Arma 3
universal ammo system (updated)(DEAD)
ZacharyPw  [author] 15 Jul @ 12:35pm 

Read previous comments on the second and third page to know why.
spiderhouse 29 Jan @ 11:52pm 
why is it dead?
ZacharyPw  [author] 30 Nov, 2023 @ 11:29pm 

Download and load Zues Enhanced and place down a zues module in the mission you want to play

load the mission

get into zues

go double click(or right click and click on attributes or the equivalent) on the vehicle you want to change the ammo type in

click on loadout on the screen that pops up for the vehicle or static weapon

at t he top select the seat (gunner, left gunner, etc) you want the change the ammo type for

Select the ammo you want to add in.
Hannibal 16 Nov, 2023 @ 9:35am 
Unfortunately I had to remove the mod, it just kept coming up in the error rpts as an issue. Game runs smoother now.
ZacharyPw  [author] 25 Aug, 2023 @ 7:54pm 
Yeah, go use Isky's if you want current support for UAS. He uses code from my ACE-compat for UAS. It should be highly accurate. I did a lot of research on the ballistics for the ammo types and I believe he has gone even further with the research.

I forgot that he uploaded it.
Reticuli 25 Aug, 2023 @ 2:40pm 
Ok. FWIW and for the benefit of other people looking for mods, there is some good UAS stuff in the older versions for use with new ACE, like Isky's Universal Ammo System Reimagined V1.1.0 upload. Not all his stuff is ACE-compatible, but some is, and you don't need AAPM and old versions of ACE.
ZacharyPw  [author] 23 Aug, 2023 @ 1:51pm 
@Mr Noseybonk

If the issue still persists go into C:\Users\YourNAME\AppData\Local\Arma 3 and click on the file that has the days date on it that looks something like this "Arma3_x64_2023xyz.rpt". Open the file with notepad or notepad++ and go to the bottom and look for where it says error or fatal error and the mod or string attached to the error.
ZacharyPw  [author] 23 Aug, 2023 @ 1:50pm 
@Mr Noseybonk

What is your mod list? If you have a shitload of mods loaded or if you load multiple UAS versions at the same time the game will crash. UAS's config is big with a lot of lines of code.

It just takes 3-5 minutes for Zues or Eden to load up. You have to be patient. Unless the game is actually closing to the Arma 3 launcher and giving you an error in a window you just have to wait. Sometimes Windows 10 or 11 will think the game is froze and it will pop-up with "this application is not responding" and you can either click wait or close the game in which case the game is just taking awhile to load. If you want a shorter loading time with less magazines you can try UAS:Lite(Updated).
Mr Noseybonk 23 Aug, 2023 @ 12:07pm 
I know this mod is no longer worked upon, but is there a solution to stop ArmA 3 crashing when using this mod? It freezes when then the "loading UAS" message appears in the bottom-left corner, when loading up a map into Eden, or firing up Zeus. 1 time out of 10 tries it will load ok, but takes a long time, 9 out of 10 it just crashes.
ZacharyPw  [author] 15 Aug, 2023 @ 3:53pm 
@Reticuli No. Old ace is just like that. If you "unload" into an AI or players legs in vanilla arma 3 they will die as well. You are missing the point. I am done. If you don't wanna use Cobalt ACE or AAPM or UAS then don't use it. I stated what Cobalt ACE is for and why UAS and AAPM are broken or obsolete. Hence why I made UAS dead.

I don't aim for peoples legs. Most players aim for chest or head. Apparently you mistake this game for Escape from Tarkov.
Reticuli 15 Aug, 2023 @ 2:48pm 
So did new versions of Arma 3 break all the old versions of ACE? If I use Cobalt ACE or any other version of ACE other than the newest with 2.08 or later Arma 3, the hit injury & fatality stuff is all broken. I can put tourniquets on someone's legs, unload a mag into their legs, and they die. Vanilla and old ACE do not replicate a proper injury and death system like new ACE does.
ZacharyPw  [author] 15 Aug, 2023 @ 12:05pm 
@Reticuli There is a reason I made this mod dead. It is effectively broken with the new ACE 3 medical model. It works great with Cobalt ACE saved and uploaded by El Berl.

As I have stated time and time again. UAS was MADE to be used with AAPM. when the old medical model was still current branch, you could use UAS by itself and the wounding was great and it would work perfectly. Then ACE changed stuff around and UAS ammunition zips through AI wearing vests and the New ACE model will dumb down the damage to almost nothing because the bullets are not made for the new model and they will over penetrate.
Reticuli 15 Aug, 2023 @ 11:35am 
Hmm... maybe UAS + new ACE is what's causing bullets to behave like they bounced off an invisible surface mid-air...
ZacharyPw  [author] 14 Aug, 2023 @ 4:22pm 
@Reticuli The ACE build you are meant to use UAS and AAPM with is what El Berl modified/saved.

