Arma 3
113 kommenttia
JustAndrew 14.2. klo 4.27 
it looks good but it blocks roads so its mostly unusable...
alexjackson57 9.1.2024 klo 14.07 
okay i see, i'm creating a mission on the map wild mountains livonia and i'm lokking for way add forest around the aera already created to give the map more size and relief so that playrs is a larger territory to explore in addition combined with this mod will give this map a side very scien fiction.
Sysroot  [tekijä] 8.1.2024 klo 16.50 
@alexjackson57 Hello, I'm not aware of another mod that does this, but that *was* a planned feature of this mod earlier in development. The idea was scrapped due to performance concerns, however, as Arma really isn't a fan of generating a large swath of simple objects as would be necessary to generate a forest.

The engine simply has a much easier time optimizing trees and such when they're baked in the terrain itself rather than when they're treated as separate objects.
alexjackson57 8.1.2024 klo 16.09 
Hello, is there a mod or module for generating entire forests?
Sysroot  [tekijä] 3.1.2024 klo 13.30 
@Zac Hello. I am not aware of anyone else having such an issue, so even if it is caused by this mod, it is likely due to some sort of conflict of which I am unable to diagnose.

I would turn all of your mods off except for this one and then check if the problem persists. If it does, try uninstalling and reinstalling this mod. If the problem still sticks around, I can look further into it.
ZacTheRaven 1.1.2024 klo 12.30 
Hello, I have an issue, please help me. I'm pretty sure its done by this mod. On Tanoa, the medium ficus trees are halfway into the ground, and about 2 times bigger (2 times bigger hitbox too) and even though I set the trees and the grass scale to 1, nothing happens, is there a way to fix this?
J-Money 10.12.2023 klo 11.58 
to clear up, that only happens on some/certain maps in certain areas. this mod kicks ass for immersion. thanks again
J-Money 4.12.2023 klo 17.53 
appreciate the response!! thanks!
Sysroot  [tekijä] 4.12.2023 klo 17.28 
@J-Money You'd be correct -- unfortunately, that's an unfixable bug due to game engine limitations (the only way to avoid it is to replace the trees with simple objects, which kills game performance). In order to fix it, you just need to go into this addon's settings and turn down the scaling a little bit until the tree is properly in the ground again.
J-Money 4.12.2023 klo 7.16 
I'm not positive, but im 80% sure this mod causes this:

Any ideas or experience with it? It could be a conflict im not aware of.
Sysroot  [tekijä] 11.9.2023 klo 20.16 
@Bairro I'm glad to hear that, thank you for the kind words!
Bairro 11.9.2023 klo 8.20 
Can't play without it. Great job! Thanks. :steamthumbsup:
mevadralik 28.6.2023 klo 4.19 
i love lustify
Sysroot  [tekijä] 24.6.2023 klo 12.19 
Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it!
J-Money 23.6.2023 klo 22.58 
This mod is really amazing man. i don't have the best PC so I do think i notice the performance slightly, but got dayum sure makes any maps foilage look really really good.

Uzbin farmlands are immersive as hell.

thank u!
Sysroot  [tekijä] 19.2.2023 klo 14.03 
@Sigma You can always turn the scaling down below 1!
Six 19.2.2023 klo 13.26 
is there something for the opposite? Defoliate? Environmental deflowering?
Sysroot  [tekijä] 14.12.2022 klo 0.48 
It felt a bit weird that this mod, unlike my other mods, never actually got a proper Github release. It does now!

The Github link is now available in the description for anyone who feels like reverse-engineering, modifying, or contributing to this mod.
Dunkersplay 13.10.2022 klo 23.53 
Thank you for your help my friend, if you manage to find another solution please keep me updated as I'd love to fix the floating trees for my players XD
Sysroot  [tekijä] 14.9.2022 klo 15.57 
@Dunkersplay Unfortunately I must say there's not much that can be done in this case other than just not scaling the trees. While it is possible to move the trees so they aren't floating, it requires hiding the original trees and moving a copy of them, which destroys game performance when applied to a large number of trees.
Dunkersplay 13.9.2022 klo 15.55 
I scaled some trees up on the map Maksniemi from their default to the default of lushify (1.5). Ever since I've had floating trees galore.

Tried merging the mission files, but alas; They are permanently floating.
Sysroot  [tekijä] 13.9.2022 klo 10.58 
@Dunkersplay Hello! I'm not sure what specially is causing them to float as I'm not sure what your settings are, but the most common cause of floating is from making the trees too small.

When the trees are scaled down too much, they do not stay on the ground properly due to their center being offset. This is not fixable without performance impact, so the solution is just to not scale the trees down too much.

Let me know if you still need assistance!
Dunkersplay 12.9.2022 klo 17.08 
How to fix floating trees my friend?
Sysroot  [tekijä] 30.5.2022 klo 7.46 
Wonderful! I'll have to try it out sometime when I'm playing arma again.
uknoppo 29.5.2022 klo 15.22 
Hi Sysroot, got Lushify working perfectly with THE ASSAULT, it will be in the next update. Was hoping to get it out today, but ran out of time. It will be soon! Thanks for your help :)
Sysroot  [tekijä] 27.5.2022 klo 14.45 
No problem!
uknoppo 27.5.2022 klo 0.45 
Thanks Sysroot, Thanks for your super fast reply. I've been pretty busy these last few days so I have not had a chance to check out your solution yet. But I'll be working on an update over the weekend. I'll let you know how it goes :)
Sysroot  [tekijä] 24.5.2022 klo 19.23 
Hi, I believe I've found how to do it. It seems you'll need to setVariable the module's "objectarea" property which is an array of the form [a, b, c, false, 0] where a and b are the lengths of the sides of the area rectangle, and c is the angle of the rectangle.

