

Eccentric Tech - Core
@Cinder Jack Do you have one of the versions of Tacticowl running? I was just seeing the same thing with "Tacticowl Continued" (along with a ton of other breakage like factions not spawning on the map), and removing it has fixed things.
Aelanna  [author] 15 Jul @ 6:28am 
@Cinder Jack - I need more than that to go on. Can you provide a log file?
Cinder Jack 15 Jul @ 12:22am 
just wanted to say that the Eccentric tech core is coming up with errors with its projectiles when loading the game
umad41 5 Jul @ 3:06pm 
Just wanted to pop in and say that I love your mods! Thank you for keeping them up to date
Cookie Eater 3 Jul @ 8:33am 
That has to be it then! I was testing out the release candidate with a local copy- will do.

Thanks again for being awesome!
Aelanna  [author] 2 Jul @ 10:13pm 
@Cookie Eater - If you had a local version of Combat Extended (such as the recent release candidate from GitHub) and you are going back to the Steam version, then make sure you delete your local copy entirely. RimWorld has had a bug since 1.4 wherein having a local copy of a mod causes the Steam version to no longer be recognized by conditional compatibility features such as MayRequire and LoadFolders.
Cookie Eater 2 Jul @ 10:48am 
Amazing mod, love your work! (And your comics on the subreddit)

I've noticed with CE 1.5 that ammunition for Eccentric weaponry is not updated as it was in 1.4 (E15 using 6x24mm pulse charge rounds for example), is this a bug or something that will be added?
Aelanna  [author] 27 Jun @ 9:08am 
@tree - Same deal, though. I need a log and a mod list, or preferably a HugsLog which would have both. It's 99% likely an issue with another mod you're running, and there's absolutely nothing I can do unless I can reproduce the issue.
tree 27 Jun @ 7:23am 
i can't interact with the buildings (persona core; nanoassembler; nanofabricator).
the persona core does what it is meant to be doing (it connects to research-benches)
but i can't interact with the produktion building (i can't select it, like it is not even there)

Same problem, and no error reported
Aelanna  [author] 26 Jun @ 8:51am 
@luis.vette - Are you getting any kind of errors? Can you provide a log? I can't do much about it without more information.
luis.vette 24 Jun @ 5:05am 
i can't interact with the buildings (persona core; nanoassembler; nanofabricator).
the persona core does what it is meant to be doing (it connects to research-benches)
but i can't interact with the produktion building (i can't select it, like it is not even there)
Tsunatus 21 Jun @ 5:46pm 
so i have tested it further and it seems that if i force rotate it the animation gets moved to the forefront. I am using similar mods from my previous play through with the exception of SoS2.

I don't believe it's a game breaking bug but rather just a graphical one.
Aelanna  [author] 20 Jun @ 5:50am 
@Tsunatus - The only gameplay issue I've heard about is an issue with the refrigerators in Spacer Furniture, which I'm still waiting on someone to give me a log to diagnose. This is the first I've heard about an issue with the Aurora Core.
Tsunatus 20 Jun @ 12:40am 
@Aelanna - Are your mods compatible with SoS2? The Aurora core animation seems to be bugged as the projection is being displayed behind the core when i build it in my space station.
I tried placing a floor on top of the ship hull plating but it doesn't change anything.
Riffy 13 May @ 3:53pm 
You were correct, thank you. I've never had it be an issue before so I never thought to check it, thanks again.
Riffy 13 May @ 2:50pm 
@Aelanna I do have it running but honestly I can pull it without a care. Let me go give that a try and see cause I want your mods back in. As for logs I can upload one with and without them loaded. I was trying to pull the log apart but I am getting errors I've never seen before.

Either way let me go pull NFA out and see if things go back to normal.
Aelanna  [author] 13 May @ 7:42am 
@Riffy - Are you using any animation mods such as Nal's Facial Animations? I've heard recently that it is causing severe issues alongside Humanoid Alien Races, which Cosmetic Modifications uses for its implants. Outside of that, I can't think of anything else in Eccentric Tech that would affect pawn rendering; are you getting any errors and/or can you provide a log that illustrates this issue?
Riffy 12 May @ 8:18pm 
Hey, love the mod but I hit an issue. Since the 1.5 update I noticed a weird thing and I am still working it out but when all your eccentric tech mods are loading FPS over even a single pawn will drop to near 15fps give or take. The moment I move off any pawn it goes back to 200+. I pulled the mods and it works normal but when I readd them it again loses fps.

