Expanded Roster - Norsca
Overlord 4 Jul @ 8:54am 
Just checked again - all of those lords seem to have absolutely the same vanilla building browser, so no worries! Just crosscheck those lords mentioned in my previous message. Thx in advance for your great work!
Decomposed  [author] 4 Jul @ 7:06am 
Granted, I did not test them all. I'll have a look, but know that if these factions have custom buildings, this will require a separate submod, because I cannot add entries here that will cause ctd to those playing without the Tribes mod.
Overlord 4 Jul @ 6:38am 

Much obliged for the support of the SCM: TotN! Greatly thankful for your efforts!
However, I just took it upon myself to test it out, and it seems that it's not working for some of the lords ;( The list is as follows

- Hakka the Aesling (Aesling tribe)
- Einarr Sigdansson (Baersonling tribe)
- Harald Whyrlas (Graeling Tribe)
- Birna the Huntress (Sarl tribe)
- Adella of the Thousand Mouths (Skeggi tribe)

Kindly crosscheck 🙏
Decomposed  [author] 3 Jul @ 2:25pm 
- Updated for patch 5.1
- Added support for SCM: Tribes of the North
Decomposed  [author] 27 Jun @ 11:28am 
Unit packs are safe in general, at least compared to overhauls etc.
Juan3196G 27 Jun @ 10:54am 
Works for multiplayer campaign?
Decomposed  [author] 25 Jun @ 1:22pm 
Hello, I will look into it!
Overlord 25 Jun @ 10:32am 
Hi there, @Decomposed!

Thx for the great mod! Any plans for integration with the latest SCM: Tribes of the North?
I presume that'll require some kind of compatibility submod..? I really miss out these units if I want to play any other lord than Wulfrik or Trogg :(
Decomposed  [author] 5 Jun @ 10:52pm 
It won't cause ctd or anything, but some custom factions in IEE probably won't get the units and/or the hero.
PKVGaming 5 Jun @ 6:23pm 
Is this not compatible with IEE?
Decomposed  [author] 5 Jun @ 6:40am 
Mod conflict or you're playing a non supported campaign? IEE?
Bloothtooth 5 Jun @ 5:47am 
A lot of the units don't show up in campaign, only custom battle. Is that a bug or by design?
Decomposed  [author] 22 May @ 12:33am 
Thanks for the reports both below, I'll have a look as soon as I can.
jirb bonksley 21 May @ 9:13pm 
Champions of the north lord ability (and maybe some of the others, not done the math) doesn't seem to actually be giving units its buffs, but does for ROR icehorn marauders at least
ryukon 19 May @ 1:44pm 
Is it intended that the Frost Hydra breath attack one-shots a unit of Chosen? That ability is OP af.
The vanilla unit DE War Hydra itself only causes about 10% of the Chosen HP in damage.
Decomposed  [author] 15 May @ 9:05am 
This would need a submod I suppose.
ryukon 15 May @ 8:57am 
The Jarl hero is not available for custom norscan factions in LCCP and TOTN mods.
Decomposed  [author] 14 May @ 12:49pm 
- Updated for patch 5.0.3
Decomposed  [author] 11 May @ 6:25pm 
- Updated for patch 5.0.2
- Shuffled around the recruitment of Pit Fighters, Shiled Maidens and Huscarls
Noro 4 May @ 4:25am 
Works fine in custom on 5.0 idk about campaign
Decomposed  [author] 2 May @ 7:54am 
I am away for a few days, I will update all my mods when I return.
yangban 2 May @ 1:18am 
plz update
Axelrod13 27 Apr @ 3:32am 
is there an sfo submod that works?
Decomposed  [author] 24 Apr @ 2:13pm 
Ok, I'll check it when I can, maybe the author accidentally removed Valkia's shield.
Óðinn Alföðr 24 Apr @ 1:12pm 
I think this mod "Zealots of Slaanesh" Needs to be checked.There is an unit Archangel unit with a spear and without a shield)
Óðinn Alföðr 24 Apr @ 1:07pm 
think I can which mod takes off the shield =)
Óðinn Alföðr 24 Apr @ 1:06pm 
Hmm...may be=)
Decomposed  [author] 24 Apr @ 10:57am 
My Valkyrie still has a shield, I have not removed it. Maybe another mod you use?
Óðinn Alföðr 24 Apr @ 8:56am 
I thank the mod's author for removing the Valkyrie shield.However, Valkia's own shield had also disappeared.Is there any way to fix this?In battle, Valkia fights without a shield.:steamsad:
Decomposed  [author] 23 Apr @ 2:36am 
Indeed they need a wizard lord, that's true
Blazindragon 23 Apr @ 12:30am 
Aighty well thanks for the suggestion on the Fimir. I do have to say though that it would be super awesome if you did the Vikti-Sorcerer Lord so we could have a wizard general option finally.
Decomposed  [author] 14 Apr @ 11:01am 
For more Fimir I suggest to play with the OvN race pack. For the other lords, I don't have any plans atm, we'll see in the future.
Blazindragon 14 Apr @ 10:12am 
Any chance we could get the Vikti-Sorcerer Lord, Alpha Skin Werekin Lord, and Fimir Meargh Lord?
Decomposed  [author] 13 Apr @ 1:43am 
No, you are :cozyjunimogreen:
the critter 13 Apr @ 12:38am 
you are the best person ever mr mod man
Decomposed  [author] 24 Feb @ 8:45am 
- Updated for 4.2 patch
Decomposed  [author] 22 Feb @ 2:10pm 
That is not up to me unfortunately. Anyone who plays with Radious is free to make a submod and I will post the link here. The older submods have been removed because the author abandoned them.
Coky 22 Feb @ 2:03pm 
Will there again be a submod for radious? really miss all your mod in that mod?
Decomposed  [author] 23 Nov, 2023 @ 6:02am 
That's the intention, hopefully I can find the time to make more soon :)
Aurora 23 Nov, 2023 @ 6:01am 
Thank you for your hard work, these mods make the factions more fun to play!
Decomposed  [author] 23 Nov, 2023 @ 3:49am 
- Updated for 4.1 patch
Soul 21 Nov, 2023 @ 11:08am 
4,1 update plz.
Decomposed  [author] 12 Nov, 2023 @ 1:44pm 
@Zarrk Fixed
Zarrk 11 Nov, 2023 @ 1:42pm 
Is it intended for Bondsmen to have the peasant attribute ? Weird choice for a faction with no access to knights, unless it was planned for the Jarl for flavor reason, maybe you thought of expendable instead ?
Decomposed  [author] 2 Nov, 2023 @ 1:07am 
Yes but I would need some help to do it as I am not good with scripts.
Silvřík 2 Nov, 2023 @ 12:34am 
Hello. Have you considered making your mods compatible with Mod Configuration Tool?
AngelPhoenix 20 Oct, 2023 @ 7:52pm 
No one else is allowed to rate this. Too perfect.
Decomposed  [author] 13 Oct, 2023 @ 6:09am 
They have weakness against all missile units because of almost zero armour and no shields. But if they get in melee they are really good.
Aurora 12 Oct, 2023 @ 1:46pm 
Is it just me or are the pit fighters really overpowered?
MINOS 9 Oct, 2023 @ 4:15pm 
I didnt look into these...

But you wanna remove Norscan Waifus?
