Body Size Genes
152 件のコメント
GVLT 10月16日 13時00分 
Is it possible to have separate genes for head and body size?
D42z 6月3日 8時13分 
thanks !
Arkantos Eli 5月31日 11時16分 
Thanks for the mod!
I'd love to see some more extreme body size genes (humans the size of a squirrel, or as tall as a giraffe). Would be fun trying to keep the tiny ones alive in combat, or trying to keep a colony of gargantuan humans well fed.
Dogs vary wildly in size (the biggest easily being 10x the size of the smallest), don't see why we can't have humans do the same lore-wise with artificial gene editing.
Odin 4月12日 5時01分 
update to 1.5 pls
Average Genestealer 2023年10月29日 14時05分 
If I could code, I'd make a gene that causes pawns to grow over their lifetime with an increasing hunger rate until they die from not being able to find enough food. Maybe also something that makes it so they age to adulthood super dooper fast but age normally after that. Would be funny to mass-produce giant orc soldiers like that.
Mute  [作成者] 2023年5月22日 14時14分 
@Hoddrock Yeah, the scaling code is in VBS not this mod.
Hoddrock 2023年5月22日 9時36分 
Do i need varied body sizes mod if I’m using pawnmorpher?
Azuraal 2023年5月20日 11時44分 
Well, the bug is back. It appears the bug is from the last release of Varied Body Sizes, which got covered by this mod including outdated .dll, if loaded out of order.
At least now I know for sure where to report it.
To be clear what I'm talking about is the hair of a pawn not scailing with the size of the pawn. so for very large sizes the head ends up larger than the hair texture and the hair hangs there in the middle.
Mute  [作成者] 2023年5月20日 2時08分 
Loads fine with either order for me, but I've pushed an update fixing the accidentally-included extra assemblies.
Azuraal 2023年5月19日 13時10分 
It's not indicated anywhere that this mod ought to be loaded before Varied Body Sizes, which is very counter intuitive, and had me thinking there is a unresolved bug with hair scailing.
accrrsd 2023年4月27日 17時50分 
By the way, I found out that the value of appearInGenePack (or something like that) in xml means that a gene can appear as part of gene packs, for example, during a gene lab quest.

I think it needs to be turned on, because it will be possible to find the gene in the laboratory and later transplant it to your pawn.
Mute  [作成者] 2023年4月27日 5時41分 
Thanks, Computica, I've added it to the list.

Good news otherwise - as of recent updates, Yayo Animation no longer seems to cause issues when active with HAR + Body Size Genes.
Computica 2023年4月26日 18時00分 
Star Wars Xenotypes
Uses this too
accrrsd 2023年4月15日 9時04分 
@Mute i made it
SMP XenoVerse
Mute  [作成者] 2023年4月12日 22時07分 
Let me know when you finish it and I'll add it to the description here.
accrrsd 2023年4月11日 17時34分 
I don't know for sure, I was just poking around in the xml of genes and noticed this setting. But I am almost sure that it is impossible to implement the frequency of occurrence through weight with a simple xml setting. However, there is probably a setting that will allow the gene to just randomly appear at the pawns. Such as hair color.
I was just wondering what the reason is and if there are any bugs behind it. Right now I'm making a mod for 4 additional xenotypes that use your genes for growth, which will allow them to somehow appear in the game, an alternative solution to the problem.
Mute  [作成者] 2023年4月11日 16時10分 
I just didn't have functioning docs for what tags to use when I initially wrote it. Is the tag you mentioned the one? I would have to look into weighing the likelihood for the different genes - most likely, the biggest/smallest should be much rarer than the more minor changes.
accrrsd 2023年4月10日 20時07分 
@Mute Just a simple question - why u not do that generate naturally?
Like <canGenerateInGeneSet/> true or something?
celest7k 2023年3月27日 9時51分 
Thanks for the update and answer.
Mute  [作成者] 2023年3月27日 1時32分 
@BruhMan I would, but the incompatibility is only when HAR is also active and that's not the kind of condition I can specify, as far as I'm aware.
BruhMan 2023年3月14日 17時32分 
Could you mark Yayo's animation as incompatible in the game mod list? Whenever i tried to generate a world only 1 ghost faction would spawn and it took me 4 hours trouble shooting mod lists after work. When loaded together it's not red, it really should be. Cool mod but yayo animation >
Mute  [作成者] 2023年3月12日 8時19分 
@celest7k it's a caching issue, it should resolve after a few seconds unpaused. It's on my to-do list to fix, sorry for the wait.
celest7k 2023年3月11日 23時42分 
p.s. tested with no other mods and new chrashlanded, no error in log
celest7k 2023年3月11日 23時40分 
I think ther is a bug in this mod. The pawn generates correct (smalles -6) as spirit and body size stat. After a save load the body size stat resets to 1.00.
Soul 2023年2月28日 22時59分 
Yes! Thank you for explaining. Much appreciated.
Mute  [作成者] 2023年2月28日 22時42分 
@Soul they're not set to occur naturally. They only happen when added to your custom xenotypes. Does this help?
Soul 2023年2月28日 22時32分 
The descriptions of this mod aren't exactly clear.
As far as I can tell, these genes do no spawn naturally and can only be used by other mods, or added to pawns before landing.

