Galactic Contention # 7.3.1 - Blizzard Enlightenment Hotfix
leon44gamer 25 May @ 3:56am 
You don't need to check anything under squad workshop tab, you press subscribe and wait for the mod to finish downloading. (Don't start the game mid download or else you will break it) Make sure you have enough space, mod is 40GB. Usually game not loading means download hasn't finished. Try verifying game files
Chris Handsome 25 May @ 1:43am 
does anyone know how to fix the game not loading if the mod is checked under the squad workshop tab
leon44gamer 22 May @ 4:56am 
Look in normal browser and not custom and set ping to max. in filters
Villain 21 May @ 9:34pm 
Hi guys, I reinstalled the game, reinstalled the modification, but the server is still not there. What do you recommend?
leon44gamer 18 May @ 5:09pm 
Not in the plans
electrolizzard 18 May @ 4:54pm 
Ik it would be alot of work but what if we could get like the galactic empire and their vehicles or like the first order and their vehicles.
Devilsdealer 15 May @ 9:29pm 

No, switching to Dx11 wasn't needed. The issue was the shader quality being on low. Changing shader quality to Medium or higher fixed the crashing.

The UE crash log also showed the error was caused from shaders.
Mizoruu 14 May @ 11:31pm 
Еще раз всем привет , ребята собираю русско-говорящих людей не имеет разницы сколько лет для игры в зв сквад
мой дискорд
добавляемся не стесняемся )
leon44gamer 12 May @ 7:46am 
That's a Squad issue from time to time, restarting the game should help.
JIM HELL 12 May @ 7:29am 
Gettin' stuck in the server queue (position 0/1 but never actually starts connecting in)
Gettin' dropped from the server queue ( "Disconnected from queue. YES/NO")
FInishin' the queue and then seeing the main menu UI disappear like the map is about to load but actually sits there on the main menu forever

It's kind of random so eventually I get in after enough alt f4 and retry.
leon44gamer 12 May @ 6:23am 
What seems to be the issue?

@devilsdealer literally under your comment is the solution lol
JIM HELL 12 May @ 6:16am 
Having issues connecting to GC servers this morning. All other squad servers working fine.
Devilsdealer 11 May @ 11:10pm 
My game crashes every time i try to join/load the sesid map.
leon44gamer 10 May @ 4:52am 
Change to DX11 in graphic settings
Кот Пельмешка 10 May @ 4:50am 
Хз почему, когда захожу на сервер просто вылетает игра. Кто знает что с этим можно сделать?
bobrowsckih 6 May @ 9:17am 
galactic в поиске серверного браузера вводишь и все
есть тут русскоязычное комьюнити? подскажите как найти сервер, не как не могу найти сервер с звездными войнами
Jeager21 5 May @ 2:22pm 
Looks good :steamthumbsup:
Jegedillo 4 May @ 5:43pm 
Haven't played this since it was first made. Got on for the first time in years today and it's basically it's own game. Battlefront 3 over here. The creators are fucking heroes. Keep up the good work guys.
Zuck Mabaulz 4 May @ 3:44pm 
evil chud, mod servers are hosted by mod creators and they apply any rules they seem fit, these are official mod creators servers not official squad creators servers
I guess you can play this mod on any other server that is running this mod just not on those run by creators
leon correct me if I'm wrong
Randy Danger 4 May @ 3:39pm 
No servers visible to me or any of my friends
leon44gamer 4 May @ 2:50pm 
@Kaiserreich There are people getting a bit immersed :)
leon44gamer 4 May @ 2:50pm 
@evil chud I already gave you the answer.
Kaiserreich 4 May @ 1:34pm 
Great mod. Played the servers for a good couple hours and had fun. Love the classes and factions with the variety of skins and maps.

