

Race Traits
UnknownBlender 1 hour ago 
What custom race mods does it support?
Marinebeast 26 Jul @ 10:42pm 
I only just found this mod! Thank you for including my Inklings in it, I really appreciate it. <3
projectmayhem 26 Jul @ 5:48am 
No worries, I know "TRY" is a big order for this issue. I can't even imagine why its happening. I gave up trying to figure it out. It's not a big deal.
Oмεяυıп  [author] 25 Jul @ 7:52pm 
Hey there! Before asking "when is the next update" , please take a look at my Starbound Mods Status Sheet []!
All information relating to my modding schedule and the current state of my mods can be found there! Thank you for your patience.
Oмεяυıп  [author] 25 Jul @ 7:52pm 
I...don't even know what to say.
I'll TRY to look into this???
Oмεяυıп  [author] 25 Jul @ 7:50pm 
I don't know. I can't answer this with so little information. I'd need a log, or to know what mods you use, such as FU or whatnot.

@Engineer Gaming
Thanks for the report.

@BITney, The Pixel Heister

@Tracker the avali
LMAO :dos2skull:

Sounds like I need to look into this. Thanks!
projectmayhem 17 Jul @ 3:44pm 
Wait until you hear this crazy development. I removed every folder from , taking them out in chunks to narrow down the issue. There are no files left in AAR except the _metadata file that describes the mod. Racial Traits still will not show for Fragmented Ruin. Once I take out the metadata file... Racial Traits shows up for Fragmented Ruin. I have no clue why the mods metadata file would be doing this. It will probably take someone much smarter than myself to explain it.

I do assume it has something to do with the priority maybe? I lowered AAR to priority -1 and Racial Traits shows correctly. But I need AAR set to 9998 because one of the mods it patches has a priority of 9997. But any way you slice it... the priority shouldnt really matter... but there are no files in the mod any more. It changes nothing about the game, but it still conflicts with Racial Traits change of the Fragmented Ruins description.
Kinsect 17 Jul @ 3:28pm 
That's odd o.o
I have both installed and before it worked like normal
but now I'm having that same problem
projectmayhem 17 Jul @ 3:19pm 
I found the issue, though its even more confusing now. Armor Augments Reborn causes the Fragmented Ruin description from this mod to not show up. When I removed Armor Augments Reborn, the description is the Racial Traits description. When I add Armor Augments Reborn back... the racial traits description vanishes. No clue why, Armor Augments Reborn doesn't have anything to do with Fragmented Ruins species or Racial Traits. It just adds augment slots onto armors.
projectmayhem 17 Jul @ 2:57pm 
That is what I assumed as well, but that means another file would need to be changing the description of Fragmented Ruin, and there are not many Fragmented Ruin related mods. Not only that, it would need to be changing the description back to its default values, which is weird. I made a mod and used the fragmentedruin.species.patch file from this mod and the changed description showed up fine. But if I remove the mod I made to change the description, it goes back to the mods original description instead of the racial trait one. It's really baffling me.
Kinsect 17 Jul @ 1:57pm 
It works fine with me, I'm guessing that another mod is messing with it?
projectmayhem 17 Jul @ 1:19pm 
I cannot for the life of me figure out why the Fragmented Ruin race description change is not showing. I see your mod has a patch file for it that changes the description to say its an unsupported species. But when I hover over the Fragmented Ruins species icon, I only see the default description. Does anyone get the correct unsupported species description for the Fragmented Ruin race?
multipeen 17 Jul @ 12:33pm 
I've noticed that my raw food immunity doesn't take effect with the Gnoll race, anyone know a reason for that?
Tracker the avali 3 May @ 7:01pm 
Wait nvm I don't like this idea
Tracker the avali 3 May @ 6:56pm 
Give it to me now or I will set off my bombs :sticky::sticky::sticky::sticky::sticky::sticky::sticky:
BITney, The Pixel Heister 1 May @ 5:37pm 
There's any plans on giving the Akkimari some traits? The one never released from Elithian
Engineer Gaming 30 Apr @ 4:20am 
the lack of speed/jump boost on felin makes their unique intro mission much harder to complete (not impossiable but all the jumps are like frame perfect now)
SaiyanMonkey 21 Apr @ 6:38pm 
Why when creating a new character do vanilla races' statistics not appear?
Chaotic 13 Apr @ 10:22am 
aah ok gotcha
Oмεяυıп  [author] 13 Apr @ 9:26am 
But even a possible change such as removing the sparkles needs to be discussed with the author. That's all.
Chaotic 13 Apr @ 9:20am 
Im not askin for ya to remove the glow, just saying the spark effect coming from it is a'lil distracting
Oмεяυıп  [author] 13 Apr @ 9:10am 
I can talk to the author. Those are official stats, so I won't change them without permission first.
Chaotic 9 Apr @ 5:10pm 
I like the added support for the Murder Drones mod but the sparkle from the glow effect on your character can get alittle distracting
Oмεяυıп  [author] 7 Apr @ 4:07pm 
Ooze support was added.
GeekyRaptorStudios 7 Apr @ 1:20pm 
Could we get ooze race support please?
Oмεяυıп  [author] 7 Apr @ 10:28am 
That is crazy strange... I will need to do some personal testing of this. Thanks.

