

Questionable Ethics Enhanced (Continued)
Mlie  [author] 11 Jul @ 10:10pm 
@Ishar If you find out what mod is triggering it I can take a look. Presumably some that modifies the kitchen room definitions
Ishar 11 Jul @ 5:03pm 
I'm having the same issue as ShivKnight - not using SoS2. Same with the issue cropping up a few years in - it doesn't seem to trigger immediately if I switch to a new colony. Took awhile to work out that it was the organ vat doing it. Some error message about a kitchen object reference missing. It breaking also broke gene related buildings in the room, lol, so I spent awhile poking at those before remembering the organ vat in the corner.
Mlie  [author] 4 Jul @ 5:37am 
@Some1AteMyBrain Works in my tests, see how to report issues above
Some1AteMyBrain 4 Jul @ 4:54am 
Okay but why are the clones always thin?
Femol 1 Jul @ 11:23pm 
Thank you for your reply and sorry for the lag. I don't know the English word for it, forbidden or banned like banned by background story? Just a "-" after skills not a value.
Problem exists even if I activate only Harmony and this mod.
And just now I found save and load could solve this, all other skills are available and skill levels same as template.
But sometimes SL alterred the brain template property (item and clone as well). For example, there are childhood story and adult story in the template before SL, but only childhood or none was remained after SL, then adult story won't be cloned unless I scan again and apply.
Strange, not sure whether this only occurs on me.
Mlie  [author] 1 Jul @ 6:13am 
@Femol What do you mean by locked?
Femol 1 Jul @ 4:01am 
Yes, after applied the brain scan, skill level of these 3 were obtained, but others still locked.
Mlie  [author] 1 Jul @ 3:29am 
@Femol 3 skills is the standard amount of skills. Did you apply the brain scan on the clone?
Femol 1 Jul @ 3:24am 
After cloning, only 3 skills are available, that's normal or not?
TheVillain 27 Jun @ 9:00am 
"cloned insectoids to always go Manhunter after cloning."

Sounds like a 'fun for all the family' feature to me. Get the dart gun, this turkey is about ready.
Gobble gobble little guy.
ShivKnight 24 Jun @ 8:48am 
Sure enough. I put the organ vats into a new closet by themselves with nothing else and the room state display turned into a blank window and the bill tab disappears.
Anyone else run into that kind of conflict? The SoS2 update is the only thing ive added recently and the issue didn't crop up until a few years and body parts in.
Mlie  [author] 23 Jun @ 11:12pm 
@Poorweather Probably not, unsure its meant to be used that way
Poorweather 23 Jun @ 9:00pm 
I ran into an issue where using a brain template on a non-clone pawn using the toggleable option only changes one of their two backstories and doesn't change their ideology. Is this on purpose?
Sebamir 22 Jun @ 11:24am 
sorry I took a while
I did a little binary search in my mods and the problem with the sequencer seems to be related to vanilla genetics expanded, took it out of my modlist and the sequencer works just fine
Mlie  [author] 22 Jun @ 9:19am 
@ShivKnight Not pawn priorities, it was due to added room definitions.
ShivKnight 22 Jun @ 9:14am 
The logic fault tracks and explains odd pawn behavior while in the room. Unfortunately im not using the common sense mod or any other mod that Im aware of tampering with pawn priorities. The oddest thing is that its only the organ vat while active, the cloning vat is unaffected.
Mlie  [author] 21 Jun @ 6:39am 
@ShivKnight Ive seen this with another mod and the reason then was due to a faulty logic in the added room definitions in the common sense mod
ShivKnight 21 Jun @ 5:50am 
Im having an interesting issue. When the organ vat is in a a room growing organs/limbs I'm unable to click anything in the same room with a production/bill tab, then it won't let me select pawns or anything else, freezing the item window in place.
I can break out of it by going to the world map or otherwise forcing the info windows to change.
Then when growth is done I can remove the vat and the problem goes away.
acottonsock 20 Jun @ 2:23pm 
Update: Just closed out of the game completely and restarted. That seems to have updated the mod. Thank you for all your work!
acottonsock 20 Jun @ 1:27pm 
Hi, I am having the same issue as Codi.

I reinstalled the mod as you stated it was updated and still cannot install legs, feet, arms, hands, eyes, ears, stomach, jaw, or nose cannot be installed on Strangers from Anomaly DLC.

Thanks in advance!
Mlie  [author] 20 Jun @ 12:01pm 
@Codi Should be fixed now
Codi 19 Jun @ 5:30pm 
Questionable Ethics Enhanced legs, feet, arms, hands, eyes, ears, stomach, jaw, or nose cannot be installed on Strangers from Anomaly DLC
Liver, Kidneys, and Lungs can be installed

To reproduce harvest, then attempt to install on Stranger (Creepjoiner)

Looks like when an organ/limb has the "Content Source" section with "Questionable Ethics Enhanced" they cannot be installed
Strangers also have the "Content Source" with "Anomaly", regular pawns do not
Codi 16 Jun @ 12:35pm 
Psychite dependency gene doesn't seem to work on clones?
Might just be me
acottonsock 15 Jun @ 1:57pm 
I'm having an issue with this mod and I believe it to be something Anomaly related.

