Subpersona Shells
121 件のコメント
Neronix17  [作成者] 6月6日 10時26分 
No, they should be carried there automatically by any pawn allowed to haul. Could be something broke in the move to 1.5.
jacobsjason3545 6月6日 9時34分 
Sorry to clarify is there a trick to getting the dead ones in. The living ones are easy
jacobsjason3545 6月6日 9時33分 
Is there a trick to getting them into a subpersona reconstuctor? I can't figure it out
Neronix17  [作成者] 4月26日 11時50分 
If you mean a patch, nope.
NicoLiks 4月26日 10時41分 
Hello, can you make a bundle with the Show Me Your Hands mod?
Andromeda 4月12日 16時03分 
I'll see if I can get them to force update. The games reported them as up to date for 1.5. All that are still at 1.4 I've left disabled till they get updated.
Neronix17  [作成者] 4月12日 15時27分 
I've pushed a partial fix that should at least prevent the worst issues, it still spit out a couple errors initially but they seem to be harmless, those seem to be unavoidable with how HAR is patching rendering so I may have to patch their patch and tell it to bugger off and mind its own business.
Neronix17  [作成者] 4月12日 14時53分 
I can immediately see you have multiple mods massively out of date. Verify your games files through steam to force it to update properly.

Humanoid Alien Races is not compatible with Asimov it seems, since it's just taking over completely when it absolutely shouldn't be, I'll look into it.
Andromeda 4月12日 14時44分 
I've been having issues where once a shell is built, all pawns, including the shell, and numerous other things in the game (e.g. turrets, anything animated really), become invisible.

I'm not sure whats causing it, but the moment a shell is built the error log starts spewing dozens of errors until the shell is removed in some manner.
Rubus 1月15日 15時42分 
Machine > Man
Oddbase 2023年12月24日 18時28分 
ah thanks!
Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年12月24日 17時14分 
They currently only recharge when they seek energy, even wirelessly, by default this is at 50% if they have no job and 25% if they do already have a job (for any type of recharging). To use wireless they just have to be already in range and have enough energy stored in batteries to recharge from. Though I get this isn't an intuitive way to think of it so I'll be redoing that a bit soon so it's simpler to understand and tells you when you're missing batteries on the same grid (or if there's not enough energy).

The drug administering should be patched out now though, turns out that's generated during loading and automatically applied to every pawn that isn't specifically a mechanoid.
Oddbase 2023年12月24日 16時30分 
also you can operate on them to give them smokeleaf joints and other drugs which is strange
Oddbase 2023年12月24日 16時27分 
pretty sure the wireless chargers dont work on these guys for some reason
Vaphal 2023年12月20日 20時57分 
@Neronix17 Disregard, Steam did not update "Tabula Rasa", causing the issue.
Vaphal 2023年12月20日 20時32分 
@Neronix17 I deleted the files for "Subpersona Shells" then unsubscribed and resubscribed and am getting the same errors as "Noisy Koi".

Log Publisher from HugsLib
Tabula Rasa
Vanilla Expanded Framework
Subpersona Shells

Hugslib Log [gist.github.com]
Noisy Koi 2023年12月19日 15時05分 
tried placing the subpersona reconstructor and its not letting me, and giving me this error
Neronix17  [作成者] 2023年12月19日 15時03分 
Looks like it hasn't downloaded properly since it isn't even loading the assembly (which is what all the errors point to, it's missing). Try an unsub and resub, giving it time to delete and redownload.
Noisy Koi 2023年12月19日 15時01分 

my error log is full of red after installing subpersona shells, gonna see if there are any issues but wanted to post the logs first
Bahlivern 2023年12月19日 14時17分 
Oh thank you for removing the HAR dependency, i always wanted to try this mod but HAR always cause issues with the 6 bajilions mods in my load order.
Neronix17  [作成者] 2022年9月1日 3時59分 
@Chief_Curtains - Stretch to call it an incompatibility, just an unintended mood modifier. I'm not noting anything, I'd rather actually patch it.
Chief_Curtains 2022年9月1日 3時34分 
@Neronix17 That being the case, it could probably just be noted that there is a minor incompatibility with VSIE. It's only a 3 hour -3 Hediff but unticking that option is the fastest solution haha
Chief_Curtains 2022年9月1日 3時31分 
@Neronix17 I think I found it

Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded: SufferedLossNegative

I disabled this in Cherry Picker, went into dev mode, and used T:Kill on a Persona Core.

No colonists reacted.

Used T:Kill on a pawn.

All colonists received the "Colonist Died" hediff
Neronix17  [作成者] 2022年9月1日 3時30分 
@Chief_Curtains - Best advice for help with Issues is usually already noted in the description
Chief_Curtains 2022年9月1日 3時19分 
@Neronix17 I am currently running 347 mods, so the chances it is on my end are... very likely. Not a huge deal though. If I were to take a guess on those that effect hediffs; I've got Dubs Break Mod, TD Enhancement Pack, Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded (possible culprit?). I try to keep the number of mods adding complicated calls to the game. Let me know if there is anything on my end I can look at to help.
Neronix17  [作成者] 2022年8月31日 16時57分 
@Chief_Curtains - Nah they were based on the robots from Mitchells vs The Machines, with the cartridge mechanic just being something I thought would make them somewhat unique.