Cobalt ACE. It is not perfect, but this is the way that UAS and AAPM behaved back in the days when it was first made. The hit registry was spot on. Maybe those old mods you have tested have experienced SQF rot. old UAS and the original AAPM have SQF rot so probably the old ACE 3 builds do as well.

I've recently tested this build of UAS and the latest pre-current ACE compatible AAPM with Cobalt ACE and they work the way they used to back in the day. You wouldn't use Cobalt ACE( old ace medical) for anything than to use AAPM and UAS.

This is one of the reasons the both mods are dead. They need complete rewrites and script updates for them to work with the latest build of ACE 3.
ZacharyPw  [author] 14 Aug, 2023 @ 4:11pm 
Whoops. Sorry that dude who just commented. I accidentally deleted your comment.

The reason Zues "freezes" is because it needs to load ALL the magazine classes and it take awhile(2-5 minutes). You have to wait for it to load. Launching the game with Zues Enhanced I find will decrease the loading time in Zues. Also you can load up UAS-Lite(Updated) and it will decrease loading time to about instant on most computer builds.
Reticuli 14 Aug, 2023 @ 12:27pm 
Ok, but I've used all the old versions of ACE with medical that I can find on here, and it's only recent ACE med that does proper hit and injury detection. Vanilla doesn't, none of the old ACE, none of the other medical mods, PIR, etc. Try one of the others than new ACE medical (avoid bCombat and Dagger's ammo with new ACE that also break it) and unload a mag in someone's leg. You can kill them instantly. So I suggest modders stick to new ACE, because its devs are correct that it's better. I realilze it's a lot of work for them, but I'd rather give up tons of ammo options than bogus hit & injury modeling.
ZacharyPw  [author] 14 Aug, 2023 @ 11:54am 
@Reticuli For the purposes of AAPM being designed around the OLD ace 3 medical model, Yes it is broken. UAS was made for use with the old medical model of ACE 3 and it worked the way it was supposed to up until about 2019. After that ace 3 medical broke AAPM and UAS effectively.
Reticuli 13 Aug, 2023 @ 11:37am 
I wouldn't diss ACE3 too much, as it's the only means of getting proper hit detection and injury, and UAS was largely not ACE-compatible. Otherwise, you can kill someone instantly by unloading a mag in someone's legs.
$ATO$HI 6 Jun, 2023 @ 3:48am 
is there any ace mods that disable the armor system
Valken 20 May, 2023 @ 5:44am 
Appears isky is updating UAS here so sharing for all fans of El Berl and Zarchary's work!
Frosted Flake 11 May, 2023 @ 4:48am 
I'd love to hear more about the ACE3 armour system, if you have time.
Pass_Me_Your_Human_Rights 4 Mar, 2023 @ 10:57am 
I Love this mod, but it had to be stopped because of how ACE3 works :(
understandable to say the least
ZacharyPw  [author] 2 Mar, 2023 @ 8:31pm 
DarkKnazz19 2 Mar, 2023 @ 7:47am 
Hi, can you make models of weapon shops from CUP mod? And then the current stores look somehow not very
ZacharyPw  [author] 1 Mar, 2023 @ 9:14pm 
Yes ACE 3 armor system is that fucked. Join the discord and see the posts in general. Rookie goes into pretty great detail about why ACE 3 armor system is so cheap and half-assed.
ZacharyPw  [author] 1 Mar, 2023 @ 9:13pm 
The original replacement mod has been abandoned by my partner yesterday. He says he is going to start from scratch on a new mod that is going to be similar to APS, but fundamentally different from my understanding.
ZacharyPw  [author] 1 Mar, 2023 @ 9:11pm 
I have to correct myself. Apparently APS is a bit more complicated than simply adding health to the player. My mistake. It is still different than AAPM though.
[Jokeeece]Nightmare 1 Mar, 2023 @ 8:28pm 
Do you have an extremely rough idea when the new mod might come out? Or is the new ace3 armour system that fucked up?
ZacharyPw  [author] 24 Feb, 2023 @ 8:18pm 

For instance, say the plate has a maximum velocity of 900 m/s, a maximum energy of 2200 joules, a max rating for a bullet core hardness of 300 brinell, a bullet sharpness of 90, and a bullet armor penetration value of 25. If the bullet exceeds any of these values THEN the bullet penetrates the plate and applies damages based on how much energy is left after defeating the plate and generates a percentage of the bullet class's HIT value to hit region of the player.

