

MH: Android Tiers Core
FG_Remastered  [author] 19 Jul @ 3:09pm 
Sorry for the long delay, my allergies have been killing me!

@artiepeewiz: Artificial Beings Framework: Synstructs is the 1.5 version. (SMN did not make the cut, sorry!)

@Pie: P++ is a mess that desperately needs a rewrite. Until that happens, we won't support it, sorry.
Pie #FixTF2 16 Jul @ 10:57pm 
One question; Power++ wireless compatible or no? Playing on 1.4 still and I just realized that I've been playing the reforged legacy version which doesn't seem to use it's features, or at least requires nutrition rather than power
artiepeewiz 6 Jun @ 1:25pm 
i love your mod and i NEED YOU to update it i love love love it :) im being patiant just wanted to say how much i love this
FG_Remastered  [author] 6 May @ 11:40pm 
@Latex Santa: That sounds like you use "Faction Blender" which is highly unstable from what I've heard. Androids should only appear as part of the Android factions or as surrogates for the Civil Outlanders anyhow.

Any balance decisions are still quite far off - The code is on fire. I'm pretty conservative when it comes to making changes in the projects I'm involved in, so I was going to make that point myself.

Please continue to be patient while we work on the next version!
Latex Santa 4 May @ 12:57pm 
I haven't used the android faction for this mod (android rebellion) in at least a year or two, as it always tended to either cause errors, or crash world generation. I likewise did not allow androids from this mod to spawn in other factions, not even my own Empire faction. They would cause pawn generation errors from what I can remember.

I unfortunately have no logs available, but I also used the other Androids mod (originally by ChJees) as well as Empire in these mod lists. I hope that you can take this comment at face value (for better or worse) and that you will look into these potential issues for the next version.

This version's features are very nice, I implore you to consider not altering it radically or even nerfing it into the ground (for whatever arcane reason). Thank you for your time.
FG_Remastered  [author] 11 Apr @ 7:32pm 
@sybersmoke: I'm sorry, I totally missed your comment. A better mechanoid storage will increase maintenance gain.

@foxgod440: Yes, and no. This version will not receive updates any more, just like ATR before it, but it will receive a successor instead. More details are TBA once Killathon gets around to writing his announcement on Steam. (It's already on Discord)
foxgod440 11 Apr @ 5:32pm 
will this be getting updated to 1.5 or no?
sybersmoke 20 Feb @ 1:19pm 
General question...but are there any things I can build that will enhance the maintenance gain of my androids? Like...if I build a simple computer, can the android plug into it and get a maintenance buff like meditation gets?
FG_Remastered  [author] 3 Feb @ 5:25pm 
@Dragonheart013: Fixing androids is like doctoring. Child medics are a thing on the Rim.

