Your Only Move Is HUSTLE

Your Only Move Is HUSTLE

joao.neto27124 19 hours ago 
I keep getting null
CheezBallz. Based
CheezBallz 13 Dec @ 6:43pm 
nerf it so i can use it please
John Warhammer 9 Dec @ 12:34pm 
Beatiful character really love the work but why the emote (tighten) 4 rounds
matthew_vwbeetle 23 Nov @ 4:36pm 
this guys damage output is appalling
matthew_vwbeetle 22 Nov @ 5:54pm 
bro idk how to play this guy i cant ever get in nor can i ever keep people out idk what to do with him
Mav 17 Nov @ 9:00pm 
unbind nerf PLEASE i love this character but using it feels bad and having it used against me when im a mile away in the air feels bad his own jumpkick, the highest and longest ive ever seen doesn't counter it.
I agree with unbind. But what do you mean dash? Are you talking about movement speed? Ninja and mutant have similar movement speeds and theit kits are way better are they OP?
Up Syndrome 14 Nov @ 6:15am 
specially the fng unbind
Up Syndrome 14 Nov @ 6:14am 
f this character is op it can dash so many times w/ low frames
Snaider 12 Nov @ 9:56pm 
yeah character gives null error
bughater1993 12 Nov @ 1:19pm 
Character doesn't load in anymore
Epiderme Tostões 8 Nov @ 10:34am 
same problem as the last guy, crashes every time i pick the character
something_witty 5 Nov @ 10:48am 
is the character broken somehow cause everytime i try to play him online or not the game crashes
uwuaru 3 Nov @ 11:46pm 
needs to be able to use lions roar in the air for a 45 degree wind wall blast
Dudu 2 Nov @ 1:52am 
Can't wait for the blue boxer you tease on the description!
Dudu 2 Nov @ 1:45am 
What a great character. A lot of work has been put into the animations.
He seems strong but I only played one match.
First mod for YOMI that made me want to congratulate the maker.
You're awesome!
Not only that but dodging attacks by movement usually leaves you with a better oportunity to attack than the dodge option. If this isnt the case you have made an op dodge option dodge should only be "good" when it either blocking or dodging and even then blocking still should be better. Dodging is barelly usefull in vanilla characters and modded characters should take them into account when making their mods for them to "feel right". jump block dash back or hell use elephants foot and get super armor if you have the frames to do it
@A singular braincel Please dont do this the character is already strong enough , he has a strong movement speed use that to dodge. The character is fine as it is any stronger and i might as well be using an inkless character if anything please nerf unbind.
Rumble 31 Oct @ 10:22am 
He was great when he had no supers, or little to no supers before those recent updates. but with his incredibly strong, fast, and precise normal attacks and supers that now patch his few holes, it makes it incredibly difficult to play against Nakmuay without some super-duper fighter
A singular braincel 31 Oct @ 7:02am 
one of the most satisfying characters to use!! but there is a lack of diversity when it comes to his fighting style. maybe add some dodging capability? sliding maybe?
oinko sploinko 29 Oct @ 5:10pm 
vvv Isn't happening for me, try trimming your character list to be less bloated
ModdyMop 27 Oct @ 7:43am 
you probably have to delete your character cache in the options to fix it. Happens every now and again
Auryn 26 Oct @ 8:11pm 
I am also having crashing issues
Sparkle 24 Oct @ 4:22pm 
Anyone having issues with Nakmuay? It crashes my game every time I load in multiplayer, and loads "null" in single player and doesn't work. I thought it was a mod compatibility issue, but after removing all recent mods that I added, considering it worked a few days ago and only started playing again a few days ago, I don't think it is. Maybe something updated and broke it?