Only issue I got is some of the players as they take it a bit too seriously. Hesitate to do something or not do a order the moment they say it and they will bite your head off and call you retarded. Not the mod's fault as its just the type of folks the game in general brings out.
evil chud 4 May @ 11:23am 
i can see if i had been consistently harassing people in the game on voice or text chat, but perma banning me from playing the mod at all because i made a mean comment in your discord? its not even on steam. its on discord. ban me from your discord by all means but banning me from mods servers? what exactly is the logic behind this? to show that you're so dedicated to anti-toxicity that you will track down and ban someone for making a mean comment in your discord (because your community is insular and passive aggressive and unhelpful) from playing the mod until the end of time. doesn't that seem sort of extreme and ridiculous?
leon44gamer 4 May @ 11:17am 
You said you don't understand why your ability to play on our servers has been taken, that's related to the Squad TOS
evil chud 4 May @ 11:14am 
i dont see how the squad TOS applies to a discord server
leon44gamer 4 May @ 8:35am 
Sorry for the experience you had, sadly it was community members being kinda unhelpful. Although they did redirect you to the channels with the information which you have seemed to ignored.
As we are a mod community for Squad and need to follow Squad TOS we can't unban you.

"i hope all discord users are rounded up and shot on god bruh" Yeah don't know how we are going to let this slip through.
evil chud 4 May @ 8:22am 
i think when the mod was down i went to the discord and asked why it was down and they were all assholes to me because i wasn't in the loop and it pissed me off so i said "this is why nobody likes discord users. i hope all discord users die." and then i left the server. didn't view it as toxic or harmful behavior and i don't think my ability to enjoy this mod should be taken away for that interaction. it wasn't even something i did in the game, it was something i did on your discord which i only joined to ask a question, and dont plan on ever joining again.
dallasvsthewrld 4 May @ 8:13am 
why did you threaten people
evil chud 4 May @ 6:56am 
apparently i have been banned for "threatening people" but i cant get into the discord to appeal it. please just let me play the game.
leon44gamer 4 May @ 1:38am 
Blitz 4 May @ 1:36am 
This mod is amazing
Kronik_Killa 3 May @ 6:45pm 
Nvm i fixed it
Zuck Mabaulz 3 May @ 5:30pm 
what exactly sorry
Kronik_Killa 3 May @ 5:17pm 
@Zuck Mabaulz how do i fix it
^_^ 3 May @ 12:37pm 
I am constantly being kicked off the server, what could be the problem?
Mizoruu 2 May @ 1:53pm 
Ребят кто хочет сыграть в зв мод по дискорду можете меня добавить я тоже ищу себе тиму для игры в зв
если что добавляйтесь
leon44gamer 1 May @ 3:49pm 
The issue with scopes got fixed some minutes aog now
Zuck Mabaulz 1 May @ 1:16pm 
@The one who knocks
this is a known "bug", my friend was once stuck with it.
It means that game is still trying to download something your PC probably don't have space for.
leon44gamer 1 May @ 1:24am 
Kinda what Steiner says, you didn't finish the mod download properly or started Squad while downloading the mod. Verify game files per steam first that could help, if that didn't work we have a few more options before a reinstall on our discord
Steiner 30 Apr @ 7:26pm 
the one who knocks, need more space where ur squad is downloaded , needs more space for the video and other things
>>THE ONE WHO KNOCKS<< 30 Apr @ 5:53pm 
i cant even load squad when i have the mod and i dont see anyone else having this issue but perhaps that is because i am not in the discord, but anyways the symptoms of my issue are as follows:

1.Squad starts up
2. All company logos for the devs go by.
3. (issue occurs) the main loading screen before the main menu, the usual one that shows the yellow helmets and the US infantry or whatever other loadin screens does not appear. Instead i am stuck on a black screen with the 3-4 white loading squares in the bottom right corner and it just stays like that, no matter how long i wait.

that is the whole of my issue, i assume i should join the discord if i want to properly ask for help lol so ill likely end up doing that at some point
Skulls 30 Apr @ 1:23pm 
Fatal error: [File:C:/buildWork/d9b2387fd600ba3c/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/RHI/Private/PipelineStateCache.cpp] [Line: 139] Shader compilation failures are Fatal.
Sadly crash randomly, either directly on spawn or randomly after
leon44gamer 30 Apr @ 3:08am 
HighTower 29 Apr @ 3:26pm 
is that why when i scope in it crashes
leon44gamer 29 Apr @ 1:50pm 
Don't use PIP scopes as of right now
leon44gamer 29 Apr @ 1:50pm 
We are aware as per comments seen
Always crashes when I aim with a scope they're extremely buggy
Split Yoshiki 29 Apr @ 9:59am 