Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates
1.969 comentários
Cleveland Bean Steemer 4 de set. às 11:22 
Anyone know if you can sell the Warcasket ranged weapons? If so where?
Mojibble 3 de set. às 2:05 
MAN, I wish I could stuff Anomaly ghouls into warcaskets for some absolutely insane shocktroops.
SoulDRoul 2 de set. às 7:49 
Occasionally, when encountering enemy attacks and getting stuck in a PowerPoint, I realize that killing a character with a tool can restore it, and the enemy is invisible... Clicking on death reveals that the enemy is wearing a war coffin helmet, which is a logical error
MajorityOfTheInternet 27 de ago. às 0:52 
If a pawn in a Sarcophagus Warcasket gets a modded age related issue called "old age" to the pawn's torso, which eventually kills him (it behaves like malaria or flu), the Warcasket would not keep him alive right?
Torkkar 26 de ago. às 9:52 
so I use SoS 2 & VFE - I2 & 2 questions first Are all the Warcaskets Sealed for Vacuum exposure? cause they all look like they should be but not sure from reading their descriptions, & the Warcasket Plasma Sword it does activate with VFE-I2 correctly right? haven't had the chance to look yet as its late currently & my beds calling.
Oskar Potocki  [autor] 22 de ago. às 15:04 
Removing any bug reports not properly submitted using the google form linked in the mod description, with correct hugslib logs attached.
KhanTheMad 20 de ago. às 7:52 
anyone know of anyone has made mods to add/change on to the selection of curses?
Oskar Potocki  [autor] 19 de ago. às 11:55 
Warbolter is there. It's in description of Bioferrite weapons mod.
Eland 19 de ago. às 11:53 
@CornLord same here. Mine was with warcasket autorifles and parkas, but other weapons can be seen in pair with real warcasket only.
Glockenspire 19 de ago. às 9:42 
was the warbolter removed in the latest update? i don't see it in the workshop page nor in the game anymore.
TerrorFormer 18 de ago. às 20:53 
Oskar I have an idea: It might be interesting to lend some variety to the hiring of pirates if they each required different currencies to hire? Maybe silver for pirates, gold for mercs and jade for junkers (with relevant quantities adjust to be balanced ofc). This might lead to some interesting decisions having to be made by the player when it comes to deciding whether to part with precious gold or jade for premium services or spend silver on lower quality bodies.
This_Guy 15 de ago. às 17:10 
"But I liked that slave the most, he laughed at my jokes..."
PvtPizzaPants 15 de ago. às 10:50 
I noticed that when using the Camaraderie: Exalted precept my pawns get a mood debuff when a slave dies. Is this intended behavior or a bug? It seems silly to me if its intended that my group of cannibalistic drug dealing pirates get sad when they accidentally kill an escaping slave....
CornLord 12 de ago. às 17:09 
Pirates with war casket weapons are spawning with parkas in winter instead of a war casket.
a guy 10 de ago. às 16:59 
im having the same problem with not being able to land at my own colony, but at random times it lets me
Beanyboi69 7 de ago. às 12:44 
Warcasket blast off seems a bit buggy? I can't land in my own colony, but if I land at an ally's, it destroys them without ruining reputation? This could be a mod conflict with Visit Settlements, maybe?
TerrorFormer 5 de ago. às 16:47 
A tiny feature request I would have for this mod, it would be nice to have a sliding scale to modify how much hiring all the various pirates cost. I love them but I find that for very cheap I can hire an extremely well outfitted group for 1 day which is always more than enough time for a raid. It would be nice to be able to make it a little less forgiving!
Oskar Potocki  [autor] 4 de ago. às 23:37 
Only the Junkers and the Mercenaries.
Rocket3636 4 de ago. às 14:11 
Does only the new pirate faction use the warcaskets on raids or does other factions like the empire use them? (talking of the advanced ones in this example)
jupiter 29 de jul. às 13:22 
sounds fair and balanced
thryllth 27 de jul. às 17:01 
Don't know if this is working as intended but currently ghouls can be entombed in warcaskets. Which gets real silly real fast, I had one stand on an antigrain and not really notice.
Oskar Potocki  [autor] 24 de jul. às 2:46 
Yeah, put them in the foundry again.
Tomoyboy 23 de jul. às 21:20 
Is there a way to change parts of a war casket without having to entirely re-entomb them?

