The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Mod Error Container - Compat with erroring mods
sessionsadriana 27 Dec, 2024 @ 5:59am 
I need to say, hgsrcsdhrfcjfdgfhsdghgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggood thing
Гадюк 21 Dec, 2024 @ 8:51am 
JSG  [author] 12 Dec, 2024 @ 7:58pm 
should still work, yea
:D 12 Dec, 2024 @ 6:19pm 
does this mod work for rep+?
JSG  [author] 11 May, 2024 @ 4:21pm 
I was rejected my application to the international ministry of magic, so this mod will, sadly, not solve every potential problem you may be having with any mod ever.
Eredin 11 May, 2024 @ 3:39pm 
is good and all but mine is still crashing
sonka 17 Apr, 2024 @ 11:20am 
longlong999 19 Mar, 2024 @ 10:13pm 
JSG  [author] 16 Feb, 2024 @ 6:16am 
This mod's fixes are incorporated into repentogon, it becomes redundant with it, so while repentogon is active, it disables its own code and it does nothing.
Boardy 16 Feb, 2024 @ 6:10am 
Will this mod continue to fix errors with REPENTOGON installed?
JSG  [author] 25 Jan, 2024 @ 12:06pm 
By fixing them or reporting them to the author of the mods that are erroring.
reesemcblox9000 25 Jan, 2024 @ 10:38am 
@JSG how do i hide the Error Messages in the Debug Console
JSG  [author] 1 Oct, 2023 @ 9:34am 
Mods that are disabled only affect the initial load, in theory, because, yes, the game still needs to be aware of their existence to list them in the mods menu, so they are still "loaded" in a way on launch (and thats what you see in the log). After that point tho, disabled mods shouldnt impact performance on repentance (on AB+ it was a different story, an horror story)
Now about your last question, no, I have never in my life used modpacks tbh and in repentance theres not much performance gain to be obtained for them vs subbing to each mod individually (theres still some minuscule gain but it's usually not worth the hassle). Reality is, this game is not built to have an insane amount of mods like other games you may be used to, so if you are lagging then you should disable some mods, theres no way around it.
Boardy 1 Oct, 2023 @ 9:00am 
@JSG you said that any mod affects performance by simply "existing", does that include mods that are disabled? Because the log.txt says that it "loads" every mod on my mods folder, even the ones that i have disabled.

While on the topic, do you have some tips for better fps with a "moderately sized" modpack? I'm really trying over here...
JSG  [author] 21 Aug, 2023 @ 2:18pm 
It's in "Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Repentance\log.txt"
Best case scenario it will tell you which mods were involved in the crash, not if it was due to an incompatibility or not. Take in mind that this mod will always show up alongside the mod that caused the crash, due to how it encapsulates the errors.
eatehbaby 21 Aug, 2023 @ 11:50am 
where can you find the log file that tells you which mod crashed the game? does it tell you if a mod crashed the game because it was incompatible with another mod?
JSG  [author] 7 May, 2023 @ 6:50pm 
Not in any substantial way thats worth worrying about. Technically any mod "affects" performance by solely existing.
watchmeojo 7 May, 2023 @ 6:29pm 
does this mod affect performance at all? got in a debate with someone about it and want it settled for sure
Tunic Plush 14 Apr, 2023 @ 6:57am 
good one
JSG  [author] 19 Mar, 2023 @ 1:10pm 
I cant, I forgot where I left my magic wand.
Alemi 19 Mar, 2023 @ 10:34am 
make a fps upgrade mod and a lag container mod
JSG  [author] 6 Mar, 2023 @ 12:39pm 
Documents/My Games/TBOI Repentance
ℱancy EnderGear 6 Mar, 2023 @ 11:20am 
Where can I find the log file?
Dylan_1223 2 Mar, 2023 @ 11:17pm 
Thank you for this!
sans peter 8 Feb, 2023 @ 4:07am 
thank you jack black for saving my game's stability
Mr. SeemsGood 30 Jan, 2023 @ 6:58am 
This is the mod ever
Doodl 22 Jan, 2023 @ 7:13pm 
jack black. very nice. im laughing at amazon reviews. kill me.
JSG  [author] 19 Jan, 2023 @ 7:27am 
@yuqingzhitian: read the mod description, please, heres a copypaste from it:
On the log files, when a crash happens, the source of the crash will both display this mod and the actual mod that crashed, so make sure to look up for the actual mod error. If only this mod is displayed as the cause of a crash, let me know (it shouldnt happen)

I already saw you reported the actual error on the mod entry so I assume you just didnt read the desc and both mods showed up, as expected.
Gellu 18 Jan, 2023 @ 10:46pm 
thank u man it works perfectly :D
rainy 18 Jan, 2023 @ 10:06pm 
When I used Goodtrip Fixed ( on Darkroom, my game crashed and I found these in my game log:
[INFO] - [C](-1): pcall
[INFO] - ...Isaac Rebirth/mods/moderrorcontainer_2917616737/main.lua(16): ?
[INFO] - resources/scripts/main.lua(73): ?
[INFO] - Caught exception, writing minidump...
super m 17 Jan, 2023 @ 10:23am 
the stop sign retuhners!
random crits enjoyer 16 Jan, 2023 @ 6:57pm 
Thank you for this!
Crazed Wallace 16 Jan, 2023 @ 11:03am 
finally, the stop sign.
JSG  [author] 16 Jan, 2023 @ 8:50am 
Lets not insult the devs here, while I do see the new error behaviour as a potential issue for a lot of people too, which is why I uploaded this mod, what Im doing here is something the devs didnt do BY CHOICE, _Kilburn knows his shit, he knows how to do this, its not negligence, I didnt do some NASA rocket science here, it's a fairly simple change.
Now, about the whole FF thing thing breaking on a patch, yes, I do think that was due to rushed modding changes and I do wish more dev time was dedicated to the modding-side of things....but cant really blame it on the single dev thats been working on the game for like 5 years now with any help whatsoever and that has to respond to higherups that care little to nothing about modding.

tl;dr: if you dont agree with the way errors work now, like me, then this mod is for you, it rolls it back...but theres no need to slander the devs for it.
im_tem 16 Jan, 2023 @ 8:09am 
source: bro trust me
im_tem 16 Jan, 2023 @ 8:09am 
actually, repentance dev playtested the patch with fiend folio on only (not with any other mods) and didn't have any issue with the lua error behavior, thats why it got pushed as is
EM0RY 16 Jan, 2023 @ 7:48am 
@erm... what the scallop

More like Repetance Dev. I'm pretty sure Kilburn is the only one working on this game anymore
yyyyyyyyy 16 Jan, 2023 @ 7:18am 
doing a better job than the repentance devs that dont playtest their own fucking game
Spook 14 Jan, 2023 @ 2:36pm 
W mod
JSG  [author] 14 Jan, 2023 @ 11:49am 
it hijacks callbacks and adds a pcall(for better erro handling) over them, so if the mod's functions error, then the error is containted and the rest of the callbacks still run.
watchmeojo 14 Jan, 2023 @ 11:29am 
how does this mod work?
Spook 14 Jan, 2023 @ 8:39am 