Arma 3
HelpMe Mod
132 Kommentare
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 12. Juli um 8:14 
@duanesdesigns - I am glad that you found my mod to be such a 'blessing' for you. Every time I play ARMA, I use it. Make sure you read the 'Change Notes', as these are always there when an update is made describing the new items added.

I am currently testing the 'latest version' as of now. It adds about 20 new things to the menu....a few 'cheats', mostly 'Quality of Life' improvements.

As far as the enemy killing you so quick:

Set enemy skill to EASY
Turn on 'Skill Refresh' for the enemy and set it to EASY

That should be the end of your 'Instant Deaths'! And it is NOT a 'cheat'!

Of course, 'God Mode' works too...and that IS a cheat... ;)

Thanks again for your kind words!

duanesdesigns 11. Juli um 14:51 
Yes it works great!

I would have given up on Arma years ago if I hadn't found this mod. I was getting killed everywhere in just a few short seconds on every mission I ever tried. Damned frustrating to say the least.

I found this mod and watched the videos over and over until I was finally able to get in some really serious game play while learning the skills to make Arma the best damned video game on the planet!!

Thank you Machine Gun Kelly for the #1 addiction in my life!
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 5. Juli um 16:44 
@jy263098 - Yes it does work still! I just used it on 07/03/2024! ;)

If it is not listed, then it is not loaded! This is true with my mod or ANY other mod. :)

And yes, it is still working, actually, I am currently in testing on the next version, which as of 07/05/2024, has 19 new features added to it, along with some other things.

No, it still works IF LOADED PROPERLY (ARMA + HelpMe Mod + CBA)! :)

jy263098 3. Juli um 22:44 
Does anybody know if the mod still works? I go into configure addons but the mod doesn't pop up, any fixes?
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 10. Dez. 2023 um 18:51 
@TheJoyfulBell - You're more than welcome!

As a note, I THOUGHT that mod was from the original author, it is not. This dev did leave the correct Bohemia's Forum link in his description to the original.

I can NOT comment on this mod AT ALL - I have NOT used THIS mod at all, though it seems to just be an 'update' of some sort to the origianl.

I used the ORIGINAL mod, which I THINK may be 'broke' now. Do not know...just be informed!

And thanks ☢WolfBite☢, this person asked about this in another dev's 'spot', so I told him I would answer here! :)

TheJoyfulBell 9. Dez. 2023 um 13:13 
@Machine Gun Kelly - Thanks for sharing the link to that mod, exactly what I needed!
☢WolfBite☢ 9. Dez. 2023 um 10:48 
@MGK Oh man that looks interesting ill take a peek!
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 9. Dez. 2023 um 9:58 
@TheJoyfulBell - This user asked on another page if using my mod, could the weapon layout for air vehicles be changed.

Can MY mod with MY work do this? No.

You can use my mod to bring up the 'Virtual Garage' and do it that way.


There is a better way! Now, it has been a long time since I used this mod and I do not remember how to 'set it up' or if anything besides just loading the mod is required, it WILL do what you want though.


My mod used to have built-in support for this mod (years ago) as it would not 'work' when loading from a saved game, I provided a 'Kick Start' to it, and you can see other 'Kick Starts' that are still in my mod.

So, this is about the 'best' it can/will be!

Hope this helped ya!

Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 1. Dez. 2023 um 10:12 
@☢WolfBite☢ - You're more than welcome! :)

I know...some people ruin all sorts of things...thus why we have laws...cuz folks just can't act right... ;)

I just try to treat others as I wish to be treated and there is never a reason nor excuse for poor behavior.

I am glad both of yall like it and I hope both of you can 'use it to its fullest potential' as there is a 'mess of things' there to use.

That is a lot of mods too...hopefully, he can 'see you' in those...

