Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Avalanche AI Battleground
Komentarzy: 85
Noobinator 16 czerwca o 13:32 
The Ai does not spawn but i can get the commands to work. Idk whats wrong
Isapro268 9 marca o 15:17 
Hello, the mod no longer works? When I try to add some AI it doesn't appear, I saw a command in the comments and I already tried it but the AIs are not activated
Draconis 4 marca o 9:53 
AI ENABLE/DISABLE: LEFT CLICK MOUSE + Right click mouse + jump
Draconis 3 marca o 11:18 
AI Ignore: LEFT CLICK MOUSE + Right click mouse + melee
Jonas Savimbi 8 lutego o 9:21 
(Update) so i'm guessing an in-game update messed up the mods (as usual), and thanks to some experimenting I have found out what the key binds are after the update:
Disable/Enable God Mode: Hold Back + Primary fire + Secondary fire
Erase AI: Hold Back + Secondary fire + Throw Grenade btn
Force AI to enter vehicles: No change
AI Ignore: Hold Back + Melee btn + Secondary fire
Toggle HUD: Force AI to enter vehicle command + Jump
Disable/Enable AI: Hold Back + Jump + Secondary fire

Hope this helps!
Jonas Savimbi 8 lutego o 2:39 
I can't get the AI ignore or AI disable commands to work, but the rest work fine. Any ideas? (am using MnK)
Venom47 6 lutego o 20:38 
what team is what?
xsylvr 17 grudnia 2023 o 20:51 
Can't spawn AI. Followed all instructions.
Theghostofreach 16 października 2023 o 8:34 
Theghostofreach 16 października 2023 o 8:34 
plsss update the old avalanche mod on nexus
Theghostofreach 15 października 2023 o 21:29 
yoooo can u please update the sandbox ai mod plsss bro
LAGGING.exe 8 października 2023 o 21:12 
the AI
LAGGING.exe 8 października 2023 o 21:12 
How do you make them respawn
[PMU] Papa Trickshot 8 października 2023 o 15:33 
Thank man!
NIGHTLIGHT 8 października 2023 o 13:39 
I don't see the mod in the games :(
Sera  [autor] 8 października 2023 o 11:38 
Updated :)
Soul 24 lipca 2023 o 14:26 
Joey the Orc 14 czerwca 2023 o 18:04 
How do I get th AI to move? They just stand still
Marked4ArbiterPC 11 czerwca 2023 o 12:58 
followed instructions to the letter but get no AI spawn options idk what i did wrong if anything at all
hmelgarejo.siop 14 maja 2023 o 0:29 
I keep getting crashes. when a make a lot of warrios
m3 29 kwietnia 2023 o 13:21 
how do i change teams
Sousa 25 kwietnia 2023 o 11:05 
I keep getting crashes.
asianpotter1 18 kwietnia 2023 o 17:54 
When I try to spawn in AI, they only appear as the spawn points instead of the actual AI, and I can't figure out how to undo this. The commands also don't seem to have any effect.
Noj 7 kwietnia 2023 o 17:11 
Is there anyway to make dead bodies stay around longer? I want the flood to be able to come back and regenerate during battle but bodies keep disappearing.
Cloud Roller 8 marca 2023 o 18:59 
Is there like a limit to how many characters you can spawn? I placed a bunch of them, expecting a big fight between two sides, and only a handful of the ones on one side spawned, but not everyone, even after starting a new round. Idk what is going on here
AltytheBalty 28 stycznia 2023 o 17:28 
Brother TombStone 19 stycznia 2023 o 23:46 
Its all fine, thank you for getting back to me.
Sera  [autor] 19 stycznia 2023 o 23:02 
Brother TombStone , h3's forge menu is limited i cant add anything else to this map or valhalla sorry
Brother TombStone 19 stycznia 2023 o 22:19 
So, for this one (I enjoyed Valhalla) the only faction that can spawn a squad is the flood. Any chance you can fix that for the Marines, ODST, Elites and Brutes because that is what i really enjoyed about Valhalla, is spawning a squad. Makes it faster to start up fights, instead of having to spawn troops individually. I also really did enjoy the respawning AI like how you did in with the Reach mod. I like to sometimes set my camera facing forward and take my hands away from my keyboard and mouse and just watch them fight endlessly, instead of always going and placing new troops once the fight is over.
Bnsee 12 stycznia 2023 o 23:28 
appreciate you updating this mod man, cant get enough of these ai mods !
Necrobruh99 10 stycznia 2023 o 22:39 
yup it works like that just used marines with a warthog and changed to pink team lmao thats epic
Necrobruh99 10 stycznia 2023 o 22:30 
Sera i gotcha so i could get in a vehicle and just hop out then the ai would use it
Mr Zeeks 9 stycznia 2023 o 10:16 
oh ok
Sera  [autor] 9 stycznia 2023 o 8:26 
The AI do not register a vehicle until you get into it.
Sera  [autor] 9 stycznia 2023 o 8:26 
Oblivion, that’s a default thing even in campaign.
Mr Zeeks 9 stycznia 2023 o 5:14 
oh ok , well i love the mod, They do drive but thats only if i get in a vehicle , they dont get in by themselves without me getting in and getting out
Sera  [autor] 9 stycznia 2023 o 4:13 
Necrobruh99 , they do drive
Sera  [autor] 9 stycznia 2023 o 4:13 
nah no other versions
Mr Zeeks 9 stycznia 2023 o 4:06 
sounds rly dumb but is there another version of urs that has repawning AI i want ai battles haha
Necrobruh99 8 stycznia 2023 o 23:57 
Sera thanks for making a childhood dream come true now we just need ai to drive and it be perfect love your halo reach mod for ai battlegrounds as well good job foreal
Sera  [autor] 8 stycznia 2023 o 16:38 
No, people chose to not want respawning ai.
Mr Zeeks 8 stycznia 2023 o 6:03 
can they respawn bc i put their respawn rate to 60
Sera  [autor] 7 stycznia 2023 o 16:57 
That’s normal for most mods idk why it does that
combatform347 7 stycznia 2023 o 10:32 
Hey, the only issue ive had so far is that sometimes the game will crash when i go to the pause menu. Other than that everything else works great, nicely done!
Sera  [autor] 7 stycznia 2023 o 8:24 
You don’t even need to uninstall mods on halo you should be good to go if it’s only a map mod
Sera  [autor] 7 stycznia 2023 o 8:23 
343 will never add support for the .dll
solusun 7 stycznia 2023 o 8:08 
well that would be acceptable if this title released in like 2008, but unfortunately its 2023 and every game on steam that uses workshop is as easy as (click, installing, play - unclick, uninstalling, vanilla mode ready)

343 is unprepared to exist in this environment.
Sera  [autor] 7 stycznia 2023 o 3:44 
remember if anyone needs help with anything at all relating to this mod the best way to get into contact with me right away is through my discord server
Sera  [autor] 6 stycznia 2023 o 22:12 
solusun , it's a super easy install! i even have a TUT on youtube on how to install the mod.
solusun 6 stycznia 2023 o 21:53 
so lame that i can't just subscribe to this mod, load up mcc and play. get with the times 343 damn...