Frilleum Race
104 megjegyzés
KashiKakes 2023. dec. 9., 1:19 
I noticed when they're missing their eyes, the missing eye sprite appears down near their waist.
Benito la Licorne Démocrate 2022. dec. 12., 5:31 
many thanks!
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2022. dec. 11., 12:13 
Updated to 1.4, but not to Biotech. Hopefully they behave.

Known issue, if they exist at an age before the teenage stage(45) they will fail to have a body and will freeze your game. I have adjusted the age curve so that they should not spawn at a younger age than 45, so hopefully that prevents this from happening. But if you use something like Character editor, DO NOT manually change their age to be less than 45 or it will screw up the game.
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2022. nov. 27., 13:08 
A reminder that I have a Discord. And that I am working on updating all my race mods, I just haven't had a lot of free time to do so recently.

Benito la Licorne Démocrate 2022. okt. 20., 17:44 
hello, i love this mod, planned to make it on 1.4?
Lt. Vulfskrag 2022. okt. 4., 23:53 
Heya! I don't know if you're still making rimworld mods currently, but I'm curious if you are, if you take commissions to make any?
Cenbes 2022. szept. 30., 9:42 
Hello really cute mode, enjoying it as i love Frilleus as animal, good lfuffy drake.

But without me editing mod files i can't play them with SoS2 as they can't wear EVA suits nor survival belts.
malachiingram14 2022. szept. 15., 18:36 
hey, in ideology expanded (the VE mod) these guys try to put on certain clothing, and while it works for most, I had em try to spawn with a corporate style button down shirt and not have any torso or face it was wacky. any frilleum faction with modded styles seems to do this. great mod still, very cute lil guys.
Tyrant 2022. máj. 20., 16:27 
i enjoy the mod, its a fitting race to use as psycasters imo
However i would love the ability for them to wear anything.
Safety Mets 2022. márc. 21., 4:35 
ya got it !
I'll try to do it like that.
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2022. márc. 21., 3:27 
If you're being destroyed by snipers, I'm sorry but these guys are medieval and really aren't meant to go toe-to-toe with industrial enemies.

I made this as a gift to a specific person who likes to play with medieval conversion. And although I do intend to add more clothing and armor to them in the future, it's a slow work in progress and I have other projects that I am also working on. If it's not your cup of tea, feel free to move along and use a better-made mod. I do this as a hobby, not a profession.
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2022. márc. 21., 3:27 
And the reason there's no clothing compatibility is because they have unusual bodies, which makes them unable to wear normal clothes. They have unusual bodies because I didn't like the way they looked with any of the standard bodies. Which means I have to specifically make every clothing item.

They have a royalty problem because qhen I first made them there were a couple of royal items, then somebody complained that there's errors if they play with royalty because of the couple of royal items. So I made them normal clothing items, which of course becomes a problem if you DO use royalty. So there's just no winning.
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2022. márc. 21., 3:20 
Sorry it took this long to get back to you Mets. I never got a notification for this comment.
A Precept is a sort of priest.
Safety Mets 2022. márc. 2., 10:16 
Hello! I'm enjoying Frilleum mod now.:steamthumbsup:
I am making a Japanese translation of Frilleum.
So I have a question. What kind of position and what kind of work is "frilleum precept"?
I am thinking of translating this word.
cat 2022. jan. 31., 14:49 
we need clothing compatibliaty! however you spell it!
my frilleum get popped double pumped just by some lame sniper
Usotsuk. 2021. nov. 23., 3:38 
Hello, I intended to make a translation mod(into Chinese Simplified) for this mod, just want to get your approval of posting if possible.
Pollard 2021. szept. 8., 22:19 
Agreeing with Odaswifteye - while the concept is great, it does get frustrating when you're using, say, royalty and they constantly want the apparel for their title (but can't due to the race restriction).