Eg, just want to switch the shoulder parts
Zexzen 20 de jul. às 16:16 
@danhui I do have that mod, and I know they have some incompatibilities, but these ones are not listed as ones of them. Tested the game without Facial Animation and the bugs are still there. I may have to make a bug report soon, can't find any related discussion.
Dlitz 20 de jul. às 0:07 
@Zexzen Have you installed Facial Animation-WIP? These two mods will conflict when used together. Using VFEP and Facial Animation-WIP together will cause constant errors in the foundry.
Zexzen 19 de jul. às 17:08 
Got some bugs. When I order a pawn to go to the foundry, the order cannot be cancelled by any means, even drafting them cannot stop the pawn going to the foundry and enter it.

And then after cancelling the entombing process, the pawn inventory is locked and cannot be ordered to change their apparel ("Will replace locked gear") even though there is no locked gear in their inventory. Saving the game and reloading seems to fix the locked gear issue.

Is this a known incompatibility issue with other mods or should I make a bug report via the google form?
Salqour 18 de jul. às 20:05 
Noticing that warcaskets will try to suppress entities in anomaly, but are not actually progressing the task. Just standing there as their needs drop. Dont know if this has commonly popped up but i thought id give a heads up.
Oskar Potocki  [autor] 17 de jul. às 14:54 
Generally enabling a faction mod and then disabling that faction is not an intended experience and we do not troubleshoot that.
Wolfram|Alpha 17 de jul. às 9:55 
Can't generate a world without pirate factons on it. Is this a known bug?
_Loriik_ 15 de jul. às 14:15 
Are there prestige variants of the warcaskets planned?
Ashen 14 de jul. às 7:36 
Just use cherry picker to remove gravity hammers if you want SOS2 compatibility, since afaik that's the only known incompatibility this mod has with SOS2.
silverskene 12 de jul. às 5:15 
Has the new update to this mod made it compatible with SOS2?
Fan 12 de jul. às 1:04 
any anomaly-styled warcaskets planned? maybe metalhorror/horaxian themed? or perhaps letting ghouls get put in warcaskets. that'd be cool. (i can't get a ghoul into one, i dunno if it's intentional. probs is tho.)
Ghastly_Grinner 9 de jul. às 22:04 
Thanks for the Update message. I often have my mods update with 0 explanation as to whats been changed, which leaves me scratching my head.
CaptainCrunch(aka:DeathTomato) 9 de jul. às 17:03 
Thanks for making that change
Oskar Potocki  [autor] 9 de jul. às 13:16 
Update on 7/9/2024 10:12:38 PM.

Warcasket Plasma Sword no longer requires Insectoids mod.
Play-G Doc 2 de jul. às 10:48 
Suggestion: Make the Dreadnaught Funeral into a full-on Ritual, so i can trap my enemies as living war mechs.
Verando 26 de jun. às 4:55 
Minor error with hospitality mod. not game ending

FactionDef VFEP_Mercenaries must have at least one pawnGroupMaker with kindDef 'Peaceful', or 'permanentEnemy', 'isPlayer' or 'hidden' should be set to true. Otherwise no guests from this faction will arrive. This is a misconfiguration in Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates.
Hamacelos 23 de jun. às 7:30 
since the plasma weapons wont be back in insectoids 2, any chance the patch for the cool plasma sword could change for this mod instead:

tredavidson77 19 de jun. às 18:00 
Is it possible to use the war caskets in arena fights?
The last Eternal 19 de jun. às 10:44 
I know it has been mentioned already but this mod has a soft incompabitility with Vanilla Aspirations Expanded!
Oskar Potocki  [autor] 16 de jun. às 11:27 
Just Coda 16 de jun. às 10:45 
Sorry, was fix pushed to steam?
Oskar Potocki  [autor] 15 de jun. às 14:36 
Should hopefully be fixed now!
Just Coda 15 de jun. às 14:12 
Submitted on form.
Oskar Potocki  [autor] 15 de jun. às 9:39 
bugs should be reported using the google form.
Just Coda 15 de jun. às 9:29 
Error persists with only [Harmony] + [Core] + [DLC] + [Vanilla Expanded Framework] + [Vanilla Expanded Pirates]
Just Coda 15 de jun. às 9:19 
Hired 6 (2,2,2) gangers for 1 day, go to see their contract and screen is broken and error thrown, removed all mods except vanilla expanded mods and error persists. Will try with only Pirates and dependencies next.

Daddy Longlegs 15 de jun. às 4:42 
Contracts seem to bug out when a hired pirate gets kidnapped, had the same thing happen to me as the person below. Every other pirate left after the contract ended but it still says view contract with an empty contract screen on the console. Will see if rescuing the kidnapped pirate fixes it, have yet to get an event for it.
PalmsAreSweaty 2 de jun. às 20:15 
How do I cancel a contract if my Pirate/Mercenary got captured? I've been 1 year in without being able to hire because one mercenary got captured during a raid.