So, to go along with the example you've given, something like this should work for a 50x50 area with 0 rotation:

private _moduleGroup = createGroup sideLogic;
"Lushify_ModuleScale" createUnit [
getPosATL player,
"this setVariable ['TreeScale',1.5,true]; this setVariable ['BushScale',1.5,true]; this setVariable ['objectarea',[50,50,0,false,0],true]; this setVariable ['BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation', false, true];"
uknoppo 24.5.2022 klo 10.29 
Thanks Systoot, no hurry, whenever you have time. I am hoping to make it easier to use Lushify with my mod: UKNoppo's The Assault:
Sysroot  [tekijä] 23.5.2022 klo 23.31 
Hi uknoppo! Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate it. I will look into this issue for you (as I do not quite recall the limitations of the modules) and try to get back to you within 24 hours!
uknoppo 22.5.2022 klo 8.56 
Hi Sysroot, great mod! Is there a way to spawn the module mid game with a script and also use a script to change the size of the module mid game? For spawning the module this is the best I have managed, but it does not quite work, I think part of the issue is that it does not define the size of the module.

private _moduleGroup = createGroup sideLogic;
"Lushify_ModuleScale" createUnit [
getPosATL player,
"this setVariable ['TreeScale',1.5,true]; this setVariable ['BushScale',1.5,true]; this setVariable ['BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation', false, true];"
Alex-X-x 27.4.2022 klo 11.06 
damn, thank you!
.Monika. 2.4.2022 klo 2.26 
Ohh okay TY :winter2019happyyul:
Sysroot  [tekijä] 1.4.2022 klo 14.57 
Unfortunately not. I had tried some different methods to get it working in MP, but the core function that this mod uses to rescale everything is incompatible with MP. This means that some sort of workaround is necessary for MP, and all of them sadly have significant performance impact that it doesn't seem possible to mitigate.

So, for that reason, it does not appear that this will work in MP in the near future, unless BI releases a more multiplayer-friendly way to scale objects.
.Monika. 1.4.2022 klo 8.31 
Is it fixed for MP?
LEGO R2D2 31.3.2022 klo 11.53 
Do we know if this works on a dedicated server?
Sysroot  [tekijä] 4.3.2022 klo 23.28 
Yes, you could do that with the model replacement feature of this mod, though you'd need to figure out the paths to both models.
SATOSHI ᛉ 4.3.2022 klo 22.10 
hmm is it possible to make a mod that replaces cup vegetation with livonia/altis? Since ArmA2 vegetation causes ai to shoot through it
Sysroot  [tekijä] 4.3.2022 klo 15.15 
I would think it wouldn't, seeing as how it appears the scaling method used by this mod does not work serverside. You're welcome to try, though.
SATOSHI ᛉ 4.3.2022 klo 14.12 
Does this work on servers if the module is used rather than client side?
Sysroot  [tekijä] 10.11.2021 klo 8.04 
It should, and all of my testing seems to indicate that it does.

It's possible that AI are detecting you for reasons other than visual -- but if you're certain they're actually seeing you through the larger trees improperly, I'm afraid there's not much I can do about it due to the limits of terrain object scaling.
Valken 10.11.2021 klo 7.33 
Does this mod block AI visual line of sight with the increased tree diameters? Seems the AI see things different from players.
Sysroot  [tekijä] 6.11.2021 klo 18.02 
Yes, absolutely.
Illu 6.11.2021 klo 17.56 
can this be run client-side?
Sysroot  [tekijä] 2.11.2021 klo 14.01 
@GeezTree I'm currently looking into issues regarding dedicated servers. A fix will be coming soon.

@The Burger King Thank you!

@Raavolk Hello, unfortunately that is a known issue that I cannot do anything about currently. Terrain objects can not be repositioned, so the only way to fix their Z offset is to replace them with simple objects, which has a heavy performance impact. I'm looking into ways to get around this.
Raavolk 2.11.2021 klo 13.23 
Very nice and practical mod ! It's a second breath to Altis dry forests.

It is very nice that we can not only increase but also decrease vegetation scale. However, the trees are popping in the sky, as the scale center is at the middle of tree and not at its roots. I don't know how you could correct that but it could be cool to simulate young forests.
The Burger King Of Angmar 2.11.2021 klo 9.16 
This is such a handy QOL mod. The fact that it simply edits the scale of anything classified as foliage means it works on any map. This is one of the best ideas and execuatiosn for a mod I've seen in years, well done!
Evan 2.11.2021 klo 8.55 
does everyone in the server need the mod for this to work properly or just the host/whoever edited the map
minhduc-dev 1.11.2021 klo 11.14 
Sysroot  [tekijä] 1.11.2021 klo 4.45 
@CartoonrBOY You're the man!
@Rimmy I will neither c:p2blue:nfirm :p2orange:r deny ;)