The Ruin's Legacy Bypass (DISABLES anticheat)
381 件のコメント
Professor Terraria Penguin 5月27日 11時21分 
I love your scungus, nobody can beat him. :)
Morpho_matter 2023年12月24日 16時58分 
ello Scungus yuo got a bottol'o wata
Isaac_MonkeyBoy 2023年12月20日 4時24分 
waiting for the day when patman starts making these for terraria mods
akfin 2023年11月24日 22時30分 
the scungus protects us from all evil
akfin 2023年11月24日 22時30分 
behold the scungus
Silver Sokolova  [作成者] 2023年10月15日 15時54分 
Hi! None of the exampes you provided are anticheats. Water generators work due to the atmosphere they're placed in-- a ship atmosphere won't work. If changing the code didn't work, you either broke the code (causing the generator to do nothing), changed the wrong script, or did not remove the packed version of FU (meaning the game loaded it instead of your modified version).

The strange sea change was discussed with the author as a way to balance the mod. There's another mod to revert it (Untroll Strange Seas, iirc).

As far as I know, content development on FU has ceased, though it still receives changes and bugfixes.
Dream-Shadows-Surge 2023年10月15日 15時22分 
Hey silver! Sayter actually has quite a few anti-cheat scripts baked into their code, for example, water generators cannot work on anything other than a planet, trying to place one even after altering the affected code does nothing. You have to replace the entire lua for the water well and the effects config to fix it. Also having the liquid planets changed back to how they used to generate invokes a method where it makes each planet incredibly hostile often with conflicting effects like both extreme heat and cold or aether atmosphere. I dont know how much of that has been patched out but in previous versions at least this was the case. I had to repack frackin universe to prevent it from reverting changes workshop mods made. (full disclosure that i haven't played Frackin in awhile and do not have it set to receive updates due to breaking changes. If I am no longer correct in this, please feel free to tell me so maybe i can actually play with it again.
Silver Sokolova  [作成者] 2023年9月29日 20時28分 
@ParasiticSquid I'm not going to do something like that for the sole purpose of pissing someone off. I don't think FU has any anti-cheat scripts in it aside from the Cosmic Crucible trap (which I already made a mod to disable), much less any related to spawning currencies since, if they have the game check if the quantity is greater than 1, they'd be affecting *all* stacks of that currency, regardless if it was cheated because currency items do not recognize parameters. While it's true we were once on bad terms, last time I checked, it is no longer the case.

I considered reenabling the smiley it but never got around to it, mainly because they could just outright remove the debug stuff in response. That being said, I may make a mod that makes all research nodes free to unlock, though the player would still have to manually unlock each one. It isn't a priority though. Maybe they removed the smiley face because it was a developer tool and active development has stopped?
ParasiticSquid 2023年9月29日 15時43分 
Re-enabling the smiley face alone might get him heated lol
ParasiticSquid 2023年9月29日 15時43分 
Huh, another sayter-lite eh? At least this one seems to have had the decent sense to give up instead of keep forcing his playstyle on others. Ironically sayter himself has said FU is basically inactive for the most part with no future content updates at all. Someone could fork it and while him and his crew can make threats and attack people, they literally can't actually do anything legit since they did the exact same thing to make FU. Sometimes even outright stealing others mods to integrate for extra content.

Maybe you could go after sayters own anti-cheat scripts at some point. I bet they exist since vanilla doesn't have the issue where if you spawn more then one currency they all turn into PGI's like FU's does. Besides, the guy already hates you and bad talked you on discord quite a bit. You wouldn't be changing the status quo there if you ticked him off more, might even be fun to watch since no one seems to try standing up to him for long
I Am Alpharius 2023年9月16日 17時48分 
*What in the goddamn?* Why does it feel like every other mod creator is some control obsessed lunatic who makes it their mission to limit what the people who install their mod do.
Sevnny 2023年9月15日 0時42分 
hello scungus!
based silver sokolova mod as usual
Master_Tubbily 2023年8月18日 8時29分 
King of dying comedically 2023年8月5日 21時39分 
people keep asking "if it is compatible with fu" or "why is it not compatible with fu", but they never ask WHY it is compatible with fu
Conclone 2023年8月2日 20時09分 
Literal giga chad
Ganransu 2023年7月19日 15時49分 

patman 2023年7月16日 17時37分 
is he
Carl 2023年7月16日 13時20分 
Dayum. Portal Mech's still at it, huh?
Walmart the Conqueror 2023年7月14日 18時11分 
Silver Sokolova  [作成者] 2023年7月14日 11時33分 
Walmart the Conqueror 2023年7月14日 3時51分 
Is this compatible with “starpounds?”
Silver Sokolova  [作成者] 2023年7月13日 15時06分 
yes it is compatible with FU
Walmart the Conqueror 2023年7月13日 13時28分 
Is this compatible with frackin universe?
Rawr'kraine 🐉 2023年7月12日 19時45分 
Continued 3X:

I don't hate people, hating people is a waste of time. I only disliked how you acted and was disappointing at worst.
But let this all be a learning lesson not just for you but everyone involved.
What you decide to do next is up to you, I won't stand in your way and I'll leave my best wishes hoping you can do something meaningful and creative with your passion next.
Rawr'kraine 🐉 2023年7月12日 19時41分 

That being said, the end resault was the same as yours, only not quite as explosive. But needless to say people didn't like me force-shutting down content from specific mods. Looking back, it was selfish, but I guess I just got tired of, expectations.