I cannot install, specifically, the vat-grown "nose" on the new supernatural human types that come from Anomaly. I'm talking about the NPCs that appear with a quest to your colony, "xxx is approaching your colony and wants to speak with you, and may grow angry if you don't do it soon." Followed by agreeing to let them stay with you.

These specific types of quests cause the vat-grown body parts to not be installed (in my case the nose) if you choose to take in the Anomaly.
Mlie  [author] 11 Jun @ 10:02pm 
@Layer-8-Problem I have no control over what RimPy does, it is closed source and Ive never used it.
Layer-8-Problem 11 Jun @ 6:27pm 
RimPy lists this as incompatible with Harvest Everything. I am essentially having the same question Owl described. A clarifictation in the Readme would be nice.
Mlie  [author] 6 Jun @ 7:33am 
@Shawn Please see the Reporting Issues section described above
Shawn 6 Jun @ 7:05am 
Same problem as Sebamir
(OriginalOwl) 30 May @ 12:00pm 
does this mod harvest organs? as im wondering what the duplicate functionality with the harvest everything mod is as thats all that mod does? reason im asking is ill unsub that to get rid of duplicates error
seldon 24 May @ 9:01am 
... the research screen issue can be "fixed" by disabling the integration between QEE and EvolvedOrgansRedux in the mod options.

Make sure this option is set to " Evolved Organs Redux ":
" Check of which mod the organ workbench should be used to create EvolvedOrgansRedux implants "
seldon 24 May @ 8:46am 
For anyone seeing issues with the research screen, I narrowed down an issue between this mod and EvolvedOrgansRedux (https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2424381146)

A bug has been filed through Mlie's discord, https://trello.com/c/zW93X0DP

Posting here for visibility in case anyone else runs into a similar issue
Mlie  [author] 18 May @ 9:53pm 
@Smeengie Please see the Reporting Issues section described above
Smeengie 18 May @ 7:39pm 
I got a bug report. It seems that this mod makes my research panel go black and not show the stuff I can unlock.
Sebamir 15 May @ 8:20pm 
hi, sorry to bother, im trying to get a template from my pawns but the operation just consumes the genome sequencer and creates nothing, the doctor get "standing" for a moment and just moves on
the "surgery" is not consumed, so it just keeps eating sequencers but no templates get made
any idea of what im doing wrong?
Mlie  [author] 13 May @ 10:05pm 
@AimAssist Enjoyer Please see the Reporting Issues section described above
AimAssist Enjoyer 13 May @ 3:44pm 
Mod works great. But I have one texture issue when I start cloning pawns the vat disappears and I only see a green hue.
Mlie  [author] 12 May @ 9:27am 
@Valdrax I generally dont change the original descriptions
Valdrax 12 May @ 8:29am 
Suggestion: The links to Life Support and Crude Bionics should be updated to versions of the mods that are more recently supported. Life Support has a fork that has an update to 1.5, and Crude Bionics has one updated to 1.4.
Mlie  [author] 8 May @ 11:06pm 
@JerryTheCultist Please see the Reporting Issues section described above
JerryTheCultist 8 May @ 5:30pm 
my clone somehow spawned with a negative age, and atm? always will for the specific pawn im cloning

i cant fix this in character editor as its permanently locked to this negative age value/infinite age value

nothing ive done fixes this, im not cloning anything odd either, its a baseliner with some horns
works perfectly fine for the other baseliner who has a sterile gene
Tom Walsh 8 May @ 10:22am 
I figured, but I also figured you may like to see it as reference should it come up again.
Mlie  [author] 8 May @ 8:48am 
@Tom Walsh The error is regarding EVOR_Item_Brain_ReptilianFrontalCortex, nothing I recognise from this mod
Tom Walsh 8 May @ 8:41am 
Heyo, getting an error between Evolved Organs Redux and QEE. Posting it on both just for the heads up.
with DLC: https://gist.github.com/HugsLibRecordKeeper/025c0d2c785213e5a6c8c6410cc069bc
without DLC: https://gist.github.com/HugsLibRecordKeeper/f99fd1cbddcca0340f4f0c08134b9f12
Mlie  [author] 6 May @ 11:54pm 
@Z Chuck Please see the Reporting Issues section described above
Z Chuck 6 May @ 10:36pm 
When I apply a genome to get a clone, then apply a brain template from that same colonist. Why is the clone only keeping half the skills?
Zack 6 May @ 1:28pm 
Hello, I just noticed a tiny typo in the description for the Ideologion Cloning-Approved.
"Cloning is a velnerable task." Just thought I'd report it.
Mlie  [author] 5 May @ 6:50am 
@alfiehaine2013 In what way?
alfiehaine2013 5 May @ 6:01am 
does this work with biotech?
Wisp 22 Apr @ 8:06pm 
You are an unbelievable powerhouse of revivals, Mlie. Thank you for your incredible diligence :sfhappy:
MrXarous 20 Apr @ 3:43pm 
@rerk Testing just this mod, core, and dlcs I'm not having this issue. After researching the needed I set multiple bills and made sure I had more than enough Nutrient Solution and Protein Mash in a nearby stockpile/shelf. If I were you I'd try it with just this mod then troubleshoot what's causing the incompatibility. Check above for reporting the issue either here or the Discord for further assistance if you'd like.