

Počet komentářů: 46
zang 20. čvc. 2023 v 14.16 
This looks like a sleek and capable ship, but I'm afraid it's been busted by the ravages of time and Undertow's update philosophy.
Ferrix 4. kvě. 2023 v 0.52 
Has railgun shell racks, but since Large Hardpoints were added, can no longer equip a railgun on any of the three turrets.
lolmanor 20. bře. 2023 v 11.34 
Ship doesn't work with modded jobs/roles. They don't have permissions to any of the doors.
Black 8. lis. 2022 v 16.42 
@Rameka there is a button (kinda hidden) in the captain cabin that forces all door to be open unless the room is flooded.
Rameka 8. lis. 2022 v 16.08 
My friends and I couldn't figure out how to close some of the interior doors. Not sure if they're bugged or we're just stupid but some doors just would not close.
SLǂEranok 21. srp. 2022 v 7.31 
Great sub
ZyreX 6. srp. 2022 v 12.08 
does anyone know how to turn off the alarm in armory?
Black 9. čvn. 2022 v 7.59 
@AmbiguousMonk last time i checked yes it does work just fine but since this is a cheap sub you can just make a new save and start with it to double check
AmbiguousMonk 8. čvn. 2022 v 19.57 
Does this ship still work with the most recent patches?
Megakole 5. čvn. 2022 v 17.34 
is there anyway to reconfigure the wiring and door settings for a crew of only friends so we can rewire the ship and open everything
Papa Spiritum 12. kvě. 2022 v 14.34 
Very nice sub for solo or playing in a small team.

a mild inconvenience is a lack of ventilation in the control room, if you block the door there you will run out of oxygen pretty quick
HappyGilmore369 6. bře. 2022 v 19.39 
For Hella Jeff. The SCRAM command kills the generator, but this sub has an automatic backup-battery system that operates when the generator output is 0.
You have probably used the SCRAM command but not notice anything change because the backup-batteries have kicked-in when the generator shuts-off due to SCRAM
Detective Halligan 6. bře. 2022 v 13.34 
Trying out the sub and I really enjoy it, although I have a question about the terminal in the navigation room. What does the SCRAM command do specifically? I've played with it and I have no idea.
Black 6. bře. 2022 v 5.26 
not sure if its intentional or a bug but it seems that the suit rack and oxygen tanks in the command room arent wired so they dont recharge their oxygen.
Seel 23. úno. 2022 v 12.56 
Thank you so much for making this sub. As a primarily singleplayer guy, this has been a godsend for running with bots - it has all the features that I need without having to move into an even larger ship where it turns into a goose chase when dealing with AI crewmates.
Renko  [autor] 27. pro. 2021 v 10.24 
@Aleccia Rosewater If you mean "my lights went off and then back on again", that means your reactor probably didn't have fuel left (lights turn off), then the batteries detected it and since they are on automatic, they gave instantly power to the sub (lights turn on again)
Aleccia Rosewater 26. pro. 2021 v 12.46 
Why does the sub experience random brownouts
Renko  [autor] 24. pro. 2021 v 15.59 
Thanks ! :captainsmooth:
Luckspeare 24. pro. 2021 v 15.31 
Okay, in terms of QoL features and aesthetics and campaign balance, I absolutely love these and consider Renko's subs to be the gold standard of subs.
Renko  [autor] 23. pro. 2021 v 3.21 
@Husky : Open the door to ventilate, or upgrade your oxygen generator ;)

@AdorableAurora : Will look into it thx
AdorableAurora 22. pro. 2021 v 14.26 
but i love the sub.
AdorableAurora 22. pro. 2021 v 14.25 
no i spawned directly into the sub as the captain. yet some doors witch should be open don't.
Husky 22. pro. 2021 v 11.18 
The Captain's room keeps running out of oxygen, I nearly died twice by suffocating while driving the sub
Husky 21. pro. 2021 v 11.00 
Exacly what I was looking for, I always wanted something like the moonpool
Renko  [autor] 21. pro. 2021 v 3.31 
@Adorable Aurora : Did you use a respawn shuttle ?
AdorableAurora 20. pro. 2021 v 20.07 
can't even get into the command room O_o
AdorableAurora 20. pro. 2021 v 20.05 
can't get into some rooms as captain >.>
Renko  [autor] 15. pro. 2021 v 4.03 
@Laef : basically, when you upgrade your reactor max output, you gain 2% per upgrade.
So if you are at the first upgrade, it should be 5100, for the second 5200 etc... and for the fifth upgrade, 5500 (since 5 upgrades * 2% = 10%, and 5000+10% = 5500)

Hope I'm clear !
Laef 14. pro. 2021 v 22.34 
What do you mean by "update the memory component" when updating your reactor?