And hotkeys can and do make life a tad easier too... ;)

☢WolfBite☢ 28. Nov. 2023 um 22:00 
Okay ill do some digging maybe one day i can figure out why they conflict so hard on hotkeys. Thank you so much for getting back to me even after i figured out what was conflicting with it! I dont make public mods anymore due to the way people treat each other over FREE software, people have become very entitled to software that they have no legal rights or say over so you are a trooper and a bigger person than i could ever be, and i have an external hard drive with backups of over 1.5 terabytes of mods i have made in my 27 years on this planet until i pass it onto my son :) And as for the plans you have made for it, if it happens both would be very welcome in mine and my sons eyes! He loves this mod very much so as well, and I am a hotkey addict and started in the very first days of Half-Life. My mouse alone has 16 keys not even including my keyboard and virtual software like AHK. But you are a very talented artist so i cant wait to see what you add if you ever get the time for it!
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 27. Nov. 2023 um 8:41 
@☢WolfBite☢ -Kool! I am glad you got it working!

I have looked at that mod a few times over the years, and while VERY NICE, it is a little too much of 'micro managing' for me. I know a lot of people like such and that mod DOES deliver on that too! ;)

To my best knowledge, there is NOTHING you need to do to get my mod working with ANY mod.

My mod just creates a menu and does nothing else, that is, until you select a script to run and the majority of those commands are "One Off's", meaning they run once and terminate. And the vast majority of those are simple and short ARMA commands.

If you look at the scripts, you can see this for yourself.

So, this mod SHOULD work with EVERY mod.

Now, there are possible CONFLICTS though - NOT compatibility issues.

Due to 1k limit of text in this window, I will explain about those POSSIBLE issues in the next post.
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 27. Nov. 2023 um 8:40 
* Part 2 of 4 *

The only issues you can have is with something that is setting the camera or your squads 'status' as an example.

So, for example, you have the mod VCOMM and it wants your squad to in stealth mode. But, a few seconds later, you use my mod and have it set their 'status' to AWARE and OPEN FIRE. Not only do you do this, you then also tell my mod to set them this way every 3 minutes.

What will happen is VCOMM will say 'Go left', and my mod will say 'Go Right'. The AI gets 'confused' and will do both.

It can get quite 'messy'.

Multiple mods issuing conflicting 'orders' is the ONLY 'issue' you should have.

EVERY mission/campaign I have played and with a 'Normal Load Order' of 130+ mods, I have never had an issue.

The 'biggest' conflict has been are missions from Russian devs who block the 3D camera (do not know why; should be an option, not forced) and their script to do this run constantly. My mod turns it off, their script turns it back on.
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 27. Nov. 2023 um 8:39 
* Part 3 of 4 *

This has been the only 'real' issue I have seen since its conception and use 20+ years ago.

If you're having issues, let me what it is. I am always willing to help you with this or anybody's else issue; Be it with my mod or any other mod! :)

Due note, though, I know NOTHING about C2... ;)

I think the more you explore it, the more you will find things. There are over 2300 features in this mod.

Doing things such as:

Creating your own 'semi-campaigns' if you wanted to.

Garrison men in towns (will start in buildings) and then go in and 'clear them out' solo.

Garrison men in towns and have an airborne assault of 30 men attacking.

Like your current load-out or the weather? Save it for future missions or for a quick re-load!

Men will not move? Move them yourself and WHERE you want them!

A real fun mission is to put your forces in the SW corner, the enemy in the NE corner, pick a meeting spot in the center of the map and let'er rip!
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 27. Nov. 2023 um 8:39 
* Part 4 of 4 *

You had mention 'future things', and I do have two things planned, with one of those mentioned in the update notes.

Plan 1 (mentioned): To have a config file that the user could use to create their 'own mini-menu' inside of mine.

Plan 2: This would be one for you... ;) I have been thinking about turning all 2300+ features (where applicable) into separate hotkeys. First problem is: How many hotkeys listings can CBA and ARMA use/handle/show before the game 'blows up'? 100? 500? 10,000? I do not know and outside of the devs themselves, I doubt anyone else does too. ;)

So, there are things planned, though to be honest, I am in no 'great rush' to do these.