ACE 3 dumbs down all incoming damage and overrides AAPM's eventhandler. what ends up happening is the player is wearing a level 3A vest and will get small wounds or just bruises from being hit by a .50 BMG rifle point blank.

The new mod's purpose is to override ACE 3's armor system so the plates work like they are supposed to in AAPM.
ZacharyPw  [author] 24 Feb, 2023 @ 8:07pm 

All APS does is add health to your player. That is all it does. AAPM literally STOPS the bullets and you take no damage except maybe a small, medium or large bruise depending on how close the UAS bullet was from penetrating the plate.

Whether the bullet will penetrate depends on the bullets energy, bullet velocity, bullet core hardness, bullet sharpness, and bullet armor penetration value. This is compared with the same values of the plate the bullet is striking.
the_green_one009 20 Feb, 2023 @ 7:03pm 
its working great with Armor Plates System for me
ZacharyPw  [author] 20 Feb, 2023 @ 3:30pm 
I have stopped updating the mod. It is clunky, partially broken and thanks to ACE3's armor system it's original purpose cannot be utilized. This mod's purpose was to work with AAPM and right now wounding is almost non-existent when it is used with current branch ACE 3. Another mod is in the works to replace both this and AAPM, however there is no release date.

A person going by the name Isky is working on developing UAS further, you can check out his bare bones mod here:

I know him from our discord server and his see to re-balance UAS so wounding is fixed. I wish him the best. I don't know if it is possible with the way ACE 3 made their cheap ass armor system.
Sugar Man ♠ 20 Feb, 2023 @ 1:42am 
great work man you still update this mod, any plans on adding Northern Fronts on future? WW2 communities like mine would be very happy :D
w1ndStrik3 16 Feb, 2023 @ 6:34am 
Hey. If you need help translating the mod into russian, hmu
ZacharyPw  [author] 11 Feb, 2023 @ 7:11pm 
Why would I know that? I stated below I don't use bombs.
Essem 11 Feb, 2023 @ 11:57am 
you know any mod that adds the actual models for the soviet chemical bombs?
ZacharyPw  [author] 29 Jan, 2023 @ 10:22pm 
@Smmmmhhhh I dunno. I don't use bombs and I am not the original author of UAS. I merely maintained it until recently.
[HELL] Barbarossa 28 Jan, 2023 @ 11:38am 
How can I deploy mustard gas, i can only find sarin and tabun.
ZacharyPw  [author] 27 Jan, 2023 @ 8:13pm 

A new mod to replace UAS that ACTUALLY FUNCTIONS CORRECTLY is in the works. No release date at this time
[III%]PsychosocialPenguin 23 Jan, 2023 @ 7:49pm 
Any plans on going back and updating UAS:Payload? Could use some better booms...
Wenza 23 Jan, 2023 @ 1:58am 
Awesome to see this mod get an update! My EMP mod was recently updated with new visual and audio fx - feel free to grab those and incorporate into this
[+| CL rautamiekka 15 Jan, 2023 @ 9:37am 

I mean, no shit, that's self-evident.
Essem 14 Jan, 2023 @ 8:05am 
where can i get the actual model for the tsar bomb?
de_BearN 30 Nov, 2022 @ 5:50pm 
I mean, it's on your PC, you can open and see whatever you want, what you can't do IF the mod had a license was publish it, i personally have many modified mods for myself, mods that don't allow to publish them on steam or anywhere else so i just keep them in a folder in my computer, but you can do almost anything you want with what you have downloaded on your computer within your computer as long you don't compromise software security and what not.
ZacharyPw  [author] 3 Oct, 2022 @ 8:54pm 
The description has now been updated. It now lists the license.
ZacharyPw  [author] 3 Oct, 2022 @ 8:48pm 
[+| CL rautamiekka

The original one that Berl uploaded(which this is updated version of) has it written somewhere that this is basically shareware. None of the files are encrypted and he made it very clear on the discord server that you could make your own version of the mod that suited your tastes so long as you credit him should you choose to share it on the workshop.
[+| CL rautamiekka 2 Oct, 2022 @ 11:31am 

The problem is there's no mention of being allowed to do that.
nan 2 Oct, 2022 @ 9:41am 
I know this doesn't change the sound. In fact, this mod is compatible with the vast majority. Maybe you can exclude kt, who seems to have redesigned his ammunition and conflicts with this one.Or which string of code should I delete?
ZacharyPw  [author] 28 Sep, 2022 @ 6:12pm 
@[+| CL rautamiekka
You decompile the .pbo's inside the UAS folder that you download when you subscribe to the addon. That gives you the folders with .CPP's which can be read with Notepad++.

[+| CL rautamiekka 28 Sep, 2022 @ 7:28am 

Already Open Source ? Never been to the D Server to know if anything's there, and there's no mention about freedom here.