107 megjegyzés
KrzepkiSzpinak aug. 20., 7:52 
That makes sense, thank you for promt clarification!
RustyDios aug. 20., 6:18 
LWotC changes it so you only get "corpse loot" on certain mission types, namely Troop Columns.
KrzepkiSzpinak aug. 20., 5:55 
I have an issue with exalt loot - I see it dropping with specified weapons and items names but I am not getting it after the mission. It's not listed neither in items nor in artefacts in the post mission screen where all other loot is visible. I don't have it in inverntory as well. I'm running mod jam and experimental LWOTC at the moment. Any ideas what might be causing it?
FeeL máj. 31., 9:08 
Added Tesla Loot Mod support so its just automatic or i need to do something? cuz i belive this is doing something wrong...cuz im getting like beem cannons with 7-10 dmg even tho i just researched magnetic weapons
RustyDios máj. 5., 1:18 
For some mission types, yes. Might also be a by-product of something like the Yellow Alert mod.

If EXALT are landing then your concealment is broken and the Aliens are very much aware of you (as those things are the triggers for the EXALT reinforcement drop)

These are things from the base MOCX mod however, as this mod is just some re-skin & localisation.... ...
FeeL máj. 5., 1:09 
is it normal that on stealth missions like take vip to extraction...whole map isnt allarted, and second when exalt lands....whole map start rushing my position? i played like with "ttc" commands to see reaction....every turn everybody just rushes to my position even tho i have no active enemies
Unkown Rose máj. 2., 17:47 
would it be possible for the to advent to wrok with this mod
Pol márc. 28., 5:18 
Alright I'll keep that in mind, thank you!
MrCloista  [készítő] márc. 28., 5:04 
@Pol that's all part of the original mocx mod for the actual weapons. This mod changes their models but not their actual template/stats
RustyDios márc. 27., 13:13 
Ez a megjegyzés automatikus tartalom-ellenőrző rendszerünk elemzésére vár. Ideiglenesen rejtett lesz, amíg megerősítjük, hogy nincs benne kártékony tartalom (pl. hivatkozások olyan weboldalakra, amik információt próbálnak lopni).
Pol márc. 27., 12:27 
Is it possible to change the weapons they use, or is it something I gotta check out with the MOCX mod instead?
MrCloista  [készítő] jan. 28., 15:37 
@VI/Six it's the same as the mocx one, this mod is mostly localisation changes. @Vanzgars making an exalt raider faction wouldn't be difficult, it wouldn't have the level of functionality mocx has though. in theory it'd be possible to duplicate the original mod and make a purely exalt version, but that'd be something RM would have to give permission for, and i'm not interested enough in doing it to ask.
Vanzgars jan. 28., 11:21 
Impressive. Very nice. Now, let's see an EXALT stand-alone that can exist alongside MOCX. And have them be one of those "Raiders" factions too.
Vampyr Actual 2022. nov. 6., 20:27 
What's the itemname for the EXALT combat chips?
MrCloista  [készítő] 2022. szept. 7., 12:31 
This mod, aside from adding TLM and Black Market support is entirely cosmetic.
Lux Manifestus 2022. szept. 7., 10:58 
Does this mod add the EXALT Long Lance sniper rifle? I noticed that it does not add the 'Squadsight' ability to the wielder. Was this intentional?
DarKeng 2022. aug. 30., 4:42 
Figured out why I cant change their appearence - I need to work with core MOCX mod and only with Kevlar tier (finally managed to make them wear plates as torso deco)

Still, it leaves the issue with EXALT/MOCX not upgrading their look with armour and Reclaimed running in stardart EXALT suites with their class helmet
Plush Langobard 2022. aug. 29., 14:45 
I did find a scuffed solution. You have to use the right and left arms parts from this dated version of Exalt suits instead https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=696566464&searchtext=EU+ports

For convenience:

Plush Langobard 2022. aug. 29., 12:41 
anyone have a solution to units spawning with no arms?
Epigamesh 2022. júl. 18., 12:14 
@Mak I've noticed the same thing before, but it seems to come from the base MOCX mod (just before @MrCloista released his mod, I was trying to tweak the *.ini files because I already wanted to give them an exalt look ; the second an third tier were always the same as the first, no matter what I did).
Also, you might already know it, but in case, you can use the spawning commands with the consol (all the existing units, including MOCX are listed here : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1223925683) and just make appear the specific unit you want to test.
@Cloista Thank you for this mod, by the way (and the many others I'm using too) ; it is a delight to fight exalt again :D
DERPKING1991 2022. júl. 14., 14:06 
someone should do a overhaul of Exalt in general to have all the og Exalt weapons but thats just me as I know it could be a while and it could be a while before xcom 3 comes out
Mak 2022. júl. 1., 3:05 
Ok so I noticed 2 interestign things.

1. (not relevant to anyone not messing with the cosmetics) All the EXALT soldiers are spawning with the apeparance set for the Kevlar tier armor for regular soliders. They have had upgraded armor in my campaign for a while and they still use the first appearance.

2. Found an EXALT Plasma Pistol on the black market for the whoping price of 0 supplies :P
Mak 2022. jún. 23., 15:45 
@MrCloista I found the config file and like you said it was pretty easy to figure out. Seems to have worked nicely as you can see here .