I can see adding new clothes, but I can agree that I think it would be best to enable support for vanilla/modded clothing (or make a branch of the mod that can)
odaswifteye 2021. szept. 7., 19:36 
I could use some outfit compatibility. Making specific clothing just for one race to wear and for everyone to be forced to avoid wearing by default is a nuisance.
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 13., 18:18 
Hey guys. Remember to check out the discussion on the Dogbolds page to put your 2 cents in for the next critter.
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 12., 18:01 
I had a little time and energy today(french toast helps) and have updated them to 1.3

Right now they have the standard tribal culture, since there isn't a medieval one. I will work out a custom culture at some point. thank you guys for be so patient with me.
ProfZelonka 2021. aug. 12., 12:13 
Hey thanks for being a cool author, hope you're staying safe too. It's a nice mod but just a mod man, things come as available. Try to have a relaxing week.
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 12., 5:14 
I hope everyone is staying safe in the heat. The heat index here has been 106 the last few days, and I work in a warehouse with no AC. So I've been completely floored after work every day. I hope all of you are fairing a bit better.
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 9., 12:23 
Sorry I haven't updated these yet. I've been busy lately and didn't end uo getting time over the weekend like I had hoped. There were family plans on Saturday that I had not been aware of until the day-of. I'm hoping to get to them Friday before I leave for a family trip. If I don't get to it, then it'll have to wait till the following weekend because I won't have my computer while I'm gone. I apologize for the slowness, friends.
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 3., 16:28 
Yeah. Everything gets wreck ever time there's an update
FlareFluffsune 2021. aug. 3., 14:55 
Possibly best to get in touch with the CSL author then though its possibly unlikely he'll update an old version. Would be lovely if the rest of my mods would update to 1.3 lol
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 3., 14:53 
there are options in CSL to disable scaling entirely, or disable the new scaling. if you disable new scaling, the tail goes away entirely. Which you may find visually less annoying that floating oversized tails... but this may be a problem with CSL, rather than the race. The code for tails is pretty simple and doesn't have many places where something can go wrong.

i added Equiums, Springhares, Ferians, and Leani to my test game. the Ferians and Springhares have the exact same problem with the non-scaling floating tails. The Equium and Leani just didn't shrink down at all(stayed adult size).
FlareFluffsune 2021. aug. 3., 14:40 
No rush! Aside the tail it still works so I can't complain, but I do hope you find a solution. Its something you can pass onto other race dev's.
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 3., 14:19 
so i'm out of ideas at the moment. Let me ask if anybody on discord has an idea
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 3., 14:16 
ok. I tested it. I added the line <scaleWithPawnDrawsize>true</scaleWithPawnDrawsize> but it did not work. the children are having the tail problem. Which, btw, is weird. Because the last time i actually sat down an played, I do not remember having this problem with my kobold babies. But I have it now. so it may be some issue that my mod has with the later versions of 1.2, cause i know I missed one of those updated inbetween obsessive bouts of playing Rimworld(i hadn't been on my computer for almost a month before this 1.3 update hit and trashed everything).
FlareFluffsune 2021. aug. 3., 13:58 
Well you would know more about coding than me so I got my fingers crossed for you! XD
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 3., 13:44 
The idea here is that the default draw size for the tail, if it is not defined, is 1. The Frilleum I left undefined so that it would be 1. The foxbolds have it defined at .75 since that is also what the body is. Dogbolds are undefined because I made it that way on accident originally and then decided I really liked the gigantic fluffy tail. Silvalise are defined as .80 even though the body is .75... so it is possible that for some reason, CSL is not scaling the tails, just body and head. That the defined number for the tails is overwriting whatever CSL wants to do to them... but there's a line of code someone showed me that makes the add-on scale to the same draw size as the body. Which might work for the Frilleum.
FlareFluffsune 2021. aug. 3., 13:43 
I don't have dogbolds installed so i can't say. However when I mess with the scaling options everything except the tail changes size.
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 3., 13:38 
I do have an idea that I can test later. If I have time. There's a line of code someone showed me in 1.3 that might work in 1.2. But I don't know if it'll work... do the Dogbolds have the problem too?
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 3., 13:36 
OK, so there is something wrong with how the race is rendering then and not a compatibility. Though I don't know what would cause that. The code for the tails isn't any different than it is for any other race, as far as I can tell. Just the name of the addon, what body part it is attached to, the picture file, draw size, and orientation. And at least theoretically, draw size should change if you told it in CSL to scale down.
FlareFluffsune 2021. aug. 3., 13:26 
https://i.imgur.com/tEuZtMr.png Removed everything, just got camera+ and whats needed for CSL/Frilleum/Foxbold and still same issue.