@e8th_contact: Sentient androids need to have their core installed. (It's already there and just needs to be plugged in.) It's a surgery that requires two repair stims. (Crafted at machining bench.)
e8th_contact 3 Feb @ 7:41am 
I made a android but it wont move and I wont be able to select it. I looked to see if anyone else had this problem and it was something related to more "[KV] More trait slots" but I don't have that mod installed.
Dragonheart013 16 Jan @ 11:41pm 
The "mechanic" work giver added isn't restricted by age to the same age as crafting/smithing for children, allowing them to learn the crafting skill from age 3, rather than (I think) age 7. Nothing major or anything, just thought I'd let you know in case it was something you wanted to fix up :)
FG_Remastered  [author] 16 Dec, 2023 @ 1:02am 
@Krieg Grenade Man:
1. That can have a variety of causes. Post a hugslog.
2. Drones use the drone resurrector kit. I'm not sure if they can't use the more expensive one at all, but I think they can. Again, hugslog pls.
Krieg Grenade Man 9 Dec, 2023 @ 12:14am 
i cant use the shred android option at the fabrication bench, it does not see the T1 androids i encounter as hotiles as viable corpses for disassembly, something that also hasnt worked for me is using a resurrector kit on a Mineral unit
FG_Remastered  [author] 4 Dec, 2023 @ 7:26pm 
@BoundingAsp1559: Not until that mod stops being a laggy mess. After that, we can talk.
BoundingAsp1559 1 Dec, 2023 @ 6:37pm 
Any plans to restore Power++ functionality? It does hurt to not be able to use these two mods side-by-side anymore to maximize Android up time. As for the "implementation" of Power++, iv never seen issues before, other than complaints that its a 1-1 for wireless, which i could see being solved simply by increasing Android power usage by maybe 10-15% if powered by wireless via "transmission efficiency"
Killathon  [author] 27 Oct, 2023 @ 3:29pm 
Hey everyone! After way too long, Mechanical Humanlikes: Drones Reprogrammed has been released: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3063222294! The steam page has all the details so I'll spare you the words here, but I can assure you that all drones from Android Tiers and Military Tiers will use the mechanics if you install it. As always, thank you for using the mod, and be sure to join the Discord if you have any suggestions, bug reports, questions, or comments about my mods - FG, Winterbloom, and others handle all the steam comments as I don't hang out on this platform.
Domine Mortis 23 Oct, 2023 @ 4:03am 
Is there any option to disable "mood" for androids? Something like "Unfeeling patch" for android tiers?
FG_Remastered  [author] 8 Oct, 2023 @ 4:57pm 
@SourSpecial: Yes, but don't expect any special integration.
SourSpecial 8 Oct, 2023 @ 8:56am 
Is this compatible with vfe androids?
Nairagorn 4 Oct, 2023 @ 2:14pm 
Thanks, not actually using that mod but I am using a few other trait mods, i'll play around with those and see if i can fix it.
FG_Remastered  [author] 4 Oct, 2023 @ 4:02am 
@none: RNG is as the name suggests random. If you cannot get other items at all, check your modlist and installs for errors. We can help you if you post a hugslog.

@Nairagorn: "[KV] More trait slots" breaks android generation. Remove it.
Nairagorn 2 Oct, 2023 @ 8:18pm 
I've created a t3 android, but after it pops out of the assembly casket it just stands there, no movement, can't even click on it, and it doesn't show up in my colonists list. I've made a bunch of M1 2 and 3 androids with no problems. Any idea what might be wrong here? ::edit:: tried a t1 and t2 and they're the same. Only thing i can do with them is delete them in dev mode.

I am able to spawn them directly in dev mode, any of the ATR_ spawns work just fine
none 29 Sep, 2023 @ 11:30am 
hi just wondering about the quest rewards and if its normal or not that on every single quest reward option ive gotten has been an android tier item and then one other non android tier option shouldn't i sometimes be getting quests which don't have those items once in a while?
FG_Remastered  [author] 20 Sep, 2023 @ 7:12pm 
@Sgt. Robo: SkyMind is now standalone, and fully compatible with MH.
Sgt. Robo 19 Sep, 2023 @ 1:35pm 
Will the Sky-Mind Network be returning? Just curious, I don't mean to rush you guys or anything.
FG_Remastered  [author] 18 Sep, 2023 @ 12:48pm 
@Shanzival: Have you tried verifying your game files? Sometimes Steam messes up when downloading updates. If the issue persists, please post a hugslog here, or on Discord. Instructions can be found in the bug reports discussion on ATR Standalone.
Shanzival 16 Sep, 2023 @ 1:02pm 
Both military and normal androids are generating with no head graphics. Reported this first in Android Tiers but my M2 Bishops are also lacking visual heads. They're still wearing helmets normally as appropriate.
FG_Remastered  [author] 3 Sep, 2023 @ 6:01am 
@Emperor Lowa: Known issue. Will be fixed with the next update.
Emperor Lowa 26 Aug, 2023 @ 5:16pm 
Well for whatever reason t1 androids (and other mechanical drones) have issues generating in relation to traits. even supporting the base minimum of mods it still happens. if I add more traits to the game, they never spawn. I suppose it has something to do with HAR harmony patching?
FG_Remastered  [author] 3 Aug, 2023 @ 6:27am 
@Buddric Both require chemfuel and neutramine and are made at either the drug lab (low quantity) or the refinery (high quantity).
Buddric 3 Aug, 2023 @ 6:05am 
Can anyone please tell me how to make coolant and lubricant? My Androids stop moving when I run out and none of the research lines show coolant or lube production!
Marikir 3 Aug, 2023 @ 2:33am 
I had a similar thing as what happened to anonduolingo happen to me, but it was a T1 android instead. Had to dev mode destroy it.
anonduolingo 31 Jul, 2023 @ 2:31pm 
error message when the it gets built is