Like you said: I wanted to create what "I wanted", not what they wanted.

And, again, I really do like what you've made for Starbound, *as is*.

If you ever do decide to pick up Ruin's Legacy again someday, I'd love to see it continued.
Rawr'kraine 🐉 2023年7月12日 19時38分 
If steam comments could be pinned I'd pin your messages Portal.

I get the slave-labor feeling as there's very little compensation for all the time put in, such as the reason why Minecraft modders get so upset over their mods being distributed because they aren't being paid for downloads.

And as a decent modder (Terraria, creator of SGAmod), I'm very much guilty of trying to force my will onto others because I got tired of people using cheat mods and complaining about bugs/issues from mod merging (something frowned on in Terraria)
what a lad 2023年7月12日 18時15分 
i am john starbound and i command thee to create mod that adds six gigabyte saxton hale
Portal Mech 2023年7月12日 17時17分 
It's been awhile since I decided to put this matter behind me, and longer still since the original upload, but I came up with a pretty decent speech, and it seems a shame not
to use it. If ever the incident comes up as a topic, (which I'm sure it will) I'd appreciate it if you referred to this paragraph, as it contains everything I'd like
to say about the incident. I doubt it will get many people on my side, but you can always hope. (Sorry for the mess. I had to spread this out over multiple comments to make it fit)
Portal Mech 2023年7月12日 17時17分 
Please understand that I never really cared whether or not people cheated in my mods. The way I see it, mod creators are the life blood of this community.
We work out of passion to add what we would like to see in the game. It is our pleasure to give others the privilege of playing our mods, and we ask nothing in return.
Yet, instead of being respectful the users treat us like slaves, expecting us to follow their rules and cater to their wants or face the consequences,
when it was never about them to begin with. For my case, I 'wanted' to add an anti-cheat system to my mod, and as the owner I had every right to do so. (Sorry for the mess. I had to spread this out over multiple comments to make it fit)
Portal Mech 2023年7月12日 17時17分 
If other creators choose to take part in this submissive relationship between community and creator, then that's fine,
but I value my creative freedom and I will not give it up, even if it would give me popularity. If you hate me and my work for that, well,
I don't hate you, but I can't approve either, and I'm definitely not going to be cooperative. Anyway, now that I've had my little rant, I'd like to apologize
to anyone I might have hurt by speaking rashly, but my stance on the matter has not changed. I'd also like to thank all of the people who genuinely enjoyed and
respected my work over the years. I won't be talking in this thread anymore, probably, unless I feel compelled to address some of the nasty rumors going around.

(Sorry for the mess. I had to spread this out over multiple comments to make it fit)
King of dying comedically 2023年7月8日 20時30分 
I have so much mods my game balance is fucked, only ever insta kill enemies and take 10 damage despite only having I think blue-tier armor
Silver Sokolova  [作成者] 2023年7月1日 11時46分 
Thank you!! I'm glad you like them so much!!
aux Chord 2023年7月1日 8時23分 
Targeted Blink is one of my favorite Techs from Betabound. Immensely satisfying to combine with a fancy Katana and just do a Slash-Teleport-Slash-Teleport combo that teleports you around your foe until either they die or you run out of energy.

Honestly, Betabound in general is a mod I was sleeping on. I've been avoiding FU since I prefer an "Everything and the kitchen sink" style to my Starbound, and having FU would make me one of those people always worried about compatibility, and for reasons I can't discern this aversion to FU extended to Betabound. Of course, now that I try it, I'll probably never go back to an experience without Betabound lol.
Tri-Enclave President CEO 2023年6月30日 22時44分 
Oh good lord those comments. I haven't played Starbound in a while and so I heard some drama happened from the reupload of Portal Mech's mod. Having been caught up (I think) this is just another case of extreme modder ego.
Also interesting to read the conversation before me of GiC, FFS, and FU. Cheers!
Sumenora 2023年6月29日 21時02分 
i basically make my own thing since FU ..FFS and GIC just feels like they all force their own balance into the game
Rawr'kraine 🐉 2023年6月29日 15時53分 
Anyways I think I've taken this off topic too much, it it was a good conversation but I'll stop here.
Rawr'kraine 🐉 2023年6月29日 15時49分 
"I might try FFS! I've heard that it's fairly decent. I'll probably try EP.2 though, since there's no way something can be worse than GiC."

