Call A Trader
118 megjegyzés
麻奥萨玛 júl. 6., 21:15 
After a series of settings, this mod runs well and can successfully summon spaceships
salamander máj. 22., 13:02 
thanks for rich colony ♥
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] máj. 18., 10:20 
@CirgCrag I messed around a little with Dub's Performace Analyser and had no issues in my test setup to see the harmony patches Call A Trader executes and they looked normal. No crashes whatsoever.

@The Village Guy I cannot reproduce your issue either. Everything works fine with 1.5 for me. I however updated the assembly build in the mod on steam because the previous one was build with one of the pre-releases of 1.5. Maybe that fixes it for you - but idk and idts.
The Village Guy máj. 17., 16:26 
It's not actually working with 1.5 for me, although it accepts call orders, when executing them the colonists change their mind and go do something else
CrigCrag máj. 10., 14:44 
this mod is incompatible with Dub's Performance Analyzer, more specifically it causes the game to crash when attempting for view harmony patches
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] máj. 9., 1:40 
It'll take some time for the Trader Ship to arrive.

And it is also possible that, if some other event triggers an effect that prohibits orbital ships from arriving while the ship travels, it will not be able to arrive at all.

Then you are out of luck and need to call them again later.

If you dont wont that roleplay part (the cost, the delay, the lockout period) you can set all of them to 0 in the options.

PET máj. 8., 16:29 
Ok. I tried this again. This time the notification asked me what kind of Trader do I want. Then... nothing happened :/
PET máj. 8., 14:17 
I think that was the problem. I didn't had the silver. This was weird because the game just directly told me I need 600, but it only did that AFTER I called the ship. So I was locked out for 25 days.
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] máj. 8., 8:25 
You need to have a working orbital traders beacon set up with enough silver in its range.
Then the grayed out payment options will work.

This is a requirement to than trade with an orbital trader anyway.
PET máj. 6., 13:45 
How is this thing working exactly? I called for them and I got a message that it will cost me some silver. How do I pay??
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] máj. 3., 7:33 
Hey @mefalemoncola,

I see what you're getting at there.

But the royal trader is a special mechanic as a trader which is intentionally restricted by the game.

Changing that is not the scope of this mod so I won't add this as a feature here.

One could however implement another mod making the royal trader just a normal trader type. Then it should be automatically compatible with call a traders feature set. Maybe there is already a mod out there doing that and you can find and use it.

megalemoncola máj. 2., 17:33 
Hi, could you please add the option to call a Royal Tribute Collector? I love the Empire and I want to contribute to it more frequently than twice a year, unshattering it one slave at a time.
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] ápr. 28., 1:29 
Ahh I see , neat catch. I'll take a look and see if I can recreate and fix the issue.

Thanks for checking!
x3nit ☣ ápr. 27., 11:42 
Found it, it's Vanilla Events Expanded
x3nit ☣ ápr. 27., 10:59 
Same thing, I've try using only this mod and nothing else and it worked fine. Most likely a mod conflict. I'll try and find which one.
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] ápr. 27., 0:45 
@x3nit you should remove and reinstall the mod maybe. Seems something is missing in your installation for some reason.

@Grushnak happy to hear it :) what was the issue?
Grushnak ápr. 26., 15:26 
@Hau-Drauf-Klaus All good I figured it out! It's working as intended! Ty for reply!
x3nit ☣ ápr. 24., 20:01 
I get this error personally everytime i make a call.

Failed to find RimWorld.IncidentDef named acat_OrbitalTraderVisitingOffer. There are 182 defs of this type loaded.
Speznat ápr. 24., 15:09 
IM paying the ship request and nothign happens please fix.
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] ápr. 21., 4:48 
@Alt @Grushnak

Without further details on your setup and maybe logs showing any errors or such I sadly cannot so much to help you.

Are you all using Anomalie? (I dont own that Extension to test with) Could some ongoing effect of it block tradeship arrivals maybe?

Sorry I cannot help more here :(
Alt ápr. 20., 13:38 
I'm also having the issue where I'm paying the ship requests and I'm getting nothing. Happened a few times in a row.
Grushnak ápr. 19., 16:36 
Not sure what to do here... I've called them 3 times now and paid them silver & haven't seen them come once... Am I doing something wrong?
Zarquon ápr. 17., 5:54 
any plans to add an option to increase the amount of silver traders carry?
shsh ápr. 16., 5:46 
Baby Ash ápr. 14., 22:00 
paid the silver and the trade ships aren't showing up
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] márc. 5., 14:03 
@redy5 this issue should be patched by my mod already.
Do you use the Trader Ships mod from AUTOMATIC or some other version?
Is the mod order so that my mod comes after the Trader Ships mod?
If there is an issue you should see log entries on startup from my mod.
If you can provide them (pls create a discussion) I could take a look.
redy5 márc. 3., 8:06 
With Trader Ships mod the type of trader that comes does not correspond to the trader I requested
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] febr. 21., 9:55 
@theholidayzombie, @Selene