I'm lost for ideas at this point! :D
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 3., 13:26 
Ah, didn't know that was outdated. This is odd though. I definitely had baby foxbolds running around in 1.2 before that had no problems with their tails. If I get time later, I will test them later to be sure if the problem is the races, or something you have that just isn't compatible with them. Should be easy enough. Just have to load up a game and use a command to make them give birth.
FlareFluffsune 2021. aug. 3., 13:14 
https://i.imgur.com/5mzUtXk.png Happening with your foxbold too lol, the tail isn't resizing, I wonder if it might be a mod I have messing with things. so I'm gonna do some testing.
FlareFluffsune 2021. aug. 3., 12:58 
Adding the compatibility mod actually completely broke scaling reverting all paws to a normal size. I disabled "new scaling" in CSL and restarted RimWorld and it was still not working so adding the patch for sure completely breaks scaling.
FlareFluffsune 2021. aug. 3., 12:32 
From what I read the compatibility mod isn't needed any more since 1.2 due to new scaling options being put into the main mod. At least that is what was said on the compatibility mod, it hasn't been updated to 1.2 either so I never enabled it. But I'll add it and see what happens!
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 3., 12:03 
And you have the Alien Children compatibility version?
FlareFluffsune 2021. aug. 3., 11:37 
Not from what I can see, when they first popped out the tail was that big so I thought it was possibly a scaling issue in the mod settings which I went into the settings and added a setting for the frilleum to decrease the part scaling to 0.50 and restarted to see if it would take effect but it didn't work. I don't really know what else to do.
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 3., 9:08 
Flare that is very strange. I have not had that happen with any of the kobolds. And the coding for the tail is the same for the Frilleum as it is for the kobolds. Though I have not had a test map of Frilleum run long enough for them to pop out any babies(I also use CS&L). But I saw that often enough with the Ferians that I used a lot before I started making my own mods.

Now, judging by that picture, I'd say it is scaling the rest byt still leaving the tail the same size and in the same position. Is there an "offset" category in the CS&L settings?
FlareFluffsune 2021. aug. 3., 3:31 
So I have Children School and Learning installed (Still running 1.2 cuz... 300 mods.) and I have part scaling set to 0.50 but I seem to still have this happening https://i.imgur.com/y1PEA7H.png

Got any suggestions on what size I should be setting part scaling to?
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 1., 16:19 
And these guys have race-specific clothing because I made them with a custom body type. Which results in "normal" clothes looking strange on them. I made them this way because I wanted them to be kinda androgynous instead of doing the male&female bodies. But I didn't like how the "thin" body looked.
ArmoredAmpharos  [készítő] 2021. aug. 1., 16:16 
I think this is the only one I haven't updated yet. I did the kobolds today. I am hoping to get to these guys some time this week. If anybody is interested, please check out the discussion on my Dogbolds page to put your opinion in for the next mod I work on.
Frost_the_dragon90 2021. júl. 20., 19:52 
hope this gets updated for 1.3
Razkil 2021. júl. 18., 10:39 
I love how they turned out, just wish there was a version that could use all clothing, not just race specific. Despite this, great work on it.
Dr.Bogdanov 2021. júl. 18., 4:55 
No penalty from eating without a table? I'LL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK
Trajda 2021. júl. 12., 4:33 


Or this might help you.
Trajda 2021. júl. 12., 3:52 

Have you ever tried to use the medium female body instead of the custom one? You might solve so many problems just by a little sacrifice in graphics.