

Research Assistants
Ruination 30 Jun @ 11:21pm 
I can also confirm that this mod works with 1.5. I recently did a full playthrough, my first this year, and I had no glitches with this mod. I installed it mid-game and played for several more in-game years before doing an ending quest.
andrewjonjones 29 Jun @ 2:47am 
Works with 1.5.
andrewjonjones 29 May @ 11:22am 
Does this still work with 1.5 or is it best to wait for an update?
MissCarbonheart 25 May @ 3:08am 
Please can you update for 1.5? Thanks!
GanjaMan [NL] 24 Apr @ 11:57pm 
plans for 1.5?
crafty1983 20 Apr @ 8:50am 
Has anyone tried this mod to see if it work on 1.5 without any trouble?
Zadkhiel_TV 15 Apr @ 11:17am 
valdindor 1 Jul, 2023 @ 10:49pm 
im getting this error with this mod. Will it cause any issues?

[Research Assistants] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationConditional(*/ThingDef[defName = "SimpleResearchBench"]/comps) failed
file: E:\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\2659862896\Patches\Linkables_Patch.xml
QuestionedMemes 14 Mar, 2023 @ 6:33pm 
This mods amazing, I would love a variant for standard stuff such as fabrication benches however.
TheGoofyOne  [author] 4 Feb, 2023 @ 9:05am 
Sorry they do not stack. One of each type.
Egg 1 Dec, 2022 @ 3:10am 
Can i Build multipler tablets ? do they stack ?
Egg 1 Dec, 2022 @ 2:27am 
Ncie Mod Broh :D thanks alot =)
Victoria, Angel of the void 16 Oct, 2022 @ 7:26pm 
TheGoofyOne  [author] 16 Oct, 2022 @ 6:48pm 
Updated to 1.4
Victoria, Angel of the void 7 Jan, 2022 @ 3:24am 
No problemo, wish it worked with1.0.
TheGoofyOne  [author] 6 Jan, 2022 @ 3:43pm 
Or what you tried to tell me. I pulled 1.0 for the 1.0 users.

Ty for letting me know Evelyn of Theia
Victoria, Angel of the void 6 Jan, 2022 @ 1:42pm 
That's what I'm saying.
TheGoofyOne  [author] 6 Jan, 2022 @ 1:21pm 
Wait. You are using it on 1.0 and it's not working? If that's the case I just got what you're trying to tell me.
Victoria, Angel of the void 6 Jan, 2022 @ 9:25am 
Well, your mod is tagged to be 1.0 compatible.
TheGoofyOne  [author] 6 Jan, 2022 @ 8:38am 
I didn't tag anything that I know of
Victoria, Angel of the void 5 Jan, 2022 @ 11:45am 
I figured it was a mis-tag.
Victoria, Angel of the void 5 Jan, 2022 @ 11:44am 
I mean 1.0 rimworld. The mod is tagged for 1.0 rimworld. If this wasn't made for 1.0 rimworld then you should remove the tag for it.
TheGoofyOne  [author] 5 Jan, 2022 @ 11:24am 
Not sure what you mean 1.0 update. I made this a few weeks ago and it works in 1.3 for me and others so........... maybe a mod conflict?
Victoria, Angel of the void 5 Jan, 2022 @ 6:20am 
Not sure if this is being updated on the 1.0 update, but it's not exactly working.
Tried to make a "research AI Computer" and it didn't actually MAKE anything while throwing an error out.
Velxra 28 Nov, 2021 @ 2:38pm 
woot lets see how this goes
TheGoofyOne  [author] 28 Nov, 2021 @ 1:11pm 
I heard you :). UPDATED: Added a Sub Persona, made the AI new graphics and it is now double the boost of the Sub Persona.
JAS 26 Nov, 2021 @ 6:06pm 
probably my mods affecting the loot tables, but it's way easier for me to get a persona core than one, let alone two subpersonas. I'd never be able to build it with that change.
TheGoofyOne  [author] 25 Nov, 2021 @ 4:42pm 
That I can do! And I like it as it gives me my 100% researcher sooner. FYI It took me until starflight basics to get a persona core in my current colony so it really wasn't a useful tool at all.:(

I just have to rework the artwork a bit creating a new 200% core. If you have any graphics ideas throw them at me as i'm just going to change the inside graphics for now.
Velxra 25 Nov, 2021 @ 4:33pm 
Perhaps the current one with two sub personas and a new one that does 200% the research for 1 persona core. I have everything unlocked in my game. So I only have one research going that repeats into the millions of research points.
TheGoofyOne  [author] 25 Nov, 2021 @ 4:28pm 
REQUEST FOR INPUT: I've been thinking about changing the need for a persona core to possibly 2 sub personas to make it a little more possible to acquire. Any thoughts anyone?
TheGoofyOne  [author] 25 Nov, 2021 @ 4:27pm 
It duplicates your efforts was as simple as I could put it. Specifically It is a 100% increase. But it does not research on it's own no.
JAS 25 Nov, 2021 @ 1:47pm 
so what exactly does the super computer do? The description is a little vague. Like, does it double output or does it research on it's own?
TheGoofyOne  [author] 22 Nov, 2021 @ 7:56am 
It's got an eye that watches you. But yeah, I'm not the best artist around I get it. Sorry I'll do better next time. ;)
Velxra 22 Nov, 2021 @ 7:25am 
yeah, but it is missing that all knowing super intelligence look
TheGoofyOne  [author] 22 Nov, 2021 @ 6:25am 
I would say that an AI Computer that in effect doubles your research would suffice for your definition no?
Velxra 22 Nov, 2021 @ 5:04am 
Hmm I feel like some kind of super computer would be a neat addition.
TheGoofyOne  [author] 21 Nov, 2021 @ 1:13am 
You all clean now? I kinda feel dirty.......
Attention Deficit Dave 20 Nov, 2021 @ 11:09pm 
Rinse, rinse, scrub, scrub.

Scrub, scrub, rinse, rinse.