Again, I am glad you got it working for ya!

And also, thank you again for your kind words as well!

☢WolfBite☢ 26. Nov. 2023 um 12:20 
I figured it out! I totally forgot i had manually extracted and installed a mod that was abandoned (though it still works perfectly!) in case the workshop creator ever came back and put malicious code in it like what happened in Garry's Mod. However i am extremely sad to announce it was one of my top 10 mods i cant live without. Its the C2 Command and Control mod where you can control your squads even easier. Now i dont know which one to choose from. Is there any chance of a compat patch for a mod abandoned in 2019? But either way i am very happy i can use ALL the hotkeys now. Thank you for all your help creator! :)
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 25. Nov. 2023 um 19:20 
@☢WolfBite☢ - I do not know what to tell you. :(

This is all I can say:

* If 1 key works, they ALL should should work (special keys = different matter)

* I have nothing to do with 'reading of key inputs'.

* I tested what I suggested and it worked - I 'dragged over' the 'mouse wheel click' and it worked.
I loaded just ARMA, CBA, and my mod - no issues.
Before, the 'mouse wheel click' would not be detected by selecting 'left' side. By dragging it over from the right side, it did work.

* No one else has had an issue with this. And this would be a MAJOR issue too.

So, I am at a loss.

All I can say is test it like what is recommended, THEN come back. For it works for me.

Also make sure ALL ARMA files/mods/etc. are UPDATED.

Go here and follow:

This is about I can offer sadly...

☢WolfBite☢ 25. Nov. 2023 um 14:34 
Im probably crazy im still getting the issue. I can still open the teleport and support menus via Hotkey even with the drag and drog setup you said to try but i still can not open any other menu via Hotkey without having to use the scrollwheel. Will try file validation tonight and see what happens. Im already addicted to this mod so this is everything to me right now lol, im excited to get off work tonight and set up whole battles without having to break immersion into zeus. :))
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 24. Nov. 2023 um 20:06 
☢WolfBite☢ - No problem to ask at anytime! :)

I tested what you said and it is true! I have nothing to do with making/getting/handling the hotkeys.

I use CBA's function and I just say when Key1 is hit, run this script. YOU set Key1, not me, via the controls menu.

BUT, there IS a 'work-around'. If you go back into the item you wish to use the wheel on, you will notice on the RIGHT side, there are names of buttons listed. You will see the wheel. Left click on it and HOLD, then DRAG it over to the 'Key to use' side (left). Done!

I did this and it does work!

Thank you for mentioning this, I have no idea as to why...??? The above will work for ya though!

Again, thank you for your kindness!

☢WolfBite☢ 24. Nov. 2023 um 18:04 
Im very happy to hear you are in the community still after all this time! Can i steal you for a second maybe? The mod works perfectly but only certain hotkey menu binds wont work. I.E. Cant bind player menu i have to use the scrollwheel to open the player menu instead. I am sorry to bother you but i cant pass up an opportunity to ask the one who made it! Its possible its a mod conflict but im down to just 5 mods now i might have to dismount entirely and add one back at a time.
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 24. Nov. 2023 um 17:53 
☢WolfBite☢ - Also, if you have any suggestions, say so! I do not know everything and I KNOW I have missed 'this or that', so I will NOT be offended!

The truth never offends me! ;)

So speak up! If I can do it, or I can not; either way I will let ya know!

Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 24. Nov. 2023 um 17:43 
☢WolfBite☢ - Thank you for your extreme kindness in your reply! I have put effort into this over the past 20 years, but I had other 'who went before me', who I learned from. When I started, there was nothing around to read or study; for ARMA (OFP) just came out and websites were still somewhat 'new'.

As a player such as yourself, I know how some things can be a real pain and it started off as something for me. However, others shared their mods with me, it was my duty to do such as well.

And I have not 'left' the mod...I still am doing some things...though after 21 years of ARMA...I do not play as often...I am still here though! :)

Again, thank you for your kind words!