That actually shouldn't be happening, so that's a bug! I'll take a look into it in the morning.
Chief_Curtains 2022年8月31日 16時53分 
Fantastic mod, easily one of the best android mods available. Did you get the inspiration from the Sims 3 Into the Future pack? They remind me a lot of Plumbots.

Do anyone know if there is a way, using cherry picker or a patch, to remove the "Colonist Died" hediff when a Shell gets "killed"?
Neronix17  [作成者] 2022年8月30日 7時47分 
@Odinfin - No idea, probably just the way pawns handle comps.
Odinfin 2022年8月30日 7時07分 
@Neronix17 - Another question, I've made the patch with the desired changes so I can spawn in the new cartridges but, my old shells can't equip them. If I spawn in a new one, they work just fine. Any idea what why this is?
Neronix17  [作成者] 2022年8月30日 2時08分 
@Odinfin - You can just patch in skills into each cartridge as they're an xml exposed list, there's not enough files in the mod to warrant a walkthrough. If you need help making the patch beyond that use the RimWorld Discord, someone there is more likely to have the time and patience to help.
Odinfin 2022年8月30日 1時54分 
Hi @Neronix17 first I love this mod and prefer to use it instead of the android one. So, as I'm playing Samuel Streamer's Pharaoh Dynasties playthrough I’ve swapped the 2 droids out for your Subpersona Shells instead. Currently I’m having to juggle the cartridges to swap them between combat and there assigned extra skill (Bray Tech = Combat/Construction & Tech Ma Te = Combat/Crafting) which is ok but a bit tedious resetting up their jobs each time I want to kill something. I was wanting to now if I can make a patch which makes 2 uncraftable cartridges that combine the 2 skills as above and if so what files I’d need to change for it to work?
Dark 2022年8月20日 14時22分 
This seems awesome! I agree that more variation in robots available is better. And I, for one, think the idea of having hot-swappable chips for specific tasks is great!
Neronix17  [作成者] 2022年8月4日 11時23分 
@Copper Boltwire - Here's the thing, you want what I set out specifically to NOT do with this mod, so you're wasting your time and more importantly mine
Copper Boltwire 2022年8月4日 10時43分 
The thing is: your mod works flawlessly, Android Tiers have been nothing but an error fest.
Neronix17  [作成者] 2022年8月4日 10時21分 
@Copper Boltwire - You didn't, just stating a fact
Copper Boltwire 2022年8月4日 10時08分 
Sorry, didn't mean to strike a nerve x.x
Neronix17  [作成者] 2022年8月4日 9時37分 
@Copper Boltwire - Then use android tiers or something, this clearly isn't the mod for you if you want a do-it-all bot
Copper Boltwire 2022年8月4日 9時26分 
wish there was a universal chip instead of just 1 per skill....
DetVisor 2022年7月26日 6時37分 
Found a pretty small naming bug, the empty Energy Packs are called "Droid Battery (depleted)", it's not a big problem but just kind of inconsistent.
Cleeb 2022年7月20日 10時48分 
Thanks for trying! I did this on a fresh install, guess I'll just ignore the errors since they're not really slowing the game too much. I can always just use tables and doors without any styles!
Neronix17  [作成者] 2022年7月20日 10時38分 
@Cleeb - I am unable to reproduce the error, even with several items of various styles around them for some time, all I can really do is suggest verifying the games files through Steam
Cleeb 2022年7月20日 6時23分 
Cleeb 2022年7月20日 6時04分 
The Shells throw errors when near styled objects, a NullReferenceException for style dominance or something. Any chance you can take a look at that? Thanks a bunch!
Neronix17  [作成者] 2022年7月13日 8時05分 
@Sea's - No, but nothing I can do about it.
Sea's 2022年7月13日 7時03分 
Is it intended that all creatures can consume powercells? My colonists keep feeding them to my animals
Rakanjo 2022年7月10日 18時49分 
Hey just to let you know, on the wiki the steam download link for Subpersona Shells links to Mechadroids, and the Mechadroids download link on the wiki links to Subpersona Shells.
The_Hob 2022年6月13日 9時58分 
How did I miss this!! I've been looking or a good replacement to android tiers for so long. You never cease to impress, Neronix17!
Neronix17  [作成者] 2022年6月8日 9時22分 
@Di_DD - If it was consistently happening it'd be easy enough by loading half your list, if it happens in a test world on that then the conflict is in that half, then you work it down half by half till you narrow it down to a single mod.

But if it's a rare or unpredictable issue then it's practically impossible, could have even just been a random one off bug
Di_DD 2022年6月8日 9時02分 
the fun thing is that other shells are working perfectly fine. Idk what went wront with poor P4-V4

how can I find what causes this conflict?
Neronix17  [作成者] 2022年6月8日 6時00分 
@Di_DD - Must be a conflict, I can't reproduce it on my end. The only sign of what it could be was Rocketman but that works fine with it for me.