You want to patch an existing race's stats to be different? Well, you can look at Race Trait's patch guide!
Bro 7 Apr @ 5:17am 
Uhhh so long and I dont understand half of the words
How do I make own traits? (Modded race, mod is not mine, just so traits can be edited like add immunity for poison and stuff)
Jabberwotchi 4 Apr @ 5:53pm 
Still not sure what it is but when I tested and made a lamia it came with the lil tool to check traits so it just seems to be missing the character creator text. It happened after I added Arcana but when I do just arcana its fine? So I really dont know
Oмεяυıп  [author] 4 Apr @ 5:40pm 
Extremely, extremely weird... Let me know if you find anything!
I recommend using "Agent Ransack" to do a more thorough search of the Steam workshop/mods folders to look for mods that may have a "lamia.species.patch" maybe?
Jabberwotchi 4 Apr @ 5:36am 
No neither of those. I do use Maple32 though but that shouldnt be doin anything to the other species I dont think
Oмεяυıп  [author] 3 Apr @ 6:47pm 
Do you use FU?
Do you use "Make the Lamia into cute Tatzelwurm"?
Jabberwotchi 3 Apr @ 6:16pm 
It was just showing blank in character creator. I dont have any mods that would mess with that I dont think but I'll fiddle around if I figure out whats causing it I'll post back.
Oмεяυıп  [author] 3 Apr @ 5:52pm 
Hi, I just tested with the Lamia. Their stats are showing both in the character creator AND in-game with the Race Traits Viewer.
Could you perhaps elaborate further...?
Jabberwotchi 3 Apr @ 5:38am 
Lamia is showing no traits but is in the collection? Is it not supported?
Oмεяυıп  [author] 1 Apr @ 6:45am 
@The Doctor
Oh, lol... No problem. :demonsheep:
The Doctor 1 Apr @ 12:43am 
worked it out, my end, mod of mine was messing up yours .. sorry for bothering you with this.
The Doctor 31 Mar @ 10:34pm 
ok yes its in mulitplayer, not too sure how to get you the log file ... steam does not like pictures or txt files ... but speaking from one content creator to another, their is nothing in the log that says anything is happening.
Oмεяυıп  [author] 31 Mar @ 10:21pm 
@The Doctor
This all happens in multiplayer, right? Is anyone disabling and enabling RT at random times? It might be a multiplayer issue.
Because in singleplayer, the immunities always work. I just checked with various testing and couldn't recreate the issue myself.
What would also be beneficial is a log from around the time of you or someone else coming across these moments.
The Doctor 31 Mar @ 10:12pm 
The long and short of it is, I do have a custom race that I added support for with the traits mod, I know its working because the out of combat heal works, the food poison immunity works, and poison immunity worked, along with the energy buff and so on and so on.

Ok so it works, but... on some new worlds I found the poison sea ... hurt me... the raw tentacle food poisoned me... which was confusing, I booted off to see if something changed in my load order ... I then logged back in and went to my fridge and ate a stored fresh raw tentacle .. no poison, all my other stats worked, heal, jump, energy, but for some reason poison was not working .. now and then.

before I could work out if I messed up something, other players on my server started talking about how sometimes their poison immunity seemed to not work ether.

So I posted here the issue we seem to be seeing to poke and see if this is a common error or known bug, or perhaps a fix for it.
Oмεяυıп  [author] 31 Mar @ 8:54pm 
@The Doctor
Avali doesn't have poison immunity...
The Doctor 31 Mar @ 7:53pm 
Custom race, but others on my server using avail and other mainstream races reported the same issue.

I was going to modify your mod to have a higher priority, in the thought that maple32 or arcana is mucking it up.
Oмεяυıп  [author] 31 Mar @ 11:23am 
The Lamia definitely have stats, and nothing has changed. Weird...

The Ooze will be supported in the upcoming update.


@The Doctor
What race are you playing as? That would help me narrow down the issue. Also, are you playing with FU at all?
The Doctor 26 Mar @ 9:31am 
Hi, wondering if somthing is interfering with the mod. My issue is with poison, at first it worked as in complete immunity, it shows up on the device that I am immune to food and poison. Now once I ate a raw tentacle and started taking damage.... but then later on after I restarted I was immune, and now I fell into a toxic sea and started taking poison damage, both times the device said I am immune and I know it working because I have out of combat heal on.
Krowzin 9 Mar @ 3:07am 
angels have no hunger at all it seems
GeekyRaptorStudios 20 Feb @ 9:15pm 
is the ooze race supported? I want slime race like immunities maybe even radiation immunity.
Kc 30 Jan @ 3:37pm 
the lamia doesnt have any traits but it did before TWT was it removed
Oмεяυıп  [author] 16 Jan @ 1:18pm 
Yeah, I hear that a lot. FU's BYOS system is pretty cool!

Search "Mechit Race Traits" on the workshop, and you'll see that a patch has already been made by the creator! But sometime I may discuss merging it into the main mod, so we'll see!
If u add the Race Support for this race then make it self glow as it would make sense :steamthumbsup:
bumrum 8 Jan @ 7:20am 
thanks for an alternative, not going to lie but this and how they did the byos system was one of the few things holding me to fu.... now if i could find a collection of mods to mimic their byos intergration as it seemed to have what i could only call a generic wildcard.