Rumble 21 Oct @ 3:53pm 
also Meet a Friend should not be useable two turns in a row lol
Rumble 21 Oct @ 3:52pm 
Unbind has a CRAZY range for a command grab
well i guess it is not that bad as you could try DI'ing up or forcing the Nak main to use it in order to "steal" that meter from other supers
The combo only option also feels like it negates the effort of learning DI and using it correctly
Making it combo only while upping the cost while effective as a nerf is less interesting than adding as a tool for "mom said it is time to make this a close quartes fight". Having the super be a tool that puts you at the most effective way to use your character is useful and i dont think no one would say "thats op" people like feeling like they have a choice (even if that choice is aiming DI up to make the grab less effective or blocking to put yourshelf in a blockstring and having to guess whether they will grab or wich move they will use in order to parry it)
delivery man  [author] 8 Oct @ 8:35am 
putting them in blockstring is a very interesting idea, or I could just up the meter cost too and make it only in combo
Or 2, just reduce the frame advantage from +21 to +3 since nakmuay already is very strong at close range bringing your opponent towards you is enough of a reward, the +3 allows you to place your enemy in a block string by giving them block disadvantage wich also makes grabing you not an option. +3 is a special number since it is the amount of frames needed for a grab wich would give players the option to either unbind+ Te kot wich gives you a +2 block advantage (you are 2 frames faster that the oponent and therefore if you chose mat trong a 7 frame move and they chose a 6 frame one you would win because it subtracts 2 frames from mat trong making it a 5 frame attack (my knowledge about block advantage is practical, my explanation is not accurate at all but the result would be the same).
However if you dont know about block advantage you can just grab wich deals alot of damage while placing you back into neutral with a slight advantage towards the player who grabbed
Wich are 1 making it more consistent with other grabs, (being able to avoid it by jumping, having it be a hard knockdown if you DI Up (i dont know why i thought DI'ng down was a hard knockdown when it is Up) and increasing te damage in order for it to be more consistent with the damage of other grabs
I have thought about it a little more and i got two paths for balancing this move a little (it is not very unbalanced when compared to other mods but it just feels wrong to use)
My previous suggestions where pretty bad due to me making them at 1 am
No you didnt,It was a sugestion i made in case some DI'd down as unbind works like a grab and thats how grabs work. I like the idea of using the bandages of nakmuay in a move,however Unbind has very little counterplay, since it just gives you a combo for 2super. I play Nakmuay and it feels like a dirty move to use in an otherwise well balanced character (congratulations on that by the way)
delivery man  [author] 7 Oct @ 11:22pm 
oh shit i made it hard knockdown? lol
Essentially bitch slap them with the bandages
Without bringing the character towards you, it just feels cheap and i avoid using the move for that reason, it is a less punishable Impale essentialy and as a cowboy main i know what people think about impale
Maybe just enough hit stun to the point where you can barelly catch up to the opponent with a dash and a quick move however if the opponent DI's down it results in a hard knockdown without enough time to catch up and use that one kick that can hit you while you are knocked down
I disagree with the addition of Unbind, it goes against the close quarters nature of the character and feels cheap to use, i like the idea of the bandages being used in a fight but it grabbing the enemy and bringing it to you is the part i dont like, it would be fine as a way to punish characters trying to use projectiles close'ish to you but bringing the guy to you feels cheap.
I like the fact that you can combo the Stomp into topple th general, although it is not the most efficient combo decision it looks cool as fuck
wanpring 1 Oct @ 4:43pm 
can you pls optimize this mod better? the replays with him are kinda laggy.
Clover 30 Sep @ 8:05pm 
If it shows as "Null", reset your character cache in settings. This also works with other characters that appear as Null.
BoZ 30 Sep @ 6:30pm 
why does it go null
StormVoyage 30 Sep @ 12:27pm 
It seems to not work alongside Natasha
Z_Dragon28364 26 Sep @ 4:23pm 
it don work :steamsad:
delivery man  [author] 25 Sep @ 5:19pm 
god damn it, what did ivy do again
Z_Dragon28364 25 Sep @ 4:16pm 
jkl 24 Sep @ 8:55pm 
MapleNut 22 Sep @ 11:53pm 
He crashes on multiplayer for some reason. Seems to work fine on singleplayer.