Arma 3
WW2 Armored Cars [IFA3]
99 commentaires
Wintera 12 avr. à 11h27 
Hi I'm looking to have some models made and am reaching out to contact you!
admiralrobb 22 oct. 2023 à 3h01 
where do you find the cars?
Ture Right 5 oct. 2023 à 13h31 
Btw where can i find you on discord? Under what nickname?
Ture Right 5 oct. 2023 à 13h27 
Sure thing Luca, i'm going to!
Luca  [créateur] 5 oct. 2023 à 10h33 
@Ture Right
I'm not handing things out to people/projects I dont know about. Contact me on discord, I want to know what you are doing exactly as well as the sources for the rest of your stuff before considering this.
Ture Right 5 oct. 2023 à 9h27 
Hi Luca, i would like to ask you for the p3d model of the western and german afvs, since i'm working on a mod which does not need IFA3. Goes without said that credit will be given and nothing will be changed except the addition of some new skin.
YoursweetloveYSL 9 juin 2023 à 11h49 
for physics issues what is the main issue is caused
Luca  [créateur] 27 mai 2023 à 3h47 
@♂Дед МакSemen♂
There is no plans for any further additions.
♂Дед МакSemen♂ 27 mai 2023 à 2h46 
Can you make Ba-20 Armored Car?
and i have question, when will you add new wehicles in this mod.
CAREEREVIL 5 mars 2023 à 20h12 
Thank you for the update. cool mod
Luca  [créateur] 5 mars 2023 à 13h14 
The issue you see on the Sdkfz234/4 is the same as on the Staghound, the only fix I found so far was to pretty much disable the suspension animations, didnt do so on the 234/4. Worst part is, both 234s share the same physics and as such I have no clue why they behave so different.
And yeah, the view mode things are intentional.
MaxP 5 mars 2023 à 12h34 
Also an advice on the BA-10. It has weird-looking hatches, it can be fixed in hull_nohq.paa, by removing gradient from it, just like on top surfces:
MaxP 5 mars 2023 à 12h11 
Seems like something is wrong with new vehicles suspension.
MaxP 5 mars 2023 à 11h36 
And a question: is it supposed that driver on 234 has two different internal views - one with 2D picture, one in 3D?
MaxP 5 mars 2023 à 11h30 
Hm... I know it is another world, but...
Seems like Puma and Pakwagen have almost the same base. Mayby you could find out what is the difference which causes such behavior?
Here is the Puma:
And here is the Pakwagen:
Luca  [créateur] 5 mars 2023 à 2h18 
Wont be changing the physics as its an absolute pain I'm afraid.
MaxP 4 mars 2023 à 16h06 
Thanks. It would be glad to see more adequate physics on Pakwagen.
There are so few WW2 vehicle models that every new one becomes a becomes a real event :)
Luca  [créateur] 4 mars 2023 à 16h02 
Good catch, I'll fix that.
MaxP 4 mars 2023 à 15h45 
Small graphical glitch on Staghound wreck wheels:
=]NOD[= Lefter005 24 févr. 2023 à 5h09 
@Luca Thanks!
Ideed the Vanilla one is not very fitting to the Theme.
Keep up you're good work, cause i like.
Luca  [créateur] 24 févr. 2023 à 3h27 
@=]NOD[= Lefter005
I know what you mean, but wont use the modern a3 interfaces. If I find something I dont mind adding it, but no promises.
=]NOD[= Lefter005 24 févr. 2023 à 1h33 
Hey Luca love you're Mod.
Especially the 234/2 and the 234/4 with the Driver!

Is there a chance that we can get a simplistic Tank Clock?
Just to know where the Turret and Hull maybe Commander is Facing.