Though I think I might have found a bug. The first EXALT group i got in my campaign had a Reclaimed/Dark Skirmisher but even though I had set up different cosmetics for them in the config file he was wearing the same outfit as the rest. Cant really tell if it's all of them or just some since i hadn't encountered more of them yet.

This of course is irrlevant to anyone not messing with the cosmetics though since they'd all be wearign a versio nof the EXALT suit anyway..
Arkhangel 2022. jún. 23., 9:33 
Could be a weird issue with UCR. Though, from what I've seen, it looks like the Arms section Exalt arms just aren't showing up. Even for the two captured Exalt troopers I have.
MrCloista  [készítő] 2022. jún. 21., 9:08 
@Mak it's not difficult just needs changing in the xcomdarkcustomisation config. @Arkhangel check that config I just mentioned for spelling errors, it may have corrupted.
Mak 2022. jún. 21., 3:13 
I was thinking of starting a new campaing with these guys but I have a question regarding the default outfits for random gen soldiers. Would it be a terriblly involved process for me to change the configs so that isntead of the EXALT suits they'd wear for example one of the full body torso pieces from This ADVENT cosmetics Mod ? Or woudl I be better off jsut mass producing a bunch of Dark ViPs into the soldier pool and hope for the best?
Arkhangel 2022. jún. 20., 23:48 
All of the ones I've seen so far. Spread across all classes. Randomly Generated ones.
MrCloista  [készítő] 2022. jún. 20., 20:14 
which exalt units were they?
Arkhangel 2022. jún. 20., 19:34 
Got EXALT Spawning that don't have arms. Rest of the Cosmetics are fine, though.
MrCloista  [készítő] 2022. jún. 17., 8:40 
VERY lucky. At FL14 in current campaign and i've not seen more than an advent mag pistol (tier 1)
Tacoaloto 2022. jún. 17., 8:11 
I'm only at like force level 8 or 9 and had an EXALT plasma shotgun show up in the black market. I'll just consider myself lucky and move on
philmakerguy 2022. máj. 1., 9:00 
They just showed up in green kevlar and weren't characters I created in my character pool.
MrCloista  [készítő] 2022. máj. 1., 8:57 
They would have been pulled from character pool then
philmakerguy 2022. máj. 1., 8:55 
Well, I don't know what I did wrong as I had the sitrep EXALT Squad, they did not show up in suits.
MrCloista  [készítő] 2022. máj. 1., 8:32 
Random gen exalt should be in suits, character pool exalt will be in their character pool outfits
philmakerguy 2022. máj. 1., 8:06 
Thanks. I appreciate the help.
RustyDios 2022. máj. 1., 7:51 
So MOCX/Exalt units pull the random appearance from your Character Pool. If you have units in your Character Pool with the DarkVIP box checked it will prioritise using these units, if not (or if it has used all these options) it creates a new unit and appearance using random settings, same as generating a new soldier for your own barracks.

So you can design the appearance of your MOCX units yourself in the character pool. The MOCX mod has some other settings for doing by class, or setting a default look for it's normal units(I think).. and you can further expand these options with the MOCX Customiser+ or RUM mods.
philmakerguy 2022. máj. 1., 7:23 
Yes, I thought all exalt units would be in suits. If you don't mind could you explain how the dark VIP pool works and how MOCX interacts with it? (a dumb question I know)
RustyDios 2022. ápr. 30., 12:32 
Are you possibly thinking that ALL Exalt should be in suits?
This mods still allows normal dropped Exalt Squad units to be pulled from the DarkVIP pool ... but the Exalt Rookies Sitrep generic rookie units are the ones that get dressed in the suits ...
Deadput 2022. ápr. 30., 10:00 
My reskin mods doesn't do anything with EXALT/MOCX so don't think they would be doing anything.
philmakerguy 2022. ápr. 30., 5:07 
So, disabled all nods that reskin units and they still don't show up as exalt, they also aren't rebelling despite it being set to 100 chance
philmakerguy 2022. ápr. 25., 22:26 
Thanks, I had a feeling it would be the culprit, either that or deadputs reskiner 2022.
MrCloista  [készítő] 2022. ápr. 25., 15:53 
it's probably RUM that's causing that.
philmakerguy 2022. ápr. 25., 14:07 
So started a new campaign ran into an exalt squad for the first time but they did not have the suit on just regular xcom gear any idea why that might be. I am using raider uniform editor for other factions like bandits etc btw.
MrCloista  [készítő] 2022. ápr. 25., 6:58 
@tastiger841 I have no experience with lwotc so no idea. Check if the main mocx mod has any specific compatibility notes for it, this mod.is just localisation
tastiger841 2022. ápr. 25., 2:37 
I am playing with lwotc, is it normal for them to appear on most missions? Also they tend to kill civilians when they have the chance.
KILLERm12 2022. ápr. 21., 18:45 
Ah ok, thanks so much for the response! Appreciate it man!
MrCloista  [készítő] 2022. ápr. 21., 17:33 
If you're already running mocx, yes, as it's just new localisation. if not - depends if you're already past FL4 which is when mocx first show up.
KILLERm12 2022. ápr. 21., 14:28 
I’m sure this question has been asked before, but is it safe to add this mod mid game?
MrCloista  [készítő] 2022. ápr. 18., 19:41 
add Voice=templatenameofthevoicepack, to each soldier type entry in xcomdarkcustomization.ini