It would be helpful to a lot of us if you could clear things up
Mute  [作成者] 2023年2月28日 17時19分 
@Xenogray @Caveman can you generate a hugslib log when you run into that issue? Ctrl+F12, it'll give you a link to paste here.
Xenogray 2023年2月28日 8時53分 
@Caveman : Exact same here. Gave up on this mod.
KGB 2023年2月25日 14時22分 
I can make small kings
truly modding has reached its peak
Sithril 2023年2月1日 11時54分 
Q: can these genes appear on traders/villages/caravans? Or have I been just super unlucky so far?

Suggestion if I may! Add a "neutral size" gene; kind of like many other 'neutral genes' that enable a specific aspect of a pawn to be overriden to the baseliner value.
Caveman 2023年1月31日 18時15分 
When ever i have this mod loaded i cant get other factions to load other then the drow continued mod
Totsnuk 2023年1月25日 3時26分 
This work with Multiplayer?
Teamson 2023年1月11日 8時20分 
Suggestion: Add normal size as a Gene so one could pick out of a range of several heights, including normal size.
whateven 2023年1月10日 9時34分 
hm I'm not sure if I understand - that seems like a very indirect workaround. What I want is essentially -just- the creation of the new stat bodySizeFactor/bodySizeMultiplier (and hopefully also a new stat healthScaleFactor), so that it can be effected by genes, exactly as in your mod.
I just cant have it in combination with the visual-auto scaling of Varied Body Sizes, and I'm wondering if there is a way to just create those stats (and honestly add them to a framework, since it seems like a a generally useful functionality/stat to have around)
Mute  [作成者] 2023年1月10日 0時00分 
@whateven You could do it by defining a custom life stage, like how the genes in Character Editor do it. If that's not detailed enough to get you started, let me know.
whateven 2023年1月9日 19時44分 
Hey I appreciate the mod, and I had a question about making a stripped down version that only does the bit that makes bodySizeFactor (and ideally a new healthScaleFactor) a stat that can be editted by genes. The reason is that I'm trying to make bodytypes (hulking, fat, thin) have a gamplay effect and impact bodySizeFactor directly, but since the larger/smaller pawn size is already represented by the body image, I dont want to use varied body sizes, as this will mean, for example, a Fat Pawn (with a fat_body that has bodySizeFactor 1.5) shouldn't actually be scaled up graphically to be 1.5x as varied body sizes will do automatically.
Basically I'm wondering if there is a way to only use your code that makes bodySizeFactor a stat (and hopefully I can add healthScaleFactor too) without dependency on Varied Body Sizes?
Thank you
Gamorou 2023年1月9日 2時41分 
I tried many combinations but unfortunately I only saved the log when I tried it with more mods, I will leave the log here, after lot of tests I confirmed that this was one of the mods causing errors along with dragonian prime race 2.0
Vigalance 2023年1月2日 5時00分 
@Ehayn, i doubt thats the issue, mine was fine till a few days ago, no changes to modlist, but now all my dwarf children grow up to be full sized stf pawns and i cant char edit them to be small again. i dont have infuse or falloutcore and terrainmovement
Mute  [作成者] 2023年1月1日 22時41分 
@Ehayn I don't see an infusion 2 listed in the log you provided, does it use a different name possibly?
Ehayn 2022年12月31日 9時48分 
@Mute, Probably the "Infusion 2" mod is causing the error. Since the characters disappear after installing this mod
Kinish 2022年12月30日 5時28分 
Под русским переводом этого мода, комментарии закрыты, потому оставлю здесь - у меня отключились все поселения при генерации мира и после двух часов перебора отсеялся именно тот перевод. Если это сообщение поможет хоть кому-то, уже хорошо...

Under the Russian translation of this mod, the comments are closed, so I'll leave it here - all the settlements turned off when generating the world and after two hours of sorting, that translation was eliminated. If this message helps at least someone, that's good...
Mute  [作成者] 2022年12月29日 21時06分 
@Ehayn That's an absolutely huge mod list, unfortunately. If you could try seeing if removing any of the following helps, that would let me narrow it down:
FalloutCore, TerrainMovement
Mute  [作成者] 2022年12月27日 19時29分 
@Ehayn Can you provide a hugslib log (ctrl+f12), done after the pawns disappear?
Ehayn 2022年12月27日 5時53分 
For some reason this mod stopped working for me. If earlier I calmly created colonists with their colossal sizes, now after creating a new colony with the same parameters, the colonists appear in normal sizes, after a couple of seconds an error pops up and the colonists disappear
Dovahsdottir_864 2022年12月25日 16時58分 
It also happens whenever I use VEF bodysize genes with Varied Body Sizes enabled. If a pawn has no bodysize alterations, then it works. It seems like Varied Body Sizes causes issues with mods that try to change bodysize, so you might want to talk to that mod author?
Dovahsdottir_864 2022年12月25日 16時39分 
Having the same issue as SecretAsianMan and can confirm it only happens When I load Body Size Genes. Actually using the genes makes it even weirder; the Giant Gene that gives x1.50 bodysize gives pawns 0.19 size for example
Mute  [作成者] 2022年12月16日 15時05分 
@Mereel it's on my list to make it optional, it's just going to be a bit because it means re-doing how I interact with the settings.
Drekkennought 2022年12月16日 10時15分 
Okay, so their implementation is more visual, rather than technical. Thank you for the clarification, I appreciate it, my friend!