Hmm sadly without any logs or some more hint's to why that might happen to you I cannot do much.
If you could open a discussion and provide some logs I'll try and look into the issue.
Selene febr. 20., 6:45 
Also can't get trade ships to actually show up after requesting. It worked maybe twice when I first loaded it but just stopped
theholidayzombie febr. 14., 16:06 
I have a strange problem. The mod appears to not work for me. I did the call, paid the silver, chose the type of trader but no one shows up. The list of traders is also duplicated and I'm not sure what could be causing that. I have Rimdeed installed too but that has also been non functioning since the start of this save. Random traders do show up but they are very rare. I'm still on 1.3.
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] 2023. dec. 30., 6:01 
There is already an option in the mod settings for exactly that.
It allows you to let the fee scale in a given percent colony wealth range. ;)
PoulRipot 2023. dec. 25., 7:13 
Thank you, my friend. By the way, I would like to share an idea with you. Do you think the fee for calling a trader ship could increase based on the value of the colony and the time? I believe that it becomes useless after a certain point if it remains stable all the time.:soldieryeah:
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] 2023. dec. 24., 2:30 
You just need to have sufficient silver reserves near an active orbital trade beacon.
If that's the case the payment oprtions won't be grayed out anymore and on click the silver will be removed from your stash and the trader be queued to appear soon.
PoulRipot 2023. dec. 23., 23:12 
Trader wants silver to call, how can I pay for this?
BIG SOUP 2023. okt. 21., 5:08 
Not really a bug, but rather a minor oversight - even on early game when you don't have a comms console yet and no way to trade with orbit you'll still get a prompt asking if you'd like a trader to arrive, and which one. Could you maybe gate it so unless you have a working console you won't get those?
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] 2023. júl. 31., 15:20 
thanks for the report. I took the liberty to move the stacktrace you send (thanks for that) and the issues description into a discussion thread for better readability.

From my first impression though I dont think it is an issue with my mod though ...
ChesedNeb 2023. júl. 31., 3:23 
After adding this mod to a modded save, I've been getting this error after 5-10 minutes of play, another 5-10 minutes after getting this error my game crashes. I've tried removing your mod but somehow the problem persists and now I can't play rimworld without eventually getting hit by this error and the follow up crash.
BIG SOUP 2023. júl. 15., 6:28 
Thank you! That would be ace.
Here's how it looks like. Only seems to happen when there's a mod that also messes with the orbital traders, in my case TraderGen. I really love them both cause yours allows for more traders in a vanilla-balanced way, and TraderGen adds massive variety to them, integrates them deeply into the game and mods, and just generally improves upon the mechanic.
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] 2023. júl. 13., 0:31 
I can take a look. :)
But can't promise any deadlines nor assurances :D
BIG SOUP 2023. júl. 8., 14:48 
Do you think you could add an option to select which ships are selectable to arrive when you contact the hub? For some unknown reason the "debug ship" (from dev mode I think) is there, among other vanilla and modded traders.
BIG SOUP 2023. júl. 8., 10:03 
Yep, I have this mod and receive both normal ships from vanilla passing by, and an event to pay for a specific ship. Also really like the timeout for manually calling the hub, makes the whole thing much more fair.

Pairing it with TraderGen for tons of modded compat via specialized traders and Vanilla Trading Expanded really makes the whole orbital trading concept sooo much better, especially with lots of mods and resources

So all in all - works flawlessly for me. Top tier mod mate
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] 2023. júl. 8., 9:03 
Depends, in the mod options there is a toggle to en/disable the random even.
Im not sure anymore what the default setting is though. :D

If the option enabled, the default tradership event will randomly occur as usual.
BIG SOUP 2023. júl. 5., 22:46 
I really like your mod - unlike other ones which just increase the ship's spawn rates this one actually makes it logical and balanced

I assume they will still spawn normally though, right? As you said you did not modify the original logic, just added a balanced way to spawn them via investment?
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] 2023. jún. 22., 14:13 
Ouh boy, yes, thats exactly that sea ice colonie szenario I played myself at the time that inspired me to create this mod.

Thanks for your appriciating comment mate :)
Sp00n.exe 2023. jún. 22., 9:11 
This seems like a much more refined version of the 'Call Trade Ships' mod, I like the greater ability to add balance :-) It's vital for my -130 C Sea Ice colony, but this makes good sense. It costs money to make money, and why would a trade ship pass up a colony teeming with chemfuel (recycled feces) and human leather? Now THAT'S venture capitalism.
Airdog20 2023. máj. 13., 8:45 
this is a god send mod for me, all of a sudden i am no longer getting random trade ships after i hit 5507 so this will help a lot
Felix 2023. márc. 31., 16:06 
For some reason I can't call textile traders
TGrimace 2023. febr. 2., 11:51 
Ok. Thanks for the help!
Hau-Drauf-Klaus  [készítő] 2023. febr. 2., 5:58 
From what you described I don't think its an issue with my mod then.

It does not touch the orbital trader logic in any way, basically only allows you to trigger the otherwise random event manually causing an orbital trader to show up (aka. Calling the hub on the comms console).
TGrimace 2023. jan. 31., 11:09 
Lately I can't call the trade ship.
I can call the Orbital Trade Hub and request a trader. The ship shows up and the option to call them is in the comm center, but when I try to call them my pawn just stands in front of the console for a few seconds and then leaves. I can call other settlements without a problem, I just can't call the trade ship that arrives.