Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

Zed Spawner
cOOKie_MoN$TeR 30 May @ 12:52am 
I'm thinking its a Tripwire exploit that has yet to be fixed. I can send you the whole server log no problem. Just let me know where to send it.
GenZmeY  [author] 30 May @ 12:28am 
I have some ideas about this, but I need more information. sent you a friend invitation
GenZmeY  [author] 29 May @ 11:49pm 
compromised? serious statement. The source code of the mutator is open and quite simple. In addition, you can use UE Explorer on the AAL version from steam to make sure that they match and do not contain suspicious code

show me at least these mysterious lines from the log. I find it hard to believe all this
cOOKie_MoN$TeR 29 May @ 5:00pm 
So I have been running this server without the Zedspawner for several days. The wipe waves have kicked off yesterday. We survived several of these wipes and noticed that the server was de-ranked. Looking thru the logs I began noticing a mystery server admin login and log out thru the AAL Mutator which had all the digits zero. So I'm guessing the game admin auto login is compromised and some miscreant is spawning in the waves.
∀ℳΞ¡ƧΞɲþɘɼ 28 May @ 12:41pm 
I know I wrote the line out, it was a typo. zedspawner works well, but balancing is the hardest thing with so many custom zeds. Thanks for the help
GenZmeY  [author] 28 May @ 6:48am 
@∀ℳΞ¡ƧΞɲþɘɼ, btw, In your example in the first message, in some places I see a dash sign (-) instead of an equal sign (=), this will probably cause bugs, so I highly recommend check your config and fix such things
∀ℳΞ¡ƧΞɲþɘɼ 28 May @ 6:33am 
Ok thanks for the info:steamthumbsup:
GenZmeY  [author] 28 May @ 6:15am 

If RelativeStart is specified (i.e. it is greater than zero), then it works first (Delay is not used), after the first spawn Delay starts working (and RelativeStart stops being used)

Look what the spawn calculator will say if I enter your parameters into it (the blue area, under the parameters, is called “What will happen:”):
"First spawn will be when 50% of enemies are killed, then spawn every 60sec."

You can check this and your other assumptions in it. I specially made it to make it easier for people to understand the spawner, since it’s damn hard to describe this in text since I created a monster, omg
∀ℳΞ¡ƧΞɲþɘɼ 28 May @ 5:28am 
Hi, question for understanding. Do RelativeStart and Delay work together if I have both in the comandline? For example "Spawn=(Wave-4, ZedClass="CustomZeds.WMPawn_ZedClot Slasher Omega", RelativeStart=50, Delay=60, Probability=100, SpawnCountBase-1, SingleSpawnLimit=1)" If I take longer than 60 seconds to kill 50% of the zeds, the custom zed will spawn as soon as I have 50% zeds killed and if I reach the 50% before the 60 seconds the custom zed will not spawn. Is that correct?
cOOKie_MoN$TeR 24 May @ 1:18pm 
I looked at the log when it happens, its not showing the zedspawner over riding the normal wave. It is a Poundamonium wave and starts dropping them in waves of thirty five all at once. I have no special waves setup and have left the ini pretty much stock, I have been using the spawner just to mix up the waves randomly. I have nuked the whole server and rebuilt it twice. Eventually it comes back. I am using the UFKF2 patch with this mutator along with its supporting mutators and CTI. Waves seven and nine is when it mostly happens. I have no special waves setup for those rounds. I'm thinking the maps are to blame as it has never happened on an official map. Just wondering if any one else has experienced this and maybe resolved it. I'm going to rebuild it and try running it without the Zedspawner and see what happens. I will advise if it happens again.
GenZmeY  [author] 23 May @ 2:07pm 
and if there is something in the log, compare it with your config to see if it’s normal or not
GenZmeY  [author] 23 May @ 1:47pm 
@cOOKie_MoN$TeR, sounds weird. It makes sense to look at the log when this happens again, if ZedSpawner is to blame - there will be spawn entries in the log (it logs all its spawn attempts)
cOOKie_MoN$TeR 23 May @ 1:14pm 
When using this mutator on my server, I randomly get a two hundred plus Fleshpound wave. It seems to randomly happen. I've seen it happen only on certain maps, KillingPool, BigRoom2020, Defence Thyself (Day and Night), and BlockfortV2. Anybody have a solution?
sw 14 Apr @ 6:07pm 
The server turns off when changing maps.
GenZmeY  [author] 16 Nov, 2023 @ 2:28am 
the formulas work the same for all spawns, so you can't do that, but...

you can try to use this spawner for dynamic changing spawn and some other simple spawner for spawn regardless of the number of players