I am sure it's likely a conflict or something, can you suggest a place or tool to help pin it down? The error log isn't being helpful this time.
Zeues 10 May @ 4:52am 
@Aelanna, thank you for the reply, don't worry about it.
Aelanna  [author] 9 May @ 12:14pm 
@Zeues - For a lot of the individual mods in this series, there is no way for me to please everyone with regards as to where to put each individual item. If you would like to customize it for yourself, I would definitely look into mods like Cherry Picker and/or RIMMSqol that can customizations to mod content such as the ones you're suggesting. :)
Aelanna  [author] 9 May @ 12:12pm 
@Midori-San - Eccentric Tech is definitely a bit of a late-game technology series, as the Aurora Core that gates most of the research requires an AI Persona Core as well as a Hi-Tech Research Bench and Multi-Analyzer.
Zeues 8 May @ 1:55pm 
great mod, as usual, just small suggestion, lock eccentric craftables from the vanilla fabrication bench, and have separate bench for the cosmetic implants
Midori-San 21 Apr @ 3:25pm 
Should you start this mod early mid or late game?
ZS Maeklos 21 Apr @ 11:35am 
Just want to say, I absolutely love the Eccentric Tech mod series, and am eagerly awaiting the update of the A Rim Reborn mods. You do fantastic work!
Gorgo 19 Mar @ 6:09am 
Thanks for the Mod´s i very much like them. <3
IceStorm 15 Mar @ 1:16pm 
Any chance we could get industrial version of the outfits? (Equal to like flak outfits), just something for players who play the industrial era longer and but enjoy the design of the outfits?
Maple38 30 Jan @ 5:49pm 
@Aelanna that was quick! Thank you, mods look very cool :D
Aelanna  [author] 30 Jan @ 5:38pm 
@Maple38 - Most of Eccentric Tech is just additional content, but Cosmetic Modifications cannot be added or removed mid-save without Mid-Save Saver. It modifies the layout of the human body, and thus will scramble hediffs unless you install Mid-Save Saver and re-save your game *before* you add CosMods.
Maple38 30 Jan @ 5:28pm 
Hey there! Are these mods safe to add mid-save?
Selmephren 28 Jan @ 12:04pm 
I wish the Nanofabricator and the Nanoassembler could benefit from being connected to your supply conduits.
Kimiza 4 Jan @ 8:09am 
It appears i've spoken too soon and during my troubleshooting mistook the aura core as being responsible for the fix - when I had simply forgotten to turn off godmode
Aelanna  [author] 4 Jan @ 7:49am 
@Kimiza - None of my mods modify research projects from vanilla RimWorld or other mods, so that is very strange indeed. Perhaps you could try the #troubleshooting channel on the RimWorld Discord server? They might be able to identify what mods you have that might be changing this behavior.
Lord Dudelsack 28 Dec, 2023 @ 9:51am 
thanks for the advices!
moving eccentric-core down the line solves issues btw....
Aelanna  [author] 28 Dec, 2023 @ 8:42am 
@Lord Dudelsack - The best alternative to Prepare Carefully right now is probably Character Editor . While it has its own issues, it doesn't run the same potential for bricking your saves in the late-game. Also keep an eye out for Pawn Editor, which is currently in development from some veteran RW modders and is being developed with both feedback from the mod community and hopes to address a lot of the issues with both Prepare Carefully and Character Editor.
Lord Dudelsack 28 Dec, 2023 @ 2:21am 
i didnt saw that it was loaded that early....... my bad...

about edb: thatsd for the info! i didnt knew it was so badly maintained. guess ill have to find an alternative
Aelanna  [author] 26 Dec, 2023 @ 4:03pm 
@Lord Dudelsack - You appear to be loading Eccentric Tech - Core before the vanilla game? not sure why your mod manager would have done this, but this definitely will not work, the only mods that need to load before vanilla RimWorld Core are mods like Harmony and Prepatcher.

Also, I would strongly recommend switching out Prepare Carefully for future mod lists. Prepare Carefully is not actively maintained, patches the game in destructive ways that causes major compatibility issues, and is considered a ticking time bomb by most active mod authors.
Lord Dudelsack 26 Dec, 2023 @ 12:14am 
got some xml errors from your mod. but im not sure if its because of my extended modlist.
atleast seen commonsensemod in the error log which seems to miss a flickable switch or so

error loogs for aurora core, nanofabricar, -assembler, weave and some thing of hex cell

eaglegundam 3 Nov, 2023 @ 10:15am 
well seems i had a missing mods issue and it works now
Aelanna  [author] 3 Nov, 2023 @ 9:06am 
@eaglegundam - Do you have an error message or preferably a log you can post?
eaglegundam 3 Nov, 2023 @ 5:44am 
huh i have a wierd issue where i cant click on the workbench
Erlkönig 12 Jul, 2023 @ 5:38pm 
Not really, Eccentric Tech grade weapons are still mostly anti-personnel stuff compared to the one-man armies of Warcaskets and Heavy Weapons from Vanilla Expanded. You won't see anything like the GAU in it.
A Garbage Cann 26 Feb, 2023 @ 1:34pm 
A V.O.I.D Representative 6 Feb, 2023 @ 10:28am 
God I hope not.
[BC][BSC]Marie Antoinette 5 Feb, 2023 @ 6:29pm 
Can eccentric tech fight the void faction?? I'm curious
Aelanna  [author] 17 Sep, 2022 @ 2:06pm 
@Jarin - That shouldn't be caused by this mod alone. Cosmetic Modifications, however, does warn that since it counts as a medical system mod that modifies the body, it should not be added or removed mid-save. :)
Katieclysm 17 Sep, 2022 @ 1:54pm 
Installed mid-game, got a bunch of colonists with missing limbs and/or *bionic arms attached to their noses*
(Character editor to the rescue, it was easy enough to clean up, but was highly amusing)
Runei 13 Sep, 2022 @ 3:05pm 
oh damn... those new art assents are great! :steamhappy:
Aranador 12 Sep, 2022 @ 8:39pm 
I just want to say thank you - for always providing update notes and also keeping these mods alive and well.
Egalexandr 11 Sep, 2022 @ 4:14am 
@Deepfield - you may override it with 'Project Rimfactory Revived 2' assemblers, with a disc to copy a recipe in machine to produce later in 'omni' crafting machine. We are supposed to gaming 'spacer' techs, so its ok to add autofabrication machines.
Deepfield 10 Aug, 2022 @ 5:46pm 
Any plans on adding Eccentric linkables to your assembly benches? If not maybe add just the vanilla Toolbox to them?