It is a major help when Driving with several Vehicles or in Combined Arms.
Vanilla Tanks have one and i don't think i can Script one.
Hylo 19 févr. 2023 à 17h59 
Thanks for the staghound!! Love that vehicle
Luca  [créateur] 19 févr. 2023 à 0h55 
Oh that sounds broken indeed, will have a look - thanks for the headsup.
Vartuoosi 18 févr. 2023 à 21h39 
The bow mg elevation/depression on the Staghound seems to be borked. On even ground and aiming all the way down it still shoots up into the sky.
Moloti 18 févr. 2023 à 8h42 
staghound :)
DZSIPI 9 févr. 2023 à 14h58 
Igaza van a bátyának
Vajki 9 févr. 2023 à 14h58 
kutya az osszes
Luca  [créateur] 21 janv. 2023 à 14h03 
VLF would inderectly add even more requirements as it uses multiple mods, FF is dead. I dont really want to add more requirements for a single vehicle, and that is mot even taking into consideration the other points I outlined before. So no, not happening.
Actaragos 21 janv. 2023 à 12h40 
@You can link it to forgotten front, or, Vive la France hence it was used back.
Luca  [créateur] 21 janv. 2023 à 10h07 
No, I have one more vehicle which I plan to put in but as I'm paying for all the models out of my own pocket the budget available for it is limited, as is my time. Aside from that there's no real french army mod I could link it into.
Actaragos 21 janv. 2023 à 8h25 
Do you plan to do a Panhard?
X8X8L 26 aout 2022 à 5h43 
BuzzYoghurtLight 15 aout 2022 à 10h16 
yKajotka 26 juil. 2022 à 14h18 
Meloncat 24 juil. 2022 à 11h19 
Appreciate the answer. I've heard that before but sadly there's not really anything I feel an urgent desire to want to put ingame. For some reason I've come to see getting a BTR-152 as my white whale come hell or high water. I might give that a shot and start with something smaller than a vehicle or just wait for Arma 4/reforger's importing system.

Thanks for your time and the hard work though!
Luca  [créateur] 24 juil. 2022 à 4h30 
Sorry but no, I did learn it by trial & error, asking around, reverse engineering and using the A3 Samples pack.
If you have no modding experience at all I also would recommend to start with something simpler than vehicles.
Meloncat 24 juil. 2022 à 2h53 
Luca, since you mentioned doing this to learn the workflow and all - was there a particular tutorial or tutorials you would recommend? I was interested in doing something like you did - find some affordable (or free) 3d model like you did with Kado and Magicpeople's and bring it ingame.

If you had one you swore by for being helpful I'd be all ears. Thanks for your hard work, love me some armored cars.
ronvon 21 juil. 2022 à 12h30 
man these cars really are armored.
NobodyKK 20 juil. 2022 à 15h59 
Sure looks ifa3 to me, but i didnt find anything that looks similar, thanks for the help though.
Luca  [créateur] 20 juil. 2022 à 9h29 
Don't really remember as its been a while but I'm pretty sure its just IFA3 after the texture update they did.
NobodyKK 20 juil. 2022 à 7h19 
Just wondering, whats the mod for the german infantry in the last screenshot
HBAOplus 15 juil. 2022 à 19h28 
Yeah, ARMAFXP will cause errors on IFA3
Luca  [créateur] 29 juin 2022 à 12h39 
Something I plan to do at some point, though probably not with all vehicles as it wont work on all due to the meshes.
TheIdiot 29 juin 2022 à 12h10 
Would you be able to add the ability to turn out of these cars? They're really fantastic to use but it's really difficult to work out where you're going when you're restricted to a tiny peephole at all times.
Luca  [créateur] 28 juin 2022 à 1h47 
Someone else mentioned an incompatibility with some FX mod that threw that error, so disable all VFX mods and try again. Furthermore the issue stems from IFA and not my mod.
Check the comment on page 3 or 4, not quite sure where it is, for more info.
KingKonami 27 juin 2022 à 14h43 
Remember No Russian 26 juin 2022 à 8h16 
<3 thanks for the puma
Luca  [créateur] 22 juin 2022 à 7h55 
Nope, no interest in that.