Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta)

Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta)

666 Darkness Way
Windows_TAHK 28 Sep, 2023 @ 11:42am 
10/10 просто расположение камеры :steamthumbsup:
ChrysaLis  [author] 26 Sep, 2023 @ 10:15am 
Thanadrax/Cream(afk)  [author] 26 Sep, 2023 @ 8:32am 
Windows_TAHK 25 Sep, 2023 @ 12:02pm 
Кстати, заебись место камеры последнего сохранения превого уровня в едиторе, заценил. :houndeye:
ChrysaLis  [author] 19 Mar, 2023 @ 10:39am 
Windows_TAHK 19 Mar, 2023 @ 10:25am 
Это шедевр, будет ли ещё подобное?

И куда пропал DLC мода, от другого человека?
ChrysaLis  [author] 27 Dec, 2022 @ 9:14am 
воняет гавном
Windows_TAHK 27 Dec, 2022 @ 8:54am 
Пахнет Trash Party 2: TFE в некоторых моментах.
Shockwave 25 Dec, 2022 @ 10:08pm 
This was funny
Jeff 7 Dec, 2022 @ 10:53am 
верим в сиквел:GhostImage:
Thanadrax/Cream(afk)  [author] 16 Sep, 2022 @ 1:14am 
Говорят люди до сих пор верят в сиквел
judgment cut 15 Sep, 2022 @ 3:12pm 
も重要なことは、そのよう - вот про маму было лишнее
AlcoholicFemboy69 23 Aug, 2022 @ 6:36pm 
"developer cheats enabled"
DUCKYBONY 15 Aug, 2022 @ 1:56pm 
the beginning took most of the time on the 1st level, but yea
Thanadrax/Cream(afk)  [author] 15 Aug, 2022 @ 1:55pm 
that's some deep stuff my dude
Thanadrax/Cream(afk)  [author] 15 Aug, 2022 @ 4:59am 
not like i wouldn't believe you but out of interest yeah bring some
DUCKYBONY 15 Aug, 2022 @ 4:35am 
need proof aswell?
DUCKYBONY 15 Aug, 2022 @ 4:33am 
now you know 3.
Thanadrax/Cream(afk)  [author] 14 Aug, 2022 @ 8:01am 
About time. I spent around 4 hours on making a map. Other guy spent around the same time. We really just shat on maps, dude. Please, consider your time and either don't play it or try it in coop.

I know it sounds strange, but I know atleast 2 people who somehow managed to finish this mod in singleplayer serious difficulty. I called them weirdos.

Why making this mappack? Exactly to show others the worst aspects of 2014-2015 "hellish" maps which had exactly the same problems.
Tayzor Azul 14 Aug, 2022 @ 7:56am 
Oh I read the description. But I also think about the time you guys put into this.
But seriously if this is nothing but a joke/poke fun why make it in the first place ?

I tried like 50 times to dodge and dance around enemies but you can't since some enemies have hitscan.

The biggest problem is the enemies have to much health. Like Holly Cow ! Its like fighting Ugh-Zan on Serious 400%.
Thanadrax/Cream(afk)  [author] 14 Aug, 2022 @ 6:44am 
Yeah. Pretty much this.
ChrysaLis  [author] 14 Aug, 2022 @ 6:43am 
Please don't play it.
Thanadrax/Cream(afk)  [author] 14 Aug, 2022 @ 6:41am 
Please read description before playing.
Tayzor Azul 14 Aug, 2022 @ 4:23am 
You know there are levels that are challenging, but my god the enemies are unbalanced as fuck.
Seriously do those Arachnoids even taking damage ? I shot like 50 rockets into the fuckers and they do not die.
This needs serious balancing. Its one thing to put lava everywhere and another to but immortal enemies. Doom Eternal on Nightmare is more balanced than this......
Werewolf man (OH YEAH BABY) 11 Aug, 2022 @ 3:12pm 
This is the perfect example of what those "mystical nightmarish/hellish epic" levels are and thats the kind of level that made me come up with "Serious sam Legends" in the first place. I actually planned that to be something like this, but I decided that making an "Improved" type of these levels might work better for me(Using revamped levels with nary a semblance to the original, but sandwhiching entierly new levels from the ground up among other things). This is what made me remember my project after I went off production due to losing interest and I hope I get back into SE modding soon.
Thanadrax/Cream(afk)  [author] 9 Aug, 2022 @ 5:30am 
Hey thanks!
timilyo80 9 Aug, 2022 @ 5:25am 
The first level is really nostalgic. If the balance wasn't made for the sake of the joke, I might had actually liked it!

