Tabletop Caps: Thrones of Decay
561 σχόλια
Pet Mudstone 30 Ιουν, 0:56 
The caps are still present in campaign as of 5.1 though i'm not sure if they actually stop ya from recruiting units yet if you surpass em, will update once I figure that out.

However, the icons don't seem to appear over unit cards when you're setting up skirmish nor does general functionality apply which is a bit annoying when you're trying to quickly reference stuff. The unit browser also doesn't show unit rarity when you access it via skirmish but it works just fine in campaign in both the battle and strategic layers.
Ganon7dorf 27 Ιουν, 15:42 
I do think it needs to be updated. Stopped working, and multiplayer games became incompatible even though both of us were on same version of game and this one mod.
Lampros 27 Ιουν, 8:43 
But the new patch shouldn't affect this mod frankly. It might be something else in your mod list.
Bleeding Heart 27 Ιουν, 8:38 
Because this mod is not (yet) updated after the Karanak - Patch.
DD44 27 Ιουν, 6:19 
I'm getting a crash on launch I was not getting last night apparently coming from this mod, any idea why? I tried uninstalling and resubscribing. Crash record says something about the Infernal Guard skill
chaos_dit 17 Ιουν, 2:26 
Hello, I found that units still take points after being bribed by Slaanesh.
mtegui 15 Ιουν, 8:47 
I think normal kroxigors should cost just one single special point, with this mod I never use them
Sleepy Cat 8 Ιουν, 5:03 
Hello, I found that Ghorgon of Khorne has no caps point, could you add it? Thanks
JonnycXD 8 Ιουν, 3:27 
气旋船长 8 Ιουν, 0:47 
Does it works for end-games?
The Silent Cartographer 23 Μαϊ, 17:23 
Is it possible to remove this mod mid-campaign? I normally love it, but it feels a bit limiting with Elspeth's campaign.I'd like to be able to actually use all of her amethyst units in campaign.
Eterfate 23 Μαϊ, 4:30 
Hello. Does anyone know why this mod conflicts with "Caravans of the Old World - Southern Realms addon"? The script breaks.
The Sleeman 22 Μαϊ, 9:58 
Just to confirm - I don't need to add any extra submods to make this work with Mixu's Legendary Lords?
mtbeasley 20 Μαϊ, 10:52 
You can disable it for the AI using MCT
AahZ(RUS) 19 Μαϊ, 0:48 
Units from the adventures of Malakai do not have caps
GarrGarr 17 Μαϊ, 7:34 
Arguably the AI needs script changes to balance it out. It wastes a lot of money building tier 5 buildings for armies that can't hold the units.
Lampros 15 Μαϊ, 14:18 

It works both ways really.
Mörkö 15 Μαϊ, 12:41 
As much as i like this mod, it is actually a nerf to the dumb AI right? Feel like players can overcome the limitations and the AI can't overwhelm you with quality anymore. Maybe it would combine good with nerfageddon..
yourmum 12 Μαϊ, 8:58 
Does the cap apply to AI stacks spawned by endgame crises?
Vin 8 Μαϊ, 10:57 
I think that the mod doesn't work with Nurgle factions when we recruit units (we have the blue and violet symbols but there is no limitation).
Domi 7 Μαϊ, 1:14 
Just wanted to let you know hasn't been updated to add the new units
Lampros 6 Μαϊ, 4:47 
Yeah, a lot of problems with newly updated mods can be fixed by reinstalling.
Krapho 6 Μαϊ, 4:29 
Fixed by reinstalling!
JonnycXD 6 Μαϊ, 4:24 
Sounds like an update issue, I'd resub and possibly delete all traces of it in the steam workshop folder in steam apps
Krapho 6 Μαϊ, 4:22 
So, in my game, caps are not there for new units. Just me?
Leondegrance 5 Μαϊ, 6:13 
Thanks, DF. I love that you and Cataph teamed up. Two of my favorite modders.
Wresdan 4 Μαϊ, 23:07 
Core Lanships.....what fun!
Master Frog 4 Μαϊ, 22:12 
Thanks friend
HMueller 4 Μαϊ, 21:50 
Thanks so much! <3

But are you sure that Celestial Lion and Great Moon Bird should be core unit? (unlimited) :D:D:D
Seethe 4 Μαϊ, 16:13 
Strangely enough the mod does not work in the Realm of Chaos campaigns for me. It does work in IE. Anyone else encountered this issue and knows how to deal with it?
Jacques de Aldersberg 4 Μαϊ, 13:26 
Thank you for the update, your mod is a must.
Vinnie 4 Μαϊ, 12:28 
Nice mod thx mate
dodge33cymru 4 Μαϊ, 12:14 
Thanks so much to everyone involved, 5.0 is now playable!
KvltBear 4 Μαϊ, 12:00 
Thanks so much for getting this out guys. Really appreciate it. Game just feels weird without it.
KickedFromTheGame 4 Μαϊ, 9:26 
Captain Freakout 4 Μαϊ, 8:41 
Thanks for the update! :)
Jules Santana 4 Μαϊ, 7:36 
Thanks, awesome mod
TehOmnissiah 4 Μαϊ, 4:40 
"Uploaded a version for Thrones of Decay. Please let me know if there are any technical issues with it.

Balance was done by Cataph. Please direct any hatemail or threats of violence to him"

I'll start my writing in blood now then, thanks for the direction.
King of Clubs 4 Μαϊ, 3:37 
@DrunkFlamingo is best Flamingo
Lampros 4 Μαϊ, 3:37 
Amazing - thanks!
Altor777 4 Μαϊ, 3:36 
Thank you, DrunkFlamingo!
Vaxar Kun 4 Μαϊ, 2:57 
thank you for taking the time to push an update!
DrunkFlamingo  [Δημιουργός] 4 Μαϊ, 2:40 
Uploaded a version for Thrones of Decay. Please let me know if there are any technical issues with it.

Balance was done by Cataph. Please direct any hatemail or threats of violence to him.
Meska 4 Μαϊ, 1:20 
Thank you man, your mod truly somthing amazing and necessary do the game : it makes low tier units still have a purpose in end game, and you really feel the power of higher tier units.
Keep up the great work, it's amazing !!
HMueller 3 Μαϊ, 5:58 
oh boy. Finally great news. Will start new campaign again when it's out
King of Clubs 3 Μαϊ, 5:31 
hi @DrunkFlamingo, goregon ror unit does not have a unit cap, Thank you😊
Foxnanigans 2 Μαϊ, 23:59 
Absolutely; cannot even do Warhammer without this mod now as it doesn't feel right. Appreciate all your work, DF.
JonnycXD 2 Μαϊ, 14:53 
Thank you! best mod on the workshop
Animatus 2 Μαϊ, 13:03 
Thank you Flamgino :)
Lampros 2 Μαϊ, 11:51 
Great news - and thanks! I've been holding off serious campaign play till this is ready ;)