The spawners that are in the workshop do not replace the game classes, so they should not conflict
Deko 15 Nov, 2023 @ 6:50pm 
thank you. and what if I wanted a specific Spawn to be influenced by the number of players, but others Spawns not? is that possible?
GenZmeY  [author] 15 Nov, 2023 @ 9:11am 
you can completely get rid of the influence of the number of players on spawn if you set:

Look at the formulas on the calculator page and you will understand how it works
Deko 15 Nov, 2023 @ 8:58am 
even if "SpawnCountBase=1" the numer of zeds that will spawn is multiplied if there are more players in the servers. how can I set the exacly number of zeds I wante to spawn,
independent of how many players are on the server? and what command should I use to multiply the number of zeds according to the amount of players on the server??

for exemple, I have this:

If I'm alone on the server it only spawns 1 FP, after 30% of zeds killed. but if there are 6 players on the server, it will spawn 3 FPs.
GenZmeY  [author] 26 Jun, 2023 @ 10:48am 
The config I used on my endless servers before:

I am not using CyclicSpawn here, but otherwise this should be a good example

In case someone wants to test this config, these zeds are used:
Scaredkid93 24 Jun, 2023 @ 3:34pm 
GenZ, can you add an example in discussions or something for everyone to see?
GenZmeY  [author] 9 Apr, 2023 @ 9:28am 
I needed to add new zeds to my servers. At first I wanted to make it possible to edit the waves, but it turned out to be very difficult and inconvenient (for technical reasons). I had two ways - to make my own SpawnManager that would replace the original one, or to make a parallel spawner like this one. Both ways could solve my problem, but the first way is much longer. So I chose the second one
GenZmeY  [author] 9 Apr, 2023 @ 9:19am 
Because it does not replace the kf2 spawner, but works in parallel with it
GameOveR 8 Apr, 2023 @ 4:59pm 
Thanks, it's working, now another question, why There random spawn, i mean i don't use crawler,sirens, Riot, bloat, in my list,, but i still have them in my game, what's wrong with that?
GenZmeY  [author] 8 Apr, 2023 @ 11:07am 
First, RelativeStart does not work on boss waves (because there is no total number of zeds, they spawn indefinitely as long as the boss exists). So set it to 0 and only use Delay to set the spawn time. The rest of the line looks correct
GenZmeY  [author] 8 Apr, 2023 @ 11:07am 
Secondly, if your boss line is in the [ZedSpawner.SpawnListRegular] section and you use Endless gamemode (meaning we have a boss every fifth wave) make sure you have bStopRegularSpawn=False in the [ZedSpawner.SpawnListBossWaves] section because otherwise it will turn off [ZedSpawner.SpawnListRegular] every time there is a boss wave
GenZmeY  [author] 8 Apr, 2023 @ 11:07am 
Thirdly, carefully look at the logs. The mutator writes everything it does. Perhaps the spawn is not working for some other reason. There can be many reasons (maybe you don't have the right mutator with custom zeds in your subscriptions, or there isn't a suitable place to spawn on the map, or something else). The most useful places in the log are at the very beginning when the mutator loads the config and what happens at the time of spawn
GameOveR 8 Apr, 2023 @ 10:14am 
can you write the first Command as an example? what boss spawn should look like, Beouce like this, it's not working =
GenZmeY  [author] 7 Apr, 2023 @ 12:15am 
maybe because you don't have a comma between Wave=30 and ZedClass 🤔
GameOveR 6 Apr, 2023 @ 6:43pm 
Buddy maybe u can explain, how to Spawn Boss, what command should i use? becouse for me it's just not working for example
Darius 7 Dec, 2022 @ 11:06am 
круто, вот это информативно получилось. спасибо)
GenZmeY  [author] 7 Dec, 2022 @ 7:47am 
bCyclicalSpawn работает со списком SpawnListRegular, если ты опечатался и на самом деле имел ввиду его - то да, на 8ой волне он начнет использовать спавн для Wave=1 (потом начнет заново уже на 15 волне и так далее). при этом на каждый новый цикл будут действовать коэффициенты SpawnTotalCycleMultiplier и SingleSpawnLimitCycleMultiplier, чтобы ты мог наращивать сложность
GenZmeY  [author] 7 Dec, 2022 @ 7:47am 
если у тебя в SpawnListSpecialWaves волны указаны, то правь конфиг, это правильно работать не будет. Тут указываются типы специальных волн, а не номера. Специальные волны могут начинаться рандомно на любой не-босс волне, так что понятие номер волны к ним не применимо
Darius 7 Dec, 2022 @ 6:21am 
@GenZmeY ну ты и впрямь волшебник. спасибо большое, заработало. больше всего зашла настройка RelativeStart=5 - после убийства 5% волны начинает спавнить.
Можешь более подробно описать Spawn=(Wave= ?
если bCyclicalSpawn=True и у меня в [ZedSpawner.SpawnListSpecialWaves] указано до Wave=7, 8 волна начнет использовать спавн Wave=1, верно понимаю?
GenZmeY  [author] 6 Dec, 2022 @ 11:03am 
@Darius, Впрочем если ты хочешь гарантировано заспавнить всех кого указал и тебя не волнует что счетчик зедов увеличится прямо во время волны то поставь bShadowSpawn=False
GenZmeY  [author] 6 Dec, 2022 @ 11:03am 
@Darius, судя по твоему конфигу ты тестишь это на первых волнах, а там обычно общее число зедов и так невелико. При этом у тебя bShadowSpawn=True, то есть твои зеды будут замещать зедов которые еще не заспавнились. То есть скорее всего незаспавнившиеся зеды кончились раньше чем получилось заспавнить твою пачку. Глянь лог - наверняка ты там есть строчка типа "no free spawn slots". На последующих волнах число зедов будет больше, соответственно и спавнер будет останавливаться позже
GenZmeY  [author] 6 Dec, 2022 @ 10:55am 
@Vhuz, Your idea sounds good, but I can't take it on yet, I don't have time right now (sorry). Maybe in the future