☢WolfBite☢ 24. Nov. 2023 um 16:45 
Didnt think much of it at first. But as i grew to realize the effort he put into this i can not believe how much time it saves me instead of forcing zeus open in the campaign i can literally do what takes 5 minutes in 30 seconds. Take my points good sir and hope to see more updates (in case you ever come back to this mod) and AI/Support related content! :D
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 16. Sep. 2023 um 9:59 
@blackspade - Yes, I know what you mean - and it stinks. If you may remember, BEFORE you got my mod, you have to hit the key every time to get the menu to scroll... ;)

This is built-in to ARMA - It is part of the engine.

Can it be changed to what you want and I DO TOO??? I have a feeling you can not without re-writing the ARMA exe. And that is to 'advanced' for me. ;)

I never looked until the writing of this and I found no mentioning of such feature/option/etc.

BUT, I did put in a 'work-around' when I wrote the mod. I made it so you can set a hotkey for each main sub-menu items. This DOES help! And some actions can be directly bound to a key.

Sorry, in this case, we are both suffering and without re-writing ARMA, we are both stuck with this.

blackspade 15. Sep. 2023 um 23:20 
Hi Machine Gun Kelly, can you make the menu scrolling faster instead of how it is now where you have to press multiple times to get the page down or up? Thank you
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 5. Sep. 2023 um 7:22 
@GHOST - Use it as any other mod! Subscribe and start ARMA!

From the above listed website:


Definable/Custom HotKeys:

There are 50+ hotkeys you can set to call up different menus/actions at anytime. To set a key:

Hit ESC -> Options -> Controllers -> Configure Addons -> HelpMe Mod

Then, set your keys to what you want! You do NOT have to set every key. ALL menu choices can be used via the 'Action Menu'.

I would though HIGHLY recommend that you set/modify at least two keys the very first time BEFORE USING IT!:

'HelpMe Mod Start Key' - Set to 'ALT HOME' by default

'HelpMe Mod Terminate Key' - Set to 'ALT END' by default


Will it work without these being set? Yes! BUT, if you have 'issues', these are your 'lifeline'. SET/MODIFY THESE TWO KEYS FIRST!


GHOST 5. Sep. 2023 um 3:17 
how can i use this mod on Single Player
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 14. Aug. 2023 um 23:11 
@icbm1001 - You sure can! Details are on the 'FAQ' page above the comment section!

There is the same answer in the 'Bug/Issues' section from @Noodel

Same answer for both issues.

And thank you for your kind words!

icbm1001 14. Aug. 2023 um 12:24 
@Machine Gun Kelly. great mod by the way but is there a way all of my soldiers in a team can utilise the mod, once you die its not on the next soldier unless you get close to the downed team member to pass it on which isn't always possible?
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 25. Juli 2023 um 17:24 
@Mr Noseybonk - Notice? I got your message! ;) It seems somehow the 'Subscribe to thread' got unchecked. ???

I am glad it got working for ya! Outside of what I listed, I can not really say what went bonkers on you. I am glad it is now working for you!

Good luck!

Mr Noseybonk 25. Juli 2023 um 15:36 
No worries MGK, not sure what was going wrong, but it does seem to have fixed itself. Ditto for the other cheat menu mod I mentioned that works in a similar way (must use the addAction function). No idea what caused the issue though.
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 25. Juli 2023 um 8:30 
@Vex Deimos - "I can make Add Custom ammo on Armory Menu and how ?"

I am not sure what you're talking about.

If you wanted to ADD items to the 'pre-built' list, you will have to modify the PBO itself. Due to the complex nature of such, you will have to learn that on your own. Doing such will also 'destroy' the key too. This is only of a concern if you're using this mod on a MP server.

Explain better if I 'guess wrong' what you're looking for!

As stated to @Mr Noseybonk, I am having issues knowing when people write. I am sorry. I THINK I might have addressed it!

Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 25. Juli 2023 um 8:26 
@Mr Noseybonk - I am sorry. Stupid Steam does not tell me when messages come in. :( I tried something so I will see if that will 'fix this issue'.

To your question. My mod is shown via standard means. 1 thing you can try:

#1 - Load JUST ARMA, CBA, this mod.

A - Works. Then you have some OTHER mod causing the issues.

B - Still does not work. You ARMA is 'messed up'. Try a verify, if it still does not work, un-install and re-install ARMA.

While I can not speak for the other mod, I am using default ARMA commands to show the menu:


What I have mentioned is about all I can say:

Either you have some 'bad' mod loading causing this or your ARMA is 'messed up'.

Sorry! About the best I can offer!

Mr Noseybonk 4. Juli 2023 um 10:24 
It just won't work for me. Nothing for it appears in the Action Menu, there is no section for it in "controller options" to set keys for it. Same with another similar mod called Advanced Cheat Menu that works in a similar way. My ArmA 3 just doesn't want to know!
I've read all help files. I've watched all YT vids. No dice.
Any help?
Voiden Taylor 24. Juni 2023 um 9:34 
I can make Add Custom ammo on Armory Menu and how ?
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 12. Mai 2023 um 7:45 
@Eddy321 - I am so sorry Eddy321. Stupid Steam did not tell me that you posted a question. :(

I am not sure what you mean by 'ally'. You can spawn teammates, which you control, or squads that you do NOT control.

So, I am not sure which one you're talking about and how you are trying to do such.

As a note, if there is a 'M' and some number beside it, this indicates an external mod is required or NOTHING WILL HAPPEN when you select it. It the mod's folder is a list of what these mods are.

#1 - There are videos showing how to use most features, including this one.

#2 - Try with CBA, and my mod ONLY. Try to recreate it.

Let me know!

Gamer321 9. Apr. 2023 um 13:41 
@Machine Gun Kelly
in so many words, i am just saying, the ally support function that i am intrested in
is not working for me :/
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 9. Apr. 2023 um 13:21 
@Eddy321 - I am sorry! Steam never told me there was a message waiting from you! :(

I looked into what you stated, here are the results:

#1 - There is no 'Air support to a key' (i.e. hotkey) feature. The closest 'match' would be the 'Air/Ground Support' hotkey for that menu.

And that menu has, as options: Exit, Initialize Air Strikes,BLUFOR/CSAT/INDFOR Support - NOTHING ELSE.

When you set up that hotkey, it is listed as: HelpMe's Air/Ground Support Menu.

#2 - The phrase you said the menu shows: 'close air support' does not even exist in my mod. I also tried 'exit air support', also not found.

So I am at a complete loss as to what you're talking about. Without the EXACT text, it will be quite hard to see what you're talking about.

Or even a screenshot might help.

With what you gave me, I do not see any of it present...I tried...

Gamer321 8. März 2023 um 18:19 
when i put in air support to a key, then press it in game, it only has a text saying "close air support". no options to call in troops. why is that so?
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 28. Nov. 2022 um 10:52 
@Porluso - Thank you for your kind words. I will address each item you list and hopefully I will be able to give you the right answers! ;)

(Due to character limits, answer will be split)

#1 - Graphical Menu: I agree with you 100%! ;) On the mod's webpage (listed above in the description) I do address this. Here is that text:

"Menu is loaded in and is shown via the 'Action Menu'. Why in the 'Action Menu' and not its own screen? The more things are displayed, the more work your computer has to do. Thus, why it is in the 'Action Menu'. It also does not hurt that I have no clue on how to create a separate menu too!"