Sorry if this is obvious, new to the game.
Renko  [autor] 14. pro. 2021 v 15.54 
It is in the screenshot above ;)
Cousin Vinny 14. pro. 2021 v 14.09 
Ah, kinda missed that.
Would be nice to have in the features list or somewhere more readable cause up to this point that feature costed me the lives of roughly 5 people
Renko  [autor] 14. pro. 2021 v 11.42 
@Cousin Vinny : You can turn off the autoreactor, the button is right on the reactor. And for your docking problem, you will find a button next to the docking hatch. When you press it, you will be a green light on its right turn on/off. This light indicate if you are willing to be powered by the outpost (green=yes). When docked to abandoned outposts, or respawn shuttles, just press this button ;)
Cousin Vinny 14. pro. 2021 v 11.34 
Gotta say I'm really not a fan of the autoreactor feature, especially the feature part that sets reactor output to complete zero whenever you're docked and has no way of setting it back to manual even with the whole feature toggled off, so that whenever you're docked to an abandoned station you unnaturally have no power and your crew will suffocate if you don't finish the mission fast enough.
Laef 10. pro. 2021 v 12.31 
Buds and I did a few starts, and then landed in this Sub.

Love it.
Renko  [autor] 10. pro. 2021 v 6.41 
@Lev : Since it's a small sub and not very useful for traitor mode, I will give access to the toxic cabinet to the captain next update :)

@Atomic : You should find those just on the left of the bottom right periscope ;)
You need to undock for weapons changes to apply.
✠Donomify✠ 8. pro. 2021 v 10.39 
This submarine is good tho it makes no sense as to why me as the Captain shouldn't be able to access the toxin locker
ForrestFox 7. pro. 2021 v 16.24 
Excellent, thanks for the answer <3
Renko  [autor] 7. pro. 2021 v 16.21 
@ForrestFox*RTF* : It should yes ! Be aware tho that bots are kinda bugged this patch, but will update the sub as soon as the new fix comes out. They just tend to do weird things with the stairs and very rarely the moonpool, but everthing else is fine ! For the moonpool, you can shift+middle click on it and then tell bot to ignore it ;)
ForrestFox 7. pro. 2021 v 12.46 
Does this sub work for single player and bots?
Renko  [autor] 7. pro. 2021 v 4.30 
@Russisch Brot : You can't rewire the ship for anti-griefing reasons. But you will find near each ballast a maintenance mode lever, which dry the ballasts, but don't cut the power : you will have to do this in this order : activate ballast maintenance mode > turn off batteries take-over > turn off reactor > set fire to the ballast > turn on power again when flora is dead. I did this for balance reasons, but I might consider adding cutting power to the maintenance systems.
For the toxic cabinet, I didn't forget, it is to give the medic some "power" in traitor mode, although it can be bypassed by SOMBRA uniforms (In the BAROSOMBRA mod)
Renko  [autor] 7. pro. 2021 v 4.26 
@Deepfield : The research bench under the medical fab isn't a genetic lab, it iis onl here for decoration purposes. You can still do genetics at stations ;)
Also, you are only able to sell things off the sub in singleplayer, not multiplayer
Russisch Brot 7. pro. 2021 v 1.48 
Awesome Sub!
But is there any reason why you cant rewire the ship? Its important to turn off the (ballast) pumps to get rid of ballast flora. The wires are all locked.
And the locker for the medicals: did you forget to allow the access to the captain?
Deepfield 6. pro. 2021 v 20.38 
Also for some reason you are unable to sell things off of the sub
Deepfield 6. pro. 2021 v 20.36 
You are unable to access the research bench under the medical fabricator. Also what are the SOMBRA seriums for? Otherwise great sub!
Renko  [autor] 5. pro. 2021 v 16.28 
Sorry for the trouble ! I fixed it, thanks for noticing me !
MR.Foxy 5. pro. 2021 v 13.18 
If you buy a coilgun for the bottom-rear empty weapon slot the weapon it's locked facing forward and doesn't turn.sorry for broken english and ty for the nice ship design.