For now, I can only suggest using the [ZedSpawner.SpawnAtPlayerStart] section. There is usually enough space at the start of the players
Darius 5 Dec, 2022 @ 11:39am 
Дружище помоги пожалуйста, не получается настроить. Из всего работает только умножитель волны ZedTotalMultiplier=2.000000
Vhuz 5 Dec, 2022 @ 1:33am 
I'm overjoyed someone finally updated a spawner that can fix an age old problem with zed count!
And being accurate at that, or guarantee them to spawn.
Been using HL2Monsters for so long, it works... but it's a hit or miss certain waves. e.e

I have a suggestion though, Is it possible to add a feature for HL2 Aerial Enemies/Strider, to spawn in Big Areas? (Open Field)
if Spawner can recognize big open spaces, It can solve many map issues with Large zeds getting stuck!

Some maps are too tight quarters so I have to remove them from my config ;;
I know certain maps are impossible even if spawner recognizes open spaces cause how Map authors placed spawn zones.

So here was my other idea:
Being able to choose and ban whichever map HL2 Aerial/Striders can spawn in, of course we have to set up another config manually for those certain maps, but I think it's worth it! :steamhappy:
GenZmeY  [author] 7 Oct, 2022 @ 2:04pm 
you're welcome
Dan'Tarian 7 Oct, 2022 @ 1:59pm 
Thanks for the reply, it helped a lot!
GenZmeY  [author] 7 Oct, 2022 @ 1:50pm 
@Dan'Tarian, something like that:
(this will spawn Fleshpound King on wave 3 after 30 seconds from the start of the wave)

(this will spawn Patriarch on wave 7 when 75% of the zeds are killed (you can't set the exact number of zeds left, so choose the percentage that best suits what you need)

P.S.: I'm not sure what will happen when you kill the boss on a regular wave (probably all zeds will die). If so, you can try spawning bosses from ZedternalReborn, there are standard bosses that are "regular zeds" for the game (eg WMPawn_ZedFleshpoundKing, WMPawn_ZedPatriarch, etc)

P.S.S.: also note that ZedSpawner cannot replace the boss on the boss wave. it can only spawn new ones
Dan'Tarian 7 Oct, 2022 @ 6:44am 
Please tell me what I need to prescribe so that the boss (King Fleshpound) appears on the 3rd wave, and the boss appears on the 7th wave as soon as 30 zed is last, for example, the patriarch?
LustyMagnum 13 Jul, 2022 @ 2:36pm 
YEAH!!! THIS IS SOOOO F*****G AWSOME! :steamhappy::Fleshpound:
I can really use this extra handy spawn manager with all it's super cool options like no other because, i'm LustyMagnum AKA SheepKF and i have pretty much the biggest collection custom zeds from for example, Sheep server, MadHouse server, HL2 monsters, HardModeBoss zeds and lots of other custom zeds from some korian mod server. I was already using HardModeBoss spawn engine but yours is much better i see now. So thank you again for this magnificent important work. Now i'm going to rite a mega spawn script and enjoy the "Mega Custom Endless RPG Server" even more... :steamthumbsup: Kudo's to people like you (who ever you are)! :Fistofdosh:
GenZmeY  [author] 14 Jun, 2022 @ 3:09am 
Glad to hear. It's nice to know that it was useful not only for me :steamhappy:
TNT 13 Jun, 2022 @ 4:47pm 
Sweet! I love it. Works Great on my RPG Server. Thank You for making it.