Bottom line, I do not know how to do it! ;) I have tried many years ago and did not have too much luck...and more than likely, I would have to re-write large chunks of the code to make it work. Too much work... :(
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 28. Nov. 2022 um 10:52 
#2 - ESC Menu: Interesting. As with #1, I have no idea on how to do it. Also, it does slow down things when the ESC Menu is loaded. I CAN see a use for that, such as it being used as it is now AND while in the ESC Menu. The issue will be is, unless I am wrong, I will have to have a GUI interface for this. If I can not do #1, I will not be able to do #2. ;)
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 28. Nov. 2022 um 10:52 
#3 - Settings saved: In one of the update notes, I made mention of this. I have already 'laid the groundwork' for such. The main issue is that Bohemia will not let a player (by default) write anything out from the game (or read outside of the mission/user folders). This was done to help prevent cheating. There is a mod that will allow reading and writing to the ARMA folder, but that would be another mod people would have to download/install. I thought about this long ago and as with the GUI menu, I agree with you! :)

I have thought many times about having certian things 'be set' at startup.

As a note, if you set things, then save the mission, those settings ARE saved. The only time this would work would be on a 'fresh game'.
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 28. Nov. 2022 um 10:52 
#4 - Server Admin Access: You have been the only one to ask about this. I have thought about this, but since there has been no demand, I did not wish to spend the time for 'nothing'.

HOWEVER, there IS a 'work-around'. Rename the mod, then 're-sign' it, then put both the 'renamed mod' and the 'renamed key' on the server. Then ONLY those that have that mod will be able to use it. It is a 'pain', but it WILL work! ;) Since they would have to get that mod FROM YOU, it WILL WORK! ;) Lame, but quite doable!
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 28. Nov. 2022 um 10:52 
#1, #3, and #4 I have thought about, problem is, I am not getting paid for this and as such, I am limited in what time I can invest into this. To implement the above options would take me hours to do and test. And as the old saying goes: 'Time is money'. I do not think you want to pay >$500 to me for these things...and I would not either! ;)

I hope the above answers your questions.

And I thank you for any positive 'rating'. It is not perfect, but it does 'add' to the game quite a bit I feel.

Thank you again!

Porluso 28. Nov. 2022 um 9:02 
And one more request, don't forget to give rights to the host server or logging as a admin. If it possible.

Thanks for your reply.
Porluso 28. Nov. 2022 um 8:20 
I forget to mention, there is a possibility to implement this mod in ADDON OPTIONS in ESC MENU and maybe all the parameters will be saved for the next restart or reload mission?
Porluso 28. Nov. 2022 um 8:05 
Sir i salute you, this is a titanic work and my apreciation is 9/10. Why 9/10? Cause i don't like the way we need to scroll down and scroll up the menu. So i think maybe if possible you making something like this:

It will be great. Overall this is a good MOD.

Thanks to share with us your work.
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 27. Nov. 2022 um 10:05 
@VALT13L - I am not sure what you mean by 'reset/deactivate'. If you mean when you die and get a 'new man' and the menu is missing, it is not. It is still there.

If this is the case, it is answered in the FAQ Section, last item: "Question: I had the menu running and when I died/respawned it was gone!"

It is also answered in the first item in the FAQ Section as well: "Question: When I 'Team Switched' to another unit, the menu was gone!"

If it is not any of the above, then I would need more details then. I suspect it is what I listed above and is common with other mods too sadly.

Hope this helps ya!

VALT13L 27. Nov. 2022 um 0:11 
why does it reset/deactivate each time i get killed/respawn?
Machine Gun Kelly  [Autor] 7. Okt. 2022 um 9:05 
@blackspade - I am sorry for the delay in responding. Thank you for your kind words. As a player myself, I wanted these options as some are 'quality of life' improvements and other are just pure cheats... ;)

This was created over 20+ years of ARMA; from OFP -> ARMA 3. Every now and then, I would say 'oh this would be a nice feature', then I would add it, or at least TRY to add it! Did not have success all the time! ;) I am not a 'scripting expert' by any means! And could it be better? You bet!

If ARMA 3 was going to be around for any amount of time and I was paid to do this, I would re-write and add such things as 'remembering' what you had stuff set too...oh well... ;)

Again, thank you for your kind words!

blackspade 29. Sep. 2022 um 16:56 
This is one of the best mods I ever had. Great job!