
Unfortunately the mod completely breaks the Policies & Themes tab and nothing shows up at all.
Alex Tci 17 grudnia 2023 o 3:03 
This mod works great for me! Thanks for this! :steamhappy:
ExpedientFalcon 29 listopada 2023 o 19:41 
UMBRELLA CORPORATION 22 października 2023 o 12:25 
It's still crazy that no modder fixes it :(
Gjafar 22 października 2023 o 10:00 
Broken again...
teremleleu 18 października 2023 o 12:22 
modern buildings appear in my old european city :steamsad: what should I do?
Audiopulse 17 października 2023 o 13:51 
@t_helgeson06 Same issue here. Cant seem to access or cant find the access to the tab.
EMP21 13 października 2023 o 18:45 
seems to be working for me
easysoronume 13 października 2023 o 2:38 
Just installed got this error message:
Please report this error on the Building Themes workshop page:
ERROR: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at BuildingThemes.BuildingThemesManager.RefreshAreaBuildings (.FastList`1[] m_areaBuildings, System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1 enabledThemes, System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1 blacklistedThemes, Boolean includeVariations) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at BuildingThemes.BuildingThemesManager.CompileDistrictThemes (Byte districtId) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at BuildingThemes.BuildingThemesManager.EnableTheme (Byte districtId, BuildingThemes.Theme theme) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at BuildingThemes.BuildingThemesManager.ImportStylesAsThemes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at BuildingThemes.BuildingThemesManager.ImportThemes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at BuildingThemes.LoadingExtension.OnLevelLoaded (LoadMode mode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
jimmyfloyd 5 października 2023 o 11:49 
Looks like this mod works ok for me (exactly as before), but when I leave the Themes screens and start playing, the game always crashes after 2-3 minutes (I can stay working on Themes for hours and never crashes). Still trying to find out what is happening.... I cannot replace Themes by Districts because it is very far in capabilities compared with this one
t_helgeson06 1 października 2023 o 11:31 
Themes tab doesn't seem to be showing up in my game.
UMBRELLA CORPORATION 27 września 2023 o 21:11 
I haven't played the game because the base mod is not up to date, I was happy to see that someone had updated it but it doesn't work properly, and now I'm still waiting and I hope for a solution
Doctor Mewing 27 września 2023 o 10:12 
When I got this mod, in the "theme" tab there was no theme to select I was so confused!
UMBRELLA CORPORATION 26 września 2023 o 19:45 
UMBRELLA CORPORATION 25 września 2023 o 14:49 
hello, I don't know why but in my themes there are houses that I have not selected which appear :(
圓通和尚 24 września 2023 o 3:31 
thx for your fix,I saved my city,have a good day for everyone seen this Comment.:steamthumbsup:
zarovich 14 września 2023 o 19:09 
Thx, for the fix :)
Shane_UK10 13 września 2023 o 5:54 
Oh my god! I am so excited. I tried to love the replacement mod but it is nothing like as fully featured as this awesome mod. I really, really hope this works.
Hayran 9 września 2023 o 20:04 
@yk291 Guys, you need to also select the other buildings so that they can grow in your district, and not just make one style of you want with asset mods. For example, let's suppose you create a HighResidential style that is New York asset buildings, if you put it in a district where, in addition to the HighResidential zones, there are zones such as LowCommercial, Industrial, etc, only the HighResidential that you selected in the style will grow, the others will not grow. To grow you need to go tab by tab and adding the remaining styles from each RCI zone of your city (even though they are vanilla assets), this way you grow these buildings that are within the district. Or you can mix the vanilla ones if the game doesn't find X style for X type of zone selected the option on politic menu, however, this can also affect the zones you have modified, so I recommend the first option.
YK291 4 września 2023 o 3:10 
@mnsnownutt i had the same issue, except that it is just my commercial and industrial that wouldn't spawn. Just curious, what do you mean by the game did not recognise your district?
UMBRELLA CORPORATION 25 sierpnia 2023 o 19:01 
why don't they update the original mod? :( I haven't played it since.
and the skyline of cities 1 will be richer than the skyline of cities 2
crunchyarmadillos 24 sierpnia 2023 o 16:02 
Doesn't work for me at all, sadly. My heartbreak continues. I've abandoned this game. :(
Gelse 20 sierpnia 2023 o 10:17 
will try this tomorrow after District Styles Plus breaks my game. hopefully it works!
mnsnownutt 17 sierpnia 2023 o 20:31 
I found out that the game was not recognizing my subdivision/district, at least that is my guess. I “walked” development there from another subdivision by zoning along the road and then houses began to spawn.
mnsnownutt 17 sierpnia 2023 o 12:30 
Not sure if it is a bug, but I have an issue with this mod not allowing anything to spawn. I will have to turn off the theme for a district to allow vanilla buildings to start spawning and as soon as a single building spawns, I can then turn on the theme and it works. If I just leave the theme on for a new district, nothing spawns even if demand is high. I know all about needing level 1 buildings selected, so that is not the issue.
conquersn770 17 sierpnia 2023 o 7:31 
Thank you :)
Cabanik 15 sierpnia 2023 o 9:05 
thank you so much! this mod is the reason im able to come back to cities
Chamëleon TBN 11 sierpnia 2023 o 1:00 
@ProdTotallyNotAWeebPH - ofc not :)
ProdTotallyNotAWeebPH 10 sierpnia 2023 o 22:26 
Is this compatible with district styles plus? (i dont think so)
GMH  [autor] 10 sierpnia 2023 o 12:34 
@Chameleon: Ah I see. But they did not make any notes as well in the original workshop item, and makes many people confused. Also, the District Styles Plus has annoying bugs, and I don't particularly like the behavior that it directly demolish the existing building when changing styles. This Building Themes implementation is way less intrusive, and has better UI as well, IMHO.
AreyesMx 10 sierpnia 2023 o 11:27 
Thank you very much for the fixing. Now I can to do my cities look as I wish
Chamëleon TBN 10 sierpnia 2023 o 2:23 
The reason why they not pushed it to WS is, that they decided to support the newer District Styles Plus development.