Other than that, good meme :chelWink:
Булечка с КошкоМа 9 Aug, 2022 @ 3:50am 
У меня отвалилась жопа. Помогите
AlcoholicFemboy69 8 Aug, 2022 @ 1:41pm 
nostalgic feels
Human 8 Aug, 2022 @ 5:09am 
а на сирианском описание где ставлю палец вниз :steamthumbsup:
Human 8 Aug, 2022 @ 5:08am 
а на русском описание где
Jeff 8 Aug, 2022 @ 3:35am 

[~K~] the troller 8 Aug, 2022 @ 3:22am 
中国对你很满意! +4129329 social credit :steamthumbsup:
Thanadrax/Cream(afk)  [author] 8 Aug, 2022 @ 3:19am 
PSA: Бу проект 2014-2015 чорының "мистик, геллис төнге эпик, геллис" карталарында көлдерергә омтыла, һәм беркемнең дә хисләренә, өстенлекләренә зыян китерергә тырышмый. Бу ике карточка - авторларның йөрәкләреннән бер төрле кычкыру, без аларны "геллис" карточкаларына һәм "геллис" TFE / TSE картасы эшләренә җиткерергә тырышабыз.
Көнегез яхшы булсын, иң мөһиме - беркайчан да үзегезне ахмак кешеләр итеп күрсәтмәгез, мондый проектларга карата тәнкыйтьтән рәнҗетелгән. Тәнкыйть - алгарыш двигателе.
Thanadrax/Cream(afk)  [author] 8 Aug, 2022 @ 3:19am 
там короче нет места поэтому напишу тут
Олы Пирамидадагы аяусыз вакыйгалардан соң, Сэм Сирия корабына түгел, ә җир асты дөньясына чит нур ярдәмендә күтәрелде.
Wир асты дөньясы шулкадәр коточкыч һәм көчле иде ки, ул Сэм хатирәләрен иң начар һәм иң көчле, үлемгә китерә иде. Сез сентиментальлек һәм дәрт белән тулган бу сынауны җиңә алырсызмы?
Thanadrax/Cream(afk)  [author] 8 Aug, 2022 @ 3:17am 
Мин хәзер тәрҗемә итәрмен
[~K~] the troller 8 Aug, 2022 @ 3:14am 
башҡорт теленә тәржемә отсутсвуета:steamthumbsdown:
Human 8 Aug, 2022 @ 3:08am 
а понял :steamthumbsup:
Thanadrax/Cream(afk)  [author] 8 Aug, 2022 @ 3:07am 
new mod update
added more langages to description so it's now for everyone
DUCKYBONY 8 Aug, 2022 @ 2:28am 
amazing campaign, would like to see more.
Thanadrax/Cream(afk)  [author] 8 Aug, 2022 @ 1:14am 
Ну ээээ аааа мммммм хмммм нууууу хуй его знает кароче похуй
[~K~] the troller 8 Aug, 2022 @ 1:07am 
где продолжение
Коллектор Шao Канa 8 Aug, 2022 @ 1:02am 
JojiteFoxxo 7 Aug, 2022 @ 5:49pm 
i will kill whoever started the "morbin time" meme. im fucking tired of seeing it everywhere
Danny S. 7 Aug, 2022 @ 3:26pm 
i cried at the part when the dark lord appeared and said "its lordin time" and re-released thanas insanity
Spy's Cr3ed 7 Aug, 2022 @ 2:53pm 
This is one of the mods of all time :chicken::chicken::chicken::chicken::chicken:
Коллектор Шao Канa 7 Aug, 2022 @ 2:51pm 
Приятный мод, хорошая атмосфера. Баланс удобный, можно поиграть на нескольких сложностях.
[~K~] the troller 7 Aug, 2022 @ 1:56pm 
ChrysaLis  [author] 7 Aug, 2022 @ 1:39pm 
Это мод на Фазан