Lol good luck, I think it's worth playing "atleast once", but don't feel bad if you have to use Admin, Ep.2 is known to have massive balance issues.
Thank god Admin isn't banned in THAT mod lol.
Rawr'kraine 🐉 2023年6月29日 15時41分 
"The Glitch stuff was added after I stopped playing GiC. I kinda wonder what it is, but I'm not *that* interested"

Dishonored, it's actually one of the best parts of the mod themetically, though finding a literally Mark of the OUTSIDER shrine, getting Blink, and going into the Void kinda is pushing the nose a bit far.

It's cool, but like, there's a difference between a reference and just flat out copying the source material.
Oh, and the mod had Dishonored alarms in various other locations too that aren't even related to Dishonored.
Rawr'kraine 🐉 2023年6月29日 15時36分 
Oh yeah one more mod I highly suggest too: Slag weapons

Slag has a funny bug (I think?) that removes elemental immunities, which allows you to kill various (though not all) enemies in GiC that are immune to vanilla damage types. If you don't want to use GiC weapons, you'll need this to be able to damage those enemies.

Sorry for the spam, just trying to "fix" this link
Silver Sokolova  [作成者] 2023年6月29日 15時32分 
Oh, no offense taken at all! One of the updates I did made it so items only spawn in grab bags, so you only get the items when you open the bags up. And the grab bags themselves only spawn in... another grab bag, so you only get cluttered if you open them! You also get a fully upgraded alchemy backpack which has quick-move and quick-take.

You also get one of six pages for an alchemy recipe guide when installing the mod.
Rawr'kraine 🐉 2023年6月29日 15時30分 
Yeah I had Shattered Alchemy in the past, but couldn't quite figure out how to work with it.
No offense but I first came by that mod via an "not on the workshop mods" pack of mods friends gave me back in the day, which isn't the case as I recently discovered its YOUR mod.

So I stopped using it because I kept getting cluttered up inventories, but I could again, no offense I hope.
Silver Sokolova  [作成者] 2023年6月29日 15時29分 
Betabound's armor increases energy regen speed and foods (both vanilla and Betabound) made from bananas or coffee beans give you an energy regen boost. These boosts stack with different levels-- the higher the food value (and thus rarity) of the food, the stronger the effect!
Betabound also has a held item which increases energy regen. The effect scales with the amount of light you're exposed to, but it has a limit which can be viewed when holding the item with debug mode enabled. Vanilla and Betabound food which give no buffs aside from healing and energy boost also instantly restore some energy!

There's also the Energy Charge tech which restores your energy (even if your energy bar is locked) while standing still
Rawr'kraine 🐉 2023年6月29日 15時26分 
"don' matter if I use that 'ere rpg mod to boost ma energy to high hell"
You'll want Vigor, GiC has many types of projectiles that instantly drain your energy when you get hit, so having a faster recharge is better than having more energy
Silver Sokolova  [作成者] 2023年6月29日 15時25分 
Use Shattered Alchemy too. You can make permanent health boost and attack damage upgrades that last until you die! The Potion of Shielding is also pretty strong (though Elixir of Vitality is stronger), and Phase Shift can just warp enemies out of bounds if they're close enough. Rot Darts are also godly if you can keep a combo going
Rawr'kraine 🐉 2023年6月29日 15時25分 
Yeah your shield tech is what I've been using on my tank melee character this whole time, its EXTREMELY useful for GiC's BS and quite easy to get given it's a 100% drop from Asra Nox. I've also gotten my hands on the other two (since I DO actually play starbound, like starbound), I've considered using them too as well.

I can't imagine playing GiC "as intended", no...
That's why I'm a fucking rebel that's using everything ELSE to defeat that mod.
Rawr'kraine 🐉 2023年6月29日 15時24分 
GiC's writing to bring all these other universe things into Starbound's universe is most likely its strongest part, they've clearly put alot of effort into the writing, that's for sure. And this mod actually gets pretty realistic when it comes to its in-universe politics too.

And no, they aren't "readable" codex, just key items that have a few Russian words on them. It's just only the items related to pyschic powers IE Faries are.
King of dying comedically 2023年6月29日 15時23分 
don' matter if I use that 'ere rpg mod to boost ma energy to high hell
Silver Sokolova  [作成者] 2023年6月29日 15時21分 
Betabound's Butterfly/Bubble Boost, Energy Dash, Mobility+, and Targeted Blink techs should be great for bullet hells. Just make sure to watch your energy bar~
Silver Sokolova  [作成者] 2023年6月29日 15時19分 
Yeah, sure, an argument could be made for realism, but there's a reason why movies have subtitles when someone speaks a foreign language
Silver Sokolova  [作成者] 2023年6月29日 15時18分 
wait do you actually need to learn a foreign language to read some of GiC's lore that is so scuffed LMFAO