Exception ticking ATR_T3AndroidGenerator21426 (at (92, 0, 130)): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at (wrapper dynamic-method)
anonduolingo 31 Jul, 2023 @ 2:17pm 
I built a t3 android and it spawned in the graphic, like there's a picture of him but I can't select him, he's not part of my colonist list either.
faraonj 30 Jul, 2023 @ 11:50am 
@Latex Santa I was getting the debuff on non-android pawns. Initially, I just removed the debuff, but it came back. I also could not administer via surgery.
FG_Remastered  [author] 28 Jul, 2023 @ 6:38pm 
@anonduolingo Mechanical parts pack, applied via surgery.
anonduolingo 27 Jul, 2023 @ 12:50pm 
one of my drones got his left visual sensor and his smell sensor completely shot out, how do I get those parts replaced?
Latex Santa 27 Jul, 2023 @ 3:49am 
@Killathon Could the android bionic equivalents in this mod get some support for Elite Bionics Framework sometime in the future, please?
Latex Santa 27 Jul, 2023 @ 3:48am 
@faraonj Make lubricant packs and have them available. The androids will take them on their own when needed. Lubricant packs are under the dr-ug category, and made in the biofuel refinery and dr-ug lab, respectively. They require neutroamine to produce, however. To fix that, I recommend any mod that lets you make neutroamine, such as VGP Vegetable Garden and its submod, Garden Medicine. It gives you growable neutro flowers which can be refined into neutroamine at the biofuel refinery.

For early lubricant packs, I use Character Editor. Just have enough silver in your stockpile. Go to Character Editor, open up the character sheet of one of your colonists with it, go to Inventory. Type in "lubricant pack" without the quotation marks, select quantity, then either spawn it in for free or click Buy. This will remove silver from your stockpile and spawn in the items. They're very cheap, fortunately.
faraonj 22 Jul, 2023 @ 10:22pm 
I am getting a Lubricant Shortage health debuff on pawn and pets. Do you have an idea of why and how to fix?
[Я_Я] OMG67 19 Jul, 2023 @ 12:27am 
Just found a conflict with Misc. Robots, idk if it's been reported or not. Here are the 3 errors that pop-up when trying to activate a robot when it's deactivated and on a platform:

DrunkFlux 16 Jul, 2023 @ 1:11am 
Awesome, thanks.
Killathon  [author] 15 Jul, 2023 @ 4:49pm 
It's just a surgical operation on the android itself. No items required besides the repair stims for the operation.
DrunkFlux 15 Jul, 2023 @ 3:27pm 
Question, how do you get an Autonomous core? I cannot find anything in research anywhere on how to craft one for my tier 2 android, its leaving me wondering why I even bothered to craft the thing.
Killathon  [author] 12 Jul, 2023 @ 6:04pm 
That... should not be possible. T1's should not have a mood need at all. Check your mod settings for MHC and make sure they're configured correctly.
Savra Refumee 12 Jul, 2023 @ 5:58pm 
hey um, quick question, the android start, I am doing it and um....and my t1 androids keep having mental brakes, dispite the fact they have the perks that keep them from needing recreation and the like
Killathon  [author] 10 Jul, 2023 @ 4:30am 
MHC adds additional restrictions to beds via a command on the bed. Normal beds default to organic only and charging beds default to mechanical only, unless you set it to default to all pawns in the mod settings.
Wes Wyleven 10 Jul, 2023 @ 3:35am 
I may be dumb, but how does one take your androids prisoner? is that possible?
I have a t2 android and it keeps saying I dont have a suitable bed in a safe temperature for them (I very much do, BTW) Is there a special bed or other item I need for these androids to sleep or some such?
Killathon  [author] 19 Jun, 2023 @ 6:33am 
Oh, I thought I had gotten rid of the architect tab category for this mod already. I guess I never got around to it. That will be changed in the next update, two production benches do in fact not need their own category after I moved all the various charging pods and other buildings to other tabs.
MrUregancho 19 Jun, 2023 @ 6:26am 
If only it didn't add another category on the left-side bar for 2 items. Instant deal-breaker when i saw that. Same reason i dont used the expanded chemfuel mod